ὑπόταξις δέ ἐστιν, ἐάν τις τοὺς ψιλοὺς ὑπὸ τὰ κέρατα τῆς φάλαγγος ὑποτάσσῃ ἐπικαμπίου τάξιν [ἔχοντα],f ὥστε [ὅλον τὸ]g σχῆμα τριπυλοειδὲς εἶναι.
30. Parembolē, prostaxis, entaxis and hypotaxis1
Parembolē [παρεμβολή] is the term employed when the men from the rearward ranks are inserted into the intervals between the men occupying the front ranks.2
Protaxis [πρόταξις] describes the positioning of the light-armed troops in front of the armed infantry who make up the phalanx. The repositioned light troops then assume the role of file-leaders, or protostatae.
Epitaxis [ἐπίταξις] is the reverse of the protaxis and means the positioning behind of those who would normally be at the front.
Prostaxis [πρόσταξις] is the word used to describe the positioning of troops to either wing or to both of them, with the original line of the front being preserved. The other name for the prostaxis deployment of the phalanx is proentaxis [πρόενταξις].
Entaxis [ἔνταξις] occurs when it is considered appropriate to insert the light armed infantry into the intervals between each man of the phalanx.3 (See Plate 16.)
Hypotaxis [ὑπόταξις] refers to the positioning of the light-armed troops on the wings but deployed either slightly forward or back from the front of the phalanx, so that the whole formation becomes triple fronted. (See Plate 17.)
λα’ Πῶς ἐπὶ δόρυ περισπᾶται τὰ συντάγματα καὶ πῶς ἀποκαθίσταται, καὶ πῶς ὁμοίως ἐπ’ ἀσπίδα
Ἑπόμενον δ’ ἂν εἴη δηλῶσαι, πῶς τὰ [συντάγματα δεῖ]a ἐπιστρέφειν, καὶ πῶς [ἀποκαθιστάναι]b εἰς τὴν προϋπάρχουσαν τάξιν.
ἐπὶ δόρυ μὲν οὖν ὅταν ἐπιστρέφειν τὰ συντάγματα ἐθίζειν βουλώμεθα, παραγγέλλεται τὸν ἐπὶ τοῦ δεξιοῦ λόχον ἡσυχίαν ἔχειν, ἕκαστον δὲ [τὸν ἐν τοῖς λόχοις]c ἐπὶ δόρυ κλῖναι, προσάγειν τε ἐπὶ τὸ δεξιόν, εἶτα εἰς ὀρθὸν ἀποδοῦναι, εἶτα [προάγειν]d τὰ ὀπίσω ζυγά, καὶ ταύτης γενομένης τῆς πυκνώσεως ἐπὶ δόρυ ἐπιστρέφειν.
ὅταν δὲ τοῦτο γένηται καὶ ἀποκαταστῆσαι πάλιν τὸ σύνταγμα [δέον]e ἐπὶ τὴν ἐξ ἀρχῆς τάξιν [βουλώμεθα],f ταῦτα παραγγέλλεται. [ἐπ᾿]g ἀσπίδα μεταβάλλεσθαι, τοῦτ’ ἔστιν ἐπὶ τὸν ἐναντίον τόπον ἕκαστον νεύειν, εἶτα ἀναστρέφειν ὅλον τὸ σύνταγμα, τοῦτ’ ἔστιν ὥσπερ πυκνωθὲν ἐπεστράφη καὶ εἰς τὰ δεξιὰ μέρη ἔνευσεν, οὕτως ὅλον μετατεθῆναι ἐπὶ τὸν τόπον, ἀφ’ οὗ τὴν ἐπιστροφὴν ἐποιήσατο. εἶτα οἱ λοχαγοὶ ἠρεμείτωσαν, οἱ δὲ λοιποὶ κατὰ ζυγὰ προαγέτωσαν. εἶτα μεταβαλλέσθωσαν, ὥστε νεύειν ἐφ’ ἃ ἐξ ἀρχῆς ἔνευον. εἶτα ἑκάστου συντάγματος ὁ ἐπὶ τοῦ δεξιοῦ [λόχου]h ἠρεμείτω, οὗτος γὰρ ἤδη τὴν ἰδίαν ἔχει τάξιν, οἱ δὲ λοιποὶ πάντες ἐπ’ ἀσπίδα κλινέτωσαν καὶ [προάγέτωσαν]i [ἀποκαθιστάσθωσαν]j ἄνω, καὶ τὴν τάξιν, ἣν [προεῖχε],k ἕκαστος ἀπείληφεν.
ἐὰν δὲ ἐπ’ ἀσπίδα βουλώμεθα ἐπιστρέφειν τὰ συντάγματα, παραγγέλλομεν ἑκάστου συντάγματος τὸν ἐπὶ τοῦ εὐωνύμου λόχον ἠρεμεῖν, τῶν λοιπῶν δ’ ἕκαστον ἐπ’ ἀσπίδα κλῖναι καὶ προσάγειν ἐπὶ τὸ εὐώνυμον, εἶτα εἰς ὀρθὸν ἀποδοῦναι, εἶτα προσάγειν τὰ ὀπίσω ζυγά, εἶτα ἐπ’ ἀσπίδα ἐπιστρέφειν. καὶ γέγονε τὸ παραγγελθέν.
ἀποκαταστῆσαι δὲ ἐὰν βουλώμεθα, τὰ ὅμοια ποιήσομεν, [ἢ]l ὅτε ἐπὶ δόρυ ἐπιστρέψαντες καθιστάνομεν. πάλιν γὰρ ἕκαστος μεταβαλλέσθω ἐπὶ δόρυ, εἶτα τὸ σύνταγμα ἀναστρεψάτω, εἶτα οἱ λοχαγοὶ ἠρεμείτωσαν, [εἶτα μεταβαλλέσθωσαν, οἱ δὲ λοιποὶ κατὰ ζυγὰ προαγέτωσαν,]m εἶτα ὁ ἐπὶ τοῦ εὐωνύμου λόχος ἡσυχίαν ἐχέτω ἤδη γὰρ ἕκαστος αὐτῶν εἰς ἣν προεῖχε τάξιν ἀποκατέστη,ὁ λοιπὸς ἐπὶ δόρυ κλίνας προαγέτω, ἕως [ἀποκατασταίν εἰς τάξιντὰ]n διαστήματα. εἶτα εἰς ὀρθὸν ἀποδότω, καὶ πάντες ἕξουσι τὴν ἐξ ἀρχῆς τάξιν.
ἐὰν δὲ ἐπὶ δόρυ περισπᾶν βουλώμεθα τὰ συντάγματα, δύο ποιήσομεν τοῦ συντάγματος ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ ἐπιστροφάς, καὶ συμβήσεται τοὺς λοχαγοὺς ἀπὸ τῆς εἰς τὸ ἔμπροσθεν νεύσεως εἰς τὸ ὄπισθεν ἐν τῇ μεταβάσει τῶν συνταγμάτων νεύειν. ἀποκαταστῆσαι δὲ ὅταν βουληθῶμεν τὰ συντάγματα, παραγγελοῦμεν ἔτι ἐπὶ δόρυ περισπᾶν τὸ σύνταγμα, τοῦτ’ ἔστιν, ἄλλας δύο ἐπιστροφὰς δώσομεν ἐπὶ [τὰ]o αὐτὰ μέρη τῷ συντάγματι, καὶ [οὕτως]p συμβήσεται τοὺς λοχαγοὺς ἔχειν νεύοντας ἐφ’ ἃ ἐξ ἀρχῆς ἔνευον, πρὶν ὅλως περισπασμὸς γένηται. τούτων δὲ γενομένων παραγγελοῦμεν τοὺς λοχαγοὺς ἠρεμεῖν, τοὺς δὲ λοιποὺς μεταβαλλομένους [ἐνιέναι]q ὀπίσω ζυγά, εἶτα πάλιν μεταβάλλεσθαι, καὶ ἑκάστου συντάγματος τὸν ἐπὶ τοῦ δεξιοῦ λόχον ἠρεμεῖν ἕξει γὰρ τὴν ἐξ ἀρχῆς ἀποκατάστασιν, τοὺς δὲ λοιποὺς ἐπ’ ἀσπίδα κλίναντας προάγειν καὶ ἀποκαθιστάναι [εἰς]r τὸ ἐξ ἀρχῆς διάστημα, εἶτα εἰς ὀρθὸν ἀποδοῦναι, καὶ οὕτως [ἔσται]s εἰς τὴν ἐξ ἀρχῆς ἀποκατάστασιν τὰ συντάγματα [καταστήσανται].t
ἐὰν δὲ ἐπ’ ἀσπίδα βουληθῶμεν περισπᾶν τὰ συντάγματα, τοῖς ἐναντίοις παραγγέλμασι χρησόμεθα, [τουτέστιν]u ἀντὶ τοῦ ἐπὶ δόρυ δὶς ἐπιστρέφειν ἐπ’ ἀσπίδα [περισπασμὸν γένεσθαι, εἶτα δὶς]v ἐπ’ ἀσπίδα περισπάσαντας ταῖς ὁμοίαις ἀγωγαῖς χρήσασθαι.
ἔστι δέ τις καὶ ἐκπερισπασμός, ὅταν τὸ σύνταγμα τρὶς ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ μέρος ἐπιστρέψῃ τις, [τουτέστιν]w ἐπὶ δόρυ ἢ ἐπ’ ἀσπίδα. ποιεῖ δὲ ὁ [ἐπὶ δόρυ]x περισπασμὸς τὴν ὄψιν τῶν ὁπλιτῶν ἀπὸ τῶν ἔμπροσθεν νεύειν κατόπιν, ὁ δὲ [ἐπὶ δόρυ]y ἐκπερισπασμὸς ἀπὸ τῶν ἔμπροσθεν ἐπὶ τὰ εὐώνυμα [νεύειν],z ὁ δὲ ἐπ’ ἀσπίδα ἐκπερισπασμὸς ἀπὸ τῶν ἔμπροσθεν ἐπὶ τὰ δεξιὰ νεύειν.
31. Wheeling to the left and right, and returning to the original position1
The next m
atter in order is to examine how wheeling is performed and to point out the manner of returning to the first position.2
When troops are to be exercised in wheeling to the right, the file on the right hand side is ordered to keep its position. The other files are then ordered to face to the right and close up to the file that is standing fast, and then to face in their direction.3 The rear ranks are then ordered to close up and, assuming a compact order, the whole formation wheels to the right [i.e. their right].4 If, once this movement has been completed, it is required to return the formation to its first position, the necessary orders must be given for the men to turn to the left [i.e. their rear], that is, to ‘about-face’ so that the whole formation can wheel back again. Having closed up into a compact formation in the first instance, the formation now completely reverses the process so that the intended movement can be completed and the original position can be adopted.5 The file-leaders [i.e. those who had been the file-leaders in the original position but who, through the various motions of the formation, now made up the back rank] stand fast while the rest adopt an open-order [i.e. by advancing forward to their correct intervals while the rear rank holds firm]. The files should then turn to face the direction in which they first stood.6
If the command to wheel to the left is given, the file on the left flank stands fast while the others turn to face to the left [i.e. their left], close up, and then all of the men face to the front. The rear ranks then close up [creating a compact order] and the whole formation wheels to the left to complete the manoeuvre. (See Plate 18.)
If it then becomes necessary to return the formation to its original position, a similar process is used as that which was outlined before for returning from a wheel to the right: everyone must about-face to look to the right [i.e. their rear], and the whole formation wheels to the rear [i.e. their right]. The file-leaders will then stand fast and will then about-face.7 The file on the left will then hold its position while the other files, turning to the right [i.e. their right], will march until they have regained the order in which they stood at the beginning. The whole formation will then turn to face the front.8
If the command is given to wheel the entire formation about-face to the right [perispasmos, περισπασμός], two successive wheelings in that direction must be undertaken.9 Consequently, the file-leaders will face towards the rear, having originally faced towards the front. If the first position is to be resumed, then more wheelings to the right [i.e. their left] are made so that the file-leaders, at last, will face in the same direction as they had prior to the commencement of the manoeuvre. The file-leaders then stand fast and the rest of the ranks about-face and march to take up their ordinary intervals. The file on the right flank then stands fast, for it will be in its proper position.10 The other files then turn to the left [i.e. their right] and march until they have regained their original position. They then dress their lines and the formation stands as it first did.
If the formation is wheeled 180 degrees to the left, the commands are given opposite to those last described. That is, instead of two wheelings to the right, there must be two to the left. Then, to return to the first position, the formation will face twice to the left [i.e. their right] using the same movements.
There is a movement called the ecperispasmos [ἐκπερισπασμός], which is when a formation wheels three times in the same direction, either to the right or to the left. Through the perispasmos, a formation, wheeling twice to their left or right, will face to the rear. However, making three wheels to their right through the ecperispasmos, a formation will face to the left and, through three wheelings to their left, will face to the right.
λβ’ Πῶς ἐπὶ τὸ δεξιὸν κέρας ἡ φάλαγξ πυκνοῦται καὶ πῶς ἀποκαθίσταται. Πῶς ἐπὶ τὸ εὐώνυμον κέρας πυκνοῦται ἡ φάλαγξ καὶ πῶς ἀποκαθίσταται. Πῶς ἐπὶ μέσην τὴν φάλαγγα πύκνωσις γίνεται καὶ πῶς ἀποκαθίσταται
Ἐὰν δὲ ἐπὶ τὸ δεξιὸν [μέρας]a τὴν φάλαγγα βουλώμεθα πυκνῶσαι, παραγγελοῦμεν τὸν ἐπὶ τοῦ δεξιοῦ κέρατος λόχον ἠρεμεῖν, τοὺς δὲ λοιποὺς ἐπὶ δόρυ κλίναντας προσάγειν ἐπὶ τὸ δεξιόν, εἶτα εἰς ὀρθὸν ἀποδοῦναι, καὶ προσάγειν τὰ ὀπίσω ζυγά. ἀποκαταστῆσαι δὲ ὅταν [βουλώμεθα],b παραγγελοῦμεν τοὺς λοχαγοὺς ἡσυχίαν ἔχειν, τοὺς δὲ λοιποὺς μεταβαλλομένους ἀνιέναι [τὰ]c ὀπίσω ζυγά, εἶτα πάλιν μεταβάλλεσθαι, εἶτα τὸν ἐπὶ τοῦ δεξιοῦ κέρατος λόχον ἡσυχίαν ἄγειν, ἤδη γὰρ εἰς τὰ δεξιὰ ἀποκατέστη, οἱ δὲ λοιποὶ ἐπ’ ἀσπίδα κλίναντες ἀκολουθείτωσαν τοῖς ἡγουμένοις καὶ τὰ ἐξ ἀρχῆς [συντηρήματα διαστήσαντες]d εἰς ὀρθὸν ἀποδότωσαν. ἐὰν δὲ ἐπὶ τὸ εὐώνυμον κέρας βουληθῶμεν πυκνῶσαι τὴν φάλαγγα, τοῖς ἐναντίοις παραγγέλμασι χρησόμεθα.
ἐὰν δὲ ἐπὶ μέσην τὴν φάλαγγα πυκνῶσαι βουληθῶμεν, παραγγελοῦμεν τὴν δεξιὰν διφαλαγγίαν ἐπ’ ἀσπίδα κλίνειν, τὴν δὲ εὐώνυμον ἐπὶ δόρυ. εἶτα προσαγέτωσαν ἐπὶ μέσην τὴν φάλαγγα, εἶτα πάντες εἰς ὀρθὸν ἀποδότωσαν, καὶ προσαγέτωσαν [τὰ]e ὀπίσω ζυγά.
ἀποκαταστῆσαι δὲ ὅταν βουλώμεθα τὴν φάλαγγα εἰς τὴν ἐξ ἀρχῆς τάξιν, παραγγελοῦμεν μεταβάλλεσθαι καὶ προάγειν κατὰ ζυγὰ χωρὶς τοῦ πρώτου ζυγοῦ, εἶτα πάλιν πάντας μεταβάλλεσθαι, καὶ τὴν μὲν δεξιὰν διφαλαγγίαν ἐπὶ δόρυ κλῖναι, τὴν δὲ εὐώνυμον ἐπ’ ἀσπίδα, εἶτα ἀκολουθεῖν τοῖς ἡγουμένοις, μέχρις ἂν εἰς τὰ ἐξ ἀρχῆς [συνέλθωσι]f διαστήματα, εἶτα εἰς ὀρθὸν ἀποδοῦναι.
ἐπὶ πασῶν μέντοι τῶν μεταβολῶν, ὅταν ἐκ [πυκνώσεων]g γίνωνται, δεῖ [τὰ δόρατα ἄνω]h ἔχειν πρὸς τὸ μὴ στραφέντος τοῦ ὁπλίτου ἐμποδὼν αὐτὰ γίνεσθαι. ταῖς δ’ αὐταῖς ἀγωγαῖς παιδεύσομεν καὶ τοὺς ψιλούς.
32. Closing the formation to the right, left and middle and returning to the original position1
If the phalanx is to adopt a closer order by moving to the right, the extreme file on the right wing is to stand fast. The other files will then turn ‘to the pike’ [i.e. to their right].2 They will then march to the right [to close the interval between the files], halt, and then turn to face the front. The rear ranks will then move forward to compress the intervals between the ranks. If it is required to return to the original order, then the file-leaders will stand fast and the rest will about-face to the rear and advance to create an open order interval between the ranks. They will then about-face to the front. The file on the right wing will then stand fast, as it is already in its proper position, and the rest will turn ‘to the shield’ [i.e. to their left]. They will then march to the left [i.e. their front] until they take up their original position. They then turn to face the front, as they were originally. If it is required to close up the formation to the left, then the reverse commands are used.
If the phalanx is to be closed towards the centre, the diphalangarchia on the right of the central point of the line [i.e. the omphalmos] is to face to the left, while the diphalangarchia on the left wing is to face to the right, and both will march
upon the centre from either direction.3 Then, having completed the lateral closing of the files, all of the men will turn to face the front and the rear ranks will move forward to close the intervals between the ranks. If the original order of the centre is to be restored, the compressed wings about-face to the rear and advance to take up the ground in open order. Then they about-face to the front. Then the diphalangarchia on the right wing turns ‘to the pike’ [i.e. to the right, which is also their right] and the diphalangarchia on the left turns ‘to the shield’ [i.e. to the left, which is also their left] and both advance until they resume their original positions. Finally, all men turn to face the front as they originally had been.
In all wheelings executed in close order, it is a requisite that the pikes should be held vertically so that they will not impede the movements of the soldier. The light-armed troops must be drilled in the same manner.
λγ’ Ὅτι τὰ εἰρημένα παραγγέλματα ἀναγκαῖά ἐστι πρὸς τὰς αἰφνιδίους ἐφόδους πολεμίων
Αὗται μέντοι αἱ παραγγελίαι τῶν μεταβολῶν καὶ ἐπιστροφῶν καὶ περισπασμῶν καὶ [ἐκπερισπασμῶν καὶ]a ἀποκαταστάσεων χρειώδεις εἰσὶ πρὸς τὰς αἰφνιδίους τῶν πολεμίων ἐπιφανείας, ἐκ δεξιῶν τῆς πορείας τῶν πολεμίων ἐπιφανέντων ἢ ἐξ εὐωνύμων ἢ ἔμπροσθεν [ἢ ὄπισθεν],b ὁμοίως δὲ καὶ [τὸν ἐξελιγμόν].c τὸν μὲν οὖν Μακεδονικὸν ἐξελιγμόν φασι Μακεδόνας εὑρεῖν, Λακεδαιμονίους δὲ τὸν Λακωνικόν, καὶ διὰ τοῦτο τῶν [ὀνομασιῶν τῶν]d εἰρημένων ἕκαστον αὐτῶν τυχεῖν. ἱστορεῖται [μέν]e Φίλιππον τὸν αὐξήσαντα τῶν Μακεδόνων τὴν ἀρχὴν [καὶ]f τοὺς Ἕλληνας μάχῃ νικήσαντα περὶ Χαιρώνειαν καὶ τὴν ἡγεμονίαν τῆς Ἑλλάδος λαβόντα, Ἀλέξανδρόν [δὲ]g τὸν υἱὸν αὐτοῦ [καὶ]h τῆς Ἀσίας ὀλίγῳ χρόνῳ κρατήσαντα τὸν μὲν Μακεδονικὸν ἐξελιγμὸν ὑπεριδεῖν, εἰ μή που [καὶ τοῦτον ἡ χρεία]i προσεβιάσατο, τῷ δὲ Λακωνικῷ [χρησάμένον]j ἀμφοτέρους τῶν πολεμίων κατακρατῆσαι. ὁ μὲν γὰρ Μακεδονικὸς ἐξελιγμὸς προσπιπτόντων τῶν πολεμίων [ἐξαίφνης]k ἐκ τῶν ὄπισθεν [εποιεῖτο]l πολλὴν ταραχήν. τῶν [μὲν]m ἀπὸ τοῦ οὐραγοῦ εἰς τὸν ὀπίσω τοῦ λοχαγοῦ τόπον ἐκπεριπορευομένων καὶ φυγῇ παραπλήσιόν τι ποιούντων θαρραλεωτέρους μὲν ποιεῖ τοὺς πολεμίους, [κατάπληξις]n δὲ καὶ [διωγμὸς τοῖς οὕτω]o ἐξελίξασι παρὰ τῶν πολεμίων [ἀκολουθεῖ].p ὁ δὲ Λακωνικὸς τὸ ἐναντίον τούτῳ παρέχει. ὄπισθεν γὰρ ἐπιφαινομένων τῶν πολεμίων καὶ τῶν ἡγεμόνων σὺν τοῖς ἐπακολουθοῦσιν ἐφορμώντων καὶ [ὑπαντώντων]q τοῖς πολεμίοις ἰσχυρὰ τοῖς πολεμίοις [δειλία γίνεται].r
The Tactics of Aelian Page 11