Love & Cherry Blossoms

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Love & Cherry Blossoms Page 8

by Amara Kent

  “That’s exactly… wait what? How is she in a more compromising position?” Takashi exclaims

  “Settle down. If Katie went to Lee and said that she liked you and wanted to date you, and if there is any kind of animosity between the two in anyway, then their relationship can suffer. There’s a comfortability there and being family means that the chance of forgiveness is higher later on, so you show all your emotions. If you tell her, he’s going to think rationally. If he were to be angry at you for it, he loves the group too much to sever the brotherhood you all have, so his thought process will be different. Lee is a reasonable guy. Take the risk and see how it all goes. Don’t drown in your very own pity party.”

  “I don’t know.”

  Oh God, I’m done with this. “Or, you know, don’t, and be a whiney little bitch for the rest of your life.”

  It sounds cruel, and you know what? You’d be right. My words are cruel, but you have no idea how long I have had this discussion with him. Either he needs to toughen up and become a man and go for it, or move on and get over it. I don’t have time to deal with this or these kinds of emotions. It’s not the kind of conversation I like having, but for him, I will. He’s my stepbrother and I love him dearly. The fact that I rarely get to see him makes having to endure these kinds of lengthy and torturous discussions, worth it. Being one of the top idols in his industry, and me being one of the top in my industry, it’s hard to find time to catch up. I’m not always at home when he’s on his break, and lately, with the new projects we have going on, I’ve been working extra hard, with Kakao being our only form of communication. His group has just gone back into the studio and seeing as though his job doesn’t come until after the songs are made, he has more free time than other members of his group. He was able to spare a few days to come down to Japan and see us.

  “How are you doing?” he asks, breaking the tension. “I hear you and Aiya are dating now.”


  “Mom,” we say in unison.

  “I told her to not tell a soul about us,” I grumble.

  “And why wouldn’t you tell me?” he asks, offense lacing his tone.

  “Don’t get all hurt about it. It’s new, and we wanted to see how things went before we told the world. We’ve been friends ever since we were kids. If this doesn’t work out, we don’t want it to ruin things for our families.”

  “Then why did you tell Mom and Dad?” he questions, still offended.

  “Aiya told Mom and Dad. She was helping me out. You know how they get with trying to fix me up with some daughter of a friend.”

  A smile creeps upon his lips. He knows all too well what our mother is like. Fortunately for him, he doesn’t get the same treatment I do, because he’s a singer and in his twenties and still young enough to find a girl to settle down with. He also knows how much it pains me to be berated by our mother and pushed onto every woman she thinks is fit for me. It’s annoying because she seems to think she knows the kind of women I like or need. Instead, I get these insipid women who drape themselves over me like a cheap throw and try to get into my pants and my wallet. Despite being from wealthy families, they still want more, because they’re greedy bloodhounds. I give them the best thing they will ever get. My cock in their pussies and a nice farewell as they exit my home. Nothing disgusts me more than vain, greedy people who search this world for nothing more than extra money. Especially those that will do anything to exploit others to get it. I made my wealth with hard fucking work. These women need to learn to do the same instead of relying on their sub-par beauty to get it.

  “I hope it works out,” Takashi says.

  There’s no chance of that. She’s a lesbian. I don’t tell him that, because nobody but me knows. And that piece of info is not something I’d ever tell anybody. It’s not my place to out her.

  “Me too,” I agree. I do hope it works out. Just not with the woman he thinks it’s about.

  Chapter Nine


  I take a sip of my drink, taking in the environment and atmosphere around me. The bustling street of the Ameyoko has me feeling so satisfied, and I can’t help the grin that forms on my lips. This is what it truly means to be happy. In a foreign place like this, in a world so far from your own and what you’re used to. I’ve heard a lot of people say they don’t like traveling to non-English speaking countries on their own for the fear of not knowing what can happen to you, and the frustration of not being able to communicate effectively. I believe they choose to think of the negatives. That fear that clings onto them and tells them that they’ll end up in a bathtub of ice while some black market organs dealer removes their liver or whatever they need from them. They forget about how amazing and freeing it can be to travel on your own. Without the weight of expectations and compromises to tie you down. The fact that you have to depend and please someone else is not something I call a holiday. That’s just an average day at home. I guess it also doesn’t hurt to go to a country where everyone is so accommodating and nice. Sara sits down, placing a plate full of fresh crab in front of me. “Here you go.”

  “That looks amazing.” I take the offered chopsticks from her and snap them apart.

  “So tell me what happened when you went on the non-lunch date with Ren,” she asks, digging her chopsticks into the open crab leg, removing the meat from inside and popping it into her mouth.

  I lean in. “He wants to have a one-night stand,” I say in a hushed tone.

  “And? What are you going to do?”

  “Nothing. I don’t want anything more to do with that guy, especially now that I’ve now found out that he’s the richest man in Japan.”

  “He’s not the richest,” she corrects me.

  “Whatever. One of the richest then.” I wave off her correction. “It doesn’t change the fact that he’s a very influential man and I don’t need my business to be in the tabloids.”

  “He’s an incredibly wealthy man and one of the most known in the country, but he’s not being chased down by the media. He’s like Steve Jobs was for Apple. Yes, most of the world knew who he was, but the American paparazzi didn’t treat him like he was, say… Ryan Reynolds.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I don’t do returns and he’s way too high profile for me to want to go down that path.”

  “I understand your reservations about him. He is an utter player who will never settle down, but nobody is going to even know about you unless he takes you to an important televised event. And isn’t a holiday fling the best situation for someone like you? Neither of you wants anything serious and you don’t even live in the same country. There is no chance of this becoming anything more.”

  That’s easy for you to say. You’re not a pathetic loser with a sick tendency for overattachment.

  “It’s just not going to happen,” I respond. “Besides, shouldn’t you want to sway me away from all this? After all, I’m staying at your house spending time with you.” I point my chopsticks at her.

  “True, but have I been around all that much? I still have work to do. It’s not like you came here specifically to see me.”

  “True, but it would be very rude of me to have sex in your house.”

  “Who said you had to have sex at my house?” She winks. Popping another piece of crab in her mouth.

  I follow suit. “This is delicious, by the way. So light and sweet and the freshness. You can taste it,” I say, changing the subject.

  “Just wait until we go across the street and have yaki shoronpo.”

  “I can’t wait,” I smile.

  “Oh my God, I can’t eat any more food.” I groan, hugging my stomach.

  “Not even for some shaved ice?” Sara asks.

  “No. Please, don’t talk about food anymore. I just want to go back to your place and rest before we go out drinking. Please take me home,” I beg.

  Sara smiles and puts her arm around me. “Come on. I’ll take you to bed and you can have a nap before we go out tonight.

��Can we catch a cab instead of walking? I know it helps with digestion, but the thought of walking all that way on such a full stomach makes me want to crumple up in a ball and die.”

  “Wow, how dramatic of you. Never knew you were this much of a baby,” she teases.

  “Oh, shut up and get me home,” I moan.

  A clanging noise grabs my attention away from the woman who has somehow stolen my mind. Aiya looks at me with a quizzical look on her face. “Are you okay? You are very distant tonight.”

  “It’s nothing. I’m fine,” I reassure.

  She gives me a look. She knows me too well and I don’t know what I was thinking, lying to her. “I know you better than you know yourself. Tell me what is going on,” she demands softly.

  “It’s a woman,” I confess.

  The chopsticks she had just picked up fall to a loud clatter on her plate. She looks around, embarrassed, and apologizes. “Did you just say a woman?”

  I nod. I know her shock. There has never been a woman that has taken up my mind. If I’m to be perfectly frank, it’s annoying the fuck out of me. I can’t seem to stop thinking about her. It’s why I need to have her. Surely, once I do, she’ll quit haunting me and I can go about my day without having our encounter on the plane flooding my mind and being the number one star when I jerk off in the shower.

  “This is big, Ren. Who is this amazing woman you can’t stop thinking about?”

  “Before you get the wrong idea, it’s because I wasn’t exactly able to have her. I met her on the plane over here and went down on her and fingered her, but that was it. I want more, and I’m convinced that once I get it, it’ll be enough to satiate this damn need for her.”

  She smiles and leans back in her chair with a relieved look on her face. “There’s the Ren I know. I was beginning to worry that you were getting sick, or worse, that aliens had come and taken over you.”

  “You’ve been watching way too many sci-fi movies.”

  “So who is she? Should I feel threatened?” She feigns concern with a hand to her heart.

  “You have never had anything to worry about, Aiya. You are one of two women I choose to keep in my life,” I ensure with a shake of my head.

  “Good, ’cause I can’t be going around fighting women off for your affections. I’d break a nail.”

  I shake my head and laugh. She truly is such a waste. Any guy would be damn lucky to have a woman like her.

  “Her name is Kerri,” I finally answer her question.

  “Kerri. So you’re seeking her out because you want to have sex with her? You know, there are laws against that.”

  I scrunch up my napkin and throw it at her. “She wants it too, asshole. I need to get her out of my damn head, and like most things you crave, being able to have it is enough for them to go away.”

  She leans forward. “Or maybe, just maybe, the big tough Ren with a heart of steel, actually wants a woman for more than just sex,” she muses.

  “No chance of that. She lives in New York.”

  “Oh. Well, yeah, that would make things a little difficult. It’s probably a good thing. We can’t exactly keep up our ruse that we’re dating if you’re going to be openly dating someone else.”

  “Have any tips?” I ask, sticking a piece of chicken in my mouth.

  “Me?” Aiya’s brows shoot up to the top of her head in surprise. “You want my tips? You’re losing your touch, Ren. Maybe you are ill.”

  I wave her comment off and smile. “Just eat your dinner,” I mumble.

  We fall into a comfortable conversation as we finish our meal. We’re going to a club nearby called Tenkai. It’s the amalgamation of the names of the husband and wife that own the bar. Ever since they opened it up a couple of years back, it’s been a massive hit, especially with foreigners. Aiya and I go there often, and there is never a time when I’m not taking a woman home with me. I work hard and I play harder. Call me a playboy, I’m fine with that. It’s a badge I wear with pride.

  We reach the bar, and as usual, it’s swarming with people. The beauty of being in our respective jobs is that we are well-known, but by name only. Many people don’t know the faces behind the brand, and we like it like that. Celebrity anonymity is one of the best ways to be famous these days. Unlike my poor brother, who wouldn’t be able to step out of the car without someone recognizing him. The bass of the music hits us instantly, vibrating along my skin as we enter the depths of the club. There are multiple rooms in this establishment and one secret room not many people know about. It’s for the select few, and you have to be a VIP member to enter. It caters to the kinks and BDSM lovers. We make our way through the crowd toward our favorite room, the bar. It has a more low-key and relaxed atmosphere and is where people usually start. You can talk comfortably in there without screaming over people. The drinks are reasonably priced and strong. Before too long, you’re intoxicated and moving from room to room. One has a couple of poles on a stage. Another has cage dancers, and the other room is where most of the live performances happen. The soundproofing is spectacular, so there is never any music bleeding in from one room to the next.

  We order our drinks and take a seat in one of the booths toward the back of the room. “You plan on finding a woman that isn’t Kerri to have sex with?” Aiya asks outright.

  She knows me too well.

  “That’s the plan.”

  “What happened to, you won’t be able to get her out of your head until you’ve effectively screwed her senseless?” she asks.

  “Doesn’t mean I can’t be on the search for other candidates, does it? A man still has needs, Aiya,” I respond, taking a sip of my bourbon and coke.

  “Only you have this powerful of a need, Ren. Only you. It’s almost a superpower.”

  “It would be the worst superpower in the world,” I reject her comment.

  “I don’t know. Being able to seduce any human would be pretty handy. You could distract them with your huge cock—”

  “How do you know my dick is huge?” I raise a single brow, giving her a curious look.

  “I don’t. I was baiting you. You took it. Never get tired of hearing how great you are, do you?” she teases.

  “So, I would just screw the enemy and allow my superhero mates to save the day?” I continue.

  “Exactly. Or you’d screw them and all that pent-up anger just washes away.”

  “That would make a horrible movie,” I comment.

  She nods. “It would. It would be over in ten minutes,” she responds in a serious tone.

  “Ten minutes? Wow, you’re being generous.”

  “Well, I figured a five-minute movie would be too short. Had to stretch it out a bit, but also couldn’t stretch it too long. Thought an extra five would be believable.”

  We both smile at each other and clink glasses. This is what I love about this woman. She has that relaxed kind of personality, where you could know her for only five minutes, and be able to joke around with her. Her delivery of sarcasm and mockery is so flat that it’s humorous in its own right.

  I spot a gorgeous looking blonde over at the bar, watching me. She smiles and I throw her a wink and a smile back, showing my dimples. The women love the dimples. It makes them all hard for me, and that’s how I like them. I can’t be bothered with a chase. Unless it’s with her. Yeah, that’s the fucking annoying thing about it. With Kerri, I’m willing to put everything on the table to get another taste of her sweet pussy. I shake her out of my head. There’s no room for thoughts of her when I have this woman ready to take me to the nearest bathroom and fuck me until I come deep inside her. She looks like the kind of woman that is willing to do it in public, and there’s nothing hotter than a woman whose inhibitions are left at home.

  “I’m going to go for a walk around. I’ll leave you and miss big tits over at the bar to get acquainted,” Aiya states.

  “Jealous are we?” I tease.

  “Yes. Of her.” She glances down at her cleavage and sighs. “I wish I had big b
oobs, like her,” she says sadly.

  “Your tits are perfectly fine and perky.” I frown. I hate when women are so hard on themselves. All women are beautiful, no matter the size. As long as you are healthy, that’s all that matters at the end of the day. I’ve never once heard of a man rejecting a woman because of something like small breasts.

  “Don’t be a perv, Ren,” she says, clapping my thigh and walking off. The blonde notices and sashays her way over to me, taking Aiya’s spot.

  “Hey,” she says coyly.

  “Hey,” I respond.

  “I’m Lauren, what’s your name?” she asks.

  “Ren.” I take her hand and shake it.

  “It’s nice to meet you. I’ve never seen you here before.” I groan inwardly at her opening line. People need to retire it. It’s old and pathetic and something you say when you have nothing to offer. I’m just hoping the way she flirts isn’t indicative of her performance during sex. There’s nothing worse in this world than a dud fuck. I need you to be responsive and not show me what a starfish is like. There’s no boner killer like feeling as if you’re delving into necrophilia territory.

  “Maybe you weren’t looking hard enough.” I smile.

  “I am now,” she purrs. “Want to go for a dance?”

  “Sure.” I down my drink and allow her to take my hand to one of the rooms that is playing Latin music. We weave through the crowd, before settling into the middle of the dance floor. Swaying her hips in time with the beat of the song, grinding her ass against my groin. You can tell a lot about the way a person fucks by the way they dance. If they have good rhythm on the dance floor, then you know they’ll be riding you hard until you both get off. If they flail their arms around like a demented donkey, then you’re sure to get someone who is clumsy and acts more like it’s their first time. I know what you’re thinking: But, Ren, I’m a bad dancer and I’ve been told I’m great in bed. Well, those guys were either lying to you because they didn’t want to deal with the crying or bitching afterward, or you are an outlier. Kudos to you if it’s the latter. This woman looks as if she knows her way around the bedroom. I match my movements with hers, gripping her hips and pulling her into my now half-hard dick.


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