Elusive Prey

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Elusive Prey Page 43

by Cheek, Jason

  ‘Why have you saved us?’ the question chorused in Connor’s mind, as he breathed a sigh of relief at managing to save them all, when the voices spoke further. ‘You are not of our pack!’

  “Ummm,” Conner said out loud, as his mind went back to the babies he’d lost in the real world. The heart-break from losing them still stung as he gently reached out to stroke the last puppy he’d saved. “Because your enemies are our enemy,” it was like his soul was bared to these small little puppies as he spoke from the heart, “because I wanted you to be part of my pack.”

  While that was the words that came from his mouth, in his heart and mind, Connor knew it was more than that. It was because he missed his babies and this was a virtual way for him to finally have them back in his life. He knew these pups weren’t his babies from the real world, but in his heart, saving these pups was a way he could honor his lost babies’ memory. There was a click that resounded in Connor’s soul as the last puppy he saved stepped up to him and looked in the eyes.

  ‘I will bind myself to you,’ the serious voice said in his mind.

  “Then I will call you, Ankou,” Connor said with tears streaming down his face, “for the god of death.” It fit in his mind since the pup had spent so much time on death’s door.

  Connor couldn’t understand why this was so important to him, but the pain that he’d been carrying around for these last several years in his heart seemed to lessen somewhat. With that said, Ankou leaped into his arms. As he hugged the soft little body to his chest, the next pup stepped forward. With each, he gave them the names of his babies from the real world. Herne for the god of the hunt, Gallagher that stood for eager helper, Eammon for the hidden one, Torin who was a famous chieftain from Celtic lore, and Cormac for the greatest King of Ireland. With an arm full of soft furry hounds, Connor turned to face Forrest with tears of joy in his eyes as he excitedly grinned at his buddy.

  “Dude, thank you for helping me save them!” Conner said in relief, hugging the squirming pups to his chest. Oddly enough, they were freezing cold, but slowly his body heat seemed to be seeping into their little bodies.

  “Um, yeah man,” Forrest uncomfortably said, noticing for the first time that the names of the puppies had changed to Wraith Hounds as he nervously glanced down at Bishop who’d finally stopped growling like he was going feral. Though, it didn’t help Forrest’s nerves when five pairs of glowing red eyes turned to stare at him. Even though his hindbrain was no longer giving him the heebie-jeebies, Forrest knew in his heart that something wasn’t right with those puppies. “How about we get to work hiding these corpses and um … you know … get moving?”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  (The city of Darom – The Brat Pack and Sub-Leader Butcher meet their mysterious hero)

  “Why not wait until Lord Ironwolf is back to load everyone on the ships?” Sub Captain Lornila Windcoat asked the circle of fellow leaders around her. “As far as I understand the current situation, the townsfolk have already loaded up the biremes with all of the belongings and supplies that they’re planning to take with them to BrokenFang Hold, correct?”

  “The supplies have been fully loaded,” Sub Leader Laurie Butcher stiffly agreed.

  “Then why does everyone want to sleep on the vessels too?” Captain Windcoat asked in a confused tone. Seeing the tight looks on everyone’s faces, she held up her hand to stop any protests. “Look, I’m not saying that everyone can’t load up on the ships. I’m just trying to understand why they’d want to. No offense intended but, come on, it’s not like sleeping on tightly packed ships comfortable living.”

  “It’s not that,” Sub Leader Butcher said with a grimace. “There’s complaints that the amphitheater is too crowded with the influx of refugees from Telrain and there’s a few surviving nobles that are making things difficult. There’s concern amongst the townsfolk that they’re not going to have a safe place to sleep tonight.”

  “Not enough space in the amphitheater!” Captain Windcoat exclaimed in confusion, as she looked to her subordinates for confirmation on the issue. “I thought the reason the amphitheater was chosen to hold everyone was that there was more than enough space to hold everyone and keep them protected from the newfar nightly Rogue attacks. Did you explain to them that Lord Ironwolf is the only noble’s orders being followed?”

  “That’s not the problem,” Sub Leader Butcher began to say, when an old grisly voice cut her off.

  “What she’s trying to say,” Old Man Fortner unapologetically spoke out without any concern for protocol, “it’s that pompous ass ex-guard captain from Telrain, Randel Tericius. He’s trying to boss everyone around by saying he’s now in charge of the defense of Darom.”

  “Fortner!” Sub Leader Butcher warningly said, trying to get the old man to shut up and let her talk. They didn’t need any more infighting going on amongst the various refugee groups. “That’s not helping any!”

  “That’s exactly the problem and you know,” Old Man Fortner stubbornly rebutted. “Lord Ironwolf made me his companion for a reason,” he proudly said to the gathered leaders, refusing to back down. “I’m telling you right now, the townsfolk are worried there’s not going be enough space for them in the amphitheater, let alone what’s going to happen once it’s time for everyone to load up on the ships for when the time comes to pull out.”

  Zinn traded confused looks with the rest of the Brat Pack as they came to a stop around the impromptu meeting. They’d just finished inspecting the readiness of the biremes and had been drawn to the loud discussion going on mostly from curiosity. If the new Sub Leader for the Telrain refugees was causing problems and refusing to listen to Sub Leader Butcher, as Lord Ironwolf’s companions, they’d have to get involved too. From her time serving on board ship, Zinn knew there couldn’t be any question as to the chain of command in a situation like this.

  Standing slightly behind both Humans, Zinn began to hum a little tune under her breath to trigger her bardic magic as the rest of the Brat Pack gave her a surprised look. While Tavon and Alanah gave her a look that questioned if it was a good thing for them to get involved, Mügor just shrugged his shoulders unconcerned as to the big fuss this was causing. His job was to serve the best interests of his War Leader. If someone was trying to step over his War Leader’s given authority, then their responsibility was quite simple in his mind.

  “Captain Windcoat, please understand that the townsfolk’s concerns are not a reflection of their lack of loyalty towards Lord Ironwolf,” Fortner said, as his lips pressed together sourly. Nonetheless, he calmed down as the Bardic spell took effect. Letting out a deep breath, he stood up a little straighter before continuing. “Look, none of us are used to being thought of as being important to the Lords and Ladies of the land if things go wrong. Lord Ironwolf is different. He’s given me this duty to watch out for his people and by the dark I will do my duty. You need to put Tericius in his place or I will.”

  “It’s okay, Sub Leader Butcher,” Captain Windcoat said to the other woman. “I can appreciate Old Man Fortner’s point.” A Human leader would’ve been shocked at the old man’s boldness, but that didn’t seem to concern the Gnomeling in the least, especially since every point Fortner made was correct. “These are valid concerns that needs to be quickly addressed.”

  That was the unspoken truth between commoners and the nobility in all of the various kingdoms. The nobles always talked about honor, bravery, and protecting the people of the land, but that was only when it was convenient for them or came to other nobles. Commoners, farmers, townsfolk, and soldiers, they were barely considered people in the eyes of the nobles. A more accurate term was that they were cheap property to be used and discarded at a moment’s notice. Unlike their leaders in the past, Lord Ironwolf cared about them. He’d fought for their families, healed them, resurrected those that he could, and kept to his word in the face of censor from the royal family. Over Old Man Fortner's dead body was he going to let some random noble take all of that away from t

  “Why is this meeting behind held without my prior approval?” A shout from a group of Humans hurrying up to the docks rang out through the plaza. Studying the approaching faces, Zinn noticed Sub Leader Tericius at the head of the group. Curiously enough, there was also a group of Battle Priests that were following behind the five Humans. They didn’t look to be part of the group, but drawn to the commotion like they all had been. Coming to a stop at the docks edge in front of the rest of them, the Human angrily continued. “I thought I made it clear to you, Sub Leader Butcher that I am in charge of the troops in Darom.”

  “Marine Sub Leader Silverfang,” Captain Windcoat’s voice cracked like a whip, “please detain Sub Leader Tericius. If he resists, kill him.”

  The group of Humans froze with their hands on the hilts of their blades as twenty of the Beast Kin marines from Wind Dancer surrounded them. Even though, they were unused to treating Beast Kin with anything but disdain and scorn. Each and every one of them understood just how dangerous of an opponent that a Beast Kin trooper could be and these were especially well armed and armored group. On top of that, none of the Humans dared to draw a weapon on their own House of Kayden members, especially when they were outnumbered five to one.

  “What is the meaning of this,” Sub Leader Tericius demanded, as he glared down at the shorter Gnomeling woman. He truly didn’t understand the issue at hand. “Lord Ironwolf put me in charge and you dare to disobey his orders?”

  “That is incorrect,” Captain Windcoat stated in a no-nonsense voice of command. “I am in total command of the forces here in Darom, given the position by Lord Ironwolf himself. It is my decision when and how the ships are packed up or when they leave port. The decision is to be made regardless of the situation with Lord Ironwolf and his group’s welfare. If the best call is to leave them behind, I have been commanded to do so.” Ignoring the shocked look on the Humans’ faces, she nodded to the swordswoman across from her.

  “Sub Leader Butcher is in charge of the defense of Darom, once again, by Lord Ironwolf himself. She has been ordered to work underneath my command on saving the citizens that Lord Ironwolf has made part of the House of Kayden,” Captain Windcoat impassively stated, looking the new Human up and down. “Who are you?”

  “I am the Captain of the Guards in Telrain in command of the entire city’s forces,” Sub Leader Tericius snarled, “of course I should be in charge of the defense of Darom instead of some nobody Team Leader from-”

  “When you were in the Royal Army you were the Captain of the Guards in Telrain,” Captain Windcoat coldly said, cutting the man off while holding a hand up to stop Sub Leader Butcher’s outburst. “Are you a part of the Royal Army now? Are you still the Captain of the Guards of Telrain?” Sub Leader Tericius’ head rocked back as if he’d been physically hit while the Gnomeling drove her point home.

  “No, you swore your fealty to Lord Ironwolf and accepted his charge to bring the survivors of Telrain back to Darom?” Captain Windcoat’s gaze never wavered. “You were then supposed to join the existing command structure and assist with the defense of Darom until his return or new orders were received.” Seeing the stricken look on the large man’s clean shaven face, her face softened somewhat.

  “If you want to offer Sub Leader Butcher or myself your expertise in the matter, I’m sure we would both be interested in hearing what you’re able to bring to the table,” the polite smile that came to Captain Windcoat’s lips never reached her eyes. “Excuse me for using a trade metaphor, but I’m sure you get the gist.”

  “Please accept my apologies, I forgot my place.” the large man said with a shake of his head, “It’s difficult at times when you’re used to being in charge and know you’re the best leader for the situation. I forgot myself.”

  “I’m afraid you’re still not seeing the situation as clearly as you need to,” Captain Windcoat said with cold certainty, as her face hardened at his words. “You believe you’re the best leader for this situation but, once again, that’s a false assumption.”

  “No disrespect, but you’re what, a trader,” Sub Leader Tericius said in all earnesty, before looking over at Butcher. “And you’re an ex-Team Leader of the Royal Guards left in Darom? When have you ever been in charge for the defense of an entire city?”

  “When have you fought and won against newfar that can come back from the dead within the graveyards of your own city? When was the last time you drove off an enemy attacking your city walls that had no fear of death and held the capacity to sweep your defensive fortification at will with lightning and fire?” Captain Windcoat’s words instantly took the wind out of his sails. “Sub Leader Butcher has successfully done so on multiple occasions just this week.”

  “What do you know about the preparations being done for the evacuation of Darom? What knowledge do you have in regards to the dispositions of ships in the area under Lord Ironwolf’s command or, by the dark, the time and supplies needed to reach the port city of Myathlune?” Captain Windcoat was relentless in her assault as the man hung his head in shame once he understood the breadth and width of his ignorance. Silently nodding to herself that she’d hit the cord that she was seeking, she walked up to him to look him in the face. “Besides all of that, who did Lord Ironwolf entrust with these duties?”

  Zinn was amazed at the skill that Captain Windcoat had shown in her ability to bargain. Some might laugh at her use of a trade term for a situation such as this, but what was commerce other than a form of battle fought with words and money instead of swords and soldiers. Mentally taking notes, she watched in amazement as the Gnomeling turned the situation around to Lord Ironwolf’s benefit. To her amazement, even the Beast Kin guards seemed to take pity on the Human as he took a knee before her.

  “Please forgive my ignorance,” Sub Leader Tericius said, truly distraught as he realized the extent of his failure. “I was so sure I could make a difference …” His voice died away in anguish. Every point she’d made had pierced his heart like a blade and showed him his complete lack of understanding of the complex situation in blazing detail. Looking up to meet her eyes, he was surprised to see the lack of scorn in either woman’s face.

  “Now we’re at a point where we can begin working together to make sure our people survive the coming days,” Captain Windcoat said, as Sub Leader Butcher nodded in agreement. “But, just so there’s no misunderstanding, if you ever try to supersede the chain of command like this again in the middle of a combat situation, I’ll slit your throat myself.”

  “So that means-” Sub Leader Tericius said in confusion, as he looked back and forth between both women.

  “That your expertise is still wanted and needed,” Captain Windcoat confirmed to the man’s sigh of relief.

  “As long as we can work together and trust each other as a team,” Sub Leader Butcher said, confirming with the Gnomeling before she offered a hand to help the man up.

  “Would you give me the honor of trying this once more,” Sub Leader Tericius asked, “but without my ego in the mix?” Looking into his earnest green eyes, she felt like he truly meant it.

  In truth, she understood much of the inner conflict that had driven Sub Leader Tericius into acting the way that he had. It is difficult to find yourself suddenly subordinate to someone who you so grossly outranked in experience and position from another force. If she were being honest with herself, it was why she hadn’t come down on him as hard as she should have. It was somewhat fortunate that he chose to intrude into their discussion when he did. Otherwise, the dissention between them would’ve only festered between their two commands.

  Similar to the combined forces of the Royal Army, they were only Kayden Troopers in name alone at present. From the little bit she’d come to learn of Lord Ironwolf, she knew he wanted to make the entire force a multiracial organization that functioned as one. She didn’t know if that was possible or not. Throughout the centuries of the Royal Army, there was always a certain amount of prejudice within the ranks. It wa
s just the way things were. Mostly notably, it was present between races, but it was even an issue between the units of the same race from different cities.

  While all of that was true, Sub Leader Butcher had been in such dire straits that she’d been forced to use the troopers under her to the best of their abilities regardless of her personal feelings. Truly, she’d never seen such a conglomeration of different races acting as one. Even more unbelievable was that they were being led by a halfling lord of all things. The results had been an eye opening experience. Her change of heart might’ve had much to do with the positive interaction she’d had with the Brat Pack whose racial mixture would’ve caused a noble’s mustache to curl, she thought with a silent chuckle, when an eerie suspicion came over her as she glanced back at Zinn to see her humming a tune under her breath.

  Instead of denying her influence, Zinn just gave her a knowing wink as Sub Leader Butcher’s mouth dropped open in shock. The brazenness of what the cocky Gnomeling had done should’ve made her fighting mad, but the ease at which they’d all resolved the conflict with Sub Leader Tericius suddenly made too much sense. Usually bruised egos were much harder for high ranking individuals to get over. Butcher was still trying to decide if she wanted to call her out on the breach of protocol, when a loud clanking thud at the base of a nearby building caused the entire group to whirl around in open shock.


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