Wanton Fire

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Wanton Fire Page 8

by Sherri L. King

  That lone fingertip pressed into her clit, swollen and wet with need, and sent a bolt of molten heat into her. She cried out brokenly. His breath was a flame over her back as he plied his tongue along her spine. His free hand began a tantalizing massage of her bottom, squeezing and plumping the globes of her ass until they too burned like the rest of her. Her clit was aflame. He pressed and rubbed it until she feared she would scream, the pleasure was that great. Greater.

  Where before she would have pushed him away, closed her legs to him, she now spread herself wider to him. Allowing for more of his touch. Eagerness was a shadow of the feeling she was experiencing. Madness was more apt a description. She was trembling, her flesh feeling swollen, wet and full to bursting. His finger caught and stilled on the ring that pierced her labia.

  “What’s this?” His voice was a husky breath upon her back.

  “Mmmm…” She was beyond speech.

  He moved with the speed of a cat, flipping her over so that she faced him. He studied the silver ring that pierced her. His eyes were alight with the flames that burned within him. Fingers scorched her, stroking her around the ring, tugging gently upon it. Steffy spread her legs impossibly wider, inviting his touch.

  “I love this.” His hand cupped her fully. “Bald and pierced and wet for me.” His fingers dipped into her, stroking back and forth from her clit to her opening with long, sure movements. “Spread wide, pink and glistening in the light.”

  His words drove her wild. His touch made her crazy.

  Without any rational thought to the likely folly of the path she journeyed, she undulated against him in search of a deeper touch. Her hips arched up into his hand, his finger slid smoothly into her pussy and he burned her with the fullness of that penetration. Moaning, gasping, sighing, she took his finger deep.

  A dark chuckle rumbled out from his lips. He leaned in closer to her and pressed a hot kiss to her navel. It was easy work for him to move his way up her body, pressing kisses where he willed on the sweat-dampened expanse of her stomach and ribs. The air around them sizzled with the heat that rolled off him in a growing torrent. The long finger that filled her, stretched her, curved into a hook and pressed knowingly against her core.

  She flew headfirst into the clenching fist of an orgasm.

  Her body squeezed and pulsed around him, milking his finger as it would have milked his cock of seed. An orgasm unlike any she’d ever experienced stormed through her, wracking her body with pleasure until it was almost pain. His mouth settled on her taut nipple, drawing on it, sucking on it. The burn of his tongue was a rasp of molten lava on her aroused tissue. A strangled cry was all she dared to give him, though she wanted to scream with the ecstasy of the moment. Her pride would only let her bend so much to the man who worked her body like an instrument he’d been born to play.

  It had been so easy for him. So easy for her. He hadn’t even moved his hand beyond that crooking of his finger and she’d been lost.

  His finger left her, making her feel empty and bereft. She moaned. His mouth moved over hers, his words tickled there against her lips. “I’ll be right back.” He was gone.

  The temperature of the room fell several degrees. The heat followed him into the other room. Steffy sighed and stretched, her muscles feeling more relaxed, more replete, than ever they had before. Her body pulsed with aftershocks of her orgasm. Diamond-hard nipples stabbed upwards, one moist and shiny from his mouth, the other aching for the same attention. Her clit was swollen, her pussy drenched with the wet flood of her arousal.

  Cinder came back into the room as swiftly as he’d left it. A thick lock of platinum hair fell over one fiery eye. He was every woman’s wet dream come to life. He stood beside the bed and held out a square packet with one hand. He traced its corner down her chest to her belly and sex. It was a condom. A simple, human brand of latex protection.

  “Will you have me or no?” he asked, solemn.

  She knew then, without a doubt in her mind, that he would just leave her there if she said no. He would deny his own pleasure after giving her so much with just a simple word of denial from her lips.

  “Yes.” A thousand times yes. She needed him to fill her, to burn her. There was no question of that.

  He stepped back and the clothes he wore burned away to ash at his feet. Steffy gasped but it was lost as he pounced onto the bed, onto her, and captured her mouth with his. His body, hot as flame, settled down upon her. Broad shoulders, tight, smooth muscles, a flat, rippled stomach and long legs weighted her down into the cool cotton of her sheets. His sex was broad and strong, nudging fiercely in evidence that his need was as great as hers.

  Tearing his mouth away from hers he settled back and tore open the square packet with his teeth. It was short work for him to roll the condom onto his erection. That the condom was made for fitting over large cocks was not in question for he was indeed as big there as he was all over. Steffy’s dazed mind realized with no small amount of alarm that he had to be at least eleven inches long and thicker than her wrist at the crown.

  “Scheiße,” she cried. Self-preservation came too late and she tried to scramble away from him.

  Cinder growled and gripped her hips with his hands. Their skin met and burned. He jerked her roughly down to him, slapping her sex against his with the force of his movement. The root of him was heavy, thick and hot there against her. She jerked away again.

  “You’ll take me, Stefany. You’ll take me,” he crooned in an effort to soothe her sudden fear of his body. There was no way she would be able to take that and Steffy knew it. She kicked out at him, rolled to her side and tried to gain her feet. It didn’t matter to her now that she was acting like a foolish virgin. It didn’t matter that she was naked and wet and needy for all he had to give. He was built like a horse and she was no fool to think it would be a smooth ride for them once he moved to mount her.

  Cinder laughed. His hands caught her shoulders and jerked her back against him. He wrestled her gently back onto the bed, face first. He held her there on her stomach, pressing her into the mattress while his other hand moved down to stroke the wet heat of her desire. He spread her pussy lips wide and his fingertips stroked her with expert caresses meant to soothe and gentle her.

  It worked. He knew a woman’s body too well for it not to work. Gradually she eased down beneath him, trembling as her arousal reached new and desperate heights. Two fingertips eased into the ring of her channel. Then three. Then four. He was testing her, stretching her, making her ready for the real thing. She was so wet, so swollen with need. And still he touched her, played with her.

  “So wet and hot. So incredibly tight,” he said raggedly. “I want you so bad, Steffy, and I’m going to make sure you want me just as much before I come into you.”

  His words thrilled her, teased her. The tickle of his breath at her ear was a stream of warmth as he continued to coax her, to seduce her with the erotic timbre of his voice.

  Endless moans had left her hoarse, breathless. It was all she could do to keep from sobbing pitifully, so intense was her passion for him. She could have experienced a hundred orgasms but Cinder had his own objective and kept her from the release she craved. He was driving her higher, past any pinnacle she’d ever reached, until she was in a state of mindless need. Time lost all meaning as he continued to stretch and stroke and massage her sex. They could have been there for minutes, hours, days and she wouldn’t have known it. Or cared.

  “Stretch for me. Flood for me. Do you feel that?” He thrust his fingers in an out of her in a fluid rhythm. “You’re so wet I could drown in you.”

  The magic of his voice alone was driving her to peak. The expert play of his thrusting fingers inside her deep well was edging her along a great precipice, moving her towards the greatest orgasm of her life. Even as her channel pulsed and squeezed in an effort to keep his fingers deep within her, he gently but insistently removed them, causing her to shudder and clench against their loss.

  His hands ca
me down beneath her, pressing against her tummy so that she lifted her hips back against him. The broad strength of his hands squeezed her buttocks and guided her into position. She felt the fire of his cock as it pressed into the swollen wet flesh of her pussy. There was a moment of near pain, a stretching that burned and beat at her, and then it was gone as the great head of his cock slipped into her, filling her. Her legs were spread wide to accommodate him, the flesh of her channel stretched nearly beyond endurance so that it wrapped tightly around his thick, invading flesh.

  Steffy came with a strangled cry. She felt the muscles of her vagina gripping, pulsing around the tip of him as he rested there, seemingly patient for her to finish so that he could continue. Her body came down from its euphoric high, trembling, and her orgasm subsided to dull tremors. He gave her an inch of himself, splitting her wide with the thickness of him as he sank into her. Steffy came once again.

  He gave her another inch, stretching her wider still. He gave her another orgasm.

  When at last he rested full length inside of her, the cradle of his hips pressing against the back of her bottom, she felt as if she was literally choking on his cock. She was so full. So filled with him. He was heavy inside of her, pulsing and hot. Steffy had long ago lost count of all the orgasms she’d had and was amazed at Cinder’s stamina. He rested, unmoving, inside of her. She tried to move back against him, but his hands were anchored against her buttocks, holding her still before him.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  For what? What more could he possibly give her after all she’d already taken? She gasped hoarsely and tried to move once more. He held her motionless and she groaned, feeling something close to despair.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes!” She would have said anything if he would just let her move.

  If she had caught sight of the satisfied smile that twisted Cinder’s lips she would have fought harder to escape him.

  “Here I come,” he warned.

  His body withdrew then slammed back into hers. Steffy cried out with the shock of it. He repeated the nearly violent movement, his flesh and hers meeting with a resounding slap as a result. His fingers dug into the plump globes of her buttocks, grasping them as if they were handles fashioned solely for him. His body thrust, over and over again, until the bed creaked and slammed against the wall with the force of his pummeling.

  The music in Steffy’s head matched the rhythm and tempo of their mating.

  Cinder’s breath was a bellows at her ear. His body curved around hers, surrounding her with his heat, rubbing against her with every movement they made. His skin was taut, rippling with muscled strength barely held in check for her safety. The heat of his hands left her buttocks, stroked over her back, tangled in her hair and pulled her face back to receive his kiss.

  “I’ve wanted this from you since the first moment I saw you,” he growled against the corner of her mouth.

  “Me too,” she admitted on a broken gasp.

  Body pounding into hers ever more fiercely, he deepened their kiss, stroking his tongue deep within her mouth, tasting all of her secrets as if it were his right. A surge of heat swept from his sex into hers, burning her nearly to the point of agony. His body thrust ever more deeply and his balls slapped against the crest of her sex, pounding her clit until it tingled and throbbed and stung. His hand tightened in her hair, his mouth ravaged hers.

  Steffy jerked her mouth away and gave a wild, animalistic cry. Her body trembled from head to toe. She would have collapsed if he hadn’t held her up against him with strong, bracing hands at her waist. Another wild orgasm ripped its way through her. It almost hurt it, was so powerful, so intense and all consuming. She sobbed into her pillow, wondering if the sensations sweeping through her were agonizing or pleasurable—but the line was too thin between the two extremes for her to even guess.

  Cinder groaned at her nape, licked a hot path from her neck to her jaw line and lowered himself over her. His face was beside hers, burning her cheek. He was giving off so much heat she wondered that they didn’t burst into flames. The strength of his hands swept up her back again and moved to brace his weight on either side of her head. The pillow bunched under his grasping fingers. He groaned again and pounded ever more fiercely into her shaking body.

  The force of his orgasm flooded into her. She felt the bombardment of his molten seed as he came into the glove of his condom. The bed shook as he drove into her. A bead of sweat dripped from his brow onto her shoulder and sizzled audibly. He thrust once. Twice. And fell upon her, breathing harshly into her ear.

  His hands left her pillow and swept her sweat-drenched hair away from her face. He pressed a gentle, surprisingly chaste kiss to her temple and stroked her from nape to hip as he rested, full length upon her. The storm was spent, they were replete, and then reality intruded.

  What had she done?

  Chapter Seven

  Steffy opened her eyes and blinked away the sleep with lazy motivation. The first sight to greet her eyes was the scorch marks—the perfect brown imprint of Cinder’s hand—burned into her pillow. Where his fingertips had touched was singed completely away, leaving five perfectly oval holes in the pillowcase.

  The second sight she beheld was the gorgeous expanse of Cinder’s broad, golden back, fully exposed to her as he slept. Her mouth watered. Her fingers itched to reach out and trace the deep crevice of his spine beneath his heavy muscles. It took every ounce of willpower she possessed not to lean over and lick the glistening ridge of his shoulder.

  Argh, she was hopelessly ensnared. She knew it, knew also that there wasn’t much she could do about it besides sit back and enjoy the ride while she had the strength. Which, if Cinder had his way, would no doubt be sooner rather than later. It was impossible for her not to smile over the memory. The cradle of her thighs felt positively, deliciously bruised. Shikar men really knew how to show a woman a good time, or at least this one did.

  She glanced behind her and saw the litter of used condoms on her nightstand. She’d lost count of how many times they’d been at each other during the course of the day. There was no question that Cinder was an insatiable partner. He’d still been in the pink, full of energy and stamina, when she’d passed out from sheer exhaustion, the feel of his cock slamming into her body accompanying her into a deep and unavoidable slumber.

  It was not a little difficult to rise from the bed. Her legs were unsteady and weak beneath her weight. There were red marks all over her body, whisker burns, burns from Cinder’s excessive body heat, burns from his kisses and love bites. Her nipples were red as berries from being suckled on so long and so deeply. The joints of her hips ached from being spread wide to accommodate Cinder’s body for many long hours.

  She felt like a woman well loved and she was. Never in her life had she been so thoroughly pleasured. But Cinder had been wrong. She hadn’t given in and screamed with the pleasure he’d given her. She’d sobbed, wept with choking breaths, she’d yelled and moaned for him…but she hadn’t bent beneath his will. She’d kept a piece of herself separate from it all, keeping her screams locked tight behind clenched teeth. No way would she give in to him so easily. She’d already surrendered too much, too soon.

  It was a small victory, that, but a victory all the same. She grinned smugly, but it was short lived as she was forced to limp gingerly to the bathroom.

  The water of her shower was hot, nearly scalding, but not nearly so hot as Cinder had been as he’d loved her. Her muscles were aching and tired and the heat of the water helped to ease them just a little. Her hair fell dripping into her face as she rinsed away the sweat and kisses that coated her body with sticky sweetness. She leaned against the wall of the shower and let the water bead down her head, neck and back.

  Cinder’s lips burned into the dip of her tailbone.

  Steffy gasped, choked on the water that flooded her mouth, and whirled around. Cinder sat kneeling behind her, looking up at her with his Shikar eyes, an almost innocent
expression sculpting the masculine planes of his face.

  “You scared me,” she murmured softly. The sound of the water splashing on their skin beat a tattoo into her brain.

  His lashes, long and spiked from the water, blinked slowly. Seductively. “I can ease your aches away.”

  Her knees nearly buckled. “How? Another massage? I don’t think I could take it.” She laughed nervously. Breathlessly.

  “There’s another way. Countless ways.”

  Did she dare? “Show me.” Foolish or not, she couldn’t resist.

  Slowly, gently, he placed his hands upon the swell of her hips. He drew her closer to him, until his breath tickled against her stomach. The heat of his fingers kneaded her before one hand moved to her thigh. He lifted her thigh, draping it over his shoulder as he settled lower between her legs. Burning eyes looked steadily into hers as he lowered his mouth to the blush of her pussy.

  The wet heat of his lips burned her, soothing away any aches—real or remembered—with that erotic touch. She closed her eyes and let her head fall back beneath the shower spray.

  Cinder’s tongue swept between the seam of her pussy lips, licking a pathway from her opening to her clit. His teeth tugged gently on her labia ring. His face buried deep into her softness and she was forced to grasp his head in her shaking hands to keep her balance. The water continued to beat down upon them as he whipped her flesh with flicks of his tongue and lips. She moaned and undulated helplessly against him, letting him take her where he willed.

  The rasp of his tongue was a torment that was almost too intense for her to bear. There were no secrets he could not uncover, no treasure he could not appraise. She was fully open to him. His fingers came into play with his tongue, gently parting her swollen folds so that he could kiss her more deeply, more completely.


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