Sun, Sand, and Seduction

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Sun, Sand, and Seduction Page 2

by Olivia T. Turner

  I toss my board into the sand when I arrive and head straight to the spot where I saw her sitting. Her perfect ass is imprinted in the sand behind her cute little footprints.

  I can feel drops of warm cum oozing out of my hard cock as I trace my fingertip around the footprint that’s so small it could easily be a child’s.


  I have to find her.

  But how?

  Chapter Three


  “What the fuck has gotten into you?” Dylan asks as he puts his bare feet on my desk. “You’ve been snapping at everyone this morning.”

  I knock his feet off and he jerks forward as they hit the floor.

  “Everyone is getting to me today.” I huff out a breath as I storm around my office.

  “Is it because of that girl on the beach?”

  I whip my head around and narrow my eyes on him. He leans back in his chair and shows me his palms.

  “Easy boy,” he says. “It was just a question.”

  I take a deep breath and shake my head. Normally, surfing calms me down and helps take the edge off, but today it’s made me more intense than ever.

  I can’t seem to get that girl out of my head. It kills me that I don’t know her name. It kills me that she’s walking out there in the world where any man can just look at her or put his hands on her.

  I want her here. Now. Where I can keep my watchful eyes on her.

  Anything less than that is unacceptable.

  “Have you found her?”

  Dylan swallows hard as he shakes his head. “Not yet, but we have the whole island looking.”

  “The whole island?”

  He nods. “I sent out Michael and Donovan to look around and ask questions.”

  “Michael and Donovan? That’s it?!?” Fuck, I want to break something. “Close all of our stores. Order every single employee to drive around and not stop looking until they find her.”

  “Close our stores?” he says, looking like I just told him that he has to chop off his dick. “It’s a Friday. Our best sales day.”

  “I don’t give a fuck if it’s the Christmas Holidays! I need to find her! Now!”

  He stares at me like I’ve lost my damn mind, and I don’t know, maybe I have. It certainly feels like it.

  I’m pacing around the office like I’ve just chugged a keg of RedBull when my VP of marketing Kate walks in. “We’re ready for you to approve the girls.”

  “What girls?” My voice is like a snarl. I can’t control my raging nerves.

  She steps back and gets a worried look on her face. “The girls for the ad campaign.” I see her shoot a confused glance at Dylan. He just shrugs like he doesn’t know what has gotten into me either.

  “Tell them to go home.”

  “Okay… Which ones?”

  “All of them.”

  She swallows hard as she stares at me. “I don’t understand.”

  I don’t either.

  “I found a girl. She’s perfect.”

  Kate looks intrigued. “Who is she?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know?”

  Dylan flicks his eyes over to her. “He saw her on the beach this morning. When we were surfing.”

  Kate scrunches her forehead and looks confused. “Okay… and she’s a model?”

  “We don’t know,” Dylan says with a shrug. “We don’t even know her name. We don’t know anything about her.”


  Their eyes dart back to me.

  “We don’t know her yet. Dylan is working on that, right?”

  He nods. “Oh yeah.”

  I narrow my heated eyes on him as he gets up. “Close the stores.”

  “About that, Bodhi…”

  “Close them.”

  My voice is thick with authority and he knows better than to challenge me when I’m like this.

  “Yes, boss.”

  He nods at Kate and then slips out of my office. My walls are made of glass and my heated eyes follow him as he hurries down the hallway.

  “So, this girl,” she says as she slides into the chair that Dylan was sitting in. “Tell me about her.”

  I sigh as I collapse into the chair behind my big desk. Where do I begin?

  “She’s perfect.”

  A group of four models walks down the hallway and they all look at me as they pass. Kate sees them too.

  “More perfect than them?”

  I shake my head. “Those models all look the same. It’s like looking at a row of luxury sports cars. Yeah, each one is beautiful, but after a while, they all just blend together and look the same. But stick a classic 70’s convertible in the middle with a dinged up bumper and it stands out among the crowd. You won’t remember the sports cars, but you’ll remember the 70’s convertible.”

  Kate’s forehead is all scrunched up. “I don’t understand. You want me to put the girls in sports cars?”

  “Forget it,” I mumble as I spin around in my chair and look out the window. It’s a gorgeous day in Hawaii and I can’t help but wonder what she’s doing. It makes me all itchy inside that I don’t know where she is. That I don’t know who she’s talking to.

  I can feel my obsession with her taking on a life of its own inside my body. My chest feels tight. Tense. This mounting fixation is not going away. It’s growing with every second that passes that I don’t have her in my life.

  I sigh as I grab the little jar full of sand on my desk and take off the cap. It’s from the spot where she was sitting this morning. These lucky grains of sand were touching her sweet curvy ass.

  My cock hardens as I pour some into my hand, imagining that I was touching her instead.

  After a minute, I carefully place the sand back in the jar and lock it away in my desk where no one can touch it. I know it’s ridiculous to be extremely protective of a jar of sand, but it’s the only piece of her I have and I can’t lose it.

  “So, maybe I can weed through some of the girls on my own and present you with the finalists if you’re not up to it.” Kate doesn’t know when to quit. How can she not be getting this through her thick skull?

  “Send them home.”



  She stares at me like I’ve just sprouted a second head.

  If she would have seen how perfect my girl was, she would understand.

  “I’ll only accept her to be the face of Sun, Sand, and Seduction. Only her.”

  Kate sighs. “The mystery girl.”

  My chest tightens so I take out the jar of sand once again and pour some into my hand. It’s the only thing that soothes me.

  “Yeah. The mystery girl.”

  My girl.

  Wherever she is.

  Chapter Four


  It’s nasty out today, but that means the waves are really roaring, which means the local surfers are putting on a show.

  The fierce wind whips through my hair as I scan the rough water for my guy.

  A smile creeps across my face when I spot Bodhi’s bright pink board. He’s wearing his black boardshorts today and I get that tingly feeling all through my body as I look him over.

  The clouds are big and dark and coming in fast. It’s going to be a hell of a shitty day, but right now it’s looking pretty perfect.

  Bodhi cuts through the wave like a sexy shark as I watch him, breathless. The wave is the size of a small skyscraper, but he looks completely in his element as his pink board slices through it. This man was born to surf.

  I would be a nervous wreck if I was him—I’m a nervous wreck just watching him—but he’s as cool as a cold drink on a hot day.

  The white frothy tip of the wave starts to curl down and I gasp when it covers him. My heart is pounding so hard that I can hear it thumping in my ears as I watch. My body is as stiff as a surfboard.

  A few long excruciating moments later, he comes flying out of the curling wave on his board, cutting a white path
behind him as he outruns it. I jump up and let out an involuntary cheer, and then look around with blushing cheeks to see if anyone saw me. Luckily the beach is pretty empty and nobody saw me fangirling pretty hard over my crush.

  When the huge wave fizzles out and he drops to his board to paddle back and catch another one, I sit down in the cold damp sand and sigh. Only two days left.

  I saw the buyers of Gamma’s house—the house that should be mine—yesterday and they had all of the paperwork signed. It’s a done deal.

  In two days I’ll be homeless.

  I’ve already started looking for plane tickets back to Pittsburgh, but I couldn’t bring myself to hit the buy button.

  How can I leave this place? I’ve only been here for one year and it already feels like home.

  But the real reason I don’t want to leave is right in front of me, and it’s not the stunning beach.

  Bodhi paddles out to another wave and then hops on his board as he hits the crest.

  How can one man be so beautiful? How can the universe be so cruel?

  It’s like staring at the world’s most delicious piece of chocolate and not being able to have a taste.

  There’s a fluttering in my chest as I watch him take the wave and plunge down it in a swooping arc. My hands are clutched together in front of my mouth and I suddenly realize that I’m standing up once again. When did that happen?

  He’s riding the wave when his head turns and his eyes suddenly look in my direction. My heart beats a little faster, even though I know he’s not looking at me.

  The beach is empty and the palm trees are swaying in the rough wind behind me. He’s probably just looking at that.


  A warm shiver ripples through me when he doesn’t look away. I can’t see from the distance, but it feels like his sexy brown eyes are fixated on me.

  I gasp when he suddenly leaps off his board and dives down into the water a few feet below. He disappears into the wave as it crashes down all around him sending his board flying and spinning into the air before it disappears in the mess of white foam.

  “Bodhi!” My stomach turns rock hard as I stare with my hands shaking. I sprint to the shoreline and frantically scan the turbulent ocean as the warm water splashes against my calves and buries my feet into the wet sand. The current tries to pull me into the ocean on its way back.

  I don’t see him. The dark clouds start rumbling over my head and a few drops of rain come splattering down on me.

  It feels like I’ve been waiting forever for him to pop up, but my sense of time is all skewed and messed up. Each second feels like an eternity.

  The warm rain starts coming down hard and heavy, drenching me in mere seconds. It bounces off the water, making everything harder to see. I pull the wet hair back from my face as I say a little prayer to Gamma to watch over him. I know if there was something she could do, she’d be doing it, but I ask anyway. She’d probably have her horny hands on his ass as she pushed him up to the surface with a grin on her face.

  Just as the tears are about to come out and mix with the warm rain pouring down my face, he emerges from the water like a Greek god.

  The water is up to his waist and his heated brown eyes are locked on me as he stands there, staring. He’s close enough that I can see the intensity radiating off him.

  My heart continues pounding, but it’s for a different reason. For a year, I’ve dreamt that Bodhi Slater would look at me like that and now that it’s happening I don’t know what to do.

  I swallow hard as the rain pours down all around us, doing nothing to settle the tension that’s thick in the swirling air.

  He never takes his heated dark eyes off me as he starts walking toward me. His wide chest and tattooed arms look even sexier up close. I’d stare at them, but I can’t seem to rip my eyes away from his.

  My body is craving him like never before. It’s a good thing it’s pouring rain or he’d see my bathing suit bottom and shorts soaked through with something else.

  The small waves crash around him as he approaches me, slamming into his muscular thighs and then his calves as his steps get closer.

  He stops a few feet from me and stares. God, he looks even more shell shocked than I’m feeling.

  His wavy brown hair is wet and plastered to his head as the rain makes it even wetter. The warm drops roll down his sharp cheeks to his sexy lips that are open just enough for my tongue to slide through.

  I peel my eyes away from his and quickly look him over. Little bits of sand cling to his gorgeous chest and sexy toned arms, making his tattoos look even hotter. Is it weird to envy sand? I would be clinging onto his skin too if I could.

  I swallow hard and look back into his eyes. This is the chance I’ve been waiting for. I have to make it count. I open my mouth to take his breath away with the perfect words.

  “That was the biggest wipeout I’ve ever seen.”

  Shit. Seriously, Ruby?

  He’s still staring at me with an intense look on his face like he didn’t even hear me.

  “It’s you…”

  His deep raspy voice sends waves of warmth surging through me and it makes my toes curl into the wet sand.

  “I’ve been looking for you.”

  “I’ve been right here. Watching you.”

  I suck in a gasp of air as he comes forward and takes me in his arms. My hands go to his scruffy jaw and cups it like I’ve always wanted to as he pulls my tingling body against his hard muscles.

  Thunder erupts overhead as the rain bounces off our heated bodies. His beautiful lips part and then in a heartbeat, they’re on me, stealing my breath as he claims my mouth in a deliciously hungry kiss.

  It’s wild and hot and fueled by pent-up desire and need. His arms wrap possessively around me like he’s never going to let me go. I’m cupping his jaw and pulling his mouth to mine like I’m afraid he’s going to pull away.

  My knees go weak. My heart pounds. He crushes his lips to mine and takes everything I give him and more. I want to give him all of me. I want him to take it.

  More thunder booms over our heads but it just increases the intensity. He shamelessly devours my mouth, hard and rough, spurring on the butterflies in my stomach like never before.

  After a long time like that—grabbing and pulling, tasting and needing—our lips part and we both take a much-needed breath.

  I’ve never even come close to being kissed like that before. Has there ever been a more intense kiss in the history of the world? I seriously doubt it.

  Gamma would be proud. I know she’s watching me up there with blushing cheeks.

  Bodhi pulls his head away, but his eyes never leave mine, except for a second to look at my lips. His hands are gripping my waist hard like he’s worried the ocean waves or the wind or life is going to take me away from him.

  Doesn’t he know that I’m already his?

  I swallow hard and then lick my lips, tasting him one last time before the rain washes his kiss away.

  “You’re getting wet,” he says as his dark brown eyes look me up and down.

  “I’m already there.” If only he knew how wet I really am.

  “Come with me.” He grabs my wrist in a firm grip and starts pulling me up the beach. My limbs are all shaky but I manage to keep up.

  “What about your board?” I ask as I glance back at the ocean. The bright pink board is in there somewhere.

  “You’re more important,” he says as he practically drags me to the road where all of the cars are parked. He grabs my soaking wet bag on the way. “I have to get you out of this storm.”

  Everything is happening so fast. I can’t focus or think with his hands on me so I just go along with him, trusting that he’ll take care of me. That’s all I’ve ever wanted, isn’t it? For Bodhi to take care of me…

  He unlocks his silver Jeep and opens the door for me.

  “Hop in,” he says as he reaches for me. His hand slides from my lower back to my ass as I climb in. I hear a deep
groan from him before he shuts the door, leaving me inside.

  Leaving me inside. Bodhi’s Jeep.

  I’m inside Bodhi Slater’s Jeep.

  The hard rain pings down on the roof and windshield contrasting heavily with the eery silence inside. There’s a constant aching throb between my legs and I want to touch myself to give it some relief, but I don’t dare.

  My heart pounds as he hurries around the back of the Jeep on his way to the driver’s door.

  I’m inside Bodhi Slater’s Jeep.

  Holy shit!

  Chapter Five


  The inside of the Jeep smells like him. It smells like rich sexy surfer whatever that means. All I know is that if a cologne company bottled it and put it up for sale, they would make a fortune.

  My heart starts doing a gymnastics routine when he opens the door and climbs in. He slams the door shut and looks at me.

  He’s even sexier up close. The rain is dripping down his shaggy hair and gaining up speed as it travels down the angular curve of his jaw. It pools at his chin and drips down onto his black boardshorts that he designed and manufactured himself. I swallow hard when I see the thick outline of his cock pressing against the material, trying to get out. My pussy throbs at the sight of it. I squeeze my thighs together and feel some of the wetness leak out.

  His dark brown eyes are fixated on me like he’s gripping my soul and I can’t look away. He doesn’t talk. It’s just heavy breathing and the pinging of the hard rain as it bounces off the roof of the Jeep.

  I swallow hard as my nerves start to take over my arousal. What is happening here?

  “Are you okay?” he asks when he sees me shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

  “It’s just…” God, my heart is pounding so hard. I can’t think straight. “It’s just it was all hot and heavy out there and now it’s a little awkward.”

  He just keeps staring at me with that intense look and it makes me even more nervous. And I always ramble on when I’m nervous.

  “Like you just rose out of the ocean like a sexy merman and then you give me the best kiss of my life—thank you by the way—and now we’re sitting here without talking and you don’t even know my name and I’m wet and starting to get cold and it’s like—”


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