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Where Demons Hide

Page 18

by A. M. Brooks

  In the silence, every noise seems to be amplified. My breathing comes in short pants, the creak across the floor echoes, and the buzzing from the refrigerator is like nails on a chalkboard. Chills trail down my spine causing my body to shiver in response. A vibration from my phone has me racing down the hallway to reach it. Buzz, buzz, buzz. Seth’s name lights up the screen. My stomach bottoms out when I reach for it, swiping to answer.

  “Seth,” I almost yell into the phone.

  “Blaise! They set me up!” His words are muffled, I can hear scuffling in the background. The phone sounds like it falls to the ground, his cries for help echo through the phone. It sounds like furniture is being moved and broken. A door slams before the line goes dead.

  “Seth!” I scream into the phone, my hands shaking, and my body threatens to give out. I make it to the couch when I go down. Hands wrap around my shoulders and my body goes into attack mode ready to defend myself. Before a scream can tear from my throat, I’m turned in Jay’s arms.

  “Whoa.” He grips me tightly. “Babe, what’s wrong, what happened?”

  Every emotion I’ve been fearing for the past few hours hits me dead on like a freight train, and I lose it. “Where have you been? I think they took Seth! Oh my god, he sounded like he was kidnapped, why didn’t you answer my call?” My chest rises and falls rapidly. I can feel the panic clawing its way out, strangling my neck, and threatening to tear me in half.

  Jay grips me tighter, pulling me onto his lap while he sits in the chair. “Blaise, breathe. That’s it, in and out.” I try concentrating on the soothing circles his palm makes on my back, only Seth’s frantic voice continues to fill my head. “What happened?”

  He moves my head so we’re eye to eye. “Seth,” I breathe out. “He called me, and he was yelling. There was a bunch of noise. He said they set him up, but I don’t know who or what he’s talking about.”

  “He called you,” Jay states, and I nod my head yes. Jay sighs, and his eyes slide from mine like he can’t stand me looking at him. My heart freezes and I know the next words out of his mouth are going to change things between us. “I didn’t have a choice. I was ordered to drop the hint. I didn’t think he’d call you.”

  “You set him up?” Blood whooshes in my ears.

  “I had to. I was given the order,” Jay attempts to explain.

  “Are you for real?” I stand up out of his reach, backing away. “Who knows what they’re going to do to him? Why would you do that? Why wouldn’t you tell me? Is that why you’ve been gone all day? Why didn’t you answer my calls?”

  His face goes blank, shielding me from the answers I’m seeking. In my heart I already know and the organ is shattering. There is a thin line between love and hate. He took the knife of betrayal and cut right through it. I just got Seth back in my life and who knows what happened to him. Jay specifically said the Alverez was cartel. All I can picture in my mind is Seth’s head on a spike near the Mexican border. I feel sick, bile rising up my throat. After everything that happened yesterday, Jay went behind my back and made a call without consulting me or even warning me.

  Before I can unleash the tsunami of anger welled up, the front door comes crashing open again. Trent’s imposing frame fills the space. “We need to go.”

  My eyes slide over him. He’s wearing dark jeans, running sneakers, and his usual racing jacket. In the light of my apartment, he looks less mysterious and more like a college roommate you meet for the first time.

  “You were in on this, too?” I question, my voice now hoarse. My eyes flick between them both. They stand watching me, guarded, like they didn’t just shred another tether of trust.

  “We can explain on the way—” Trent starts to say, but Jay holds up his hand cutting him off.

  “She’s made her choice right now on which side she’s on. Let’s just get going.” Jay brushes past me and down the hallway. A minute later, he returns, a small bag clutched in his hand while he’s shoving his Colt into the back waistband of his jeans.

  I stand immobile, tossing around my next steps. Jay’s words cut me open as much as they infuriate me. He wants my trust, yet he acts before he explains or trusts me. Trent leaves first and I follow behind him. He jumps in the back of the idling blacked-out SUV in front of my apartment. Jay gets in the driver's side right as I slide in the front passenger seat. He doesn’t speak and I turn toward the window to avoid him. Jay peels out of the parking lot and I’m vaguely aware of the static sound of a radio transmitter coming from the back seat. Jay drives us through town going over the thirty mile an hour limit. When he gets on the highway heading north, another round of anxious waves clash inside me. We’re heading toward my nightmare, the place I just swore I never wanted to step foot in again.

  “Vegas.” The word leaves my mouth before I can stop it. Jay’s grip on the steering wheel flexes, but he doesn’t speak. Trent clears his throat in the back. The radio static breaks and a woman’s hushed voice echoes in the small space.

  “Alpha badge number 6-2-9, what is your current status?”

  “6-2-9 riding. Arrival eleven hundred hours,” Trent speaks into what looks like a walkie-talkie.

  “Copy that 6-2-9, we’ll show you arriving at eleven hundred hours,” the woman’s robotic voice responds back. The low hum of static continues on. My pulse races with adrenaline.

  “Are we thinking this is going down at the hotel?” Trent asks Jay, who visibly becomes even tenser.

  “That was the mistake we made last time.” Jay’s gaze flicks to the mirror. “Something still feels like it’s missing.”

  “Let’s split then,” Trent responds, his voice monotone while his brain overanalyzes.

  “Why do you need me?” I turn toward Jay. His jaw clenches and there’s a slight flare to his nostrils.

  “I need to know you’re safe,” he tells me without turning to look at my face.

  “Well, I really don’t trust a fucking thing you say,” I fire back, daring him to challenge me.

  “Can we put the brakes on this little lovers’ quarrel until we get there?” Trent pipes up from the back seat. “All this tension is kind of turning me on. Makes it really hard to concentrate.”

  “Nichols,” Jay fires back. “Shut the fuck up.”

  Trent laughs. “Don’t be mad at me, big guy, because you chose to follow our assignment before you let her know.”

  “So, you were told to tip the guys off on where Seth was. To use him as bait?” I piece together the only logical explanation I can come up with what I’ve been given, which is absolutely nothing.

  “I’ll explain when we get there.” Jay forces the words out between his teeth. I turn to look at Trent who already has his head laid back, earbuds wedged in, listening to music. Frowning, I turn back around and lay my own head back. I slam my eyes closed and try to concentrate on breathing. There is no way I’ll actually sleep, but it gives me a chance to gather my thoughts. Twenty-four hours ago, we were all on the same side before something changed. Jay always has a motive, it’s his delivery that sucks.

  “Baby, we’re here.” I hear Jay’s voice and my eyes flutter open. I hadn’t meant to fall asleep and I wonder what else I missed while I was passed out. Yanking my arm from Jay’s hand, I fling open my door and hop out. Trent is already grabbing the bag from the back and chuckles at the sour expression plastered on my face. Jay rounds the back and meets up with us.

  “Where are we?” I ask, looking around the empty parking garage for any sign of a business logo.

  “Hotel across from the La Flor,” Trent answers, his voice low. He looks preoccupied while he says the words.

  “You okay?” I ask him. His body looks wired, an almost frantic look hides in the depths of his gaze.

  He opens his mouth to speak, until his eyes slide to Jay. Shaking his head, he walks away from us.

  “What’s that about?” I ask, not really expecting an answer.

  “Some demons he has to face,” Jay answers, shocking me.

p; “Is this about that Reyes chick? The one on the wall?” My brow lifts in question.

  “She was the love of his life. He trusted her and she stabbed him in the back, then let him take the fall for her family’s crimes. Trent went to jail, lost his sponsorship and was kicked out of the league,” Jay explains, watching me intently.

  “So, he wants payback,” I state, trying to put myself in Trent’s mindset.

  “More like closure,” Jay responds, tugging my arm so I follow him. The elevator sends us up, the doors opening to the lobby. People move about with their luggage, smiling and talking excitedly. They are oblivious to the situation I’m in, the danger that lurks not in the shadows, but in the very clubs and rooms they’ll be staying in tonight.

  Trent already holds two room keys and is heading back toward us. I reach out to grab one at the same time Jay does. “What are you doing?” I question. He’s off his rocker if he thinks I’m staying with him.

  “His key.” Jay points to the purple card still in Trent’s hand. “Our key.” He waves the other in front of my face.

  My arms fold over my chest. “I’m not staying with you. I want my own room or I walk.”

  “I’ll throw you over my fucking shoulder if you even try,” Jay grits out, stepping into my space and bringing his face to mine. My palm itches to slap him across his arrogant face.

  “Okay, kids.” Trent slides a hand between us. “Let’s take this upstairs before we gain attention we don’t need.”

  I follow Trent into a different set of elevators, conscious the entire time of Jay right behind me. Anger rolls off him in waves of heat, searing my back and setting flames to my insides. The minute we’re off the elevator, the hallway splits in two. Trent heads down one direction. Jay grabs the sleeve of my shirt, tugging me in the other.

  “Stop, Jay,” I demand, struggling to pull away. “I’m not staying with you. I can’t believe you did this after everything.”

  Jay stops and whips me around to face him. I’m momentarily blinded when my hair whips my face as well. “I will tell you everything, but first, we need to get into the room. I need you to trust me right now. You’re pissed. I get it, but do you think I would do any of this if it wasn’t important?”

  “I honestly don’t know anymore! Every time I think we’ve reached an agreement, shit like this blows up in my face. How am I supposed to trust you?” I throw back at him. Heat flushes my cheeks.

  “You can’t be serious right now. Everything I’ve told you and you’re ready to cut and run now because Baird was picked up?” Jay’s eyes darken. His gaze slants in my direction. The muscles in his chest ripple and his arms tense.

  “I can’t believe you lied to me that he would be safe. Who knows what’s happened to him.” My shoulders lift. I feel helpless and what’s worse is I feel like I’m the only one who does care about Seth.

  “Get in the room, Blaise,” Jay demands. My body reacts and steps closer even though my mind screams that I shouldn’t. Something isn’t right, my gut warns me. My gaze flicks to Jay then my surroundings. The hallway is empty and too quiet. My eyes dart from the direction we came to the other end where an exit sign glows like a beacon of hope. Hairs on the back of my neck raise up and I feel my brother’s presence. I dart past Jay, throwing my body against the opposite wall to avoid his grasp, my feet keep moving. A door crashes open behind me, but I keep running. Yelling and groans of pain bounce off the walls, a few sharp cracks and skin on skin slapping reaches me, yet I keep my eyes forward. My eyes sting from the air rushing past me and I blink from the pain. My chest expands with air and I blow out, pumping my arms. The ground shakes behind me, footfalls pounding against the carpeted floor. I reach the exit, bracing as my shoulder hits it hard enough to open. One foot over the threshold before a sharp pain radiates across the back of my head. My body is momentarily stunned, my adrenaline goes into protection mode fighting to keep the pain at bay. White sparks go off in my vision and I push my mind to stay conscious. My knees buckle and smack against the cemented stairway. Blackness clouds my vision around the edges, the ringing in my ears intensifying. I want to see who hit me, who is doing this, only I’m shoved forward. My hands don’t react quick enough to break my fall. I turn my cheek just in time for my face to meet the ground. A popping sound echoes behind me. My head hurts, but the darkness is winning. My eyes close, not wanting to witness what comes next. I want peace. I want silence. I don’t want to be here.

  “You can’t catch us, Blaise,” Blake yells back at me while he laughs. My little legs race faster, determined to make it to the top this time. I pump my arms in time with my feet, smiling when my body pushes forward.

  “You might as well go home now,” he continues to taunt and I realize we’re running out of time. We’re almost to the treehouse. Blake, Seth, and Joey built it this summer and teased me mercilessly that only boys were allowed. It was the first time ever that Blake wouldn’t let me go with him and it broke my heart. I could do anything they could and it wasn’t fair that they would kick me out. Treehouses are the coolest and I’ve waited all summer to go inside. Blake said if I beat him in a race he’d let me.

  My pace increases or his slows down, and my heart swells thinking he wants me to beat him. I glance sideways, his grin turns to a smirk. The wind blowing through his thick dark brown locks. We break through the clearing at the same time. My arm reaches out to touch the tree first. I’m determined to go with them. I want to be in Neverland. That’s what Pricilla called it. They’re the lost boys, and this place was their home, a place to escape. I remember feeling hurt when she told me that.

  “Where’s my home then?”

  She smiled and ran her fingers over my braid. “With them,” she answered.

  My fingers brush the tree at the same time Blake’s does. My hopes shatter. I turn to face him, ready to beg and plead to go up. His face throws me though. “Thought you’d never get here,” he tells me. My eyes take him in. He’s watching me, his brow furrowed in concentration. For some reason, I’m scared to speak. I just want him to keep talking. The sound of his voice comforts me. A nagging feeling in the back of my mind makes me nervous.

  “You have to go back, you know,” Blake says, reaching out to hold my hand.

  “I don’t want to,” I tell him. It’s scary without him. I’m lost and confused. “You won’t be there when I wake up.”

  “I’m always with you, Blaise.” He grips my hand reassuringly.

  The trees and the ground start to disappear around us, a dull throbbing pain intensifying behind my pupils. “Blake,” I whisper his name. Our matching blue orbs meet. He nods at me reassuringly. The ringing in my ears intensifies, white-hot pain flashing in my mind. My hands try to cover my ears.

  “You’re fucking crazy!” Joey yells. The sound of a solid punch follows and droplets of blood splatter my neck.

  The back of my head throbs with a dull pain. My arms are bent at an odd angle, my wrists pinched by whatever holds them together.

  “She’s waking up, man.” Antonio’s voice pulls me the rest of the way back to earth. My eyes flutter open, my vision is tilted.

  Rough hands grab my arms and haul me up to my feet. I sway instantly and am caught by Stone’s solid chest.

  “Time to be a big girl and stand up, Blaise.” Stone’s voice is next to my ear. I cringe away from the sound, forcing myself to look around the room. We’re not in the hotel from what I can gather. The ground is cement smf the walls unfinished. Three construction lamps light the room up, casting eerie shadows.

  “Help her fucking see what she’s dealing with.” Toni laughs. He sounds manic.

  “Do you run the show, or do I?” Stone growls back. My gaze swings from Toni to Stone. Their pupils are dilated, beads of sweat gather on their foreheads and temples. Toni paces in front of us, the smile tugging his lips is sinister.

  “‘Bout time, little B.” He claps in front of my face. I pull back, not recognizing the stranger in front of me. I’ve never seen Toni this
way. I’ve seen him high on marijuana or rolling on some molly, but never this. His face hardens into a mask of pure evil.

  “You smell good.” Stone inhales against my neck and a new wave of goosebumps erupt over my arms. Cold metal touches my hand before Stone reaches down, wrapping my hand around the barrel of a metal Colt I recognize too well. “It’s time to make a decision, Blaisey,” he chuckles, his lips dipping down to touch the top of my bare shoulder. I try to shrink back, his hand winds around my back and pushes me forward.

  My worst nightmare becomes a reality in that moment. Jay sits tied to a chair, gagged and immobile. A deep gash runs above his eyebrow, his nose is swollen, and blood coats the front of his shirt. His chair backed right up to another where Seth sits, tied and gagged. Bruises line his jaw, and crusted blood is dried under his nose. Seth watches me, his eyes wide. Jay rocks his chair, grunting and pulling at the binds.

  “Control him!” Stone orders Toni who moves behind Jay, jabbing him in the shoulder with a pocket knife. Jay’s face turns red then purple, his scream gagged by the fabric.

  “Stop!” I yell, twisting away from Stone. He catches me quickly, hauling me backward. Lifting up our joined hands, he raises the gun toward Jay and Seth.

  “Eenie, meenie, miny, moe,” he sing-songs, swinging my hand back and forth.

  “That’s too fuckin easy,” Toni taunts from the sidelines. “At least let her make the decision on her own.”

  “What are you talking about?” I turn to him. His smile spreads wider than the Cheshire Cat.

  “Well princess… one of your knights in shining armor has been lying to you. The question is, who is telling the truth and who is not.” Toni moves to Seth, sliding the gag from his mouth before doing the same to Jay. Jay spits bloodied saliva from his mouth onto the floor.


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