Sin and Discipline

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Sin and Discipline Page 25

by Lily White

  This girl was going to destroy me, but not before I learned what it felt like to come inside her, what it felt like to mark her as my own.

  Still, I wasn’t a complete dick. I wouldn’t force her into this if she wasn’t ready. “Are you sure you want this?” I asked, my finger sinking deeper inside her.

  Amelia nodded, her arms trembling to hold her weight. “I trust you,” she answered, “just do me a favor and make sure I like it.”

  Breath rattled over my lips, my cock jumping beneath my pants at what she’d offered.

  Pulling my hand from her, I bent down to grab the lube I’d dropped on the floor earlier and stood up again to unbutton my pants. My cock sprang free, like a damn missile seeking her body.

  Gripping her hips, I warmed her up by thrusting inside her pussy, her muscles clenching around me as my name poured over her lips. Our bodies were in perfect sync as I pumped inside her, filling her as far as I could go, pushing her until I knew another orgasm was just on the horizon.

  Reaching around her, I pinched her clit, the sound of our skin slapping together a heady beat that harmonized with the sounds rolling up from her throat.

  Unscrewing the tube, I squeezed out a generous amount of lube onto my fingers, circling over her ass as I stretched that tight hole with my fingers.

  Amelia came instantly, her body opening up to me as I pulled free of her pussy and notched myself at her ass.

  Pinching her clit one more time, I pushed the head of my cock inside her, my voice hoarse when I said, “Just remember, beautiful, that all of you belongs to me.”

  Careful not to force myself in too fast, I continued working her body as my cock sunk inside. Once I was fully seated, I knew I wouldn’t last long.

  Amelia was practically purring as I began to move deep within her body, my hands moving to hold her still as I took all that she would give.

  Sweat beaded at my temples, a climax rushing through me with such violence that I came as a grunt rolled over my lips, my cum spurting hot and thick as waves of pleasure rolled through me.

  My name was a prayer on her lips as we both came down from the orgasms that threatened to drown us beneath turbulent waters. And after pulling myself free, I kissed a trail down her spine, laughing when her voice whispered a question.

  “Did I pass my exam?”

  Slapping her on the ass, I picked her up and cradled her against my chest

  “Oh yes, Miss Dillon. I think you passed with flying colors.”



  Sweat dripped down my temples, my back aching and my forearms shaking from the position I’d held for over six hours. Unable to understand why Lennon was so adamant about making me endure this, I huffed out a breath, my eyes closing with exhaustion.

  He wouldn’t stop, not even for small breaks to allow me to regain my strength. It was as if a demon had crawled beneath his skin to take up residence, one whispering relentlessly that Lennon didn’t have to worry about breaking me beneath his demands, that I could keep going without complaint.

  “Lennon, please-“

  He stood behind me, his hands squeezing down on my shoulders. “Don’t argue with me, Amelia. Remember the rules. No questions and no complaints.”

  I wanted to cry, to beg, to plead. Somehow I knew it wouldn’t do me a lick of good, not when he was in this mood.

  For the past three weeks, he’d been this way. Ever since the afternoon he came home and found me waiting for him in his hat and suspenders. Ever since that afternoon I let him take the last part of me I had to give.

  Three weeks of hell.

  Three weeks he has been a demanding monster.

  Three weeks that had turned a man, who still had the ability to turn me on with nothing more than a look, into an absolute nightmare.

  “You’re not giving me everything, Amelia. Do it again.”

  “I’m tired!” I yelled, my eyes bleary and my heart pounding with the anger I was fighting to contain. “Can we please take a break?”

  I’d played Mozart’s Piano Sonata No 16 in C Major so many times now that I could hear it in my head as I fell asleep at night. Nothing I could do now would make my performance of it any better. It killed me that he didn’t understand that.

  His hands released my shoulders to latch onto my hips. Instantly, he lifted me from the piano bench, spun me in place and pushed me back against the keyboard.

  The hammers pounded on the strings, a jarring sound that blended with the screech of the bench legs scraping across the stone floor as he kicked it away.

  What had gotten into him? The question echoed through my mind as his eyes caught mine, that damn navy blue storm catching me in its sensual violence.

  Holding me in place, he stepped between my legs, his head lowering so that his mouth was a teasing inch from mine. The heat of his breath brushed across my cheeks and I shivered beneath the knowledge that he was ten seconds away from spanking my ass for daring to argue with him about this.

  Whenever it came to practicing, Lennon wasn’t hearing my complaints. Not anymore, at least. Ever since he was fired and replaced by Mrs. Crux, he was driving me to tears day in and day out, demanding I become as disciplined as him.

  It was like he was possessed.

  Catching my chin between his fingers, he locked my face with his, his gaze holding mine, daring me to look away.

  “There is no way in hell, I’m allowing you to fail in this, Amelia. You will win that scholarship, and if I have to tame the brat that keeps surfacing whenever you get tired or frustrated, I will. Your new teacher chooses between you and Jillian this afternoon, and I’ll be damned to let that bitch ruin this for you.”

  Tears welled in my eyes because the brat he was referencing was front and center at that moment. I wanted to yell and scream, kick out my damn legs and toss myself on the ground, anything to make him stop standing over me like a damn monster, his constant critiques crushing my spirit when I fumbled my fingers over the keys from exhaustion.

  Glaring back at him, I snapped, my patience pushed to the damn limit because I couldn’t make sense of why this was so important to him. Did he want to get rid of me that badly? Was he hoping that the scholarship would force me away so that he could waltz back into his regular life without feeling guilty for leaving me behind?

  It didn’t feel that way at first, but over these last few weeks, suspicion had crept into my thoughts. Every night we fucked like we’d never get enough of each other. Even if I was exhausted from practicing and could barely move my arms, I still met him move for move in bed, my mind lost to endless orgasms before we both crashed into deep sleep.

  Yet, every morning, the distance between us returned. Not on my end, all on his, so obvious that it gripped at my heart and made it difficult to play after we finished breakfast and he rushed me to the piano.

  I was done with the back and forth, done with whatever was driving him to treat me this way.

  “How the hell am I supposed to play well enough for her to choose me if you’re breaking me over the keys right now?”

  My voice was a lot louder than necessary, but I couldn’t help it. He’d pushed me too far. “My arms hurt. My back is killing me. My ass is sore from the fucking spankings you keep giving me, and I’m starving! I know the piece as well as I’ll ever know it, and if it’s not good enough to beat Jillian, then I guess this scholarship wasn’t meant to be.”

  Yes, we’d come a long way from the playful Lennon who only threatened to paint my ass red. Not that I was complaining so much about it, especially not after he drove his cock inside me so hard after slapping my ass that I could feel the head impact my cervix.

  But still, his attitude had only gotten darker with each passing day, something fraying his last nerve when it came to me that made it impossible to impress him when I played.

  His fingers clutched my chin tighter, a grin curling the corner of his lips in response to my outburst.

  “Is that how little your future mean
s to you? So little that you’ll just shrug and toss it all away? What are you going to do with your life if you don’t get into Hastings? Go back to your brother and the back alley schemes he convinced you to take part in to make fucking pennies?”

  Even though his voice was so calm it was sending chills across my body, I could see pure rage behind his eyes. This was the first time I’d truly stuck up for myself against him, and to be completely honest, it was pretty much a given I wasn’t winning.

  The keys of the piano pressed into my ass, undoubtedly leaving an indentation.

  “Please, Lennon. I can’t keep going like this. It’s killing me. And no I wouldn’t go back to doing what Ben wants. I’ll find something else.”

  My words only served to piss him off more. Pushing away from me, he stabbed his hand through his hair, pacing the floor in front of me like a caged tiger.

  “You have another two weeks after this, Amelia. Then the final competition and you have to be ready for this. Yes, I’m being hard on you, but you’re acting like you can just skate by without putting in the effort it takes.”

  “All I do is play and fuck!” Weird combination, but it was true.

  “That’s it. We hardly even talk anymore unless it’s you telling me how many times I messed up a measure, or how irritated you are I can’t run certain scales as perfectly as you want.”

  His eyes met mine, his hair a mess around his head that made me want to reach out and run my fingers through it. Even when he was pissed off, he drew me in like a moth to a flame, and it was going to kill me when the day came where we had to say goodbye.

  And maybe that’s why I didn’t care about the scholarship as much as I used to. I’d fallen in love with a man who would eventually walk away.

  The scholarship was only an excuse for him to do so without feeling one ounce of remorse for doing it.

  Without consideration for what it would do to us, I said what I was thinking, just cast the thought out for him to examine and verify was true. “You only care that I get into Hastings because it gives you a reason to go back to your normal life and forget you ever knew me.”

  He stilled in place, his head snapping my direction as his blue eyes locked with mine. A single tick of his strong jaw told me I’d hit that nail directly on the head.

  So dark, his voice, my spine straightening and my muscles tightening over my bones just to hear it.

  “Are you telling me you’d be willing to toss your future away over a man? Just like that? You work your entire life and then spread your legs for somebody and none of it matters anymore?”

  Lennon stalked toward me, caging me against the piano, his hands locking down on the sides beside my hips. The edge of the keys pressed deeper into the cheeks of my ass, his chest practically vibrating against mine.

  “I already lost one person to the same bullshit you’re spouting now. And if you think I’m going to stand back and let it happen again, then you might as well pack your shit and head home. If you’re in this house, you’re pushing yourself to become what we both know you can. But if you want to give up like Emaline did, then you are not the woman I first thought you were.”

  Surprise burst through me, my mouth falling open as my eyes searched his.

  Emaline was why he was doing this to me. His sister was the reason he wouldn’t let up and allow me even a second to breathe.

  Before I could respond, he pushed away from me again, his steps a heavy beat over the floors as he crossed the room to leave.

  Without bothering to look back at me, he called out, “It’s your decision, Amelia. Either you’re here to learn how to win that scholarship, or you’re headed home because you’re stupid enough to believe that a man is worth more than your future.”


  I called out to him, but he didn’t stop. Launching from the piano, I chased after him, my eyes watering as I yelled, “I’m not your sister. That’s not fair.”

  But he wasn’t listening.

  From the kitchen, I heard a door slam and I knew he’d left the house entirely. Turning, I ran through the house just in time to open the front door and watch his SUV speed out of the driveway, the engine loud as he gunned it down the street.

  My heart shattered as his taillights retreated into the distance, flashing red only briefly before he turned left and was out of sight.

  Sliding down against the open door, my body shook with violent sobs, my mind racing over the answer as to why he’d been so adamant that I win the scholarship.

  I wasn’t his sister. I wasn’t a woman so heartbroken that I would toss away my life. Yes, I’d wanted this scholarship since as far back as I could remember, but that didn’t mean it was the only thing in this world I was allowed to want.

  Life isn’t always portioned out into neat little slices, sometimes our desires intersect and rip us apart. I wanted the scholarship, but I loved a man who couldn’t follow me into that life. One I would have to let go so I could cling onto the other. When it came down to what was best for me, I wasn’t sure what choice to make.

  Not that I was even sure I had a choice.

  Not while Lennon was running as fast as he could in the opposite direction, placing distance between us as the summer was coming to an end.

  Eventually, I found the strength to push myself back to my feet. I found the strength to go inside and get ready for my performance. And somehow, I managed to make the drive to the school without losing myself to the tears that were constantly threatening my eyes.

  I wasn’t sure of anything anymore. Not Hastings or Lennon. But what I hoped would happen as soon as I walked into the classroom today to reveal my soul through the music I played was that Mrs. Crux would see my talent as deserving, while ignoring the truth that my soul had just been crushed.

  . . .

  “Please, ladies, take a seat.”

  Mrs. Crux motioned with her hand for Jillian and I to sit down as soon as we stepped inside the classroom. Jillian had performed earlier that morning, while I’d finished my performance prior to taking a half hour break. During that break, Mrs. Crux had kept the classroom door closed and I’d gone outside to warm myself in the sun. Too much was weighing on my shoulders, my thoughts racing back to Lennon as soon as my fingers lifted from the piano keys.

  Unfortunately, Jillian arrived within minutes of my escape outside and my body had gone cold again from the anger I felt for her.

  In a way, her lies had pushed Lennon to a point where he felt the need to run me ragged on the piano - her lies had created a situation that woke a memory in him that he had somehow connected to his present relationship with me.

  I wasn’t mad at Lennon for the argument we had, but I hated Jillian more than I’d ever hated another person for the role she’d played in what was happening to me.

  Taking my seat, I ignored the way Jillian cast me one last condescending glance over her shoulder, her lips tilting up at the corners as if she knew I would be walking out of this classroom today while she moved on to the final competition. I won’t lie and say I wasn’t intimidated by her expression. In truth, I wondered if Lennon’s promotion of me in the class didn’t have more to do with our relationship than it did my actual talent.

  Clearing her throat, Mrs. Crux stood in front of the teacher’s desk, her hands clasped elegantly in front of her while her brown eyes peered out at us from behind black-rimmed glasses. My gaze wandered to the silver streaks in her brown hair, and to the motion of her pearl eyeglass chain swinging at the sides of her face.

  “I want to let both of you know that I was impressed with your talent and skill. As I’ve explained before, due to certain unfortunate circumstances that occurred in this class prior to my arrival, I extended the weeks for both of you so that I could develop a fair assessment of your skills. Having worked with both of you individually, I feel I’ve made a decision that is informed and unbiased, but please know it wasn’t an easy one to make.”

  My foot was tapping frantically against the ground, my
fingers clinging to the sides of my desk. What would happen if Jillian won?

  What would that mean for Lennon and me?

  “Well, it’s best to just rip off the bandage.” Mrs. Crux turned to Jillian. “Miss Bates...”

  My heart fell into my stomach as soon as Jillian’s name was said. My shoulders dropped with the weight of defeat, my stomach churning with the fear that this moment would not only drive a nail into the coffin of my future in music, but also give Lennon the final excuse he needed to walk away and leave me behind to return to his usual life.

  “...although you have the talent it takes to do well at Hastings and move on into a career involving music, I have decided that for this particular competition, you will not be moving forward.”



  Jillian’s chair legs screeched across the floor as she launched to her feet, her hair swinging over her shoulder as she turned to glare back at me.

  Her face was neon red, anger flashing behind her eyes as she snatched her bag without saying a word in response to Mrs. Crux. Jillian stormed out of the classroom, leaving Mrs. Crux staring after her, while I sat in utter and complete shock.

  When brown eyes turned my direction, I met them with my own, my body shaking from the adrenaline rush from learning I hadn’t been cut from the program, and that, in fact, I would be competing in the final.

  “Congratulations, Miss Dillon. We only have two weeks for you to prepare. Have you selected which piece you’ll be playing for the final competition?”

  I couldn’t seem to find my voice to answer her, so instead, I shook my head. She smiled at me and tapped her fingers against her palm. “Well, you have until Monday to figure it out. The choice is yours.”

  Floating on cloud nine and operating on autopilot, I gathered my things and thanked Mrs. Crux before leaving the classroom. There was an added skip to my step as I walked the hall toward the exit door, my lips pulling into a smile as reality settled into my thoughts that I really had a shot at going to Hastings.


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