Maverick (Devil’s Deviants Book 1)

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Maverick (Devil’s Deviants Book 1) Page 11

by C. M. Allen

  We just lay there for a few moments, still connected, as we both tried to get some much-needed air back into our lungs again. Brushing the hair away from her sweaty forehead, that was also plastered to my chest, I looked down at her. “Are you ok? I wasn’t too rough on you, was I?”

  “I… I.” Is all she got out before I started laughing.

  “We’re back to the stutterin՛ I’s again, huh?”

  Lifting her head up, she rested her chin on my chest. “Well, when you get your brains fucked out like I just did, that’s pretty much all that’s left.” Both of us laughed.

  “So, you didn’t answer my question, was I too rough on you? I tried to take it easy since it was our first time together.”

  Her eyes went wide at the realization that the level of intensity with me would only increase, but then a smile spread across her face. “So, are you saying that this is going to happen again between us?”

  Leaning up, I kissed her. “At least two or three more times tonight alone. We’ve yet to christen the shower, the dining room table, the couch, or the spa. And I’m pretty sure I saw a swing out back?” I suggested, winking at her.

  Laughing, she slapped my chest. “First you need to feed me if you have any hope of doing any of those things tonight.”

  When I pulled out of her there was a wince of pain that graced her features before quickly vanishing. “Well then, let’s get some food in you, but first we need to clean you up and take care of that battered pussy of yours. I saw the pain in your eyes when I pulled out. If I want more of you tonight, I know I need to take care of you now.” I watched as her face reddened at my brash words.

  After we’d gotten out of the shower and put some clothes on, Harper and I had both seemed to have grown a smile that we couldn’t wipe from our faces.

  I could be in real trouble here with this woman.

  Just as we walked into the kitchen, we heard bikes rolling up outside. The look on Harper’s face was one of pure terror before I looked out the window to see that it was just Axle and Roman back with my stuff. “It’s fine. It’s just the guys,” I assured her, wrapping my arms around her, kissing her on the forehead to soothe her fears before I answered the door.

  “Hey man, thanks again for bringin՛ my stuff,” I said, when I opened the door for them to come in. I took my bag from Roman as he passed by.

  “Any reason you’re not answerin՛ any calls or texts?” Axle asked as he turned to face me. That’s when I noticed I didn’t have my phone on me.

  “Maybe that’s the reason why,” Roman pointed at Harper as she walked out of the kitchen with it in her hand, and I realized that must have been where I last set it down. Blush colored her cheeks when she handed it to me. “Been workin՛ out while we were gone, Harper? You look a little… flushed.” He added with a knowing smirk.

  Harper’s cheeks reddened even more after she handed me my phone and quickly beat it back to the kitchen, causing me to grin at how cute she was when she got embarrassed. Looking at my phone, I noticed that there were a lot of missed calls with voicemails and texts from Butch, Axle, and Dekes. When I looked back up, both Roman and Axle were giving me a suspicious look. “You fucked her, didn’t you?” Axle accused first.

  “How about you don’t fuckin՛ worry about what I did or didn’t do and tell me what the fucks goin՛ on with Butch and Gunner,” I ordered, giving him a hard look for even thinking he has any right to question my actions.

  Letting out a breath, Axle ran a hand over his face. “Butch is almost back. He and Gunner have Rollins and his guys ridin՛ back with them for extra protection. Seems this woman attracts a shit ton of trouble also.”

  I glared at him, his referral towards Harper being trouble pissing me off. “But everyone is ok and in one piece?” I asked, knowing damn well I should have been the one learning this information first, not hearing it from Axle.

  “Everyone is fine. Tommy’s guys smacked her around a bit before Butch and Gunner were able to get her back though.”

  “Wait, back? How bad?” I’d heard that Tommy was rumored to be the exact type of sick fuck I’d seen do serious damage to a woman, in every sense of the word.

  “From what Butch said it’s a long story and she has a few scrapes and bruises, but she’ll be just fine.”

  “Good.” Knowing I needed to call Dekes as soon as I could, I excused myself and headed outside to the back yard and made the call. It only rang once before he answered it, shouting at me. “Where the fuck have you been Mr. Reed?! When I call your ass, you answer the Fucking phone, got me!” I really hated this motherfucker. He knew damn well I fucking despised his disrespect in the way he talked to me, and I sure as fuck didn’t like it when anyone used my legally given name.

  Trying not to go off the chain and just tell him to fuck off, I drew in a much-needed calming breath, or more like three before I spoke. “What did you need Dekes?” I asked through clenched teeth.

  “I’ll tell you what I need. I need for you and the rest of that fucked up gang of yours to do your fucking job and intercept Skull’s shipments!”

  It’s going to take everything I have not to just kill and bury this prick myself before this shit is over.




  I don’t think I had ever been this sore and worn out after sex in my entire life! The way Maverick looked at me, made me feel so desired and beautiful, it’s what fantasies were made of. His body against mine, moving with mine and inside of me was something I didn’t think I would ever forget. I had always known just by what I had remembered when we had our mistake hookup that he had the body of an Adonis. But when he took his shirt off and I got a full look at all his tattoos that accentuated his hard body, it took everything I had not to run my tongue over all of his hard ridges on that eight pack he had me drooling over.

  Hmm, now that’s a thought for later…

  And don’t even get me started on when he took his jeans and boxers off, exposing that big beautiful cock of his to me. All that ran through my mind from the second I took him into my mouth was; I was going to drive this man crazy.

  When the guys showed up to give Maverick his stuff, I couldn’t help the embarrassment that reddened my face when Roman asked if I’d been working out. But it was when I overheard Axle’s comment about this other woman being trouble also, that I became pissed off. But I also felt guilt. Guilt that I was causing trouble between them and for their club. When Maverick went out to the back yard, to make a call, it left just the three of us. And after the fuck fest Maverick and I just had, I was feeling pretty brave right now. I must have been, with what I was about to do.

  I really think all those orgasms Maverick gave me must have caused my brain cells to wave bye, bye!

  “What is it exactly about me that you don’t like, Axle? Because you sure as hell make it crystal clear every time you're around me that you don’t.” I asked, leaning on the doorframe with my arms crossed over my chest.

  The look on Roman’s face was one of pure surprise and amazement. I don’t think he thought I was the type of woman to stand up for myself.


  Axle on the other hand just glared at me for a moment before his feet erased any distance that sat empty between us. Now towering over me, he gave me a look most people would have run from, but like I said, I was pissed right now. So my feet stayed firmly planted. “I don’t like you because I think you’re goin՛ to bring a fuck ton of trouble to this club. And now there’s goin՛ to be two of you bringin՛ shit storms to our doorstep. We’ve worked our asses off to clean this club up and go legit, lady. But we can’t do that with possible wars breakin՛ out all around us, now can we? And why is that happenin՛ you ask? Because of a fuckin՛ female.”

  “I’d quit now if I were you brother. Unless you want the Prez all over your ass.” Roman interjected.

  “The Prez already knows how I feel about this shit. Made that clear to him this mornin՛.” He snapped back at Roman before focusi
ng all his hate back onto me. “The only reason I’m not turnin՛ your ass over to Skull right now is because you seem to mean somethin՛ to the Prez. However, should that shit change…” His threat was left hanging heavy in the air with nothing more than a shrug of his shoulders.

  “That’s fucked up man. Even for you.” Roman growled.

  “Yeah? We’ll see how you feel about that after everythin՛ we’ve worked so hard for goes to shit because of her or this other fuckin՛ problem that’s headed our way now with Butch and Gunner. Hell, that bitch is already causin՛ them problems. Bitches are nothin՛ but trouble.” Shaking his head, he turned towards the front door. “I’m fuckin՛ out of here, see you back at the clubhouse.”

  As Roman and I both stood staring at the front door, he just slammed shut behind him, neither one of us said anything for a moment. “Would it surprise you if I told you he has a good reason for acting that way?” Roman asked.

  “Let me take a wild guess here. He got burned by a woman?” I answered flatly.


  Looking at Roman, he had that rough bad boy exterior, but with the way he talked and acted his heart was probably a lot bigger than he would want you to ever know. He was a big guy; my guess would be six-foot one. His muscles looked as though he put them through a grueling workout process daily with how well defined, they were. The tattoos he had running down his arms only added to their definition. When I looked up into his coal black eyes, I found them to be almost as dark as his inky black hair that just touched the top of his cut. “So, what did she do to Axle to make him so bitter towards women?”

  Wiping his hand down his face, he scrubbed it over his five o’clock shadow. “Axle’s story is just that, his story and not mine to tell, but I will say this, that woman fucked him up good the day she left. Hasn’t been the same since.”


  “Speakin՛ of women,” he cuts me off. “Who is that sexy as hell little blonde hellion at your diner?”

  Laughing at his description of Ava, I wanted to warn him against even looking her way, but I loved her too much to ever speak a bad word about her. Besides, I knew Ava could more than handle herself where a man like Roman was concerned. “Her name is Ava.”

  “Think she might like to ride me,” clearing his throat, he tried again not to say what he was actually thinking about her. “I mean on my bike,” he raised his brows still not able to keep his thoughts non-sexual about her.

  Narrowing my eyes at him, I felt that I needed to give him ah… shall we say, small warning. “Ava is not the kind of woman that you can just mess around with Roman. She will rip your balls off, cook them up nice and crispy before she feeds them back to you and makes you thank her for cooking them first if you hurt her.”

  Growling, he rubbed his thumb across his bottom lip. “Damn! That’s sexy as fuck! Sounds just like my kind of woman.”

  Laughing at his obvious lust for my friend, I rolled my eyes. “It’s your balls’ funeral then.”

  Stepping closer, he leaned down. “I’ve been known to tame a wild pussy or two in my time. They don’t call me the Pussy Whisperer for nothin՛ you know,” he stepped back just enough so I could see him end his words with a wink.

  I couldn’t help but crack up at his comment. “Why the fuck you whisperin՛ into my woman’s ear, asshole?” Maverick’s gruff voice bellowed out as he shut the back door hard, holding Roman with his steely glare.

  Did he really just call me his woman?

  Raising his hands in a surrendering motion, Roman backed up a few steps away from me. “Man, I was just askin՛ her about the babe at the diner, nothin՛ more. I swear.”

  Maverick’s glare swung back to me but softened. “Did she also tell you that woman has a sick obsession with cuttin՛ a man’s balls off?” His lips painted with a smirk.

  “She did. But she ain’t met a man like me before. I’ll have her kissin՛ my balls before she knows it.”

  Chuckling, Maverick started to walk towards me. “Good luck wi—.”

  The next events seemed to play out like I was in some sort of slow-motion Matrix type film. It all started when I heard Maverick’s phone beep with a text. The second he took to look down at the message on his phone, the roar of pipes filled the air all around us. “Get down!” Maverick shouted, running straight for me as wood and glass began to splinter and shatter all around us.

  I felt sharp bites being made in my skin as the glass fell over the only part of my body that was exposed under Maverick’s body covering mine. The terrifying sounds of gunshots ripping the house to shreds seemed to go on for what felt like forever before the roaring sound of pipes moved away from us signaling the end of it.

  Suddenly I felt a pair of hands running all over my body as if checking for injuries, then I heard Maverick’s panicked words come into focus. “Harper, are you ok? Are you hit anywhere? Anythin՛ hurt?” Trying to get my trembling limbs to help me up, he pushed me gently back down. “Don’t get up, it’s not safe just yet. Roman, check to make sure it’s all clear out there.”

  “On it,” Roman got to his feet and pointed the gun he had out in front of him as he moved slowly towards where the front door used to be.

  When I watched him step through the destroyed area, I began to panic that something was going to happen to him. “What if he gets shot?”

  “Don’t worry, Roman knows what he’s doin՛.” Then we heard the sound of pipes making their way towards us again, and my body began to tremble all over. “Easy Sweetheart, I think it’s just Axle.”

  When both Axle and Roman came running back inside, I blew out a relieved breath. “Shit! You all ok in here? I tried sendin՛ a text to warn you as soon as I could when I realized it was the Slayer’s I saw in my rear view comin՛ this way,” he said, sounding panicked and out of breath.

  “We’re fine.” Looking at my arm Maverick noticed the cuts from the glass. “Let’s get these cleaned up and see if you’re goin՛ to need stitches on any of them.” His voice sounded so calm for having just been shot at, that I couldn’t help but think somehow, he must have been used to this kind of thing happening in his life.

  Me, on the other hand, I found this to be a very scary situation I could have never imagined myself being in.

  “I’m sure it’s fine, it’s just a few scrapes and cuts.” I tried to assure him in a shaky voice as he led me towards the bathroom in silence.

  Suddenly before we reached the hallway, he stopped, causing me to almost collide with his back. Spinning around, he charged back out to the living room, or should I say, what was left of it. The look on his face had morphed from a concerned one into a darkness I’d never seen him wear before. “I want to know how the fuck they knew where we were! I want to know who the fuck was on those bikes! And I want to know right fuckin՛ now! Someone is goin՛ to pay for this shit!” He shouted at no one in particular, but both Axle and Roman grabbed their phones and began to make calls. Maverick turned to lead me back to the bathroom once again without another word. Once we’re in the bathroom, he set me onto the counter. “Where’s your first aid kit?” His voice calm all over again.

  “In that cupboard there.” I pointed with a shaky hand to the closet where the extra towels were kept. After he retrieved the first aid kit, he started cleaning my cuts and that’s when I noticed his hand was shaking too, so I laid my hand over his. “I’m ok Maverick, really.” I tried to assure him again.

  Letting out a heavy breath, he surprised me by pulling me closer and hugging me tightly. “I could have lost you. This shit is exactly the reason you should stay as far away from me as you can Harper.”

  Afraid that he was going to use this to push me away again, I tried my best to reason with him. “This isn’t your fault Maverick,” cupping his face with my hands, I made him look me in the eyes. “Don’t use this as a reason to push me away again, please. Please don’t do that to me again. I know I may not mean as much to you as you’ve come to mean to me but...”

my chin, he pulled me in for a kiss, cutting me off before pushing me back so I could see his face. “Don’t ever doubt that you mean somethin՛ to me Harper. You mean more to me than you know, but so does your safety. What if I’m not fast enough next time? What if I do everythin՛ in my power to protect you and it’s still not enough? I know firsthand what that shit can do to a man when he’s too late. My father was too late, and it killed him.”

  “Please don’t talk like that. I’m fine, look at me! It’s just a few scrapes and cuts that will all heal.”

  Silently, he put the two band aids that were needed on my arm and looked up at me. “I need to make a few calls.” The look in his eyes was one of pain and regret.

  Pulling me in tight, he hugged me to his chest again and just held me there. I gripped onto him with all the strength I had to hold him to me. Kissing my forehead, he slowly pulled away, forcing me to release my tight grip on him. But then he reached out to pull my chin up, and my lips met his. It was a quick kiss before he leaned his forehead against mine, I could feel the silent struggle that raged inside of him. Without another word he released me and turned to walk out of the bathroom. And that’s when it hit me…

  He was saying goodbye.




  After I had gotten the call from Rooster, telling me that he had received a text from an unknown number on the location of where Maverick was holed up at, I couldn’t say I wasn’t pleasantly surprised to find out the girl was still his weakness. Even though I knew I couldn’t kill the fucker just yet, I sure as hell could rattle his cage and teach that motherfucker a lesson about being in my territory he wouldn’t soon forget. But the question was, who the hell was helping us find him. And why? At first, I thought it was some sort of elaborate setup. But when Rooster and Stitch confirmed the tip was real, I gave them the green light. Now I held my phone in my hand with the same unknown number telling me that they can tell me who’s jacking my shipments. I read the text over as I contemplated my response.


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