Summer with a SEAL (Alpha SEALs Book 13)

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Summer with a SEAL (Alpha SEALs Book 13) Page 11

by Makenna Jameison

  Finally, she lay gasping on the bed, and Jacob sat back up, grinning in approval. Her cheeks were flushed, her breasts bared to him, and her legs still spread wide. With her brown waves tousled around her head, she looked like some sort of goddess spread out on the bed for him to enjoy and pleasure.

  “You taste amazing sweetheart,” he said. “I could never get enough of you if I tried.”

  “Oh my God, Jacob, that was—”

  A pounding at the front door had her jolting in surprise. “Easy, angel,” he said, running a hand over her stomach to soothe her. “It’s probably Ryker. Couldn’t that asshole bring a key with him? Wait right here,” he added with a wink, helping her to pull the covers up and over herself.

  He immediately missed gazing at her nearly naked form, but he sure the hell didn’t want Ryker to see her spread out on the bed like this. Adjusting himself in his shorts, he crossed the room. Jacob opened her bedroom door, not even caring that he was shirtless, and stalked down the hall. Amy poked her head out of one room, not seeming at all surprised that he was there. “I’ll get it,” he told her gruffly. “Pretty sure it’s Michelle and Ryker.”

  Amy smirked, glancing at his bare chest. “That sounds about right. Michelle always does have perfect timing.”

  Jacob chuckled, shaking his head, and pulled open the front door.

  “Well, well,” Michelle teased, letting her eyes rake over him. “Making yourself right at home, I see.”

  “Why the hell did you lock us out?” Ryker asked, walking in carrying the flashlight.

  “I locked up. Why the hell didn’t you bring a key?” he countered. “Now excuse me. I’m kind of in the middle of something.”

  He turned and left Ryker and Michelle standing there, walking back down the hallway. He was still painfully hard, and he sure the hell wasn’t done exploring Jessica’s beautiful body. He gently opened the door to her room again, ready to continue where they’d left off. He’d kiss her for hours and then finally make her his, sinking his throbbing cock into her sweet pussy. Covering her body with his own, thrusting in and out until she came again and again.

  “I’m back,” he said in a low voice, stepping inside.

  The door clicked shut behind him, but she didn’t say a word or stir. Crossing the bedroom, his chest tightened as he glanced down at her. Jessica was lying in her bed, still covered up, already fast asleep.

  Stripping off his shorts, he curled up in bed beside her, readjusting the straps on her little negligee. Wrapping his arms around her, he listened as she sighed softly in contentment, nestling even closer to him in her sleep.

  “Goodnight, sweetheart,” he murmured, brushing a kiss across her temple.

  And then he shut his eyes, holding the woman he’d already fallen for.

  Chapter 17

  Jessica walked into the kitchen on Monday morning, yawning. Jacob had spent a second night at her place but had to leave at the crack of dawn to be on base for PT. He’d awakened her with gentle kisses, and then coaxed her into a mind-blowing orgasm with his fingers and mouth before kissing her goodbye.

  She could get used to him staying over all the time—it wasn’t exactly too practical with him needing to be on base so early, but somehow Ryker and Michelle had fallen into exactly that routine.

  She flushed, just remembering Jacob’s big hands and mouth all over her skin.

  She set her phone on the counter, trying to clear her head. She began to make coffee and was surprised when her phone buzzed with a text a minute later.

  Miss you already, angel. I’ll be in training all afternoon. Last night was amazing.

  This morning, too.

  Her cheeks reddened, recalling Jacob stripping her down last night and making her come apart in his arms. They still hadn’t had sex yet, but she’d finally gotten to explore him, too, returning the favor after he’d made her come a few times.

  Jacob’s body was amazing, full of hard muscles and interesting little dips and ridges. And when she’d tugged his boxers down, watching his cock spring free, she’d gasped in surprise. He was hot and heavy, and she couldn’t imagine all that masculine strength eventually filling her deeply inside.

  Even though Jacob was so very strong, he was always gentle with her. When they did finally make love, she knew he’d make it amazing for her, too.

  It was sad that the weekend was over and he had to be back at work. Sure, she had her friends, but wow. After an amazing two days—and nights—together, she just wasn’t sure if she was ready to return to reality.

  She looked down at her phone again and quickly thumbed a response.

  Miss you, too.

  Maybe you should become a teacher so you’ll get summers off. ;)

  His reply came a beat later.

  If I was home, I’d never let you out of bed.

  She giggled, turning as she heard footsteps coming down the hallway.

  “Good morning,” Amy trilled in a sing-song voice, wandering into the kitchen. She glanced around, stopping midstride.

  “Hey yourself,” Jessica said, pouring herself a steaming cup of coffee.

  “Jacob’s not here?”

  “He had to get to base early. Kind of a bummer for me since I was enjoying having him here, but…” She shrugged. “That’s life. Not everyone gets an entire summer off like us. We’re on vacation, but the rest of the world keeps turning.”

  “Touché,” Amy said, pulling a mug from the cupboard. “So, you seem happy. Seriously. I’m glad Jacob was here all weekend. You guys are good together.”

  “Yeah, I think so, too. Still—he’s at work all week like the rest of the world. I’d love to spend more time with him, but I’ll just have to relax and enjoy the beach with my besties.”

  “I mean, that’s what we’re here for, right?” Amy teased. “The beach? The guys we meet this summer are kind of just the icing on the cake.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” Jessica turned, crossing the kitchen to sink into a chair with her mug of coffee.

  “Why do you look so sad all of a sudden?”

  “It’s going to be hard to leave him,” Jessica admitted. “I mean, I know I’m jumping totally ahead of myself. We just met them a couple of weeks ago and yet, somehow it already feels like summer is slipping away.”

  “I told you it could work out,” Amy protested. “You live across the state, not across the country. If you guys end up getting serious and want things to continue, they absolutely can.”

  Jessica gazed out the window, watching the waves crash on the shore. It was ironic how something so simple as two people wanting to be together also seemed so complicated. “Yeah, I just—I don’t think he’s looking for that. We both know I’m leaving, so that puts an expiration date on this little romance.”

  “You should talk to him,” Amy said gently. “See where he stands. I swear, the way he looks at you is not the way a guy looks at a woman he intends to say goodbye to.”

  “Well what about Michelle and Ryker? He’s here all the time. I can’t see them continuing things.”

  Amy shook her head. “It’s not the same. Neither of them look at each other that way. It’s just a fun little game to them—they’re both teases and love it.”

  “I don’t know,” Jessica said with a sigh.

  “Talk to him, Jess. Maybe not tonight or tomorrow, but before too long. Give him a chance to mull things over. Think about the future. He could be wondering about the same things too and just not be ready to admit it yet.”

  “You’re right, I should talk to him. Especially before we have sex.”

  “Wait—you’re not sleeping together?”

  “Oh, we’re sleeping together,” Jessica assured her with a laugh. “And we’re doing everything but having sex. It’s good, I promise. I like that he’s willing to wait until I’m ready.”

  “Such a gentleman,” Amy said with a wink.

  “He’s almost too perfect,” Jessica sighed.

  “No such thing.”

you’re right. Nobody’s perfect. And I will talk to him. I just need to figure out exactly what I want to say.”


  Jacob gripped the steering wheel, pulling back onto base after a quick meeting down in Norfolk. He drove down the tree-lined street, the sunlight peeking through the branches dancing across his car. His hands tightened as he maneuvered into a parking spot, his jaw clenched.

  Jess had sent him a text responding to his earlier one, and his cock had been hard ever since.

  What makes you think I’d want to get out of bed?

  Jesus Christ.

  For being so shy most of the time, she sure knew how to dial up the heat when she wanted to. Holy Hell. This weekend with Jessica had been…beyond words. Seeing her in that sexy lingerie, spread out like some sort of temptress, when he’d already resigned to waiting a while before taking her to bed?

  No. Words.

  She was everything he could want in a woman—smart, funny, sweet. Gorgeous. A little bit shy, which he had to admit he loved, but when she’d let herself go in his arms?

  It was tough to imagine ever being with another woman again.

  And wasn’t that quite a shock to his system.

  “Yo, Joker!” Hunter called out as Jacob climbed out of his vehicle.

  “Hook,” Jacob said with a nod as he shut his car door. “Where’ve you been all morning?”

  “Doctor appointment with Emma.”

  Jacob nodded, assuming it had to do with her pregnancy. “Are we still doing water training this afternoon?”

  “Affirmative. It’s on the schedule, so we’re moving forward as planned,” he said as the two men walked to the building. Jacob breathed in the salty ocean air, muttering to himself as he pulled open the door.

  Jessica was probably sunbathing on the beach right about now, or maybe relaxing in that hammock of hers. Hell if he wouldn’t love to take the day off and spend it with her. But real life called—he needed to get back to his duties. Back to reality.

  And hell, part of the thrill right now was that everything was new with her. He’d just have to suck it up and get to work.

  “How was your weekend?” Hunter asked, slinging his duffle bag over his shoulder.

  “Can’t complain,” Jacob said. “Yours?”

  “Emma was still sick,” Hunter said. “At least she has the summer off so she doesn’t need to drive to Williamsburg.”

  “Right, she teaches classes there, doesn’t she?” Jacob asked, referring to the College of William and Mary, which was an hour away.

  “Yep. It’s not too bad of a drive considering she only makes it a few days a week. But sitting on the bridge with her morning sickness wasn’t going so well—nothing like feeling you’re trapped in a car about to be sick everywhere.”

  “Yeah, that sounds bad. These teachers have it pretty sweet though, an entire summer off?” he added with a low chuckle. “Jessica and her friends seem pretty damn happy.”

  “Hell, Emma’s already planning to enjoy it when we have kids. She’ll be off when they are. The baby won’t be in school for a while, obviously, but I swear she’s got the entire thing planned out.”

  Jacob nodded, thoughtful. He’d never considered that angle before. Not that he’d considered having kids, either. But he could see Jessica home with her kids. Their kids. What the hell was he thinking?

  They didn’t even have a future together after the summer ended. She’d go back to her life, and he’d move on with his. Spending nights in her bed and weekends together was perfect for now, but real life would return. For both of them.

  There was no sense in imagining what any future children would be like. It wasn’t even on the table.

  He swung by the locker room to change into his water gear and made a quick call to Jess.

  “Hey angel,” he said into her voicemail. “I just wanted to say hi before my training starts. Miss you. I’ll talk to you tonight, all right? Bye.” He ended the call, sticking his cell phone into his locker. He wouldn’t be able to talk to her while out on the water this afternoon.

  She was probably busy with her girlfriends anyway.

  His mind shifted to Jessica in her bed this morning as he pulled off his shirt—although they’d spent hours exploring each other last night, this morning had been quieter. Gentle. He’d woken her up and then pleasured her with his mouth and tongue, enjoying the taste of her sweetness as he brought her to orgasm.

  He didn’t think he’d ever tire of listening to her cry out his name.

  Even in her sleepy state, she’d opened her body to him. Let him touch and caress her. Run his hands over all her soft curves.

  Kissing her goodbye had been fucking harder than he wanted to admit.

  For a woman he was supposed to be dating somewhat casually, enjoying her summer vacation with, she was working her way right into his heart.

  Chapter 18

  Jessica walked along the boardwalk with Michelle and Amy a few days later, giggling at the silly tee shirts for sale. “These are so ridiculous,” she said with a laugh, stopping to look at a few.

  “I dare you to buy one and wear it to school,” Michelle said, pulling out her cell phone to take a few pictures of the shirts.

  “Yeah right,” Jessica countered. “Only if I’m looking to get fired.”

  Michelle giggled, tucking her phone back into her purse. “I just sent a picture of that one to Ryker.”

  Jessica raised her eyebrows. “Fiesta, siesta, tequila, repeat?”

  “I’m saving the dirty one to show him later tonight.”

  She shook her head, trying not to smile. “Is he coming by later? I thought the guys were busy with training all day before they went out tonight.”

  “He comes over late most nights,” Michelle said with a shrug. “We’ll figure it out.”

  They passed an ice cream shop near a playground and paused for a moment to watch the children running around shrieking in excitement. “Anchors is just up there,” Amy said, pointing. “Want to go in and grab drinks?”

  Jessica looked at the bar a block away. “Sure, why not? Maybe Taylor is working tonight. We can say hi and see if she’ll introduce you to any hot military guys.”

  “Yes, please!” Amy joked. “I never hear the end of you two talking about Ryker and Jacob.”

  “Sorry, hun,” Jessica said.

  The women kept walking, and Jessica smiled to herself. It had been a few days since she’d last seen Jacob, but they’d talked on the phone every night and made plans for the following weekend. He didn’t have any more days off, so she’d resigned herself to waiting for Friday night to roll around.

  “He texted me earlier,” she said. “I think the guys are going out to unwind later on. He mentioned some pool hall nearby.”

  “We should totally crash that party,” Michelle said.

  “I think it’s just guy time tonight. You know, to chill out and have a few beers after all that training they’re doing. Jacob and I are planning on dinner Friday night, and then I’ll see him again this weekend.”

  “Oh my God, they’re here!” Michelle suddenly shrieked. “Perfect timing.”

  “Who’s here?” Jessica asked, glancing over where Michelle was pointing.

  “The guys. I thought they were going out to shoot some pool, but that looks like Mason walking into Anchors. Maybe they came here for drinks first.”

  “He might’ve stopped by to see Taylor,” Jessica said with a shrug. She pushed a strand of her hair back from her face, and the three women walked inside the crowded bar.

  Music blared from the speakers, groups of men and women stood around chatting, and glasses clinked together. Waitresses darted between tables, and Jessica glanced around, looking for Taylor. “Is she working tonight? I don’t see her anywhere.”

  “Look, the guys are in the back!” Michelle said. She waggled her fingers, grinning, and started sashaying toward the back of the restaurant.

  “All right, let’s go see who else is here,” Jessica sai
d, glancing at Amy. “I thought they’d be over at the pool hall all night.”

  The two women began walking to the back, listening to the roar of laughter from a group of rowdy guys near them.

  Uneasiness began to fill the pit of her stomach as they got closer. If Jacob was here, would he want her randomly showing up? It had sounded like he was looking forward to some down time with his buddies. They might not want the women crashing their little get together. Then again, why’d he say they’d be at the pool hall if they were coming here?

  Her gaze swept over the group seated around the back table: Michelle was already nestled on Ryker’s lap, Mason was laughing with Taylor, Noah was sitting there with his arms crossed, his standard aviators perched atop his head, and Colton was standing beside them, beer in hand.

  She didn’t see Hunter anywhere, and then her heart stopped as she spotted the back of Jacob’s head. He was laughing with his buddies, a pretty blonde at his side. For a flash, she thought it was Bailey, but the woman glanced her way, and she realized it wasn’t her at all.

  Hesitantly, she took another step forward.

  Was she…the waitress? Someone they all knew who’d stopped by to say hi?

  The blonde reached out, running her hand over Jacob’s cropped haircut, her pink manicured nails standing out against his dark hair.

  She threw her head back, laughing at something, but teasingly ran her hand over his head again.

  Jacob turned toward the blonde, clearly comfortable with the woman standing beside him. “I’ll see you next time, hun,” he said in his deep voice.

  “You better be back soon,” she teased, ducking down and planting a kiss on his cheek with her glossy pink lips.

  Hurt seeped through her, and she felt bile rise in the back of her throat. He lightly grabbed the blonde woman’s arm before she left, his muscular fingers wrapping around her forearm as he told her something, and Jessica turned, hurrying back toward the front entrance.

  “Jess, hey, wait up!” Amy said, rushing after her through the doors. “I’m sure that’s not what it seems like. She must know Jacob or something.”


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