Sin Series Stand-alone Novels: Endurance, Unintended & Redemption
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I’ve stitched more patients on my sofa than any doctor should have to. Even a Fellowship physician. “It’s been a real joy but I’ve had my fair share. It would be good to perform medical procedures like I’m living in the twenty-first century.”
“Fair enough. Do you have a place in mind?” He didn’t shoot me down. So far, so good.
“I was thinking a detached house would be ideal. I could live there full-time, so I’d be available when needed.” I hope Sin doesn’t suggest a warehouse or commercial building.
“Makes sense. I like it.” Sin fetches his phone from his pocket. “Can you look at properties in the morning if Ani can work you in?”
Thank fuck he’s going along with my idea. “The morning will be fine as long as you make it after ten. I have plans.”
“Like sneaking out the door before some Fellowship lass wakes and wants you to stay and spoon?”
I wish. Except the woman I’d love to hold all morning isn’t a Fellowship lass. At least not yet. “I bet you do your fair share of spooning.”
“Believe me. I try. But one of the bairns puts an end to it every time. Never fails.”
Sinclair Breckenridge is getting cockblocked. Fucking hilarious. “What do you expect out of a six-month-old and three-month-old twins?”
I still can’t believe Sin let Bleu talk him into adopting an orphaned newborn when she was only a couple months away from giving birth to their twins. Three babies. Their life is crazy but I guess they somehow make it work.
“I knew it was going to be hard with three wee ones, but I thought the gods of shagging might have mercy on me from time to time.” Sin smiles as he points to the photo of his children on the desk. “See those three? They’re cute little buggers, but damn, they don’t sleep. At least not at the same time.”
“The gods of shagging aren’t treating me any better. My plans don’t include spooning with a lass in the morning. I’m having breakfast with Mum, Evanna, and Westlyn.”
“Not the kind of female company you prefer in the morning, aye?”
“Hell, no. Mum is driving me insane.”
My mum has been clingy since Dad died. I knew he was dictator of the family, but I had no idea how much he controlled my mother’s behavior until he was no longer around to bark orders.
“Torrie needs a diversion.”
“Agreed.” Mum’s growing more difficult to tolerate every day. “I’m open to suggestions.”
“A grandchild would do wonders for her.”
A grandchild? “You’d better be finding husbands for my sisters.”
“I wasn’t talking about them. It’s time you find your Mrs. Breckenridge and start working on a family.” Sin chuckles as he thumbs the screen of his phone and then brings it up to his ear. “Good mornin’, Ani. This is Sinclair Breckenridge.”
Fuck. I’m still trying to figure out how to get the girl I want. Without her, I’m not sure there will ever be a Mrs. Breckenridge or babies for me.
The next few minutes consist of listening to my leader work his magic with the real estate agent to secure an appointment, which she clearly didn’t have available when Sin initially phoned. I don’t think there’s a woman he can’t charm.
“Done. She’s working you in at eleven o’clock tomorrow.”
“Does your wife know how you use your wiles on other women?”
I hear a feminine giggle behind me before Bleu comes into the office. “His wife certainly does know. What poor woman has he charmed with his cunning craft this time?”
“Ani, our real estate agent. Dr. Breckenridge needs a place he can convert into an emergency room for treating the brothers. He has already tired of treating patients on a sofa.”
“A place to treat the injured after the siege.” Bleu sighs as she sits on the corner of Sin’s desk. “As much as I hate the thought, it’s a realistic and wise one. There’s going to be a need for such a place. It’s a clever suggestion. The Fellowship is lucky to have you anticipating these kinds of needs.”
I’m actually really happy Bleu came to the office when she did. My leader’s wife may be more help than she realizes. “I’m anticipating other needs as well. A converted and stocked ER will be worthless to me if I don’t have extra hands to help. I learned that all too well the last time we had a shootout with The Order.”
It was a damn mess. I was completely unprepared for the catastrophe of treating the injured in my flat with minimal supplies and equipment.
“It’s a good argument. Jamie’s only one person. No matter how skilled he is, he can’t be expected to do it alone. There will be multiple cases to treat at the same time so he’s going to need help.” Looks like I have the boss’s wife on my side. That can’t hurt.
“What about Lowry’s daughter? Dad granted her permission to go to nursing school last year as her contribution.”
She’s not the one I want. “Adaira volunteered to become a nurse so she could get close to me. It’s all about being claimed. The lass has zero interest in working.”
I’m a bastard for throwing Adaira under the bus, but Sin will ruin my plan if he chooses her to help me.
“Then I guess she’ll be no help.” The tightness in my chest relaxes.
“The Fellowship has a very capable nurse with an extensive background in emergency and trauma. She even has some OR skills. A much better option than an inexperienced nursing student.”
Thank you, Bleu Breckenridge. Sin’s incredibly clever wife is making this too damn easy for me.
Is she purposely helping me? She and her sister are close. I can’t imagine Ellison not telling her what happened between us the night I drove her home from the babies’ consecration.
“All true. Ellison has a lot of hands-on experience. More than me, actually. The lass knows her gunshot wounds and how to care for them. She practically stood over my shoulder and told me how to treat Leith. Her knowledge and experience would be a true asset to the brotherhood.”
“Helping Jamie at the infirmary could be Elli’s contribution,” Bleu suggests.
“Ellison’s help at the infirmary would be short-lived. I have no doubt her mate will want her to stop working once he makes his claim on her official.”
I’m so fucking tired of hearing—and thinking—about Ellison’s claiming.
“True. Her husband won’t like her working there, but she isn’t married yet. Until that time comes, my sister can put her skills to good use for the brotherhood. She misses nursing. I’m sure she’d love to get back in on some excitement and gore.”
“Working so closely with The Fellowship is going to put Ellison in danger. She won’t be flying under the radar anymore. She’ll need immediate protection if she agrees to do this.”
Sin isn’t talking about assigning a guard to watch over her. Fuck. Everything will be ruined if a brother claims her now.
“Ellison can move into the infirmary as well. She’ll be safe there with me. It makes sense for her to live there anyway since I’ll need her to be available at all times.”
Sin is my best mate and leader. He’s highly intelligent and has a sixth sense for sniffing out bullshit. Can he see I’m on edge? Detect my deceit? Smell my fear?
“Ellison living with you could make for a problem with someone coming forward to claim her.” Sin’s right.
As long as Ellison is unclaimed, she’ll remain under Sin’s protection—the safest place for her. And out of the bed of one of my brother’s. I can’t say I’m sorry about that.
“Ellison will be doing her job—the one her leader assigned her. No brother can hold that against her.”
I know the words are untrue as they come out of my mouth. The brothers respect Sin’s orders, but each of them will want a marriage-worthy woman untouched by another brother as his wife. Fact. It’s how we are.
“I don’t see anything wrong with this arrangement. It’s an honorable job to hold regardless of the living arrangements. Any nitwit can see that, and if he can’t, I don’t want him married to
my sister.” I swear I think FBI-Bleu is onto me, and what I have planned. I think she’s helping me.
“My wife approves. Looks like you’re getting the house and the help you’ll need to make this happen. Anything else I can do for you?”
“I don’t think so. I appreciate everything.” Sin has no idea that this means everything to me.
Bleu’s brow lifts and she’s grinning in a way that suggests she knows about Ellison and me. “I for one think you and Ellison will make a great team.”
She and I will be great together, period. “I think so too.”
“Maybe Sin should call and tell her you’ll be coming by to discuss it tonight?”
Not a bad idea. My visit would likely be more welcome if announced as a professional call by her leader. “Aye.”
Talking Sin and Bleu into going along with my plan was half the battle. Getting Ellison to agree may not be so easy after our last encounter. She was so hurt when I told her I couldn’t claim her. She’ll never know how badly I wish I would make her mine forever.
I haven’t seen her in six weeks. I have no idea how she’ll react to being thrown together like this.
My plan may leave her feeling ambushed. Or she could be as desperate to see me as I am to see her.
Ambushed versus desperation? Neither are ideal.
But I swear—if she’ll let me—I’ll erase any trace of anger, unhappiness, and pain.
She will know she’s been loved.
Chapter 2
Ellison Macallister
“Dammit, Bleu. Now is not the time to miss my calls.” I’m dying to know what’s going on and why Jamie is on his way to see me.
Sin was so vague when he called. And he used his freaking Fellowship Godfather voice. It was weird to be on the receiving end of that tone. Frankly, it was a little unnerving. I can see why Fellowship members sit up and take notice when he speaks.
He only told me Jamie was coming over to discuss Fellowship business. What the hell does that mean?
I want to believe that Jamie has changed his mind about claiming me, but my gut says no. Our circumstances are no different than they were six weeks ago when he rejected me.
Okay. It wasn’t a true rejection. I realized that after I had a little time to think it over. It was more like an I love you enough to let you go because I can’t bear seeing you harmed thing. Which would be really sweet if it didn’t suck so hard.
And he didn’t tell me he loved me.
I’m not saying no because I don’t want you.
You think it’s not going to kill me to see you with someone else? Agony, Ellison. It’s going to be agony.
I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you.
I wouldn’t hurt you for anything in the world. I swear I’m doing this for your own good.
None of those words equate to an I love you. But it doesn’t matter if you label it love or not. The epilogue of our story is the same.
We. Are. Not. Together.
No happily ever after.
Only The End.
Bleu’s phone goes to voicemail after the fifth ring. Again. “You have to call me. Right now. I’m freaking out, and I’m positive you know why Jamie is coming over. Call. Me.”
Shit. I can’t believe she’s leaving me hanging like this. I’m going to put my foot in her ass next time I see her.
I toss my phone on the bed, drop my towel on the floor, and dash across the room to choose underwear. I go with a matching white and black lace set… just in case things have changed. A girl can dream. And be prepared.
I opt for the casual look. Natural makeup, messy bun on top of my head, black-frame glasses in place of my contacts, black yoga pants, and a long purple tunic with an oversized boat neck. It hangs off one shoulder in a subtle-sultry-sensual-sexy way.
I have a glass of Prosecco with the thought that it might help calm my nerves. The only thing the wine accomplishes is making my cheeks feel like they’re on fire. I’m definitely not calmer than I was when I took the first drink.
I jolt like I’ve been goosed in the ribs when the doorbell chimes. Oh, shit. Here we go, Elli.
Do not act like you give two shits that he’s in your apartment alone with you.
Do not plead with him to claim you.
Do not fall into bed with him.
I open the door and nearly lose my breath when I see those damn intense amber eyes fringed by long dark lashes. It’s been six weeks since the last time I lost myself in them. They’re like golden magnets drawing me in.
My feelings for Jamie are no less intense than they were the last time we were together. I still want him despite being told it’s an impossibility. I’ve never been receptive to hearing that I couldn’t have what I wanted and now is no exception.
Pushing to get what I want has often worked for me in the past, but not this time. It only got me as far as the bedroom with Jamie’s hand up my dress. Not being claimed.
When a man like him says no, he means it. And although he admitted that he wanted me, he was also very clear about where we stand.
We. Aren’t. Happening.
“Hi.” It’s only a single word but I’m certain to make it sound assertive. I won’t let him see the chaos spinning out of control inside my head and heart.
“Hi.” He stands in the hallway, hands shoved in the front pockets of his jeans. It’s impossible to not notice the way his black T-shirt hugs his broad chest and shoulders. How I wish I knew what he looks like beneath that shirt.
“Come in.”
I lead Jamie to the living room and wonder with every step if he’s looking at me and recalling what it was like to touch my body. Or to have me pushed against the wall, kissing me like crazy. Or to have me beneath him on the bed with his hand up my dress.
I stand with my arms crossed, waiting to see where he’ll sit, but he chooses to stand in front of the fireplace instead. His demeanor is different. He’s not his usual cool self at all. Am I wrong to think he’s as out of sorts as me?
“I was having a glass of Prosecco. Would you care for one?” Silly offer. I’m certain Jamie isn’t much of a sparkling white wine man. “Or a Johnnie Walker?”
“I’ll take a whisky. Neat, please.”
Jamie is silent as I pour his drink and I swear I can feel the sexual tension smothering me like a thick smog. “Sin said you were coming over to discuss Fellowship business? I’m curious to find out how that includes me.”
“Aye. I have a proposal, and I’m hoping you’ll be interested.”
I hear the word proposal and my stomach swarms like bees leaving a kicked hive. Stop, Elli. You already know it’s not that kind of proposal.
I pass him the glass of whisky and silently pray he doesn’t see the unsteadiness of my hand. “What kind of proposal?”
“The takeover is going to be an all-out battle for dominance between The Order and us. Brothers will be injured. Some will die. Unfortunate but inevitable.”
I don’t know everything about The Fellowship but I’m certain of one thing. As The Fellowship physician, Jamie won’t be part of the actual fighting. That eases some of my worries.
“I hadn’t really considered the aftermath of the fight.”
These men going to battle are about to be my people. They’re taking on an enemy. An enemy who wouldn’t hesitate to come after me if given the opportunity. But I’m still finding it difficult to be concerned with their well-being. I can’t get my mind off my own welfare.
“This will be the worst battle The Fellowship has ever faced. I’m trying to look at this realistically. I’m afraid I won’t be able to handle the wounded by myself. I’m going to need someone to help me.” Jamie’s eyes lock on mine. “I want you.”
I want you. Three words I’ve been dying to hear from him… but not in this capacity.
I smile, a camouflage so he won’t see the disappointment hiding behind my expression. “Yeah… of course. I’m happy to lend a hand.”
“I’m relieved you’r
e willing to help but you should probably hear me out entirely before making a final decision.”
“I want to set up a suitable infirmary where I can treat the brothers after the battle as well as on a permanent basis. Preparing the facility will be a lot of work in a short amount of time since we’re only a few weeks away. I’m thinking long-term, so I’ve asked Sin for a house. I think it’s best that I live there so I can be available as needed.”
The truth is, Jamie is a doctor who will be on call twenty-four/seven for the rest of his life. Or until another doctor takes his place years down the road. The Fellowship owns him but at least with this plan, he won’t be called away from home all the time. The brothers come to him instead. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re sort of brilliant?”
A low chuckle accompanies the smile on Jamie’s face. “You should probably withhold your verdict until you’ve heard the rest.”
“I’ve no doubt it only gets better.” He is clever. I’m certain he’s given this a lot of thought.
“This whole idea of an infirmary is shite if I don’t have the help I need.”
No matter the talent, a single person can’t be doctor, nurse, supply fetcher, and light adjuster at the same time. “I agree with that one hundred percent. It’s going to take a team to make this work.”
“Aye and I’m only half the team. I want you to be the other half. The better half, I’m sure.”
The better half. His words reach my stomach, grip it tightly, and twist.
“I want you to live there with me. That’s what it’ll take if it’s to run efficiently.”
Live with him?
Live. With. Him?
He’s got to be kidding me.
How would I do that and not completely lose my mind? The agony of not being with this man is bad enough. Sleeping with him in the bedroom next to mine would be pure torture. “Jamie… do you really need me to explain why living together—but not being together—isn’t going to work?”
Jamie comes to the sofa and sits beside me. Mere inches away. Within my reach but completely unobtainable. “I’m not saying it’ll be easy.”