The Awakening

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The Awakening Page 10

by Dirk Patton

  “But why me? What’s so special about me?”

  She reached for the bottle, annoyed when she remembered the glass had been broken. Zophiel leaned down and collected the shards, then handed her an undamaged glass. She held it up to the light in amazement, then splashed a couple of fingers of vodka into it with a shaking hand, downing half in one gulp.

  “This is not the first time that evil has found a way to cross over. Nor the second. You have fought the war before. And been victorious. There is more to you than you realize, and you will remember even more, now that you are awakened. Slowly, like past dreams, it will come back. But, for now, you must be on guard at all times. One has found you and is already working to eliminate the threat you pose.”

  “Who? Who has found me? The man who wants the money?”

  “All will be revealed in good time, my dear.”

  Katarina blew out a breath of frustration but didn’t press the issue.

  “So, I can see them, now?”

  “Yes. Just as you saw the truth of the man attempting to rape the woman.”

  “But... what am I supposed to do? I’m not going to just start killing people because I see a demon inside them. That’s insane!”

  “You will understand soon. The memories you need will return. All you need to know now is that no matter who is possessed, they are a grave danger to you and this world. Man, woman or child makes no difference. Friend or family is irrelevant. The person they once were, the soul they once were, has no control once evil takes over. You cannot trust them and you cannot leave them alive. If you do, they will come for you in an unstoppable wave of violence like you’ve never seen.”

  Katarina stared at him and he could tell she was unconvinced.

  “I have other pressing matters to attend to,” he said, tucking the pipe into a pocket. “You will not see me for a time. Do not dismiss what you’ve seen and what I’ve said. To do so would be to place yourself and your world in great peril.”

  “Wait! What do you expect me to do? Just walk around until I see one? How do I find them?”

  “You are drawn to them, Katarina. Do you not already feel the pull? The subtle desire to go somewhere, yet you don’t know why?”

  “I’ve always felt that,” she said in a whisper, her eyes wide.

  “You’ve always been you, my dear. More will become clear in the days ahead. And remember. They can only be killed by destroying the brain while the possessed is still alive. Killing a host first will simply release them to find another. And if you do that, they will make every effort to kill you. Surround yourself with those you can trust. There is strength in numbers.”

  He held her eyes for several seconds, saying nothing further. She turned to pour more vodka and when she looked up, Zophiel was gone. Taking a deep breath, she let her head fall back and stared at the ceiling as thoughts swirled through her mind.

  Suddenly sitting straight up, she put the drink down and drew her weapon. Dropping the magazine, she thumbed all of the ammunition into her palm, counting as she went. A glance at the back of the magazine told her how many rounds it could hold. Four were missing.

  She’d fired five into the rapist, but the Marine had told her the pistol had one in the pipe when he handed it to her. That meant a round in the chamber. So, it counted for one of the shots, then four more from the magazine for a total of five. In a daze of conflicting thoughts, she reloaded the magazine and slapped it into the butt of the pistol.

  “Hope that’s not for me.”

  Katarina jumped and nearly dropped the weapon before bringing it up and whirling.

  “Whoa! Easy, Kat, it’s me!” Brody said.

  He stood at the end of the porch, hands held palm towards her. With a shake of her head, she holstered the pistol. She’d forgotten he was coming over.

  “Sorry,” she said, picking up the glass of vodka. “You startled me.”

  He came forward and settled into the chair Zophiel had recently occupied.

  “You smoking?” he asked, causing her head to snap around in surprise.

  “What did you say?”

  “You don’t smell that?” he asked. “I think it’s a pipe. Reminds me of my pops. He always had this flavored tobacco and it made the house smell good.”

  “Must be a neighbor,” she said, goosebumps rippling down her back.

  “So,” Brody began, “you and Matt had it out in full view of the neighborhood, huh?”

  “Is that the rumor?”

  “Among others. That’s the most believable.”

  “Did you hear the part about how he hit me and I drew on him? Threatened to kill him if he touched me again?”

  Brody slowly shook his head as he watched her finish her drink.

  “That’s what got me in hot water.”

  “That would do it, alright.”

  They sat silently for several minutes until he spoke again.

  “Got the check for you. Guessing you haven’t been to the bank to open an account.”

  She gave him a look and shook her head.

  “Heard from the Retriever yet?”

  “The what?”

  “Retriever. That’s what Baldwin’s calling him, at least.”

  “Nothing. Don’t know if that’s good or bad.”

  Brody nodded in thought.

  “Okay. Your suspension changes nothing. We’ve got to stick to the plan.” He checked his watch. “There’s still time for you to get an account set up before the banks close.”

  Katarina held up the vodka bottle and shrugged her shoulders.

  “Don’t think I need a DUI on top of my other problems. I’ll get it done in the morning.”

  He nodded and placed a sealed envelope on the table between them. Tapped it twice with his finger.

  “No spending sprees, okay?” he said grinning in an effort to lighten her mood.

  Katarina held up her middle finger without bothering to look at him.

  “Let’s deal with this tomorrow, okay?” she asked. “It’s already been a bitch of a day.”

  After a beat, Brody stood and paused, looking down at her.

  “Do you want to stay at my place tonight? In case Matt comes home? Might avoid a... well...”

  Katarina was shaking her head before he finished speaking.

  “I’m fine, Brody. Really. Besides, you didn’t see his face when I pointed my weapon at him. He’s not coming home without getting my permission first.”

  “Alright,” he said after a moment. “Keep Baldwin’s guys close and call me if you need anything.”

  He let himself out and Katarina sat in thought for several more minutes. Checking the clock on her phone, she suddenly jumped up, grabbed the envelope and ran inside. If she started getting ready right now, she had just enough time to make it to Liam’s without being late.


  Katarina steadily sipped vodka as she set about getting ready for her date. A long, hot bath was followed by a quick shower so everything that could be shaved was. Then came hours of perfecting her hair and makeup, selecting the right perfume and dress and shoes and jewelry. When she was done, she stepped back and eyed herself in a full-length mirror.

  She wore a skin-tight, backless black dress that ended well above mid-thigh. Her blonde hair was up, exposing her long neck and a pair of gold earrings that brushed her bare shoulders. Makeup highlighted her best features and minimized the ones she didn’t like. Her eyes were huge pools of liquid blue. Finally, she stood much taller than normal in a pair of sparkling gold heels with thin straps and four-inch spikes. Her own worst critic, even she had to acknowledge that she was traffic-stopping gorgeous.

  For several long minutes, she stared at the reflection. Turned to view herself from all angles, pleased with everything she saw. But she knew this was an image she was projecting that wasn’t the real her. With a wry smile, she bent and removed the heels, tossing them carelessly aside.

  Slipping the dress off, she got rid of all the jewelry and pulled the conceal
ed pins that were tightly holding her hair. It cascaded down across her shoulders and she spent a few moments brushing it smooth. Hurrying into the closet, she quickly dressed in a pair of jean shorts and pulled a tank top over her head. Sticking her feet in a pair of well-worn flip-flops, she returned to the mirror for an evaluation.

  “Better,” she mumbled with a smile.

  Draining her drink, she slipped the pistol into a small purse and left the bathroom. Heading for the garage, she misjudged a corner and bumped into a wall, surprising herself. She hadn’t realized how much alcohol she’d consumed over the course of getting ready for her date. Fortunately, she was still clear headed enough to recognize that she should not be behind the wheel of a car.

  Letting herself out the front door, she walked across the street to the Marine’s SUV. The driver lowered his window but she ignored his curious look and got into the back seat. The two men twisted around to look at her.

  “Hi, guys!” she said brightly. “Since you would just follow me anyway, and I’m a little too buzzed to drive, how about a ride?”

  They shared a look then both of them shrugged.

  “Where you going, ma’am?”

  “Ma’am? Do I really look like a ma’am?” she asked with a pout.

  “Well, no ma’a... I mean... no. You definitely do not.”

  Katarina smiled and resisted the impulse to laugh at his obvious discomfort.

  “I’m messing with you,” she said. “My dad was a Marine before he became a cop. I get it that every woman is a ma’am.”

  The driver smiled at her and faced front, starting the engine.

  “Where to? Ma’am?”

  “Head for Fremont.”

  The man nodded as the SUV eased away from the curb. As he drove, she chatted with the two Marines. The vodka she’d consumed and the anticipation of an evening with Liam had put her in a bubbly mood and soon she had them telling stories that made all of them laugh. The drive seemed to pass quickly and before she knew it, they pulled to a stop in front of Liam’s small house.

  “We’ll be here when you’re ready to go home,” the driver said.

  She thanked them and got out, hurrying up the walk and ringing the bell. Liam yelled for her to come in and she let herself through the door.

  “In the kitchen,” he called.

  She stood still for a moment, then made her decision and walked into the kitchen. Liam stood at the counter, slicing peppers, and looked up with a broad smile when she appeared. Going straight to him, she took the knife from his hand and set it aside before wrapping her arms around his neck.

  They kissed, passion building quickly. When their lips parted, she stared into his eyes and felt another piece of herself click into place. A tingle of desire began in the pit of her stomach, spreading through her body like a fever. Liam was breathing hard and she could feel heat coming off him in waves. Neither moved for several long moments, then without a word he scooped her off her feet and carried her to the bedroom.

  Two hours later, she sat on a stool at the kitchen island, watching him work. Several pans were simmering on the stove and the smell was wonderful. Soft music played from the living room.

  “Got anything to drink?” she asked.

  “Hard or soft?”

  “You have to ask the girl that showed up half-drunk and screwed your brains out if she wants booze or a soft drink? You must not be much of an investigator.”

  “Just for that comment, you can make your own. Top cabinet,” he said, pointing.

  Katarina slid off the stool, rubbing against him as she passed. Peering into the cupboard, she reached in and selected a bottle.

  “Want anything?” she asked.

  “Whatever you’re having,” he said, focused on dicing an onion.

  She opened doors until she found glasses, then poured each of them two fingers of whiskey. Putting his glass within easy reach, she returned to the stool and took a small sip.

  “I got suspended today,” she said.

  The knife in his hand went still and he looked up in surprise.

  “Suspended. Why?”

  “Had a public blow-up with my soon to be ex-husband. It didn’t end well and one of my busybody neighbors called OPR.”

  He looked at her for a long moment before returning to work with the knife.

  “I’m sorry,” she said after thinking for a moment. “You don’t want to hear about my problems.”

  He didn’t look up or say anything. As the silence began to grow awkward, a kernel of worry that she’d just screwed things up began to grow in Katarina’s chest. But before she could say anything else, Liam put the knife down and looked her in the eye.

  “You’re wrong. I want to hear everything about you.”

  They stared at each other and Katarina felt the concern turn to butterflies. Looking at Liam, she realized she wanted to tell him everything. Getting off the stool she went to him, reaching up and circling her arms around his neck.

  “Well,” she said, pulling him down into a kiss, “you’d better feed me, first. It’s a really long story and I’m going to need my strength.”

  They kissed again then she backed away, giving him a smile that held promises of things to come. As he went back to work, she refilled her glass. His remained untouched. Returning to the stool, she marveled at how comfortable and happy she felt sitting there, watching him make their dinner. Even though she knew next to nothing about him, fantasies of this becoming their daily routine began playing out in her head.

  “What are you thinking about?” Liam asked, startling her out of her daydreams.

  “I’m thinking I could get used to this,” she said without hesitation.

  The instant she spoke, she realized just how much the alcohol she’d been consuming for several hours had affected her. She’d said what she felt but blurting out something like that was a great way to screw things up.

  “I’m... oh, my God,” she said, lowering her face onto her arms in embarrassment. “I’m an idiot. I’m so sorry, Liam. Please. Ignore me.”

  “Did you mean it, or was it the booze talking?”

  She lifted her head in surprise and watched him for a moment as he sautéed the onions he’d been cutting. Taking a deep breath, she slowly let it out as she considered taking the gracious way out he’d just offered by claiming she was drunk. Then decided he deserved better.

  “I meant it,” she said softly. “But I never would have said it at this point if it wasn’t for the booze.”

  He watched her closely, stirring the onions, then put the utensil down and leaned forward. She raised up and their lips met in a tender kiss.

  “Honestly,” he said when they parted, “I was thinking the same thing. Was also thinking it’s waaaaay too fast to be feeling and saying these kinds of things.”

  They stared into each other’s eyes until the smell of onions beginning to burn demanded his attention.


  Katarina woke the next morning to a slice of sunlight peeking through the blinds. Grumbling, she looked around in a moment of confusion, then recognized Liam’s bedroom. She reached for him but only felt cool sheets. Lifting her head, she spotted a piece of paper resting on his pillow. It took several tries before she could get her eyes to focus on the words, then more effort to read his bold scrawl.

  Thanks for last night! Loved it! Had an early meeting and you were so peaceful. Please lock the door on your way out.


  PS – Will I see you tonight?

  A smile spread across her face and she reread the note two times before scrambling across the bed. There was a pen on the nightstand and she quickly scribbled an answer at the bottom.

  Just try and keep me away!

  Putting the pen and paper on the nightstand, she got up and quickly made the bed before hurrying into the bathroom. Standing at the sink, she looked at herself in the mirror and grimaced. Her makeup and hair were disasters and her eyes were puffy and red from all the drink. She was glad Liam had al
ready left and wasn’t seeing her like this.

  Fifteen minutes later, she stepped through the front door, testing the knob to ensure it was locked. Her face was washed clean and her hair was up in a ponytail. There was nothing she could do about her eyes until she got home.

  “Morning,” she said when she got in the back of the SUV.

  “Mornin’ ma’am.”

  She looked closer at the two Marines in front and realized they weren’t the same men who’d driven her here the evening before.

  “What happened to the other guys?”

  “Even Marines need sleep, ma’am,” the one behind the wheel quipped as he started the engine. “Home?”

  “Yes, please.”

  A dull headache had begun behind her eyes and Katarina wasn’t in a talkative mood. She was content to ride quietly, replaying her evening with Liam in her head.

  Over a wonderful dinner, he’d told her about being in the Army, then joining the DEA. About his wife leaving him while he was undercover with a narcotics smuggling operation. Meal finished, they’d worked together to clean up the kitchen then sat outside with drinks as she told him her story, with the exception of stolen cash and demons bent on destroying the world.

  They’d talked long into the night before moving to the bedroom. They were both tired, but the excitement of a new relationship won out and they made love again before falling into an exhausted slumber.

  “Ma’am, give us a few minutes to clear the house.”

  She looked up from her thoughts, surprised to see they were parked in her driveway.

  “I’ll come with you,” she said, popping her door and leading the way.

  She fumbled the keys several times but eventually got the latch unlocked. Stepping across the threshold, the two Marines quickly spread out with pistols held ready. The one who’d driven suddenly froze and held up a clenched fist, stopping both Katarina and his partner in their tracks.

  The man looked around for a moment, pistol up and tracking in sync with his eyes. Not seeing an immediate threat, he met their eyes and tapped his nose. The partner nodded, but Katarina couldn’t smell anything out of the ordinary. Thoughts of Zophiel’s pipe made her heart beat faster. The last thing she needed was for two of Baldwin’s men to see him in her home.


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