Brothers Ink Tattoo (Complete Box Set #1-4)

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Brothers Ink Tattoo (Complete Box Set #1-4) Page 9

by Nicole James

  “What the fuck for?”

  “She’s got to know what customers are asking about when they come in.”

  “No, she fucking doesn’t. She books an appointment or refers them to one of us. She does not need a fucking lesson in genital jewelry.”

  He watched the corner of his brother’s mouth pull up. “You say so, boss.”

  Jameson jerked his head toward the front of the shop, his eyes drilling into Rory’s. “Get back to work.”

  Rory put the piece of jewelry back, winked at Ava, and strolled out, making sure to bump shoulders with Jameson as he passed through the doorway.

  Ava looked nervously toward Jameson and made to move past him, but he stepped in front of her, blocking her way. He wasn’t even sure why he did it, but he didn’t want her to go. Not yet.

  “You got questions?” he bit out.

  Her lips parted breathlessly. “What?”

  He reached behind him and closed the door, his eyes never leaving hers. He nodded toward the jewelry cabinets. “You got questions?”

  She dropped her gaze to the cases and said nothing.

  “You do, you come to me. Got it?”

  “Got it.” She moved to leave, but he blocked her again. He nodded toward the cabinet.

  “How much did he show you?” He could see the mortified expression on her face.


  “Enough?” He studied her closely. “Maybe Rory was right.”

  “About what?”

  “Maybe you do need to know just what it is we do here.”

  She lifted her chin. “I know what you do.”

  He smirked. “Oh, really. Does that also go for the stuff Rory was just showing you?”

  “God, yes. Although, why someone would want to get their…their…” She gestured toward his crotch, apparently searching for a pretty word for it. “Junk pierced is beyond me.”

  He grinned, knowing this was all making her nervous. “For sexual pleasure, Ava. Can you imagine who’d be getting the most pleasure from that?” When she refused to give him a reply, he answered for her. “The woman.”

  She made no remark to that, but he didn’t miss it when her eyes dropped to his crotch again momentarily. Grinning, he moved toward the multi-drawer cabinet. It was one of those plastic multi-compartment organizers that held three or four dozen little trays or drawers. It was the kind of thing that usually held nuts and bolts, or maybe beads for crafters.

  He moved his finger down a row until he came to the tray he was looking for and pulled out the little drawer. He dug out a tiny Ziploc bag and held it up. “Here’s something you might like.”

  She frowned, studying the item he held up. They looked like little silver rings, except one side didn’t quite meet.

  “What are they?”

  “None-piercing nipple rings.”

  That had her moving back.

  “You’ve never done a rebellious thing in your whole life have you?”

  She lifted her chin.

  “I dare you.”

  “Dare me to what?”

  “I dare you to try them.”

  Her eyes got big. “Those?”

  “Yes. These.”

  “What, now?”

  He reached out a hand, slipping two fingers in her belt loop of her jeans and tugged her forward a step, then he tucked the little bag in her hip pocket. “Take them home. Wear them tomorrow.”

  “You’re joking, right?”

  “Nope.” He took in her uneasy face. It wasn’t in her wheelhouse; she would never do such a thing. Not without a push, and he was just the man to push. “I’ll bet you don’t have the guts to do it.”

  She folded her arms. “Is that so?”

  “Yup.” He watched her muster her courage, and he couldn’t help the grin that pulled at his mouth. Maybe she had more guts than he gave her credit for. Maybe she’d surprise him.

  “Where I come from, you throw out a bet, you have to take one as well.”

  He pulled his chin up, his eyes narrowing in on her as he contemplated where she was going with this. “What’d you have in mind?”

  She bit her lip, contemplating her answer.

  He grinned as she appeared to be racking her brain for something she knew he’d fail at. She must have come up with one, because suddenly she was staring him dead in the eye with a smirk on her face.

  “I bet you can’t go a day without swearing.”

  Goddamn it, his one weakness. And she knew it, too, the little minx. He’d already shoved so much money in that damn cuss jar he could go broke before the Gala. Well, two can play that game, and it’d be worth every swear word he had to choke down if he could get her to loosen up. And tease the hell out of her in the process.

  “Deal.” He could see by the way she swallowed, the smug expression on her face melting away, that she never expected he’d take her bet. In turn, he’d just forced her hand, meaning she’d have to take his.


  The next morning, Ava was getting dressed for work. She put the nipple rings on, determined not to lose the stupid bet she never should have taken.

  Who cared if he thought her a prude? Maybe she was. What was wrong with that? What difference did it make if he didn’t think she had a rebellious bone in her body? Why should she care?

  Only she did.

  And that was the hell of it.

  She wasn’t even sure why she cared, she just knew that for some reason she wanted him to have a higher opinion of her than he did. Maybe she wanted to take him down a notch, to prove that he wasn’t always right, at least not when it came to her. He thought he had her pegged, and maybe he did, but she’d be damned if she’d let him know that.

  Nope, Jameson was not going to win this round.

  She finished getting dressed and looked in the mirror. Even with her bra on, the rings made her nipples stand out, protruding proudly like she was in a freezer case, for God’s sake. Blast that man. He knew this would happen, and he knew he’d be able to tell if she had them on or not.

  Maybe she could wear a sweater, but it was the middle of summer. She’d look like an idiot. She tried on a dozen different tops, but it didn’t matter, they showed through all of them.

  Ava bit her lip and glanced toward her dresser. Maybe a padded bra would help, but the only problem was she didn’t own one. She’d never needed one. She’d never needed help in that department.

  Oh, damn that man! She put a cardigan over her shirt and headed out to work.

  By the time she walked into Brothers Ink, it was 11:00 a.m., and the temperature outside was already climbing into the mid-eighties.

  They kept the shop cool, but not that cool. Soon she was sweltering. She had no choice but to take it off. Being behind the reception counter, most clients really didn’t have a good look at what she wore anyway. Hours passed, and she soon forgot all about it.

  At about 7:00 p.m. she got up to get a cup of coffee. The late hours were really starting to take their toll, and most evenings she needed all the caffeine she could get just to make it to the end of the night. She walked into the break room and headed toward the back counter where the coffee maker sat. There was an inch remaining at the bottom of the pot that was probably leftover from earlier in the day. She dumped it in the sink and began filling the glass carafe with water.

  Jameson walked in and went to the refrigerator. He cracked open a bottle of water and guzzled down half of it, his eyes on her. She turned to get another box of coffee filters, trying her best to ignore him, but she did glance up as she dumped the old grounds in the trash.

  With his chin tilted up as he gulped his water, she saw his eyes drop to her chest. The bottle came down and he gasped for air, his eyes still staring at her blouse. Then she remembered—the damn rings.


  She quickly turned and finished making the coffee. When she flipped the switch to start the brewing process, she felt him move near her.


  Jameson couldn’t belie
ve what he was seeing. She’d actually done it. She’d actually worn the damn things. He didn’t think she had it in her; he’d been so busy today, he’d forgotten about their stupid bet.

  Before he realized what he was doing, his hand was on her upper arm, pulling her around. His eyes again focused in on her chest.

  She tried to pull free, turning ten shades of red.

  He muttered a couple of curse words, and then as if some power was controlling him, he found himself pulling her from the room, down the hall, and into the private room. Slamming the door, he plopped her up on the padded table and moved in close.

  “What are you doing?” she snapped, her eyes wide.

  “What I shouldn’t,” he growled. His hands lifted to hold her head still while his mouth came down on hers. It was a kiss meant to communicate that he was not a man to be played with. Maybe this had started as a game between them, and maybe he’d been the one to start it, but he was fast realizing it was a game neither of them had any business playing. So, his kiss was claiming, assertive, meant to say something that no words could. When he finally came up for air, he snapped, “Give up.”

  It wasn’t a request. It came out sounding exactly like he meant it—a demand. He watched the cute little frown lines form between her brows.

  “What?” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  “This game we’re playing, give it up.”

  “What game?”

  “You. Me. Both trying to outlast the other. Give it up. Run back to your safe little office where you belong and get as far away from me as you can.”

  That little chin of hers came up, like he’d watched it do a dozen times since she’d started working for him, and she insisted, “No. I don’t quit. I’m not a quitter.”

  “This is going to take us down a road neither one of us should go. You know that, don’t you?” She nodded, and he watched her eyes drop to his mouth, taking in the tick in his jaw. “And still you’re not giving it up?”

  “I can’t.”

  “Then don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He stared down at her mouth, then pushed away and left her staring after him. He was sure, like him, she was wondering what the fuck just happened between them. Something had changed. Something big. Something had shifted, and it had shifted in a way they both knew, without a doubt, it would never shift back.


  That night, Ava lay in bed and thought about that kiss. She couldn’t deny that it had aroused her. Jameson was a great kisser, and she liked the way he was so confident and assertive in everything he did. He knew exactly who he was and made no excuses. He was all man, and he definitely knew how to go after a woman. He could have her heart pounding with just one look.

  He challenged her. She’d never had a man do that before. Not the way he did. Not the way he got inside her head, knew what she was thinking before she even spoke.

  Today he’d pushed her to her limits and maybe beyond, daring her to do something she never would have without that push. She’d surprised more than herself today. She’d surprised him. She’d seen it in his eyes, and it had felt good. Knowing she could push him off balance just as he did her.

  She also knew it was his plan to push her beyond her limits in order to get her to quit. There was no way in hell that was happening. She couldn’t let it.

  Biting her lip, her only worry was just how far this game could go before the Gala rolled around.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ava looked up when she heard someone come through the front door of the shop. It had been several days since her and Jameson had their little confrontation. In the subsequent days, they’d both fallen into an uneasy stalemate. Jameson was out of the shop at the moment, and that was fine with Ava. It seemed it was the only time she could truly relax, because anytime he was in the building her whole body tingled with awareness of him.

  Ava watched a woman enter. She appeared to be young, possibly even college age. She was rail thin, had long dark hair, and heavy eye makeup. She walked up to the counter.

  “Is Jameson here?”

  Ava smiled up at the girl. “He’s not at the moment. May I help you? Did you want to make an appointment?”

  The young woman eyed her coldly. “I don’t remember you from last time.”

  “I haven’t been here long,” Ava informed her, watching the girl’s eyes run up and down her.

  The girl cocked her head. “You’re his latest plaything, aren’t you?”

  Ava gave her an arch look. “I beg your pardon?”

  The girl shrugged. “It’s not your fault. I understand.”

  “Understand what?” Ava snapped with a bite to her words.

  “You’re his latest toy. His meantime girl.”

  “Meantime girl?”

  “Yes, until I finish school and come back home. You wouldn’t be the first.”

  Liam walked up, folding his thick arms. “Rachel. What are you doing here?”

  Ava eyed him, noting the unwelcoming stance and cold look in his eyes.

  “I came to see Jamie, of course.”

  “Get out, Rachel. Jameson is through with you. He told you that. Repeatedly.”

  “That’s between me and Jameson now, isn’t it? You need to mind your own business.”

  Liam’s arms came unfolded, and Ava watched as the laidback man she knew became a true brother about to stick up for his sibling.

  “This is my business. You’re standin’ in it. So, I suggest it’s you that needs to move along and mind your business.”

  “Jamie won’t like the way you’re talking to me.”

  “Jamie won’t give a damn.”

  “I’m not leaving until I talk to him.”

  “He’s not even here, bitch.”

  “Why don’t you call him?” Ava suggested to the girl, whose eyes cut to her.

  Liam jumped at that comment before the girl could reply. “Because he’s blocked her calls. Isn’t that right, Rachel?”

  “You just need to shut up, Liam. This doesn’t involve you.”

  “And you need to get the fuck out. Now.” He took a threatening step toward her. She immediately backed against the door.

  “I’ll be back!”

  “Then I’ll have the pleasure of watching Jameson throw your ass out. That’s a show I’d pay to see.”

  “To hell with you,” she snapped as she stormed out. They watched her stalk past the plate glass window flipping them off as she went.

  Ava looked at Liam, her mouth open. “Oh, my God. What was that about?”

  “Just a delusional stalker bitch from Jameson’s past. Don’t let her get to you.”

  “Were they a couple?”

  “Fuck no! She’s messed up in the head. He did some ink for her, was kind to her, and she built it up in her head that it was more than it was. Suddenly, she’s convinced she’s his girl.” Liam paused to shake his head. “Couldn’t be further from the truth.”

  Ava looked toward the window. “Will she be back?”

  Liam ruffled her head. “Don’t worry, darlin’. She comes back, I’ll run her ass off again. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll call and let Jamie know.” He pulled out his phone, his thumb moving over the screen, and then put it on speaker.

  Ava watched, riveted as Jameson picked up.


  Liam grinned, his eyes connecting with Ava’s as he spoke. “Hey, man. Your special little friend came by to pay you a visit.”

  “Are you fucking serious?”

  “Yup. And you’re on speaker, so the cuss jar meter is running.”

  “Take me off fucking speaker, asshole.”

  Liam chuckled, his eyes sparkling at Ava as he put the phone to his ear. “Yeah, you’re off.”

  Ava turned away, not sure what to make of all that. She’d known Jameson had some near-groupie-level fans, but stalkers? That was a bit much. She definitely had felt the woman’s anger directed at her when the girl had found her in the shop. She certainly didn’t want to walk out to her car on
e night and find her tires slashed or her car keyed. She wondered just how crazy this girl was.

  Liam finished the call with Jameson and slid his phone into his pocket, his eyes on her. “Don’t worry about it. Jamie will handle her.”

  “Bet that call put him in a great mood,” she remarked, rolling her eyes.

  “Actually, he was more concerned about you,” Liam replied, dipping his head to look at her.

  “Me? Why?”

  “He knows how toxic that girl can be and the garbage that can spew out of her mouth. He was worried she had upset you.” Liam’s brows shot up as if that was a revelation.

  Ava frowned. Jamie concerned about her? The man actually had feelings and concern for others? Amazing… and confusing. He hated her, didn’t he? Why would he be concerned about her? Hmm. Maybe he didn’t really hate her. Maybe it was all an act just to get her to quit. He hadn’t seemed to hate her yesterday when he’d dragged her into the private room.

  Liam returned to his station, and Ava tried to put it out of her head as she got back to work.

  Ten minutes later, she heard the door open and turned to look. It was the same girl again. Ava barely had time to note the super-sized soft drink cup in her hand before the girl was across the space and tossing the drink in her face.

  Ava could only suck in a stunned breath as the cold liquid and ice completely covered her front, soaking through her blouse and skirt.

  The girl violently threw the cup on the ground and ran out the door, even as Liam and Max both bolted from their stations. Liam charged to the door, throwing it open and stepping out onto the sidewalk. He glanced both directions, but the girl was long gone.

  Max squatted down next to Ava’s chair. “Babe, you okay?”

  “Oh, my God! Why would she do that?” She looked down at her ruined outfit. “I’m soaked.”

  Max tried to help her up as Liam approached.

  “There are some towels in the back. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” Max offered in a calm voice.

  Ava noticed Liam pull his phone out and put it to his ear. As Max led her to the back, she heard Liam snap, “Get over here, now.”

  Ava went into the bathroom with the towels Max brought her and did the best she could to dry off. There was a tap at the door. Max’s voice came through the solid wood.


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