victory (Victoria), as patriotic ideal, 94–95, 107
Virgil, 10, 38, 72, 165, 183
Virgin Mary, 186
Annunciation of, 116, 116
Visconti, Ennio Quirinio, 194–95
Visigoths, xi, 125–26, 174, 177, 179, 181, 182
Vouillé, Battle of (A.D. 507), 181
Vulcan (Roman god), 163
Wulfila (“Little Wolf”), 80–82, 81, 85
Xerxes, King of Persia, 88, 186
Yemen, 6
Zeno, Emperor of Rome, 178, 179
Zenobia of Palmyra, 46
Zeugma, 7
Zeus (Roman god), 57
zooarchaeology, 35
Zoroastrianism, 88–89
Zosimus, 41–43, 110, 114–15, 117, 119, 141, 149, 151–52, 153, 158, 171
A Social and Cultural History of Late Antiquity
Coming Out Christian in the Roman World
Ostia in Late Antiquity
Copyright © 2020 by Douglas Boin
All rights reserved
First Edition
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
Names: Boin, Douglas, author.
Title: Alaric the Goth : an outsider’s history of the fall of Rome / Douglas Boin.
Other titles: Outsider’s history of the fall of Rome
Description: First edition. | New York : W. W. Norton & Company, [2020] |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019050501 |
ISBN 9780393635690 (hardcover) | ISBN 9780393635706 (epub)
Subjects: LCSH: Alaric I, King of the Visigoths, –410. | Visigoths—Kings and rulers—
Biography. | Rome—History—Germanic Invasions, 3rd–6th centuries.
Classification: LCC DG322.5.A53 B65 2020 | DDC 937/.09092 [B]—dc23
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