Highland Engagement

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Highland Engagement Page 12

by Dana D'Angelo

  As her father finished his speech, his demeanor changed, and a grim expression appeared on his face.

  “The destruction has already gone on for years,” she said. She saw that he surveyed the part of town that had been ravaged by the raids.

  “That’s why we must make efforts tae end this now,” he turned eagerly to her. “When I sent ye across the ocean, I wanted tae keep ye safe from the violence and massacre.” He paused as if he considered what he had done. But then he nodded his head with satisfaction. “That goal was achieved, and ye have grown tae adulthood. Now ‘tis your duty tae marry and bring about security and hope tae our people.”

  He pointed to a group of townspeople who appeared unkempt and extremely thin. At this festival, Lady Beitris’s generosity allowed them to eat well. The meat on the chicken carcasses was long gone, but they continued to pick at the bones. Tomorrow, they would probably not have much to eat.

  In contrast to her life in France, everyone in her household had enough to eat. And at no point did she or anyone else in her vicinity felt threatened by raiders. For once, the guilt of living such a privileged life filled her. The resentment she had toward her father seemed rather petty and selfish when she reflected on the suffering and insecurity her people faced.

  “I’m counting on ye tae make the right decision and make a difference, daughter. There’s a reason why the clan members believe ye are precious. If ye love the clan and me, ye will do your part.”

  In the distance, Anabell caught sight of a young bairn who lifted his pudgy arms in the air, waiting for his sire to pick him up. The lad had a father, at least. Anabell didn’t know how many bairns that had lost their fathers to the clan wars. And she didn’t know how many more families would be devastated if this marriage never took place.

  As the weight of her role tightened its hold on her, so did her feeling of guilt. These poor people had known only suffering. Meanwhile, she lived in another part of the world, far away from the ugliness. Her people didn’t have the luxury of living free from violence, destruction, and fear. The request made of her was insignificant. If she married the laird, she could help end the clan battles once and for all.

  “Have ye made your decision?” her father asked.

  Anabell felt his gaze boring into the side of her face as he waited for her answer. The tension rose from her shoulders to her neck. She wasn’t prepared to marry a complete stranger. However, the welfare of her people was at stake.

  The image of Adam and his siblings crossed her mind. And in her heart, she knew that orphans existed on both sides. If she didn’t help them, no one would. She was a woman now, and for the first time, she would make a decision that would positively impact many lives. All she had to do was to make the right decision.

  “All right,” she said finally. “I’ll marry James Cunningtoun.”

  Her father smiled and gently patted her cheek. “I’m proud of ye, daughter. I knew ye would put the clan first,” he said. “After I speak with the Cunningtoun, ye will marry him in two weeks.”

  Chapter 15

  Anabell tossed and turned in her bed for most of the night. It seemed she had fallen asleep only moments before when the call of the rooster woke her. Her eyes popped open, and the events from three days ago rushed into her mind.

  She was going to be married. To whom she wasn’t even sure since she didn’t know much about her betrothed. But this was a deliberate choice. She had refrained from asking questions about the Cunningtoun, knowing that details about the man would make things more concrete, more real. She reminded herself that this engagement was for the greater good of all concerned.

  Even though she said her mother knew of the affair, Anabell wrote a missive to her, informing her of the details. And she had also confided in her nursemaid about her father’s scheme. With news this big, some of the servants also found out about the upcoming union.

  “’Tis a brave thing ye are doing,” Maggie had told her. There was admiration in her voice. “This marriage will surely bring peace tae us all.”

  “Aye, ‘tis what my father suggested.”

  “Well, with two weeks tae prepare, we’ll have much tae do.”

  Maggie looked off in the distance as if she were mentally listing all the things that needed to be done. Anabell could always count on Maggie to take care of the particulars. Under her influence, this wedding would occur without a hitch.

  Anabell crept out of bed and quickly put on the arisaid her grandmother had given her. She knew that if she stayed in bed, her mind would continue to race, and all kinds of questions would crop up. She didn’t want to think, and being outside allowed her to clear her head.

  As she stepped out into the courtyard, she was surprised to see Blane walking several paces ahead of her with his mount. Pleasure coursed through her at the sight of his manly figure. Without thinking, she called out to him.

  “Blane,” she said.

  He turned at the sound of her voice and waited until she caught up with him.

  “Where are ye going sae early in the morning?” she asked.

  “I’m going tae exercise my horse,” he said. “I dinnae think the stable hands are giving it what it needs.”

  The idea of exercising a horse appealed to her. Instead of wandering in the courtyard, she figured the activity might be a better way to clear her mind.

  “Do ye mind if I join ye?” she asked.

  Her question made him pause, but then he nodded. “Of course,” he said. “Let’s get a mount for ye.”

  As soon as they exited the gates, they turned and rode toward the forested area. Anabell let out a cry of joy as she urged the horse to a gallop. It tore down the path as the wind whipped across her face, causing her long hair to stream behind her. When she passed Blane, she laughed out loud at seeing his surprised look. This was what she needed, and she allowed herself to become one with the mare. And just for the moment, her mind emptied, and all her troubles flew away with the wind.

  Anabell heard the thundering of hooves and knew that Blane wasn’t far behind her. He rode a bigger steed, and he would overtake her if she didn’t increase her speed. She bent low on the horse’s back and urged it to go faster.

  When she neared the edge of the forest, she slowed her mount. She took in deep breaths and permitted her heart to slow down. The ride was exhilarating, but she couldn’t risk tearing into the thicket, especially since there were probably hidden dangers in the underbrush. Her grandmother would be displeased if she got injured just before the wedding.

  “Ye ride well,” Blane said when he caught up with her. “Who taught ye?”

  “If ye can believe it, ‘twas my grandmother who first showed me. When I used tae visit her at Dunburn Castle, she let me ride as much as I wanted. Unfortunately, when I moved away, I had little opportunity tae explore the terrain in the same way. How I missed it!”

  Blane smiled at her enthusiasm. “I’ll have tae challenge ye tae another race,” he said. “I’m afraid my mount has gotten lazy over the inadequate exercise.”

  “All right, I’ll accept your excuse this once,” she said, teasing him. “But ye can admit it. My riding skill along with my extraordinary horse allowed me tae win this time.”

  “I’ll admit nothing of the sort,” he said, letting out a deep chuckle. “Do ye want tae head back now? Lady Beitris might wonder where you have gone.”

  Anabell looked wistfully toward the woods. She felt so stifled at the castle, and she loathed the idea of returning so soon.

  “Can we continue farther? I want tae visit that waterfall I told ye about the other day,” she said. “We willnae be gone for long. And since my grandmother is occupied with her attendants, I doubt she’ll miss me.”

  Blane indulged her, and soon, they picked their way through the overgrown path. Twenty minutes later, she heard the sound of water, and she quickened her pace.

  They turned around a bend, and they soon discovered that the path diverged and ran parallel to the small stream. They cli
mbed to the top of a slope, and the trail changed. It became narrow and littered with fallen logs and large boulders. With all the obstacles in the way, it would be difficult for their mounts to pass.

  “We willnae be able tae view the waterfall from the pathway,” she said. “We’ll have tae get off here and make our way down the slope.”

  Blane dismounted and then helped her from her horse before securing the reins to a nearby tree.

  Anabell grabbed onto a branch and carefully descended into the gully, avoiding the rocks and tree roots that obscured her way. Blane followed her lead. When they made it safely to the bottom of the ravine, they walked a little farther out until they reached a cluster of damp and slippery boulders.

  After a few minutes, they came to the waterfall that she remembered so well. She looked up to see the large moss-covered trees that grew between the rocky cliffs. Some of their branches grew long enough to hang over the small stream. Where there were breaks between the trees, sunlight fell through, causing the pool to shimmer as if it contained thousands of sparkling gold coins.

  From what she could recall, this area contained two waterfalls that fed into the fast-flowing stream. The first waterfall was made up of a collection of boulders that varied in size. Anabell decided to guide Blane to the second waterfall, which was much larger and more impressive.

  Everywhere she turned, she found bluebells or some other wildflower peeking out among the lush undergrowth. Not far from the water’s edge, a lone blackbird with a white chest perched on a decaying log. Its song filled the secluded area with its pretty twitter. That sound, in combination with the babbling stream, brought her back to happier times, and she immediately relaxed.

  “’Tis as magnificent as I remember it,” she breathed as she took in the magical view.

  Since she had moved away, she hadn’t thought of the fae, but now that she was here, she could imagine them lurking in the vegetations. Certainly, the tranquil atmosphere suggested their presence.

  “I used tae come here often. I would make a wish and hope the wee folk could hear me,” she said, smiling ruefully at the memory.

  She took off her slippers and hiked up her skirt before wading into the water. The cold stream ran over her toes and made her gasp. But her discomfort was forgotten when a small fish caught her eye, and she ventured farther into the shallow stream.

  “I really miss this place,” she said.

  When the fish moved out of view, Anabell began to head back to the bank. But the rock underneath her foot gave way, and she lost her balance. Blane stepped into the stream and steadied her.

  “Thank ye,” she said, allowing his firm grasp to pull her to safety. His hold on her was warm, and she felt a strange current passed through her. She looked up and found him studying her.

  A ray of sunlight broke through the branches and fell on his rugged face. It was impossible to look away. How could a man be so handsome? She felt a peculiar impulse to skim her fingers along his jaw. And to her surprise, she reached out and caressed his face.

  Blane was also shocked by the contact. But he recovered quickly and pulled her toward him until she was flushed against him. “What spell is this that makes me want tae kiss ye again?” he murmured.

  “’Tis the same spell that makes me want tae kiss ye back,” she answered.

  A low laugh rumbled in his chest. “Then I’ll surrender tae this enchantment,” he said.

  He tilted her chin and set his firm lips against hers.

  The initial contact caused a sharp sensation to drop to her core. At the same time, his heated kiss burned through her, and any thoughts she had dissipated into nothingness.

  With his bold, hot tongue, he ran it across the seam of her lips, teasing them apart. Under his tender assault, she relaxed, and he deepened their connection. Unable to contain her pleasure, a low moan sounded in her throat.

  Anabell tightened her grip and responded to him with the same fervor that he offered. She touched her tongue to his, drawing in the masculine taste of him. All the trouble that had plagued her earlier felt distant and she desperately yearned for something, though she didn’t know what it was.

  But Blane seemed to understand her torment, and he drew her hips tightly against him. There was no mistaking his arousal, yet she felt no fear. She knew the basics of the male sex, and some innate, wanton part of her wanted him to show her more.

  Anabell lowered her guard as she allowed herself to be pulled into his virile magnetism. She arched her back, and seeing the opportunity, he bent his head and glided his tongue along her sensitive neck. Under his gentle caress, she was overcome with fierce desire. She gripped his head as he moved to skim his masculine lips along her collarbone. The heat from the contact burned her skin and swept down to pool at her core.

  “Please,” she whimpered. “I need ye, Blane.”

  He paused at hearing her plea. Under normal circumstances, he might have stopped, but he was also caught up in fierce desire.

  “I need ye as well,” he growled.

  Blane unraveled her arisaid and stripped off her kirtle and shift. He dropped the clothes on the rock behind her, and he took in his fill of her.

  At his scrutiny, her breasts began to feel heavy and achy. She stood, and a light breeze brushed against her flushed skin, making her conscious of her nakedness. But it was this same awareness that shocked her to her senses. Panic gripped her, and she bent to grab her plaid and cover herself.

  “Ye dinnae need your clothes,” he said, stopping her.

  He indicated that she lay down on the flat rock. And when he was certain that he had her full attention, he loosened the belt on his great kilt, allowing the material to drop to the ground. His leine came off next.

  Well aware that she couldn’t take her eyes off of him, Blane stood still, letting her inspect his magnificent form. Her gaze slid from his broad shoulders to his powerful chest and arms. Each part of him was well-defined and brawny. There were two significant scars beneath his ribs, but the old injuries added more character to his otherwise perfect body. It was clear to her that his sinewy form was conditioned from years of combat training and war.

  As her eyes trailed down lower, she observed his abdomen and muscular thighs. But when she noticed the juncture between his legs, she sucked in an involuntary breath. His cock stood proud and firm. And it was enormous.

  “Are ye finished looking me over?” he asked as he boldly walked toward her.

  “I — I think sae.”


  Blane bent over her, and before she knew what was happening, his mouth closed over a puckered nipple.

  Anabell shut her eyes and dropped her head back as he began to focus his attention on her breast. Her fingers plunged through his hair as she released a small groan. Sticking out his tongue, he circled the nub before moving to the other teat. He expertly set an erotic rhythm by licking and sucking her straining breasts.

  When Blane lifted his head, she felt a sudden loss as a cool breeze brushed across her feverish skin. Her eyes popped open in time to see him quickly climb on top of her, pushing open her legs and settling between her. With one hand snaked under her head and the other hand supporting the small of her back, he dropped his head and kissed her again. At the same time, his hips moved. But he didn’t enter her just yet. Instead, he slid his firm member slowly, rhythmically across her slit.

  She gripped his back as she returned his kiss with equal ardor. All the while, she was aware of each pass he made over her clitoris. She began to writhe underneath him and became wetter and hotter with each rocking motion.

  The passion and yearning inside her strengthened to a frenzied peak. “Blane,” she cried.

  He knew exactly what she wanted and needed. Drawing his hips back, he entered her with one smooth thrust. His grunt mingled with her cry as she felt a moment of pain.

  Blane braced his hands on either side of her head, and he held still. Sweat formed on his forehead, and he stared down at her with concern on his han
dsome face.

  “Did I hurt ye?” he demanded.

  “’Twas only a small discomfort,” she said, reaching up and touching his cheek. “But ‘tis gone now.”

  At the brush of his skin, he closed his eyes and let out a groan. He moved his hips in a small circle. Her fingers dug into his back, and he changed the pace, thrusting his entire length into her.

  Her hand slid to the back of his head, urging him to kiss her. His palms dropped down to cup her buttocks just as he kissed her with renewed fervor. Blane’s movements became faster, and she lifted her hips, meeting his powerful thrusts. Her breathing became hitched and interlaced with her moans. At the same time, something heavy built up inside of her. It grew and grew until it suddenly peaked. A moment later, it ruptured, and a burst of color exploded in her head. She arched her back while several waves of torrent passion crashed over her.

  Blane stopped his movements, allowing her to experience the blissful moment. And when he could no longer hold himself back, he began thrusting again until he reached his completion. He collapsed on top of her for a moment before he sat up. Then settling her on his lap, he released a contented sigh.

  Anabell rested her head against his chest, staring into the water while a family of ducks glided along the stream. In the afterglow of their lovemaking, her heart rate had slowed and her breathing returned to normal, matching his. The stillness of the place, combined with the protective warmth of his arms made her feel incredibly happy. So this was what love felt like.

  Chapter 16

  Several breaks in the tree canopy allowed the blue sky to peek through. Anabell felt no urgency to get dressed. Instead, she decided to languish on Blane’s lap, and bask in the warmth of the afternoon sun.

  If she closed her eyes, she could imagine that she and Blane were the only ones in the world. They could immerse themselves in this magical place and forget about reality. She had no pressing need to meet any of her grandmother’s associates. And there was no one to tell her how she should behave at any given moment.


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