The Only Plane in the Sky

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The Only Plane in the Sky Page 54

by Garrett M Graff

  Yeger, Kalman, 42, 67

  Yeo, Kelly, 333

  Youhey, Mike, 11

  Young, Denny, 43

  Young, Keith, 225

  Yousef, Ramzi, 220

  Zacur, David, 412

  Zalewski, Peter, 28–29

  Zedeño, Elia, 38, 121, 139, 158–160

  Zhou, Karen, 335

  Zhu, Hong, 138

  Ziegenhorn, Julie, 346

  Zwanger, Samara, 39

  Image Credits

  Insert 1

  Page 1 Getty Images/Staff (top); Monika Bravo (bottom)

  Page 2 Collection of the 9/11 Memorial Museum / Roberto Rabanne Archive / Photograph by Roberto Rabanne (top); Courtesy of the Ong family (bottom left); Collection 9/11 Memorial Museum, Gift of Richard D. Eichen (bottom right)

  Page 3 Sean Adair / Reuters (top); Jesse Randall (bottom)

  Page 4 Photo by Eric Draper, Courtesy of the George W. Bush Presidential Library (top); Photo by David Bohrer, Courtesy of the National Archives (bottom)

  Page 5 Courtesy of the Department of Defense

  Page 6 Collection 9/11 Memorial Museum, John Labriola Archive, Photograph © John Labriola (top and bottom)

  Page 7 Richard Drew/AP

  Page 8 Photograph by John O’Sullivan (top and bottom)

  Page 9 Collection of the 9/11 Memorial Museum, Roberto Rabanne Archive, Photograph by Roberto Rabanne (top and bottom)

  Page 10 Defense Department photo by Staff Sgt. Jim Varhegyi, USAF (top); Defense Department photo by Journalist Petty Officer 1st Class Mark D. Faram, USN (bottom)

  Page 11 Department of Defense / Michael Garcia (top and bottom)

  Page 12 Photo by David Bohrer, Courtesy of the National Archives (top and middle); Photo by Eric Draper, Courtesy of the George W. Bush Presidential Library (bottom)

  Page 13 © 2001. Used with permission of the New York City Police Department (top and bottom)

  Page 14 Department of Defense (top); Reuters/Tim Shaffer (bottom)

  Page 15 AP Photo/Tribune-Democrat/David Lloyd (top); Reuters/Tim Shaffer (bottom)

  Page 16 Department of Defense (top); NASA/Frank Culberston

  Insert 2

  Page 1 Photo by Eric Draper, Courtesy of the George W. Bush Presidential Library (top left, top right, and bottom)

  Page 2 Photo by Eric Draper, Courtesy of the George W. Bush Presidential Library (top and bottom)

  Page 3 Photo by John O’Sullivan (top, middle, and bottom)

  Page 4 Courtesy of U.S. National Archives (top); U.S. Coast Guard photo (bottom)

  Page 5 Photo by John O’Sullivan (top and bottom)

  Page 6 Photo by John O’Sullivan

  Page 7 Photo by Eric Draper, Courtesy of the George W. Bush Presidential Library (top and bottom)

  Page 8 Photo by David Bohrer, Courtesy of the National Archives (top); Photo by Eric Draper, Courtesy of the George W. Bush Presidential Library (middle and bottom)

  Page 9 Screenshot courtesy of C-SPAN (top); Navy photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Robert Houlihan (bottom)

  Page 10 Photo by David Bohrer, Courtesy of the National Archives (top and bottom)

  Page 11 US Air Force photograph by Lt. Col. Terry Moultrup (top); U.S. Navy photograph by Chief Photographer’s Mate Eric Tilford (bottom)

  Page 12 Courtesy of NYPD Detective David Brink (top); Photo Courtesy of Dr. Cynthia Otto (bottom)

  Page 13 Roberto Rabanne Collection of the 9/11 Memorial Museum / Roberto Rabanne Archive / Photograph by Roberto Rabanne (top); Defense Department photo by Tech Sgt. Cedric Rudisill, USAF (bottom)

  Page 14 Collection 9/11 Memorial Museum, Gift of Mickey Kross, Photograph by Matt Flynn (top); Collection 9/11 Memorial Museum, Gift of Retired Port Authority of NY&NJ Police Officer Sharon A. Miller, Photograph by Matt Flynn (middle); Collection 9/11 Memorial Museum, Gift of Alison and Jefferson Crowther and Family, Photograph by Michael Hnatov (bottom)

  Page 15 Department of Defense / Michael Garcia (top); Photo by Geoffrey T. Chesman of Image Link Photography, provided by The Pentagon Memorial Fund, Inc. (bottom)

  Page 16 National Park Service Photo/ Brenda T Schwartz (top); 9/11 Memorial & Museum, Photograph by Jin S. Lee (bottom)

  Interior Images

  Page 87 Photo by David Bohrer, Courtesy of the National Archives

  Page 156 AP Photo/ Suzanne Plunkett

  Page 184 Photo by Shannon Stapleton / Reuters

  Page 191 Photo by Todd Maisel/New York Daily News.

  Page 287 Photo by Frank Fournier

  Page 292 Photo by Matt Moyer

  Page 365 Photo by Eric Draper, Courtesy of the George W. Bush Presidential Library

  Page 386 © 2001. Used with permission of the New York City Police Department


  An Imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

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  New York, NY 10020

  Copyright © 2019 by Garrett M. Graff

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Scribner Subsidiary Rights Department 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

  First Avid Reader Press hardcover edition September 2019

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  Jacket design by Math Monahan

  Author photograph© Andy Duback

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for.

  ISBN 978-1-5011-8220-4

  ISBN 978-1-5011-8222-8 (ebook)




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