Savage Kings MC Box Set 2

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Savage Kings MC Box Set 2 Page 41

by Lane Hart

  Climbing up behind him, my thighs hug his hips as I situate my feet on the pegs and then wind my arms around Sax’s waist to hold on tight.

  “I guess I’m your prisoner,” I joke with a smile as he pulls on his helmet.

  “Oh, you have no idea,” he responds with a chuckle before he cranks the engine.

  On the two and a half hour ride back from to the coast, I try to decide if I’m going to stay with Sax tonight after whatever he has planned, or if I should just get into my car and hit the road, heading up to my next stop, which is Charlotte for a bar gig the day after tomorrow before catching a flight to the United Kingdom to get to Bristol before the International Balloon Fiesta.

  Part of me wants nothing more than to join Sax on his boat again, sail it out into the ocean and forget the rest of the world exists for a while.

  And that’s the part that scares me the most, because I can’t let myself get so attached to him that leaving tomorrow is impossible.

  On the other hand, he did promise me a tattoo from an amazing artist…

  Sure, I could find someone else to ink my cherry blossoms, but how would I know if they’re any good? Sax has a monster of a tattoo on his back, the Savage King MC skull king logo and words, so I trust his judgment on such things.

  I’m starting to realize I trust him more than I should for a man I haven’t known very long. Damn those orgasm endorphins!

  I have to say that after placing my trust in him, the last place I expected him to take me when we got back to the coast is the Carteret County Sheriff’s Department.

  As soon as Sax kills the engine, we both climb off and remove our helmets, eager to get the sensation back in our legs. Then, I turn to him and ask, “Are you stopping here to ask for directions?”

  “Not exactly,” he responds and then his lips are on mine and his hands are pulling me closer, exploring my curves. Moving his mouth down my neck to lick and suck, stealing my breath, he tells me, “You have no idea how many times I almost pulled over to get inside of you. Having your legs around me for that long, while not being able to touch you was torture.”

  “Sorry?” I gasp as his hands slip up the outsides of my thighs, heading under my dress to squeeze my ass cheeks. I’m so distracted that I don’t notice anyone approaching us.

  At least not until a woman’s voice says from behind me, “Saxon Cole and Isobel Washington, you’re both under arrest for, eh, indecent exposure.”

  Sax lifts his mouth from my neck, then tells the unknown woman, “If you think this is indecent, then you should’ve been there when we were skinny dipping in the ocean last night.”

  “I’ll have to take your word for it,” she says on a sigh.

  Removing his palms from under my skirt, Sax reaches down to grab my hands and place them both at the small of my back. “Cuff her, Sheriff. I’ve already frisked her for you.”

  My eyes widen and my jaw drops when the metal snaps tightly over each of my wrists. “This was what you had planned?” I ask Sax.

  “You’re the crazy woman who has spend a night in jail on her bucket list,” he says with a chuckle.

  Spinning around to face the woman who is conducting my fake arrest, I tell her, “Don’t go easy on me.”

  “Whatever you say,” the young, pretty brunette snorts. “Are you going into the cell with her?” she asks Sax.

  “Yep,” he answers.

  “Come on, then. If this is some weird kink, I don’t even want to know,” she tells us with a chuckle.

  “Like you and your husband never break out the cuffs in the bedroom,” Sax says, and I swear the sheriff’s cheeks redden.

  Chapter Ten


  Being locked up with Isobel is much more fun than when her father locked me up alone.

  “So, is being arrested everything you thought it would be?” I ask her as I pull her down onto my lap, sitting her sideways since I’m taking up the single metal chair. There are two beds, but the floor looks more comfortable.

  “It smells worse than I imagined,” she says with her nose wrinkled up adorably.

  “No shit,” I agree with a grunt.

  “And it’s so loud,” she adds, obviously referring to the man chanting “Give me freedom, or give me death!” over and over again, the words echoing off the concrete walls. Fisting the front of my cut, she brushes her lips over mine and says, “But I’m glad you’re here with me. I doubt it would be as much fun alone.”

  “Anything to keep you around a little longer,” I tell her sincerely. She seems so set on leaving me already, and I’ve realized that I don’t just want her to stay because of her father. I really adore this woman.

  “Well, I have been thinking about that tattoo tomorrow,” she replies while biting down on her bottom lip.

  “Oh, yeah?” I ask in surprise. I half expected her to give me the same spiel about having to keep moving as soon as we’re released from our cell in the morning.

  “If your artist friend is available, then I would like for him to ink me.”

  “Any ideas on what you want Gabe to design and where you’ll put it?” I ask her, relieved and excited about her staying in town a little longer. Now I just need to figure out some reason to convince her to stay longer – as in months – and go back into nursing.

  “I was thinking of a cherry blossom that starts here,” Isobel says pointing to the spot right below her hipbone. “And ends about here, with a lifelike butterfly sitting on it.” Her finger trails down her upper thigh and I can just picture the pink flowers inked right alongside her sweet little pussy. I’m not a huge fan of having another man doing the job, though. If it has to be someone, at least it will be Gabe. I completely trust him to not just to do a killer design, but to keep his eyes and hands to himself. It doesn’t hurt that I know about his secret conjugal visits with Ian…

  “What do you think?” Isobel asks, glancing over her shoulder to see my reaction.

  “I bet it’ll look amazing,” I tell her truthfully before I grab her face to turn it toward me so I can kiss her lips.

  “Now, how would you feel about adding have sex in a jail cell to your bucket list?” I suggest.

  “Sounds good to me,” she whispers.

  “From what I hear, it can get pretty dirty,” I warn her.

  “I can take it.”

  “Can you?” I ask.

  “Oh yeah,” she agrees. “But then this is it. No more sex for us. No more orgasms.”

  “I guess we better make it count,” I tell her before I grab the back of her neck to tip her backward and kiss her. Isobel grips my shoulders hard as if she’s afraid I would let her fall. She’s right not to trust me, but I’ve got her right now. She isn’t going anywhere unless I want her to.

  “I have you,” I say against her lips before I deepen our kiss. I feel the moment her body relaxes, giving herself over to me. I could do anything I wanted to her and she would let me. It’s wrong for me to take advantage of her, but I can’t seem to resist putting my hands on her, kissing her, being inside of her.

  And while she may claim this will be the last time we’re together, I think she’ll make an exception to her three orgasms per man rule. She has to. Everything is riding on me convincing her to stay and go back to being her father’s perfect daughter again.

  For now, all I want is to worship her body. Hopefully, I’ll give it to her so good that she’ll keep wanting more.


  Being with Sax is dangerous. He makes me feel too much when I’m supposed to be keeping things between us physical without any emotions.

  But he looks at me like I’m more than an extended one-night stand. And when he kisses me, I can’t help it, I melt.

  So enough with his deep, soulful kisses. It’ll be hard to keep our mouths on each other if I’m riding him. When I remove my lips from his, Sax pulls me back up and I’m able to throw my leg over his to straddle him.

  “Mmm,” I say as I look down between my legs and see the bulge in his jean
s. “You’re nice and hard already.”

  “I think just seeing you is enough to make my dick swell,” Sax responds. “Now take it out of my pants and ride it.”

  “With pleasure,” I purr as I unzip his pants. Once they’re undone, I push them and his boxer briefs down past his knees, then take his shaft into my hand, stroking it in a tight fist a few times.

  “Damn that feels so good,” Sax grunts before his fingers get to work unzipping my sleeveless leather dress all the way down the center until it’s completely open and falls to the floor, leaving me in nothing but my panties.

  All it takes is Sax’s finger hooking in the side of the lacy crotch to pull them to the side and then he watches my face, waiting for me to lower myself down on him. I take him inside of me slowly, savoring every inch, knowing this will be the last time we’ll be together like this.

  My eyes slam shut as my body stretches and he fills me up so deeply I can barely breath.

  Finally, when I’m fully seated on him, I blink open my eyes to look at Sax’s face as I start to ride him. Just before I start to move, something outside of the bars catches my eye. There’s a young, uniformed sheriff’s deputy standing in the hallway watching us.

  Leaning my lips forward to Sax’s ear, I whisper, “We have an observer.”

  “Oh yeah?” he asks, not sounding all that surprised since we’re in a cell with only prison bars separating us from the rest of the room. “Want me to run him off?” he asks while both of his hands come up to cup my bare breasts and give them a squeeze, making me gasp and my inner walls tighten around his still fully sheathed cock.

  “No,” I reply. “Having someone watch is making this even hotter.”

  “Then let’s give him a good fucking show,” Sax says, releasing one of my breasts to give my ass cheek a loud, burning slap. “Fuck me until you come so hard and loud, he makes a hot little mess in his pants.”

  “Yes, sir,” I agree as I grip Sax’s firm shoulders for support. I lift my hips until his cock almost slips out of me before slamming back down on him again so hard that I cry out.

  “More. Fuck yes,” Sax growls through gritted teeth as I slide up and down his cock faster and faster.

  Neither of us are capable of words after that, only grunts and groans as we race toward the finish line because we feel so fucking good together. Sax watches my face with heavy-lidded eyes as his hands roam urgently over my breasts, down my sides and around to my ass like he can’t decide what part of me he enjoys more.

  Every once in a while, I sneak a peek over at our voyeur and nearly come when I watch him undo his brown uniform pants to shove his hand down inside. He’s so turned on watching us that he was forced to give himself some relief. God, there’s something incredibly hot about watching an attractive guy, a law-abiding sheriff’s deputy, jacking off while Sax is buried inside of me. Just watching us is making him so horny he can’t help himself. If all three of us get off, does this count as a ménage à trois? It’s close enough that I plan to check it off my bucket list later.

  “Both of us are about to make you come, aren’t we?” Sax asks as he glances over his shoulder at the guard and then back to me. He doesn’t sound jealous. No, it’s more like he’s intrigued and also titillated by the notion.

  “Yes,” I answer.

  “God, you’re perfect,” Sax says before his mouth leans forward and his teeth close around my nipple, making me let loose a scream just as my pussy starts to clench around his thick cock. He sucks on my breast through my entire orgasm, dragging it out longer than any before.

  Then, when my body goes limp against his, Sax grips my hips tightly and thrusts his shaft upward as deep as he can go. While he growls my name, I feel the warm pulses of his release filling me, so hot and thick I almost come again. But this is it, I’ve already enjoyed the last orgasm this man can give me. Three times with Sax may have been too many, because it’s nearly impossible for me to release the hold I have on his shoulders.

  Hearing a choked grunting noise, I glance over and watch as the guard plants his free hand on the wall and then shoots his cum onto the paint.

  “He’s making a mess…on the wall,” I whisper to Sax.

  “Good for him,” he says with a chuckle before his palms cup both of my ass cheeks, squeezing them hard while his mouth finds mine for a hot, sensual kiss.

  When he finally pulls away a few minutes later, Sax says, “If being watched wasn’t on your bucket list, it should’ve been.”

  “No shit,” I agree with a smile that he kisses swiftly.

  “Now what are we going to do for the remaining seven hours I told Jade to keep us in here?” he asks.

  “We should probably clean up,” I suggest. “And then we can cuddle in the tiny, rock-like bed to soak up all the happiness we can from those hard-earned endorphins.”

  “Deal,” Sax agrees with a goofy grin that’s adorable and worrisome. It can only be sex between us, nothing else.

  But I get the feeling that this man is different, and I may never forget him when I leave tomorrow.

  Chapter Eleven


  I’m not all that concerned when Gabe doesn’t answer his cell or shop phone the first time I try him. It’s early, before he’s supposed to open up, so he’s probably out.

  I start to worry half an hour later when he’s still not picking up.

  “What’s wrong?” Isobel asks when she comes up on the boat’s deck wearing nothing but one of my t-shirts after our joint-shower following our short stint in jail. Imagining her leaving me later today and never coming back is unbearable, not just because everyone I care about will end up spending the rest of their lives in prison, but because I’m truly starting to care about her.

  “Gabe isn’t answering his phone, which is unusual,” I tell Isobel when I wrap my arm around her waist to pull her onto my lap.

  “Why is that unusual? Don’t most people text nowadays?” she jokes with a smile.

  “Maybe, but the Savage Kings have burner phones that only we use, pretty much for emergencies or whatever. And he’s not answering in the shop where he also lives.”

  “I’m sure you’ll get him soon.”

  “Yeah,” I agree. “Let’s just head on over,” I suggest since my gut says that something is wrong. If we get to the shop and Gabriel isn’t there or hasn’t called me back, I’ll try to get in touch with his brother Abe to see if he knows where he’s gone.

  “This is the place?” Isobel asks when we pull up to Savage Ink’s empty parking lot and I kill my bike’s engine.

  “It is, but Gabe’s bike’s not here. He must still be out,” I tell her. “The shop officially opens in five minutes, so he should be back any minute.”

  I’m off my bike first, holding out my palm to help Isobel down. Her hand is still in mine when I feel a few of her fingers twitch.

  “You okay?” I ask her in concern.

  “Yeah, yeah,” she replies quickly, pulling her hand away from mine to tug on the hem of her dress. “I’m just a little nervous about the needle I guess.”

  “There’s nothing to it,” I assure her. “Although your hip may be a little more sensitive than my back.” When she remains quiet, her eyes downcast, staring at the pavement, lost in her own thoughts, I ask, “Are you still sure you want to do this? You don’t have to.”

  “No, I’m ready,” she says, lifting her face to mine with a smile now curving her lips. “I was just thinking that I’ll be glad to get back to my car afterward so I can change clothes.”

  “I personally love the leather dress,” I tell her, winding my arm around her waist to drag her body up against mine.

  “I sort of prefer jeans and a tee,” Isobel says.

  “Bet you’re sexy as hell in those too.” I’ve just pressed my lips to the side of her neck when the sound of a revving engine interrupts. “That’s probably Gabe,” I tell her before his Harley is even in sight. A second later, he whips it into the parking lot, in a hurry since he’s almost
late to open. Spotting us, he lifts one hand to wave.

  “How embarrassing,” Isobel leans up to whisper in my ear as Gabe parks next to my bike. “You two are wearing the exact same outfit.”

  Smiling, I jokingly say to her, “Then I guess I’ll just have to insist that he change into something else.”

  “Hey, man, I didn’t know you were waiting for me,” Gabe tells us as he climbs off his bike and quickly removes his helmet. Tucking it under his arm, he retrieves his flip phone from the inside zipper of his cut. “Missed your calls while I was on the road too,” he says, holding up the device with the notifications on the screen.

  “Sorry to drop in like this with no notice, Gabe,” I start. “But Isobel here was hoping you could maybe ink her today.”

  “Sure thing,” he says as his dark eyes swing over to the girl in my arms. “I’ve got an hour or so free this morning. How big of a piece are we talking?” he asks, putting his phone away to pull his keys out of his jean pocket as the three of us start walking toward the front door.

  Neither Isobel nor I get a chance to answer before the earth-shaking BOOM erupts behind us.

  “Oh fuck,” Gabriel mutters as we all spin around at the sound and see the black smoke billowing into the air about half a mile down the strip. “Was that…” he starts. “Do you think that was Avalon?”

  “God, I hope not,” I mutter. “Let’s go find out,” I say, wrapping my arm around Isobel’s shoulders and guiding her to the motorcycle just as an invisible force from behind us knocks us to the ground. It only takes me a few seconds to realize the cause of it and then I’m diving on top of Isobel, covering her as a roaring blast of heat passes over us and unknown objects rain down on my back and my head. I’m guessing it’s shards of glass from the windows along with pieces of bricks that were once the walls of Gabe’s tattoo studio.


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