Sundered Soul: A Wuxia/Xianxia Cultivation Novel

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Sundered Soul: A Wuxia/Xianxia Cultivation Novel Page 26

by Rick Scott

  Kenji caught the object and looked in his palms and see the transparent crystal she had used to test his doma earlier. As he held it near his stomach, it shifted to partially to off white—the Qi leaking from his doma.

  His heart swelled with gratitude as he fell upon his face. “Master Mei Ling, I cannot thank you enough!”

  “Take this as well,” she said and gave Shinoto the small mystic gem hammer. “Be sure to seek out Master Wen Lou in Kurogane as soon as possible. I fear for that thing leaking inside of you.”

  Emotion overcame him. Throwing every bit of practiced civility to the side, he arose and crushed Mei Ling in an embrace. “Thank you so much, Doctor. I will never forget this great kindness.”

  Mei Ling chuckled softly and patted his back. “And I will not forget you, Kenji. You have an air of greatness about you. I am certain we will meet again in the future.”

  As he stared up at her, he felt something he never had before. It was in fact the complete opposite of what he’d experienced his whole life. A loving selflessness.

  Then slowly he felt something else rise up.

  He’d felt it his entire life as well. With every insult and putdown, with every line he was forbidden to cross. He felt it when he saw those evil men slaughter his family and friends…his father. And now he felt it for Mei Ling—a good woman who was pushed from her rightful place by a bloated and lazy outsider.

  It was the hatred of injustice he felt and the loathing of being too weak to do anything about it. But no longer…

  A new path set in his mind.

  If he was to live for anything, it would be to not just protect the weak against the strong, but to right the wrongs of corruption itself.

  Kenji composed himself and clasped his hand with a quick bow. “I promise you, Master Mei Ling, as I swear to the heavens themselves, I will return when I am strong enough and set right the wrongs done to you. You are the rightful ruler of Amatsu Village and I will see to it that you are made so.”

  She blinked at him shocked for a moment, but then slowly a wry smile spread across her lips. “And I have no doubt you will indeed do so someday.” She returned the bow graciously. “But for now, I suggest you be off…the both of you.”

  She then spun on her sandals.

  “I’ll give you a few moments head start before I ring the bell.”

  Chapter 39 –Break Out

  Chow Meugo craned his neck as the toll of the village bell sounded throughout the forest. Li Wei and Zhe Ahn reacted to it as well, the witch halting in her channeling. The pool of Dark Qi that had formed about her body receded as she stood from her lotus position.

  “Was that the signal?” she asked.

  “He said he would signal with a sparrow,” Lei Wei said.

  Chow Meugo grimaced. The villagers were running in a panic, with droves of people flocking towards the central square. The chaos of it all caused his blood to stir. “Forget what Purple Leaf said. Something else must have happened. This must be it now.” He looked to the witch. “Are you ready?”

  Dark Qi swirled about her as her eyes turned black. “Always…”

  * * *

  Kenji pushed up the stairs with the strength of his Qi. Across the village, the sound of the bell tolling echoed like a call to war. Shinoto paused ahead of him, gazing out at the crowds of villagers as they reacted first with confusion but then slowly headed towards the village square. As promised, Mei Ling had waited, giving them enough time to nearly reach the mystic school, the jade slate rooftops now in view.

  “Well,” Shinoto said. “No turning back now.”

  No turning back indeed. Kenji’s heart raced from both exertion and anxiety now. They would have only one chance at this and it had to be perfect.

  “You go on ahead as planned, Shinoto,” he said, nodding to her. “I’ll be right behind you. The quicker they all leave the school the better.”

  “Right,” she said, looking a little peaked. “You think they’ll believe me?”

  “They should. They know the demon is in the area and the Tsu possibly as well. Just don’t be specific.”

  “I know, I know…” She breathed out a nervous sigh.

  Kenji took her hand and squeezed it. “Hey, you can do this, Shinoto. You’re a far better manipulator than I am, remember?”

  She laughed at him, breaking the tension. Finally she hugged him and let out a quick breath. “Okay…I’ll meet you at the boat.”

  “Yes,” he said. “Heavens willing, both Olja and I will meet you there.”

  * * *

  Amikazu grimaced at the foul-looking woman trapped in the cage. He knew the Xjian people, but the woman looked large even for one of them. So far she hadn’t said much, not even reacting to his arrival. His gray eyes shifted to the four lieutenants standing alongside him in addition to Master Hu Dong. They were perhaps as much of a hindrance to her speaking than anything else, especially if he wanted to pry deeply. And something such as that might require revealing some secrets of his own.

  “Leave us,” Amikazu said. “I wish to speak to the prisoner alone.”

  His men hesitated a moment, but then swiftly they bowed. Hu Dong hesitated as well, but he too left once Amikazu stared at him long enough.

  “We’ll be at the end of the hall, General,” the female lieutenant said as they departed.

  Amikazu waited for them to leave completely before stooping to the cage. “You’re a long way from home, woman. Olja, they said your name was?”

  No response.

  “Are you aware of the type of demon that attacked you?”

  The brutish woman finally looked at him, her cold blue eyes squinting. “Are you?”

  Amikazu harrumphed. She’d clearly picked up on the subtle cue of dismissing his men as well. Perhaps this woman was indeed some kind of spy. But as for how she became involved in his own little clandestine operation, he still wasn’t sure. “They are used for a very specific purpose. I’d very much like to know how you came to learn about its existence.”

  Her eyes flicked to the box about his neck and then back up at him. “And why would you be so interested in that? Unless you were aware of its existence as well…”

  His stomach fluttered. It was Amikazu’s turn to squint now. Just how much did this woman know?

  Suddenly she broke into a deep, throaty laugh. “I’ll save you some trouble, whoever the hells you are. You won’t learn anything from me, because I don’t know anything. Do you understand my meaning? I’m not paid to know.”

  Amikazu eased back from the cage. By the hells. “You’re a sellblade…”

  The woman smirked. “And I see I’m not the only one who makes use of the Iron Company.”

  “Who gave you your contract?”

  “Like I said. I don’t know.”

  His mind churned. Had his information been leaked somehow? The Iron Company’s reputation was built upon its nature of privacy. But perhaps it was as corrupt as everything else within the realm. He frowned. This woman could perhaps expose him. She certainly seemed to know more than she was telling.

  Forget about her, Amikazu…

  True… it wouldn’t matter shortly if she knew anything or not.

  Not after he obtained the boy.

  Commotion filtered down the hallway and a young girl’s voice rang out. “Everyone needs to come right now! The village is under attack! We need the general! Everybody!”

  Amikazu’s heartbeat quickened. He stood and ventured down the hall to see Master Hu Dong and his lieutenants stooping to a small child now screaming in hysterics. She caught sight of him and fell to her knees. “Oh, great general! The village is being attacked. It could be the demon or men that destroyed our village. Please come! Only one as powerful as you can save us!”

  By the hells… Had those fools attacked already? Amikazu grimaced. He looked at the girl. Slight for her age, but with eyes that shone with power beyond her years. “You are from Han Village.”

  “Yes,” the girl said.

/>   Curse the fates. “Where is the other one? The boy. Kenji?”

  The girl looked up at him, surprised, as did Master Hu Dong. He had no doubt raised suspicion within their minds, but it didn’t matter now.

  “Is he in the village?” he pressed.

  The little girl nodded.

  His mind sped. He wanted this planned far better than this. But now he’d have to pit his lieutenants against the sellblades and have them kill each other off while he made good with the boy in the conflict. He’d wanted to secure him first, use his protecting him as a ruse, but time was of the essence now.

  Yes…Go, Amikazu. Get him.

  “Show me where he is,” he said to the girl.

  Her eyes widened and she shook her head. “I-I don’t know. He was…in the square, last I saw him, I think.”

  “The bell is tolling,” Hu Dong said. “I’ll join you once I see to my student.”

  “Please hurry!” the girl pleaded.

  Amikazu snapped his fingers at his lieutenants. “All of you with me.”

  “But, General…” The female lieutenant stopped him. “The prisoner.”

  Forget her!

  “It’s no matter. She’s a worthless sellblade. She doesn’t know anything.”

  “But perhaps they’ve come to free her,” the lieutenant said. “I sense she is quite powerful. Should we not leave someone to guard her?”

  Amikazu paused. Three of the lieutenants should be enough to deal with the Badger and his ilk. And if the Xjian woman did have a chance of exposing him, then perhaps it would be best to see her executed than to leave her future to chance while he fled with the boy. “You stay with her then. Ensure she speaks to no one. The rest of you, come with me.”

  * * *

  Kenji waited at the edge of the corridor, his heart in his throat. He had snuck past the students—now milling about in a panic within the square—by traversing behind the dormitory. Then, after waiting for Shinoto to disappear up the stairs towards the dojo, he went to Hu Dong’s office to secure his pack along with several books from the library. Now he waited with trepidation, praying to the heavens that Shinoto’s part would play out unhinged.

  Finally he saw Master Hu Dong appear from the dojo steps and rush towards the exit of the main hall past the rock garden. The general and three of his lieutenants came shortly after. So far so good. But where was the fourth lieutenant? And where was Shinoto?

  He waited a moment more, no sign of either of them. Curse the fates… Had something gone wrong? Carefully he edged up the stairs towards the dojo. With a final look to the main square, a wave of relief washed over him as he saw Master Hu Dong, the general, and all three of the lieutenants leap off the cliff with Qinggong, floating to the village below. A few of the 3rd-Dan students also ran down the steps towards the village, leaving the bulk of the students under the charge of a few 2nd Dans.

  His heart raced. It perhaps wouldn’t take long for them to discover the truth from Mei Ling. Then they might well all come flying back up the stairs looking for him. He needed to free Olja quickly.

  Kenji continued up the stairs and ran into Shinoto just as she was making her way down.

  “Shinoto!” He rushed to her. “What happened? You were supposed to lead them away.”

  She shook her head. “Something’s wrong, Kenji.”

  His heartbeat tripled. “What?”

  “The general, he asked for you. Specifically. By name!”

  He pinched his brows together. “What?”

  “That’s not all,” she said. “Before they left, the general said something about Olja being a sellblade.”

  “A sellblade?”

  “Yes. He said she didn’t know anything.”

  His stomach soured. This whole time he’d been fighting to free Olja, it was to learn what she’d come for. Why she wanted him to go north. If she were merely a sellblade... No, this couldn’t be right. “She nearly died trying to save me, Shinoto. She even warned of the Tsu attack. A person wouldn’t do all that just for money, would they?”

  “Maybe,” Shinoto said. “But, Kenji, if she is a mercenary then who knows why she even did that? What if she’s here to take you to the Bloody Duke or something?”

  His stomach soured even more. That was a thought that had crossed his mind once already. This entire plan relied on Olja being the one to protect them, but if her intentions were unknown, or perhaps unknown even to her, then where did that leave them? “Curse the fates, this can’t be happening.”

  Shinoto shrugged. “I don’t know what to do.”

  Kenji exhaled. No time for us to stay wallowing in second guesses and speculation now. “There’s only one thing we can do,” he said. “Even if she is a mercenary, then at least we know it means she’ll work for money. And she can still fight for us.”

  “But can we really trust someone like that?”

  “What choice do we have?”

  A few heartbeats of silence passed.

  “I suppose you’re right,” Shinoto said. “Oh…and there’s one other problem.”

  * * *

  Kenji followed Shinoto through the dojo and then peeked around the corner at the end of the hall. There, leaning against the wall of the small room, was the fourth lieutenant, the woman no less, guarding Olja’s cage.

  “Curse the fates,” he whispered. “This is getting worse by the moment.”

  Shinoto frowned. “I could try luring her away again perhaps?”

  “No…I doubt that would work twice. Especially on her. She’s a real suspicious one.”

  The fates seemed determined to see them fail. Precious more moments went by as he pondered how he could get past the woman. He looked to Shinoto and an idea struck. “You know the open palm technique now, don’t you?”

  “Yes, but mine wouldn’t do anything against someone like her.”

  Kenji reached into his pack and removed the yellow rope. “Perhaps with this it could.”


  “If you use it with this, it should have the effect of making you a much higher tier than you are now. For fifteen seconds anyway.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “Are you serious?”

  “I’ll only need you to do it for a moment. As a distraction.”

  “A distraction?” she said. “What are you going to do?”

  He withdrew the orange rope. “I’m going to tempt the fates.”

  * * *

  Kenji steeled himself, securing the orange rope behind his back. Even if Shinoto’s Open Palm technique was more powerful, she’d have a slim chance, if any, of hitting a skilled mystic artist, much less one of tenth-plus Dan who was a military lieutenant.

  He needed to act as a distraction for her first.

  He looked to Shinoto, who now had the yellow rope tied about her tiny waist. With a faint pulse of Qi, the glyphs on the rope began to glow.

  “I’m ready,” she whispered.

  Kenji nodded. “Wait until her eyes are focused on me and then do it.”

  Taking a final breath, Kenji rounded the corner and walked forward at a quick pace.

  “Lieutenant,” he called, taking as many steps as he could towards both her and the cage. “The general has summoned you!”

  The woman turned to him. “What?”

  As expected, her eyes immediately squinted and her face shifted into a scowl.

  “Come no further!” she commanded.

  With a flash of Qi, a blade appeared in her hand. Kenji blinked. It was possible she had drawn it quickly, but not that fast. Body storage? The woman was perhaps of even higher Dan than he first assumed.

  He was just a few paces from the cage now. As close as he’d perhaps ever get.

  The woman pulled her lips into a dour frown. “I should have known it would have been you. What are you truly here f—”

  Her words cut short as a brilliant blast of blue energy struck her in the side. It pushed her into the far wall and held her fast as a cry from Shinoto filled the air. The little girl was
sweating, the energy flowing from her palm in a powerful surge of Qi.

  Fifteen seconds!

  Kenji ducked under the glowing beam and lashed the rope around five of the iron bars.

  Olja grinned from the other side. “About damn time, kid!”

  Kenji refrained from acknowledging her, focusing instead on tying the knot that would cause the rope to activate. The cage itself absorbed Qi and while Olja had lost all her power to it, it would now be filled with the same. Or so he prayed. As soon as he tied the knot, a powerful kick struck him in the gut, lifting him into the air. He saw stars as his breath left him, his entire body screaming in pain. His back hit the wall and the lieutenant stood opposite him, the cage and the rope in between them now.

  Kenji grimaced at the pain still radiating from his side. By the heavens, that hurt!

  He looked to Shinoto. She was a sweaty mess, looking barely able to stand.

  His doma leaked Qi and it seemed to quickly diffuse the pain surging throughout his body. The lieutenant glanced at the rope as it began to fizzle and pop, the bars turning a dull rusty color. “What have you done?”

  She lifted her jian blade and swung to bring the sword down upon the rope with a sharp chop.

  “No!” Kenji cried and threw himself before it. The steel cut along his back and shoulder as he turned himself away from the attack and towards the cage. He screamed as white-hot pain lanced through him like fire.

  “Kenji!” Shinoto cried.

  A second stream of blue energy came from Shinoto as she activated the rope again, but this time the lieutenant was prepared and avoided it deftly with quick movement of her feet. She then turned her blade towards Shinoto. “Spies, all of you!”

  The lieutenant lunged towards her and Kenji’s mind went blank.

  A surge from his doma struck his gut with agony, but he was beyond that now. He threw a savage fist and it somehow connected with the woman, perhaps her thinking him already dead from her first attack. The blow connected and pushed her into the wall, the stone cracking like a spider’s web as her body slammed into it.


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