Change (Finding Anna Book 5)

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Change (Finding Anna Book 5) Page 18

by Sherri Hayes

  One of the advantages of being with someone for a while was that you learned how to read them. You learned to notice the signs of when they were close. And you learned what sent them over the edge.

  The fastest way to get Brianna to come was to hold her down, play with her nipples, and massage her clit.

  “Hands above your head,” I ordered.

  She released my shoulders and placed her arms above her head.

  Shifting my weight, I used one hand to hold down her wrists. The other I snaked between us and positioned it over her clit. Each time I moved, her clit would bump up against my thumb. The only thing left was to play with her nipples. I was out of hands, but my mouth was still readily available. I sucked her nipple into my mouth.

  The keening sound began almost immediately. I would have smiled, but I was too lost in my own arousal.

  When I felt her muscles begin to contract, I gave her the permission she was waiting for. As she began to come, I tugged on her nipple with my teeth and her squeal became a scream.

  I didn’t let up until I felt her muscles ease their grip on me. Even then, I didn’t release her nipple. I increased my pace, sucking her tit in time with my thrusts.

  My orgasm came fast and hard. I held myself inside her until I was spent and collapsed on top of her in a sweaty mess.

  Brianna’s hands tangled in my hair as I lay with my head on her chest. We needed to clean up and get to bed, but I didn’t want to move yet. I wanted to lay here and enjoy being wrapped around Brianna, my cock buried deep inside her, and her fingers in my hair.

  Chapter 19


  I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face as we drove into the city to meet Lily, Bridget, and Tess at the bridal shop. It wasn’t because I was excited to see Bridget again. Or to meet Tess. It was because we’d played this morning.

  Stephan had woken me up with feather light kisses that tickled. Then, after he was sure I was awake, he’d informed me he was craving an early morning snack. I was confused at first, but then he’d helped me from the bed and escorted me over to the wooden cross.

  We’d played for over an hour with both my wrists and ankles bound to the wood structure. He’d used the crop on me, a dildo, and our newest experimental toy, a little flogger that wasn’t much longer than my forearm. I’d come so hard I could still feel it in my muscles hours later. He’d had to carry me back to bed, and we had ended up eating breakfast propped up against the headboard.

  “Thinking about this morning?” he asked as he put the car in park.

  I looked around and realized we were already at our destination. “Yes.”

  Stephan unbuckled his seatbelt and brushed his thumb over my heated cheek. A sexy smirk pulled at the side of his lips. “Lily is going to know exactly what we’ve been up to as soon as she sees you.”

  That only deepened my blush, which increased his amusement.

  He chuckled. “Come on. Let’s get inside, or I’ll devise more ways to make you blush.”

  I waited for him to come around and open the door for me. He helped me out and we walked down the sidewalk hand in hand to the bridal shop. Since it wasn’t supposed to take more than an hour to try on the dresses and mark them for any alterations, Stephan was going to hang out in the seating area at the front of the store. I felt better having him close, even if he wasn’t going to be right beside me the whole time.

  Bridget saw us first and I didn’t miss how her gaze went to our linked hands. I wasn’t sure what to make of her expression, but given the way she’d been the last time we’d met, I didn’t like it.

  Lily was talking to a woman I didn’t recognize. She glanced up and smiled when she saw us. “Tess, I’d like you to meet Brianna. Brianna, this is Tess.” Tess gave a little wave to me, but before she could say anything, Lily was moving on. “Now that everyone’s here. I’ll let Carol know we’re ready.”

  She returned less than a minute later with the saleswoman that had helped us pick out our dresses.

  “Ladies, if you’d like to follow me back, we can get you into your dresses.” The woman didn’t wait for a response. She turned on her heel and expected us to follow.

  Stephan leaned down to give me a kiss. “Have fun. I’ll be here waiting.”

  Lily had hung back, waiting on me. She hooked her arm in mine as soon as I was within reach and began marching us toward the back of the store. “You look like you’ve been up to something naughty.”

  I felt the heat rise to my cheeks again. “How do you do that?”

  She laughed. “What? Know you and Stephan have been fooling around?” She didn’t wait for me to answer. With one hand she lifted my wrist, and with the other hand she used her index finger to trace the skin along my wrist. It was a little red from where the cuffs had been.

  When I started to look away, she stopped and turned me to face her. I thought she was going to say something, but instead, she placed her wrist beside mine. Looking, I noticed a similar mark on her, as well.

  I met her gaze. She just nodded and smiled back at me.

  “Brianna,” Carol, the saleswoman interrupted us. “I have you set up in this dressing room over here.”

  I came out of the dressing room five minutes later in my bridesmaid dress. Bridget and Tess were already standing in front of the mirrors. Carol was measuring Bridget and marking where the dress needed to be taken in. I stood over to the side, waiting my turn.

  “Hi. You must be Brianna. I’m Tess. Lily’s maid of honor.” She held out her hand for me to take.

  Because I knew it was expected of me, I took her offered hand. I gave her a timid smile. “Hi.”

  “Lily said you were shy.”

  I pressed my lips together and glanced over at Lily.

  “No worries. Lily and I can talk enough for ten people.” She laughed and I couldn’t help but grin back. So far, she seemed to be more like Lily than Bridget.

  “Did you go to college with Lily, too?” I was hoping she couldn’t hear the shakiness in my voice.

  She shook her head. “No. Lily and I grew up together. I stole her crayon.”

  “Are you telling lies again?” Lily asked, coming over to us, a huge smile on her face.

  “Nope. Just confessing to stealing your midnight blue crayon.”

  Lily looked at me. “I still haven’t forgiven her for that.”

  They both laughed and some of my nerves went away. Tess seemed nice. As long as she didn’t do a one eighty when she met Stephan, then maybe being in the wedding wouldn’t be so bad. All I had to do was find a way to avoid Bridget.

  That became difficult to do about fifteen minutes later when Tess and Lily were occupied with measurements for Tess’s dress. I was still standing off to the side, staying out of the way, when Bridget emerged from one of the dressing rooms. She had changed back into her regular clothes—a short skirt, cropped top, and what looked to be four-inch heels.

  She strolled over to me, her hips swaying. I wasn’t sure if that was because of the heels or not, but Lily didn’t usually walk that way in heels, and she wore them all the time. “Hi, Brianna.”

  I didn’t like the way she said my name, but I couldn’t be rude. “Hi.”

  We stood there for a few minutes before she spoke again. “I saw Stephan came with you today.”

  The desire to run away was building, but I knew I couldn’t do that.

  “You’re lucky, you know. To have a guy like that.”

  I wasn’t sure what she meant. And even though I was curious, I wasn’t going to ask. I didn’t want to talk to her. All I wanted was for her to go away.

  Lily glanced over at us, but then Carol asked her something, so she turned away again.

  Bridget sighed and it sounded like something from those old black and white movies where the woman would pretend to faint. “If only I could find my own Stephan. How did you manage to find him?”

  “He rescued me.” It wasn’t a secret. A quick internet search of Stephan’s name, or mine, would br
ing up the trial. From there it was only a matter of a little digging. All the details might not be there, but it took about ten minutes to gather the basics.

  “Oh, how romantic.”

  Her response confused me, until I realized that she thought I meant he’d saved me from drowning or something. I didn’t correct her.

  “Everything okay over here?” Lily asked.

  “Just peachy,” Bridget said. “Right, Brianna?”

  Lily looked at me, but when I didn’t say anything she moved on. “ Carol’s ready for you.”

  I hurried over to the mirrors where Carol was waiting and took my place on the small, raised platform. Carol knelt in front of me to measure the hem and I glanced at Bridget through the mirror. She was smiling and I didn’t like it.

  Once we were all back in the clothes we’d worn to the shop, we headed to the front of the building where Stephan was waiting.

  “I’m craving sushi. There used to be a place not far from here. We could make an afternoon of it. Just us girls.” Then Bridget’s gaze fell on Stephan as he stood to greet us. “Oh, I forgot you were here too, Stephan. We don’t mind if you come. Right?” She turned to ask all of us, although I wasn’t sure she was really expecting us to answer.

  “Actually,” Stephan said. “Brianna and I need to be getting home.”

  He extended his arm and I crossed the room to take his hand.

  “How’d everything go? Any problems?”

  The question was directed to me, but Bridget answered. Sort of. “The dresses look amazing. Don’t you think so, Lily?”

  Lily was looking at Stephan. They seemed to be having some sort of silent communication. But after a moment, she answered Bridget. “Yes. The dresses are exactly what I wanted.”

  Bridget looked pleased with herself.

  Stephan tugged me to his side and circled his arm around my waist. “Lily, will you let Logan know I’ll give him a call later. I have something I want to discuss with him.”

  We said our goodbyes and made our way to our vehicle. Stephan opened the door for me and helped me inside. Once he was behind the wheel, he reached for my hand and rested it against his thigh. “Why did I get the feeling that Bridget stepped out of line again?”

  “I don’t know.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You don’t know?”

  I relayed the conversation to him as best as I could remember.

  Stephan groaned, and then put the car in gear. “I’m not sure if it’s good or not that she doesn’t know the reality of how we met. Either way, I don’t trust her.”

  Neither did I.


  I wasn’t lying. There were things I needed to discuss with Logan, and they had nothing to do with Bridget or the wedding. My aunt had called me while I’d been waiting for Brianna. Richard was trying to do some sort of project at the house but needed help. When I recommended he call a professional, she insisted it wasn’t that dire. All he needed were a few extra hands and that Logan and I would do.

  While I could use a screwdriver and a wrench when need be, I wasn’t the handiest of people when it came to household repairs. She refused to tell me what exactly he was working on, mumbling about the backyard and how she’d been after him for years. Then, she’d gotten distracted and said she had to go. It was a strange conversation.

  Logan answered on the second ring. “Your timing is impeccable.”

  I laughed. “Is that so?”

  “It is. I was just sitting down to relax a little before heading into town. Daren invited Lily and I to a party tonight.”

  Daren had called me about the party as well, more as a formality than anything else. He knew Brianna and I didn’t play in public.

  I tried to focus on that bit of information rather than the first part of what he’d said. It was the weekend, which meant Logan and Lily were playing. I knew him well enough to know exactly what was happening when he said, ‘I was just sitting down to relax’.

  “I’m sure you’ll have fun,” I said.

  “Already am.” I could hear the smile in his voice. He was enjoying this.

  My gaze drifted to Brianna. She was in the kitchen prepping dinner. Knowing what Logan and Lily were doing right now had me imagining Brianna in the same position. It was impossible not to, especially when I heard him suck in a breath.

  I cleared my throat. “Do you think you could spare a few hours tomorrow? Diane called and Richard is doing some sort of project in the backyard and he needs help.”

  “Sure. What time?” His response was a little too quick and I assumed it was due to what Lily’s mouth was currently doing.

  “Diane suggested you and Lily join us for dinner. That way she and Brianna can hang out with her while you and I help Richard.”

  “Sounds good. Lily wanted to revisit that shop again in Le Sueur. Maybe we’ll come down early, and then we can follow you there.” He sucked in another breath and I felt my cock stir. “We can be at your house around eleven. That work for you?”

  “Sure.” I grinned. If I knew Lily, she was doing everything in her power to distract him. “We’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

  The phone disconnected and I placed it back on its charger. I snatched a pillow from the back of the couch before heading into the kitchen. Brianna looked up as I approached.

  She was chopping vegetables, which meant nothing was in danger of burning. I did a quick scan of the stove to confirm she didn’t have any of the burners on before tossing the pillow on the floor in front of me. It had been a while since I’d done something like this, but Brianna didn’t hesitate. She wiped her hands on the towel she’d been using and knelt before me.

  I cupped the back of her head and rubbed my thumb over her bottom lip. She gazed up at me, and I nodded. It was hard to ignore the bulge in my pants and we’d been together long enough that she knew exactly what I wanted.

  Her hands swiftly released my cock, and I shut my eyes as her mouth closed over the head of my cock. She circled her tongue around, outlining each groove and dip. It felt amazing.

  Brianna took her direction from me. I wasn’t in a rush. I wanted to savor this.

  Looking down, I watched as my length disappeared between her lips and then reappeared again as she slowly bobbed her head. Watching her would bring an end to this quicker, but I couldn’t look away. Seeing her like this, on her knees, servicing me, was something that had to be cherished.

  I didn’t give her any warning other than to hold her head in place, so my erection was at the back of her throat. My cum shot out of my cock, and she swallowed, taking everything I had to give her.

  She gazed up at me, a happy smile on her face, as I pulled out of her. I tucked myself back inside my pants, and then placed my hands on both sides of her head. “You are so good at that.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  I bent to kiss her, tasting the saltiness of myself on her tongue. “Hmm. How much longer until dinner?”

  “About forty-five minutes.”

  I helped her stand, and then picked up the cushion. “Did you need my help with anything?”

  She shook her head. “I’m about ready to put everything in the oven.”

  “I’m going to get a quick workout in, then.” I gave her another lingering kiss. “Come get me if you need me.”

  Brianna nodded and I went to change into my gym clothes. When I came out of the bedroom, she was putting the food in the oven. Her gaze lingered on me as I came closer.

  What she was thinking was written all over her face. I loved knowing she was happy. Brianna really was the perfect woman for me. She didn’t need or want big parties or expensive things. If all we did was hang out around the house, she was fine with that. And that didn’t even take into consideration the sex, which seemed to get better the longer we were together.

  I spent the next twenty minutes running on the treadmill. It had been a few days since I’d been in the gym, and I didn’t want to slack off too much. I’d be turning thirty next week. The last thin
g I wanted was to end up with a beer belly or a dad bod or whatever one wanted to call it.

  Brianna was setting the table when I exited our home gym. I was hot and sweaty, and I needed a shower before we sat down to eat. As I went to walk by, she turned toward me. I stopped. She looked up at me and asked, “May I kiss you, Sir?”

  Smiling, I nodded.

  I was expecting a quick brush of lips, but instead Brianna ran her palms up my chest, went up on her tiptoes, and covered my mouth with hers. She licked the seam of my lips and I opened for her. Before I knew it, she was plastered against me, kissing me as if she were starving.

  It was obvious my girl was worked up. I wasn’t sure if it was from servicing me, seeing me all hot and sweaty from the gym, or a combination of both. Either way, I wasn’t complaining.

  Lifting her, I carried her over to the island and sat her down. “Lay back.”

  She released her hold on me and laid back against the cool stone surface.

  I didn’t waste any time stripping her out of her shorts and panties, letting them drop to the floor and not caring where they landed. Spreading her legs, I settled them on my shoulders and went to work. She was glistening and I could see her clit peeking out from beneath its hood. My guess is it wouldn’t take long for her to come.

  Glancing over at the oven timer, I saw we had nine minutes before it went off. “When the timer goes off, you may come.”

  Then I dove in.

  By the time the timer rang, Brianna was panting. Her legs gripped my head as she rode out her orgasm.

  I grinned and as soon as her hold on my head loosened, I reached over to turn off the timer and grab the oven mitts.

  Over dinner, I told her about my call from Diane. “I asked her what the project was, but all she said was it was something in the backyard. And that she wanted me to see if Logan could help, too.”

  “Maybe it’s something with the pool.”

  “Why not call a pool company? Other than basic maintenance, I know nothing about pools.”

  She glanced down at her plate and shrugged. “I guess you’ll find out tomorrow.”



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