Touch Me: A Forbidden Romance

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Touch Me: A Forbidden Romance Page 10

by Jenika Snow

  “God, Elijah,” she panted.

  “You’ll come all over my face, Freya, make my mouth and chin all fucking juicy and slick with that sweet cream of yours.” He moved his mouth over the small of her back, along the line of her spine, and up to the back of her neck. When he felt her lift her ass and grind it into his cock, he knew it was time to taste her sweet fucking pussy, delivering on his promise.

  Spearing his hand in her hair and tangling the long strands in his fingers, he pulled her head back gently to expose her throat. He’d been so gentle with her that first time over a year ago, not as rough and demanding as he’d liked when fucking. But they’d been together long enough that he didn’t hold back anymore.

  “I love you so damn much, Freya,” he groaned, smoothing his hand over her chest and cupping one of her big breasts. “I’d die for you, baby. Hell, I’d kill for you.” He might be a businessman in Armani suits, but deep down, for this woman, he could and would do whatever it took to make sure she was his, and that nothing happened to her.

  She was it for him.

  “I love you, too,” she moaned out those words.

  He didn’t lessen his hold on her hair when he moved his other hand down to take hold of one of her ass cheeks. Elijah gripped the big, spongy flesh, wanting to leave his handprint on her body.

  After a few seconds, he moved back down her length, and when he reached her ass, he spread the cheeks wide. Taking in the sight of that tight hole he wanted to fuck, Elijah felt his throat dry. He lowered his gaze to her pussy and saw her little hole slightly gaping for him as if she was begging for his cock. She was wet, so fucking wet her cream had her inner thighs glossy.

  He flattened his tongue and ran it up and down her cleft, then sucked her clit into his mouth until she was thrusting her pussy on his face, grinding herself against him.

  Elijah licked at her swollen, damp flesh several more times before finally pulling away. He moved away from her pussy, up the slender line between the cheeks of her ass, and licked her asshole over and over again. He grunted at the clean, fresh soapy flavor and scent of her. Dragging his tongue over that puckered hole, he pressed his tongue inside until he felt her clench around him. He could have gotten off right then.

  He couldn’t take anymore. He needed her right now.

  After pouring the lube over her asshole, he made sure she was good and slicked up for him.

  Rising above her and grabbing his cock, he poised the tip of his dick at the entrance of her ass. He gripped her waist in a tight hold with one hand, knowing there was no more time for teasing. He didn’t have any more self-control. He started pushing his dick into her slowly, stretching her wide so his dick could get past the tight ring of muscle at the entrance. Her flesh stretched around him, the pink becoming slightly pale in color because his dick was big and her ass was so small. But she’d take him; she always took all of him.

  “You feel so fucking good,” he gasped those words. And then he slid all the way in, pushing right into the tight muscle.

  When he was deep inside her, his balls pressed tightly to her pussy, his cock full in her ass, he stilled. Breathing heavily while trying to get his bearings, Elijah stared down at his woman. Her back was arched, her head tilted to the side, and her lips parted.

  “You feel how deep I’m inside you?”

  She nodded. “God, yes.”

  “You’re so fucking tight and hot, baby.” He closed his eyes, and when she tightened her inner muscles around him, he thrust his hips forward slightly, not able to control himself. A deep groan left him, and he snapped his eyes open. He pressed his hand to the center of her back, adding pressure until she was now resting her chest on the mattress with her ass still in the air.

  He started pulling out of her slowly, and when just the crown of his dick was lodged inside her, he shoved back in. He did this three times before he pushed into her maybe a little too hard because she moved up the bed an inch. But she didn’t complain, and instead, a gasp of pleasure left her.

  “That is so fucking it.” Sweat started to bead along his brow. His pulse began racing, and he really started fucking her ass then. In, out, faster and faster, he pumped into her until his balls were slapping her wet pussy. The way she clenched around his cock had his orgasm rushing to the surface.

  He fucked her long and hard, and soon, a slick sheen of sweat coated both of their bodies. “I’m never going to get enough, Freya. You’ll always be mine, and I’ll always be yours.”

  “Yes, Elijah. God, yes.”

  He slammed into her, and she cried out in pleasure. “No one will have you but me. No one will ever touch you but me.” He pumped into her again and again, cementing his words.

  “I don’t want anyone else. I only want you,” she cried out the last word.

  Every day, he loved her more. She was his just as he was hers. “Say it, Freya.” He clenched his eyes shut for a moment as the intense pleasure washed through him. “Say you’re only mine, that you’ll only ever be mine.”

  “You know I’m yours.”

  He opened his eyes, parted his lips, and blew out a harsh breath. Moving his hand lower, he slid it over her belly, down to her pussy, and speared his fingers in her folds. She was soaked as if her engorged clit needed his touch. He rubbed that hardened bundle of tissue over and over again, back and forth, until she cried out.

  Elijah’s orgasm rushed forward, and he started pounding into her. Deep, guttural words left him, and then he was groaning as he came. He felt her tense beneath him, heard her cry as she got off, and the fact she came right along with him heightened his pleasure.

  Once his high left and his dick started to soften, he came back to reality. Freya breathed heavily, her head to the side and her eyes closed. He gently pulled out of her, a groan of disappointment leaving him.

  He cupped her cheek, needing to do this. “I had planned on doing this differently, but I realized it doesn’t matter how I do it as long as you know the truth about how I feel about you.”

  “Okay, what is it?” she asked softly, but he heard the slight nervousness in her voice.

  He stared at her for a second, then stood and went over to his dresser. Opening the drawer, he grabbed the small light blue box. When he turned to face her again, she looked at what he held, her eyes widening and her mouth parting. Moving back toward her, Elijah dropped to his knees, took one of her hands in his, and brought it to his mouth to kiss her fingers.


  “I love you, Freya. I love you with everything I am.” Fuck, he was nervous. “I want you to know that if your father was here, I would have gotten permission before doing this, but I hope he’s looking down, approving of what I’m about to ask his daughter.”

  Tears streamed down her cheeks, but she had a smile on her face.

  “You’re the only woman I want to spend my life with, to carry my babies, and to be by my side until we’re old.” He opened the box that held the diamond solitaire. This wasn’t like when he’d proposed to Meghan or when he thought he’d loved her. Freya was the woman he was meant to spend his life with.

  He felt so nervous despite knowing she loved him just as much as he loved her. But there was this little voice in the back of his head that said maybe, just maybe, she’d say no.

  He glanced down at her hand, stared at her ring finger, and just blurted it out before his nerves got the best of him. “I love you so fucking much.” He took a deep breath. “Freya Fallon Dresden, will you marry me?” He took the ring out, slipped it on her finger, and waited. For a second, she just stared at the ring, but then she started crying harder.

  She sniffed, looked at him, and then at the ring again. “Yes, Elijah. Of course I’ll marry you.”

  He had her in his arms and off the bed a second later. Elijah held her, kept her tightly against him, and inhaled deeply. “You make me so damn happy.” This was his life now, and damn, what a good life it was.

  About the Author

  Find Jenika at:

  [email protected]




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