Caught by the Bad Boys Box Set

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Caught by the Bad Boys Box Set Page 83

by Raathi Chota

  “Why is the TV so loud?” I asked since she was only a few feet away.

  “She’s old, Lana. This is her Saturday thing whether there’s people here or not,” Nick replied, then walked down the hall.

  “How does he know that?” I asked Benny as we followed him.

  “We always help Liam with his grandma. This one time she was baking a pie but forgot one ingredient so he called one of us to get it since she wouldn’t sleep until the pie finished,” Benny explained.

  “Why couldn’t Liam go out with his skateboard to get the one ingredient?” I whispered as we entered his room.

  “It was three o’clock in the morning,” Benny said, and my eyebrows rose.

  “Finally!” Liam exclaimed as he approached us, then pulled us in for a hug. “I am dying to know what news you have!”

  “Okay, err…you guys should sit down for this,” I said. They nodded, and I watched as Liam sat by his desk while Nick and Benny sat by his bed. They stared at me, but I didn’t know where to start. “Do you know a guy named James Cornelius?”

  “Cornelius.” Liam snorted, and I glared at him while Benny and Nick squinted.

  “Isn’t he that wanted drug dealer that I saw in the newspaper?” Nick asked. Liam scoffed.

  “Dude, you read the newspaper? Are you old or something? Ever heard of the internet?” Liam asked, and I closed my eyes for a moment as they went back and forth.

  “What about him?” Benny asked as I opened my eyes.

  “He, err, well…as a drug dealer, he’s in contact with a lot of people. He’s also good with fake identities.” I noticed the puzzled looks they gave. “One of James’s men was, err…undercover or in hiding, I’m not sure yet, but his name was Christo Aimar, and he was undercover as Jack August.”

  I finally looked at them, and their expressions were unreadable. Nick looked at the floor; Benny’s lips parted as he stared at Liam and me. He spun around in his seat and typed on his computer.

  “You mean, the guy we buried who randomly disappeared was working for James?” Nick tilted his head. I slowly nodded, then put my hands behind my back.

  “And I think one of his other men was the one who broke into my house. I don’t know what he wants,” I mumbled.

  “There’s not much about James Cornelius or Christo Aimar, but there is an article where Jack August’s real identity was, in fact, Christo Aimar and that they’re looking for him,” Liam stated as he read off his computer.

  “So what now?” Nick asked.

  “I don’t know, but James wants revenge because I killed one of his men.”

  “Maybe they broke in because they wanted to plant more evidence. I’m assuming that night when we all slept over and found Liam’s shoes, it was James’s men?” Nick asked as he looked at me for clarification.

  “Yeah, his name is Mike. All I know is Mike, Ernst, and James are alive,” I mumbled. “While Christo…”

  “You guys do realize that he’s not gonna stop,” Benny said. “He’s going to continue ratting us out and bringing up more evidence.”

  “I know. Did you lie about the shoes only?” I asked as I sat next to Nick. Liam slowly turned in his seat and shared a look with Benny and Nick. My eyes widened as I thought what else they lied about. Liam stood up and looked at his wall with all the strings and papers.

  “We, err…we don’t know about my old car. We dropped it off, and the guy said he’d take care of it,” Benny said as he rested his hand on my thigh.

  “So? Did you check if he took care of it?” I glared at him through my glasses. Benny turned his head, and I followed his gaze to see Liam awkwardly scratch behind his neck as he whistled. “Oh, my fu—”

  “We didn’t have time to check the next day. We had a football game and Coach made us practice a lot.” Benny held my hand.

  “And the guy said he’s busy, but I paid him an extra hundred to take care of it as soon as possible. Hopefully, he did.” Nick mumbled the last part as I sighed.

  “So now we don’t know anything about the evidence?” I demanded.

  “Nope, but what we do know is that we’re the only ones who know that Christo is dead,” Liam said as the corner of his mouth quirked up. He took a black marker and drew a line between Jack’s name and wrote Christo.

  “Yeah, but we don’t even know where he is!” Nick exclaimed.

  “That is why,” Liam said as he pointed to the sketch of the sewers, “we’re going back in there…because we’re investigators!”


  When I got out of Nick’s car, I huffed. I didn’t want to do it. The first time we did, we were lucky that we didn’t get into trouble. To do it for the second time was senseless. We’d clearly get caught. I wore my new high tops Benny got me along with a white tee and baggy cardigan and gray jeans. None of us spoke in the car, and it was understandable because I told them something big. Afterward, I also told them about the drugs that occurred at Ethan’s cottage. That must’ve answered most of their questions.

  “Hey, are you okay?” I asked Benny as I held his hand. I wrapped my other hand around his bicep and leaned on his shoulder as we walked.

  “Yeah, I err…how long have you known about this whole Jack-Christo thing?”

  “Only a week. I found out last Saturday.”

  “That’s why you had that breakdown on Saturday night,” he said and moved so that he was in front of me. I nervously looked down and nodded. Benny moved closer to me and cupped my cheeks so that I looked at him. A corner of his mouth lifted, and he kissed my forehead.

  “Told you it’s still gone!” Liam yelled. Benny and I turned to see them by the double door.

  “What?” Benny asked as he removed his hands from my cheeks.

  “Oh, err…we came here a few days ago just to check up on things, and the door is still unlocked,” Nick replied. I turned my gaze away from Nick to see Liam casually walk in with his camera. Benny and I shared a look, then reluctantly followed them.

  “Aww man! Someone took the cookies!” Liam said as he searched the empty cabinets. I shook my head in amusement as I thought of Aidan.

  “Do we have to be here?” I groaned as we continued to walk down the hall.

  “Yeah, when we were here, we found something,” Liam said.

  “What is it?”

  Liam and Nick grinned at each other, then opened the bathroom door. My eyes immediately traveled down to the tiles, which covered the utility hole to the sewers. Like before, they removed the tiles while I took out the flashlights from Liam’s bag. Once they were done, we stood around the manhole and stared at it. Only then I noticed the mark on the lid. Benny seemed surprised too, but Liam and Nick’s grin extended.

  “What does that mean?” I pointed at the lid that had the number three marked.

  “I don’t know, but look at this,” Liam said as he showed Benny and me a photo on his camera. It was a utility hole like the one here except that was the one in the alley. “Since the alley is no longer under investigation, I managed to take a photo of the lid there,” he added, and I saw the number one on it.

  “This wasn’t here the last time,” Benny said.

  “Yeah, which means that someone else was down here after we came,” Nick said.

  “Before and after, if you want to be specific. That’s why the tiles were unsteady, and now that Lana has told us about Christo, it’s quite clear that James was here and might be hiding the body down there.” Liam smiled.

  “Wow, Liam, you’ve really been thinking about this,” Benny said with an impressed look.

  “Yeah well, it’s not every day you’re an investigator.” Liam nodded, then crouched down to open the utility hole. I took the hair tie around my wrist and tied my hair up into a high ponytail. Once the lid was off, Nick took a flashlight and climbed down the ladder. Benny went next, then me. I sat on the edge, then glanced up at Liam. He looked down and gave me a supportive look. I pinched my nose as I began to climb down.

  We walked through the sewers
for about half an hour. Nick led the way since he had the sketch of the sewers, yet I did notice that there were pathways we didn’t go down. Hopefully, he knew where he was going. The sewers looked the same as the last time. The ground and floor were wet, strange noises were in the distance, and the horrible stench was in the air. I distracted myself as I scrolled through the pictures on my phone because I was bored. Benny spoke to Nick while Liam…

  “Oh, Mr. Aimar! Come out, come out wherever you are!”

  “Dude, he’s dead. He’s not going to answer you,” Nick groaned.

  “Oh, wait…what if he only comes out in…” Liam snickered while I raised a brow.

  “Don’t say it.” Benny shook his head as we walked.

  “August!” Liam laughed as we groaned. “You guys have such a funny friend keeping you company.”

  I looked down to my phone again and stopped by the picture I screenshot of Levi when we FaceTime. He was in the middle of lighting his cigarette, and it looked cool because the quality was decent. He was in his car with the city in the background. As I walked, I bumped into Nick’s back, then stumbled a bit. I looked up to see that Nick and Benny stopped. Liam stopped too and sent me a look as we watched the two in front of us.

  “Why did you guys sto—”

  “Ssh!” Nick whispered as he raised his hand. We followed his gaze to see that they stopped a few feet away from a corner where we’re supposed to turn. I heard something snap, followed by footsteps. My eyes widened when I saw a shadow on the opposite wall. Benny reached over for a loose brick. Right when the person turned the corner, Benny raised his arm while Nick held Liam and me back.

  “Marcus?” Benny exclaimed as we saw the muscularly built, curly-haired brunette turn the corner.

  “Whoa, what the hell?” Marcus yelled as he held up his arms. Benny dropped the brick, and we stared at Marcus.

  “What are you doing here?” Nick asked.

  “Well, I was just curious yesterday when I saw photos on Liam’s camera about this place.”

  “So you decided to follow us?” I started, and he slowly nodded, then turned off the flashlight from his phone.

  “So why are you guys here in the sewers?” he asked, then covered his nose.

  “Well, we’re here because…” Liam began as he looked at us for help.

  “Lana dropped something here, and we’re helping her look for it,” Benny answered with a poker look.

  “You lost something in the sewers?” Marcus asked as he raised a brow.

  “I’m quite clumsy,” I said with a lopsided grin. Marcus slowly nodded, then looked at his surroundings.

  “So what did you drop here?” he asked, then spun around. Benny, Nick, and Liam turned to me, their eyes widened as they pointed to Marcus with questioning looks.

  “Err…m-my designer pink bag.” I said the first thing that came to mind.

  “Designer pink bag?” Liam asked, and I glared at him to play along.

  “Yes! Remember!” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Wow.” Marcus nodded.

  “Yep,” Nick said, then caught up to Marcus. I figured we’d continue to walk to the other utility hole since we couldn’t look for Christo’s body anymore. Yet I had the strange feeling that Marcus was on to us.

  “Ugh, look at him,” Liam said as he stared at Marcus, who had his back to us. “Marcus Sanders and his luscious hair, eight-pack, all in everyone’s business.”

  I laughed as Liam shone the flashlight on his back, then put his middle finger in front of the light so that it showed on Marcus’s back.

  “Well, just be glad that he didn’t find those photos of Miranda,” I said.

  “Yeah, holy crap. I would’ve been beaten up by a soccer player with good hair.”

  “Just…keep the memory cards away from each other.” I sighed as we reached the utility hole that led to the alley. I checked my phone, and it was four p.m. I wanted to go first, but Liam stopped me, then whispered in my ear.

  “Let him go first. Whatever is up there will take him.” Liam and I snickered as we let Marcus go first. He didn’t complain since he wanted to get out of the fetid place. As he climbed up, Liam poked his hair and Nick smacked his hand away before he’d notice. Once we were out, we walked out of the alley, then to Liam’s apartment. Nick and Marcus’s cars were still at Ethan’s cottage, so they took the bus, then they’d walk from there.

  We were back in Liam’s room, and I sat on the bed while Benny used the bathroom. Liam was on his wall, which seemed to grow bigger and more significant since it had to do with James Cornelius and his men.

  “Marcus is getting suspicious. Remember that day when Detective Kale questioned him about the pills he found in the alley?” Liam asked as he spun around and looked at me. I nodded, then tilted my head. “Well, when Detective Kale left, he kept looking at us.”

  “Well, I told Nick before he left that he should just have a little talk with Marcus,” I said. Liam nodded, then returned to his desk. My phone rang, and I took out my phone to see that Carter called me. Weird, he rarely called me.


  “Lana! I need your—hehe—never mind.” He giggled, then burped. I scrunched my nose up since I heard music in the background.

  “Carter? Where are you?”

  “I can’t remember…but what I do remember is that you’re so fucking gorgeous. Like WHOOAA—”

  “Carter, you’re drunk! Tell me your surroundings, and maybe I’ll come and get you.”

  “Err…I see a bed and a girl,” he replied, and I facepalmed. “I always see that! What’s wrong with me, Lana?” He hiccuped, then continued. “I sleep around, but I wanna change! For myself, my friends, for you, and college! I don’t wanna be known as Carter Halls, the sex god, in college! I want to change for the better.”

  “Well, you can change, Carter. Everyone can because sometimes change is good.”

  “You’re right. Love you, my sexual tension friend!” he cheered, then ended the call. I stared at the phone for a moment, then realized Carter was still at the party, drunk off his ass. I stood up, ready to go, but realized that I didn’t even know where the party was.

  “What’s wrong?” Liam asked.

  “Carter’s just really drunk, and since we live the closest to each other, I think I should be the one to take him home,” I said, then sniffed myself.

  “Oh, cool. He’s at Blake’s house,” Liam replied, and I raised a brow. “Blake’s having a party because his mom is gone for the weekend.”

  “Oh,” I mumbled, then sniffed myself again as Benny entered the room.

  “Here,” Liam said and tossed me his cologne.

  “Oh, I’m okay, thank you,” I said.

  “No offense, but you smell like shit.” Benny smirked, and I playfully punched his shoulder.

  “Fine,” I groaned, then sprayed myself with Liam’s cologne. It wasn’t too strong like Blake’s or Carter’s, and it had a sweet scent to it. “I have to go get Carter from Blake’s house, then go home for dinner.”

  “Oh, okay. Do you want me to take you?” Benny asked as I hugged him.

  “Yes, please,” I said. We greeted Liam, then walked out of his room. His grandma was nowhere to be found, so we left, then walked down to the car.

  As Benny drove to Blake’s house, I couldn’t get Carter out of my mind and what he said. It’s nice that he wanted to change before college and my guess…become more mature. I sometimes admitted in Physics he was more focused than me even though I was the one who wanted to become a physicist.

  When we arrived at Blake’s street, I heard the music. So many cars surrounded the house that Benny had to drop me in front of the house. He offered to come inside, but I assured him that it was okay. I saw Carter’s truck and reminded myself to drive it. My feet ached by the time I got to the house since I walked a lot today.

  “Name?” a bouncer asked, and I instantly groaned. The door was wide open, and I saw right through the house.

you are!” a guy exclaimed as he stepped out of the house and looked at me. I stared at him because I didn’t know him, but something about his presence made him familiar. The guy swung his arm around my shoulder then brought me into the house. Once we were inside, I dropped his arm and turned to him.

  “Who are you?”

  “Look, I don’t even know you, but you might know my brother.” He looked over his shoulder. I followed his gaze, and my eyes widened as I realized it was the Willis twins. The two at Jaden’s party and the one I knocked out when I hit a bottle against his temple. I slowly backed away from him because I didn’t know which one was which, since they were identical. “Look, we’re here for the party, and Jaden just wanted me to make sure that you’re here,” he said, then pointed to Jaden, who was making out with a girl on the sofa. “You are Lana Willson, right?”

  I nodded, then oddly walked away from him. I came here for one reason only: to find Carter. Yet how did Jaden know that I’d be here? I slowly walked down the hall and passed each room to hear if it was busy. By the third door, I stopped, then leaned my ear against it. I cautiously twisted the doorknob, then opened the door. A dark room met me, and the only available light was from the curtain. As I walked into the room, the door shut, and I quickly spun around.

  “Carter?” I gasped as someone approached me.

  “Hey, there, beer pong babe.” My eyes widened to see Quinton’s face. I didn’t understand why he was here. Blake and Benny hated him.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked. Other than being a humongous pervert, he reeked of alcohol.

  “Snuck in.” He shrugged, then walked closer to me. “Turns out my girlfriend is somewhere around here looking for me while I look for her and well…I’m tired of waiting.”

  He reached out to wrap his arm around me, but I shoved him back, then stepped to the side of the room. He cussed, then launched himself at me. I quickly ran to the door, but he grabbed me and tried to get me onto the bed. I screamed, then elbowed him in the stomach. While he recovered, I looked around for a weapon to defend myself. The room was dark, yet I saw an outline of something big. I walked to it and picked it up. It was quite heavy as I spun around and swung my arm. Everything happened so fast as I heard a thump, then watched as Quinton fell onto the bed. I put the object down and slowly walked to him. He laid on his stomach as his shoulders rose and fell. I quickly walked out of the room, then shut the door. As I continued to look for Carter, “Howlin for You” by The Black Keys came on, and I instantly smiled, remembering when Levi would say that it’s our song. Since Carter was nowhere on the first floor, I decided to look in the basement. I’d seen Jaden, and he smirked at me. I saw Tamia and Axel in the kitchen, and they seemed anxious when they saw me, but I hadn’t seen Blake, Keene, or Ethan.


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