Crave Her Curves

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Crave Her Curves Page 3

by Sam Crescent


  “I remember high school. It wasn’t so long ago, and kids are so mean.”

  “How about kindergarten?”

  “I guess. I don’t know. I’d put my dreams and wishes on the back burner just in case I never got around to college.” She shrugs, and I hear her wince.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just a little sore. I’ll get used to it.”

  Letting go of her hands, I slide them down her body, cupping her hips. They’re a generous handful, and I can’t wait to take her from behind.

  Moving her between my thighs, I lean her back so she’s resting against me.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to make you feel good and for you to forget about the pain.” Cupping her pussy, I find her wet with a combination of our mixed release. I cleaned some of it, but there is plenty I pumped inside her.

  I get my fingers nice and slick, and she gasps as I stroke over her clit.

  The sound is sweet music to my ears, and as I kiss her neck, her legs spread wider, pushing her up against my hand.

  That’s what I want.

  “I don’t want you to be afraid to tell me what you want. Any dirty little thought you want, tell me.”


  “You’re mine, and I’m yours. Whatever you want, can be yours. All you’ve got to do is ask for it.”

  She gasps even louder as I rock two fingers inside her. I don’t stretch her out, getting her used to the feel of me inside her.

  Drawing them back, I tease her clit, wishing I’d gotten mirrors so I could watch her. I love how she keeps arching up, thrusting her pelvis against my hand. Her tits shake with every indrawn breath.

  My own cock is hard, the tip slick with pre-cum. It’s impossible to not want her.

  Her reactions are natural, sweet, and every single part of her is beautiful.

  I’m going to rock her entire world, and as I listen to her come, hearing those precious sounds, I know she’s going to love our time in this cabin. Bringing her down from her high, I kiss her neck just as I hear her stomach start to grumble.

  “Oh, God, that is so embarrassing.”

  “You’re hungry. It’s time for me to feed my girl.” Kissing her again, I move out from beneath her. “Stay here. Rest, relax. Don’t do anything.”

  “Mitch, I’m not the only girl in the world to lose her virginity.”

  “No, but you’re my girl, and I want you to relax, take it easy, and when I get back, we’re going to talk about some of those fantasies of yours.” I wink at her and see her face turn an even deeper shade of red.

  I didn’t pick those romance novels up just for her. I read them myself, and I can’t help but wonder if Ava’s wanting a hero all to herself.

  If so, I’m more than happy to oblige.



  The following day, I don’t think I can take much more. I’ve had sex once, and already I’m addicted. I want Mitch again. In fact, I don’t want to ever stop wanting him.

  Licking my lips, I watch as he dives into the pool. His body is muscular perfection. I don’t even bother trying to hide my admiration.

  This man had taken my virginity, and since last night, he’s treated me like a queen, which is fine.

  Only … I don’t want to be treated like a queen. For so long he’s been the man starring in many of my fantasies. The man I imagine in place of all the heroes I read about in books. I want him. I crave him.

  Does he feel the same way about me?

  When we woke up this morning, I felt the evidence of his arousal pressing against my ass, but he disappeared to the bathroom.

  Old nerves and insecurities have started to rear their ugly heads, and I hate myself for it. If I say anything, will he put me over his knee and spank me?

  Biting my lip, I can’t help but wonder what he’d do to me.

  He breaks the surface at the edge of the pool, facing me, and climbs on out.

  Yeah, I’ve got a lot of dirty thoughts. Really bad, dirty thoughts. I want him again. My pussy is so wet just thinking about all the things I’ve read and watched. Would it be so hard to take charge?

  “I see all those dirty thoughts going on inside your head.”

  Tilting my head back, I cover my eyes, trying to hide from the glaring sun. It’s early morning, and it is already fierce.

  “What do you mean?”

  In answer, he presses his hand between my thighs, and I gasp. The action is so sure, so confident, and it makes me burn even brighter.

  “How about we make a deal?”

  “What kind of deal?”

  “You don’t lie to me, and you keep these clothes off.”

  “You want me naked.”

  He tugs on my bikini bottoms, and I don’t fight him as the fabric tears. Within a matter of seconds, the bikini is gone, and I’m all naked.

  The smile on his lips makes it hard for me to focus on anything else.

  “Spread your legs,” he says, stepping back.

  Opening my legs wide, I watch him, but his gaze is between my thighs.

  “Touch yourself. Stroke your pussy. Let me see you taking care of yourself.”

  I’ve played with myself many times, but with Mitch watching me, it feels a million times better, dirtier, and so right.

  “Let me see your clit and your cunt. That’s it. Now push two fingers inside yourself. Oh, baby, that’s fucking perfect. So sexy. Keep on pushing inside. Again, do it again.”

  It is hard to keep my eyes open as he is determined to make me lose my mind. He pushes down his boxer briefs and starts to stroke himself, going from the base of his cock up to the tip and back down again, drawing back his foreskin to reveal the bulbous tip.

  Pre-cum coats his cock, and I want to taste him.

  I’ve watched a lot of women sucking on cock, and seeing how magnificent he looks, like an Adonis or something like that, I want to be at his mercy.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  How does he do that?

  “I want to taste you.” My mouth is so dry, and he smiles, stepping forward.

  “Good, because I can think of nothing better than having those pretty lips wrapped around my dick.”

  He presses the tip to my lips, and I open up. Without warning, he slides inside, and I stare up the length of his body as he hits the back of my throat. For a split second, I worry, but he doesn’t give me a chance to panic as he pulls out. The tip slides across my lips, leaving a drop of his pearly white pre-cum.

  I lick it up, and he goes back into my mouth.

  I close my eyes, but Mitch has other ideas. He grips my hair, wrapping it around his fist, holding me in place. If I was to pull away, it would hurt.

  My nipples are so incredibly tight and my core aching. I feel like a slut, a wanton, dirty slut, and there’s nothing else I want more than to have him, than to be with him.

  “Don’t use your teeth. I don’t want you biting it off.”

  Heat fills my cheeks, but I make sure my teeth are nowhere near his length. This time as he slides into my mouth, only my lips touch him as I suck, hard. Saliva fills my mouth, and I try to swallow it down, only some dribbles out. His dick is completely coated as he begins to pump into my mouth. I don’t wipe the saliva from my chin. I hold his cock, working his length as I saw those women do, wanting to feel his cum fill my mouth.

  I’m terrified, excited, exhilarated, and desperate for more.

  He doesn’t stop until I take as much of him as I can. When he’s close, he tells me to be ready.

  “Don’t swallow. I want to see it in your mouth.”

  His words make me even wetter. I love his groan, and I wait as he fills my mouth with wave upon wave of his cum until it’s almost overflowing.

  Once he’s done, he stares down at my face, cupping my cheek.

  “Now swallow.”

  Closing my lips, I do as he says.

  “Let me see.”

my lips, I wait for him.

  “Good girl.”

  I cry out as he slams his lips down on mine, and kisses me. He grips my ass and surprises me again as he lifts me up in his arms. I’ll never get bored of the way he holds me. I feel like a princess in his arms.

  He doesn’t stop kissing me, not even when we get to the bed, or as he slides inside me. There’s a bit of pain, but nothing I can’t handle.

  Chapter Five


  Ava ran away from me, through the forest where a lot of tourists used to hike. We’d needed a break from the cabin because the four walls were driving me crazy, but also, I wanted to show Ava I wasn’t ashamed of being seen out with her. We had gotten to talking about our life back home, and she seemed to be under this impression we were going to remain a secret.

  Fuck that shit.

  There’s no way I’m keeping my feelings about her a secret. I love her, and I intend to get a ring on her finger, stat. I’m not a fool and I know someone will see what a precious gem she really is, and when that happens, I’m not going to be the one to lose her.

  I catch up to her, and wrap my arms around her waist. She’s laughing so hard as she leans forward, trying to get away from me.

  When I spin her around, she starts to giggle. I’ve not heard the sound enough.

  Pressing her up against the tree, I capture her hands, placing them above her head and hearing her moan just as I kiss her.

  Her body melts at my touch. When I thrust my cock against her, she lifts her leg up and begins to rub herself against me. It feels so good that I start to wonder why I even left our cabin.

  Ava breaks the kiss first, ducking down and running off.

  I let her go. I’ve already caught her, and there’s no chance of her ever letting go of me.

  Watching her run, I give her a few seconds to think she can get away from me, until I can’t handle it anymore.

  We pass some walkers, and I give them a nod before rushing past them. They don’t need to know my business.

  This time, when I catch her, I lift her off her feet, forcing her to wrap her legs around my waist. She holds the back of my neck, and I move off the path so no one can see us, circling a tree to shield us.

  “You’re being naughty,” she says.

  “I know what I’m doing.”

  “What if we get bitten by a bear?”

  “Then we were really unlucky.” I bite at her lips, letting out a growl.

  She laughs, and as she does, her pelvis rubs against my dick. “I need you. Let’s go back to the cabin, please.”

  I love hearing her beg.

  “I’m not moving from this spot.”

  “But I want you.”

  “You want my dick?” I ask. I love seeing the glint in her eye, the sparkle I’ve never seen her have with anyone else. This is exclusive to me, and I intend to keep it, to nurture it.


  “Then we don’t need to go to the cabin for you to enjoy that.”

  Her teeth sink into her lip, and she lets out a little gasp.

  “You can have it right here.” Keeping her pressed to the tree, I place one hand above her head, and with the other, I grip her ass. “You want it?”

  “But people could hear.”

  “Only if you don’t be quiet. What do you say, dirty girl? You want a little adventure?”


  “Then take out my dick. I’ll give you what you need.”

  She reached between us, loosening my jeans and taking out my cock. I’m so hard, and she scores my length against the pinch of the zipper. Letting out a hiss, I muffle the sound against her neck. Her actions are still so inexperienced. Where some men might be pissed, I love it. She’s all mine, and I’ll teach her everything she needs to know.

  “You better not be wearing any panties.”

  “I’m not.”

  I went through her suitcases and threw them all in the trash. I have a couple of pairs stored away for that time of the month. If I get my way, however, I want her knocked up. I wanted her bound to me in every single way that counts.




  Plain and simple.

  To some, I’m an asshole for doing this, but I’m the best man for Ava. I know what she needs. I’ve seen people hurt her one too many times, and I couldn’t do anything about it. This time, I’m going to do everything in my power for her to be happy.

  I tug her skirt up so there’s nothing between us.

  “Put me inside you.”

  She places my cock at her entrance. Her hand shakes a little, and I wait, patiently. Pre-cum is already leaking out of the tip.

  When I’m an inch inside her, I slam forward and press my palm against her mouth to contain the scream as I fill her tight cunt.

  Licking her pulse against her neck, I slowly rock in and out of her, taking more of her. In the distance I hear the sound of walking groups.

  Ava’s eyes go wide, but I don’t stop. I keep on fucking her.

  “Touch yourself,” I whisper to her.

  She shakes her head, and my grip on her ass tightens so she has no choice but to do as I ask.

  She gives in, moving those fingers against her clit, and I feel her pussy tighten around my length.

  Pulling out, I slide back inside. Over and over, I fuck her, making her have all of me even as people pass us. I don’t stop. She’s so close. The flutters of her pussy nearly send me over the edge, but I don’t give in. I wait.

  Only when she finds release, and the sounds of her orgasm are muffled by my hand, do I find mine. When I do, I fill her pussy and can’t stop. The pleasure is so intense, and I need more of her.

  I’m hungry for her.

  One lifetime will never be enough. Not for me. Not when it comes to Ava.



  I’ve lost track of how long I’ve been here. Sitting on the sofa, I watch Mitch in the kitchen. He’s making us up a stir-fry, and my thoughts are all a mess. We’ve been here forever, and yet, I don’t want to leave.

  What if leaving here, I have to go back home? Back to my mundane life of always wondering what it would be like with him. Now, I know, and can I go back to pretending not to want it? I love every waking and sleeping moment. From the moment I open my eyes and feel him surround me, I feel safe, happy, contented. I don’t want to be with anyone else.

  He is all I want.

  All I need.

  “Good book?” he asks.

  “I’m not really reading it.” I’ve not done a whole lot of reading since I arrived here. I love this cabin. I love my time with Mitch.

  I love … Mitch.

  It’s not a big shock to me. I knew he meant something to me long before this revelation. I just didn’t realize how much.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, moving around the kitchen counter to capture my face before giving me a kiss.

  What is wrong with me? I’m scared of losing him?

  I don’t want to be alone, and I know if we leave here, there’s a risk of that. It’s so strong, I can feel my heart breaking. It’s so acute, so sharp, so everything.

  Mitch smells like peppers and onions.

  “Shoot, I don’t want to burn the food.”

  He kisses the top of my head before walking away. I watch him as he finishes splashing in some soy sauce and a little honey before working the noodles and vegetables together by tossing the ingredients. He looks very chef-y as he does this. He serves us both up in two bowls, with chopsticks to eat with.

  We don’t sit at the kitchen counter but take our food into the sitting room. Staring across the room, I’m very much aware of him beside me.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see his legs. It’s not a big thing, but they remind me of how he feels as he slides inside me, his thighs keeping mine spread open, taking him. The memory brings an instant pool of heat in my groin.

  “So, when we head back home, I wanted to know if you’d like to li
ve in my country home or my penthouse apartment, or back in our old neighborhood?”

  “You have a country home and a penthouse apartment as well?” I’m shocked.

  Mitch chuckles. “I think I forgot to tell you. I’m wealthy. Worth a couple of million. We can move around and live wherever you want.”

  I take a bite of my chicken, feeling a little nervous.

  He’s rich?

  “Erm, I don’t know.”

  “Well, as much as I’d like to stay here forever, I want to put your touch on my other places. I think you’ll like them.”

  Does this mean he wants me to be part of his life?

  My heart skips a beat. Mitch is always surprising me.

  “I … I’m a little confused right now.”

  He doesn’t speak, simply takes the bowl of food from my hands and places both bowls on the coffee table.

  My heart is pounding. I’m so scared and panicked and also a little excited, especially when he goes on one knee.

  “Ava, I don’t want our time to come to an end in this cabin. I also don’t want you to think I’m hiding you away as some kind of secret. Far from it.” He reaches out, stroking some hair behind my ear.

  Biting my lip, I watch him, hungry for more of his touch. For more of him. I don’t want him to stop, so when he takes my lips, I cup his face, kissing him back.

  “Ava, I want you to come and live with me. To be part of my life and I want to give you the world. College, whatever else your heart desires. I’ll cook for you as well.”

  It’s not an admission of love, but it is something, and I can handle all the rest. Pressing my lips against his, I kiss him hard, sliding my tongue across his mouth how he’s showed me. During my time here, Mitch has shown me a great deal, from how to kiss, to exploring his body.

  He draws me down onto the rug beside the fireplace. It’s too hot to have a fire, but one day we may do it in the colder months. Mitch strips out of his clothes, and I help him by ridding my body of my own until we’re both completely naked.

  This is different. He kisses his way down my body, lavishing attention on each breast before moving between my spread legs. His cock finds my entrance and slides in deep. He doesn’t go fast.


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