Nothing Personal

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Nothing Personal Page 12

by Jaci Burton

  Margaret and Leland went to a movie, so that left Faith home alone.

  After a relaxing shower, she spent the evening curled up on the window seat with a book.

  Funny how just a few short weeks ago this was her normal routine.

  Now it seemed...lonely.

  The front door opened and she heard Ryan's voice followed by his footsteps up the stairs. Instead of opening the door he spoke to her from outside.

  "Faith? Are you in there?"

  How strange. "Yes, of course. Is the door locked?" She started toward the door to check.

  "Don't move!"


  Nothing Personal

  She halted mid-stride. "Okay. What's wrong?"

  "Nothing. Turn away from the door and close your eyes."

  Now what? More jewelry? Faith sighed, hoping he hadn't gotten extravagant with her again. Really, fancy jewels just weren't her style.

  She did as he asked and turned to face the window.

  "Are you turned around?"

  His voice had an excited edge to it. No matter what it was, she was going to act surprised and delighted, not wanting to disappoint him.

  "Yes, I'm turned around."

  "Are your eyes closed?"

  "Yes, Ryan, they're closed."

  She waited in the middle of the bedroom, feeling a little foolish. She heard the door open and shivered when his warm breath caressed her shoulder.

  "Still closed?" he whispered.


  Nothing happened for a few seconds. She felt a tickle at her nose, and then her cheek, as something soft and fuzzy was passed against her face.

  She frowned, trying to imagine what in the world he had in his hands.

  Then she heard the sound.

  A soft mewling.

  Her eyes flew open and in the palm of Ryan's hand was a tiger-striped kitten. She gasped and turned to her husband.

  Ryan smiled like a man who knew he had just found the perfect gift for his wife.

  "Oh my God!" she exclaimed as he handed the small kitten to her.

  She cradled it in her arms and ran her palm against its back, feeling its rhythmic purring. Her traitorous eyes welled with tears again, but this time they were tears of joy.

  "I can't believe you did this. How did you know?" 119

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  "I eavesdropped on you and Leland outside today." He slid a loose tendril of hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry about the kittens, Faith. I know that must have been difficult for you."

  He stroked her cheek so softly, his voice so sincere she was certain she was going to need more hankies soon. She picked up the kitten and held it at eye level. Its clear blue eyes stood out in contrast against its orange fur.

  "This is mine? I can keep it?"

  "Of course you can," he said as he stroked the kitten's head with his fingertip. "Kinda cute, isn't he?"

  She sniffed, too overcome with emotion to even make an attempt at holding back. Tough businessman Ryan McKay had bought his wife a kitten. "Yes. Yes he is. I still can't believe you did this for me. Where did you get him?"

  "At one of the animal shelters."

  "Oh, Ryan." More tears spilled. "That's just perfect."

  "I also bought a bed, litter box, food and some toys. If they're not the right kinds of things, you can take them back to the pet store and exchange them."

  "I'm sure they're just fine." She shook her head, unable to believe this side of him. He touched her heart with this gesture like no jewelry or tropical vacations ever could.

  They set up Tiger, as Faith named him, in the upstairs bathroom. He had plenty of tile floor to romp on and ample space for his bed, food and litter box. They sat on the floor and laughed at the kitten's antics, including its futile attempts to pull the toilet paper completely off the roll.

  Despite Ryan's deep, resounding voice admonishing the kitten, Tiger was relentless. He played like a true wild thing for all of thirty minutes until he was completely worn out. His belly full, he passed out in his tiny little bed.

  Ryan closed the door on the bathroom and turned to Faith.

  "I think he's out for the night."


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  She nodded, so full of joy her heart couldn't contain it all. She regarded her husband in a new light. "Yes, I'm certain he is." She stepped toward him, stopping no more than a hand's width away. Ryan's eyes widened.

  "Thank you." She pressed a light kiss to his lips.

  "You're very welcome," he replied, his gray eyes darkening.

  "I can't believe you did this for me."

  "My pleasure."

  Certain now more than ever of the life-changing step she intended to take this evening, she laid her hands upon his shoulders and inched closer, molding herself to him until their bodies touched, watching his eyes widen with surprise. "Your pleasure? I don't think so. That's about to come."

  Without hesitation she slid one hand behind his neck and pulled his head down, pressing her mouth against his. 121

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  Chapter Ten

  Ryan was sure he was dreaming all this. Faith's warm lips pressed gently against his, the tip of her tongue dancing lightly along the edge of his mouth.

  He could tell she wasn't well practiced in the art of seduction. That excited him, knowing what she gave to him she'd never given to another man. Archaic way of thinking, but he couldn't help but feel immense satisfaction at being the first man to make love to her.

  She threaded her fingers through his hair and pressed her body closer, an unspoken invitation he wasn't about to turn down.

  In less than an instant he was hard and ready for her. He slid his hands around her waist, pulling her against his tortured heat.

  How could innocence taste this erotic? Maybe it was the complete lack of hesitation in her kiss. She held nothing back, gave all of herself freely, abandoning herelf to the moment.

  He brushed his lips over hers, searching her tongue out and finding it, tasting it, sliding his over hers in an intensely erotic interplay that left them both breathless.

  "Faith, are you sure?" He pulled back and searched her face for uncertainty, but found none.

  She nodded. "Yes, absolutely sure. Make love to me, Ryan."

  He needed no further urging and swept her into his arms, her silk gown draping over him. He laid her on the bed and stood at the edge, watching her.

  Her hair spread out like a silken, sable fan across the pillow. One lacy strap of gown slipped off her shoulder, exposing the soft, round top 122

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  of her breast. She seemed completely relaxed, one arm thrown over her head and the other resting across her middle.

  At that moment he wished he were an artist so he could capture the look on her face. Her eyes sparkled invitingly, as if she held all the secrets he yearned to discover.

  The side slit on the gown parted, showing a slender leg. Ryan swallowed, his throat gone dry at the sight of this wanton creature spread before him.

  Her hungry eyes fixed on his as he removed his shoes and pulled the sweater over his head. Her breathing quickened and his gaze focused on that small pink tongue as she licked her lips.

  He couldn't get undressed fast enough.

  The thought of ripping his clothes off appealed to him, but he didn't want to frighten her. Instead, he slowly slipped out of his jeans and boxers and settled on the bed next to her. He waited for a reaction, but instead of fear her expressive blue eyes gleamed in anticipation. His heart rammed in his chest in an effort to pump the blood racing through his body.

  He'd never wanted a woman more than he wanted Faith. Despite his self-protestations about this being nothing more than sex, he felt connected to her. Invisible threads bound them together. The thought
should have frightened him, made him wary. It didn't. It simply felt right.

  She swallowed, followed by a shaky sigh.

  "Are you nervous?" he whispered as he scooted closer to her.

  "Not really. I've waited a long time for this moment, Ryan." She snuggled against him and trailed her fingertip up his arm, then grasped his biceps and slowly slid her hand down to his wrist.

  Didn't she know what that did to him? That stroking, soft and gentle, her hands running like silk over his sensitive skin. He wanted her to touch him everywhere, just like that.

  Especially in the place that was hard and throbbing. 123

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  She kept up her assault on his skin. "I know it's nothing to you, but to me it's a once in a lifetime thing. Silly, I know, but still important."

  Nothing? Was she kidding? Making love to Faith was everything to him. He wanted to make this moment special for her, wanted her to know he didn't take this gift lightly, no matter what she may think.

  "It's important to me too. More than you know."

  Her eyes captivated him, so open and honest. "I know. This is about business, about your grandfather's will."

  She seemed to accept that as fact. She thought this was all about the will?

  He leaned up on his elbow and stilled her hand. "This isn't at all about business. Not tonight. Tonight it's personal. It's you and me--a man and woman together. It's about making love, and nothing else."

  Her eyes glistened and he swept away the single tear that dropped down her cheek.

  "What do you want me to do?" she asked.

  The question made his heart crumble. He watched the play of eagerness mixed with uncertainty cross her face.

  Tangling his fingers in her soft hair, he breathed in her sweet scent.

  "This isn't a scripted event. There are no rules. We'll take it slow--touch each other, kiss each other, and let it happen naturally."

  "I'll try."

  But her body tensed. If she became overly nervous it wasn't going to be pleasurable for her. And it meant everything to him that her first experience with lovemaking was one she would remember fondly, without regret.

  "Sit up," he commanded with a gentle pull on her hands.

  He placed her in the middle of the bed and positioned himself behind her, massaging at the tension in her shoulders. He whispered to her softly, reassuring her, telling her how beautiful she was, how desirable.

  Eventually she relaxed as he continued his leisurely work on the knots.


  Nothing Personal

  When his erection pressed against her back, she scooted towards him, rather than away. The feel of her rubbing against him was sweet torture. He wanted--needed--to be inside her, but his needs had to wait.

  Right now it was more important that she relaxed. When he was certain she was calm, he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the back of her neck. She shivered.

  "That feels nice," she said.

  "Good," he murmured, his lips sliding over to that luscious spot between her neck and shoulder, lightly kissing and nipping the tender flesh. He heard the sharp rise and fall of her breathing, felt her shudder.

  He grasped the scraps of lace at her shoulders and pulled them down, baring her to the waist.

  "Your back is beautiful," he said as his fingers slid over her spine, smiling as he felt the goose bumps rise. "Your skin is incredibly soft."

  "Your hands are warm," she said, her voice growing raspier with every breath.

  He moved around on the bed to face her.

  And time stopped.

  A pink blush covered her skin, only adding to the allure of her body.

  His gaze traveled over her slender collarbone, the freckles on the top of her chest, the perfection of her breasts. Her nipples puckered and she brought her hands up to cover herself. Ryan caught her hands in his.

  "Don't. You're beautiful, Faith."

  The look in her eyes tore him apart. Blatant desire colored their depths until they were like an azure sky at dusk. She wore every emotion in her eyes. It took all the restraint he had to keep from pressing her on the bed and plunging into her waiting heat, but he knew that would be only for him, not for her.

  Tonight was for her.

  With as much patience as he could muster, he lifted his hand and circled one breast, playing with the taut nipple until she gasped. Her 125

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  eyes followed his fingers, seemingly mesmerized with their effect on her body.

  He leaned over and lightly flicked his tongue over one peak, and she practically shot off the bed. She arched her back and moaned, long and low.

  "Ryan, that feels so...wonderful."

  She was killing him. She tilted her head back and exposed her neck While he grasped both breasts in his hands, alternating his mouth on each until the peaks were stiff. He removed his mouth and looked at his handiwork, supremely satisfied at the sight of her glistening nipples, moistened from his tongue and tight with desire.

  He gently pressed her back on the bed and slid the gown over her hips and down her long legs.

  This was the body she'd hidden all these years? This perfectly sculpted treasure? Her hips were full and made for a man's hands. He ached with the need to grasp them and pull her to him. But he fought for control, knowing if he moved too fast he'd ruin the mood.

  The feel of her skin against his almost sent him over the edge. She was soft where he was hard. He wanted to drive into her, hard and fast, and release the need he'd felt for too long.

  But still, he didn't.

  "Tell me what you're thinking," he said, lightly stroking her breasts and belly, his fingers traveling ever lower towards the dark curls between her thighs. She was so wet, pouring over his exploring fingers.

  Her eyes widened. "Wh...what?"

  "I want to know what you're thinking. Right now." He didn't even recognize himself. This wasn't like him at all. His usual forays into sex consisted of heavy kissing and touching and once the lovemaking was over that was it. No talking, no murmuring, no coaxing.

  But this was Faith, and she made it special.

  "I'm thinking how beautiful your body is. And how..."


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  A blush stained her cheeks. Damn if she didn't look like one of those cherub paintings.

  "Tell me. It's all right, Faith. Tell me anything you want."

  She hesitated, her eyelashes fluttering against her cheek. "I've never...that is, I'd like to..." she stammered, angling her gaze to his cock.

  Her innocence humbled him, made him realize what this moment meant to her. And where she was looking? Damn, it made him hot just to think of her hands on him.

  This was going to require the patience of a saint. "Go ahead. Touch me."

  When her palm circled his engorged flesh he arched back in pleasure.

  He gritted his teeth and let her explore, her hand sliding over his engorged flesh with easy motions.

  "Harder," he said. "I won't break."

  She squeezed, then stroked him, her gaze riveted on his cock as she moved her hand up and down his shaft. The sound of her escaping sigh tightened his desire and he knew if he didn't stop her it would be over before it started.

  With a shudder he grasped her hand, removing it from his tortured flesh.

  "Did I do something wrong?" she asked.

  "Oh, hell no. You did everything right. So right, in fact, that I don't want to finish too fast."


  That sweet blush stained her cheeks again. God, she was irresistible.

  He captured her mouth in a slow, devastating kiss that rocked his senses, then slid his mouth from her lips to her neck and back again, nipping and licking until she pushed his head toward her breasts. He complied happily, surrounding first one, then the other tight nipple. With
deliberate patience he teased and rolled his tongue around each rosy crest until she cried out. Her fingers threaded through his hair, pulling him closer to her, begging without words for fulfillment. 127

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  Ryan's world changed right before his eyes. He'd never felt this way about a woman before. He wanted to possess her. And not just for tonight. The thought of any other man but him touching her, ever claiming what he was about to claim, was unimaginable.

  She was his.

  Faith wanted to die. She wanted to scream, rejoice and rail at him.

  What Ryan did to her was criminal. Need and desire she'd never felt before, never even knew existed, bound her with ropes of sensual bliss.

  She climbed higher and higher with every touch of his heated hands, every stroke of his tongue against her inflamed nipples. Her mind and body cried out, wanting more until she was sobbing her need. He rose up and claimed her lips once more.

  His body was perfection. She only wished she had arms long enough to reach out and touch every inch of him. There would be time for exploration later. Part of her recognized that fact. But still, right now, she wanted all of him.

  This was the man she'd wanted for years. Since the first day she nervously walked into his office and interviewed for the job. That day she fell in love with him.

  Today she loved him even more. Tonight she'd become his wife--

  finally, officially, and with all the rights and pleasures she'd denied herself for so many years.

  The words of her mother became no more than a distant shadow of memory. She was worthy of this, she deserved to feel this way. Beautiful, desired and wanted. Ryan told her, and she believed him. For the first time in her life she believed.

  "You're perfect," he murmured against her throat. He trailed kisses over her breasts and belly, then moved lower, shocking her as his tongue circled her navel, and traveled even further down.

  She dared to open her eyes, afraid of what she'd see and too curious not to look. Ryan's eyes hardened to a stormy silver, a devilish smile on his face as his gaze held hers and he took one long, slow taste of her.


  Nothing Personal

  Whether she'd just entered heaven or hell, she wasn't certain. She tilted her head back and fisted her hands in the sheets as his tongue and lips pleasured her, driving her nearly mad with sensation. It was like a fever, a madness coiling up inside her. She moaned and gasped in a near delirious state, mindless of anything except the feel of his lips on her throbbing sex. She felt her moist desire flowing over his tongue.


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