Finding Home

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Finding Home Page 13

by Rachel Smith

  “Oh God, no.” Her hands covered her mouth. “Didn’t you tell him they freaked you out?”

  “I tried,” I answered. “But looking back now… I maybe could have been a tad more persistent.”

  “So, what did you do?” Charlotte asked through a laugh.

  “Um… I drank quite a bit of red wine. He got called in to the station, which freaked me way the hell out. Then I drank even more red wine so I wouldn’t think about getting chopped into tiny pieces by an axe-wielding psychopath while he was gone. I hung out a while, then climbed in his bed.”

  She raised one eyebrow and smirked.

  “Yeah, he informed me this morning before going to work that I woke him up multiple times during the night. Screaming.”

  Charlie’s body shook with laughter, her hands held the sides of her pregnant belly to keep it steady. “Serves him right. I warned him not to move so fast.”

  “I hardly think we moved fast, sis.” The memory of him taking me wild and hard up against the door floated through my mind and I smiled.

  Okay, maybe a teeny bit fast.

  “What was that?” Charlie asked, pointing her index finger at me.


  “That. That little wispy smiley thing you just did.”

  “Okay,” I sighed. “But if I tell you, can you please not lecture me and be all weird about it? Remember, I am your older sister. I’m a big girl and most of the time I do know what I’m doing.”

  “You guys had sex,” she blurted, and I smiled.

  “Amongst other fun things, yes. Except the other things occurred this morning before he left. The impeccable, spontaneous, mind-blowing wall sex happened when he picked me up last night.”

  She sat quietly, her face hard as stone before she muttered, “I’m going to kick his butt.” I hid my smirk and watched her hands as they aimlessly wandered over and around her belly. My little niece or nephew tucked safely inside. After everything Charlotte had endured with the accident, losing Jared and Matthew in such a tragic way, she deserved every bit of happiness now.

  “I love you,” I whispered. “And you have no idea how happy I am that you’ve found love again.”

  Her hands stalled and tears filled her eyes. “I love you, too,” she replied. “You weren’t the same Liz when you first moved here, so I just worry about you is all.”

  Standing from my place on the couch, I went to her, folding her in my arms as we both let the cleansing tears fall.

  We were so caught up in each other, in healing old wounds, that neither of us heard the door open.

  “Jesus, I’ve only been gone a couple of hours. What the hell happened?”

  We pulled apart, both smiling up at an angry-faced Alex.

  “You are on my shit list, Lexington.” Charlie pointed her finger at him and scowled.

  “Super.” He rolled his eyes and looked at me. “What’s going on?”

  “That was quick.” I looked at my watch, surprised he was back so soon.

  “I’m not done. Was just driving by and saw Charlie’s car so I stopped in. You didn’t answer me.”

  I wiped the stray tear off my cheek. “Nothing. Just having a little girls’ moment. We’re cool, I promise.”

  “Yeah,” Charlotte piped in. “It’s a sister thing.”

  “Christ, you two are exhausting.” He swiped a hand down his face. Charlie and I looked at each other and burst into a fit of giggles. Obviously annoyed, Alex turned and left the room.

  “I have a shift at the grocery store this afternoon,” Charlie said as she started to move toward the door. “You free to grab a quick lunch at the diner?”

  “I really wish you’d quit that job.”

  “I know,” she smiled. “I will after the baby comes, but I need to keep busy right now or I’ll go stir-crazy.”

  I smiled. My baby sister, never able to just sit down and take a load off. “Hold up. I need to talk to Alex super quick, but then lunch would be perfect. Do you think we could make a quick stop at my house first?” I motioned to Alex’s oversized T-shirt that hung from my frame and shrugged.

  She nodded. “Yes. Even though I should make your butt do the walk of shame all the way across town.”

  “It’s winter.”

  Her eyebrows jumped. “And?”

  I rolled my eyes and followed the path Alex took through the house when he disappeared. I found him in the kitchen, chugging a glass of water, his face a mix of anger and… well, mostly just anger.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  He let out a lingering sigh and shrugged. “I will be. I’ve got to get back to the station, get some shit taken care of, and then I’ll come to your place. That work for you?”

  A tingle slid through my body at the thought of another night alone with my sexy cop. Hell yeah that works for me. Alex grinned as if he knew my every dirty thought.

  “Keep the shirt on.”


  He strolled toward me, a sexy swagger in his hips. One arm slid around my waist before he pulled me closer. “I like seeing you in my shirt,” he whispered against the skin just below my ear. “Puts all sorts of dirty, crazy ideas in my head.” His tongue slid down my neck and back up again, placing soft kisses along the way. “Ideas that I’d like to make reality later tonight.”

  “Mmmm…” I purred. God, his mouth felt good.

  “I’m still here, you know,” Charlie called from the other room. “My ears are bleeding and I’m possibly scarred for life.”

  Alex stepped away and I felt the loss of his touch immediately. “Move your butt, firecracker,” he ordered as he playfully slapped my ass. “Your sister’s getting antsy, and shit will hit the fan if you make a pregnant woman wait for food.”

  With a tummy full of Delores’s creamy potato cheddar soup, I let my head fall back on the headrest as Charlotte drove us to my house.

  “Just drop me at the end of the driveway. I need to get my mail.”

  She rounded the corner. “That might be difficult seeing as your mailbox is hidden under a pile of snow.”

  It was, but it didn’t stop the fact I needed to get my mail out of there. “It’s fine.”

  “I’ll drop you at the door. Go get some boots on and then you can walk back down the driveway and grab it.”



  I growled in frustration. “Can you please not be a pain in my ass? Just this one time?”

  “Fine. Don’t call me to take care of you when you’re sick.”

  I couldn’t hold back the eye roll at that one. “Whatever.”

  Her car stopped at the end of my driveway, right by the mailbox. “Thanks for lunch.” Flashing her a goodbye smile, I hopped out.

  “Anytime. Thanks for the ride,” I said as I opened the car door and stepped directly into a pile of wet, sloppy snow. Shivering for effect, I glanced back in Charlie’s direction. “Oh, God. I can feel the sickness taking over my body already,” I sassed.

  My straitlaced, ready-to-pop pregnant sister pulled away, flipping me a middle finger salute the entire way. I giggled as I hurdled toward my mailbox, effectively missing the few mounds of snow the snowplow piled so nicely for me. Still giggling at the pissed look on Charlie’s face when she drove away, I was oblivious to my surroundings.

  “Hey, neighbor.” I turned toward the voice, not recognizing it at first, to see Johnny Trellis strolling my direction. Again, no coat, just a stocking hat pulled low over his eyes and a lit cigarette dangling between his lips.

  Idly, I wondered if he even owned a coat.

  “Hey,” I replied, trying to sound as pleasant as possible. I pulled the mail from the small tin box and cradled it against my chest like a shield. I couldn’t think of anything else to say, so I just stood there like an idiot. I suddenly wished I’d listened to my overzealous sister and had her drop me at the door.

  “Haven’t seen you around much.” He pulled the cigarette from his mouth and blew a cloud of smoke into the air. My
eyes blinked repeatedly in an attempt to hold back my gag from the awful stench.

  “Well, it’s winter,” I said, realizing that wasn’t enough of an excuse. “And I’ve been so busy… doing, um, all the things.”

  Liz, seriously.

  He chuckled. “All the things, huh?” Silence hung between us as he took another drag. I fought against the cough threatening to spew out of my mouth. Cigarette smoke bothered my senses like none other.

  “So when you’re not busy doing all the things…” he smiled. “What do you do for fun? You ever hit up the Hornet? Throw back a few drinks and relax?”

  “Oh, well,” I shuffled my weight from one foot to the other, doing somewhat of a dance. “’I’m not so much into partying… or relaxing, really. I mean, I am an accountant.”

  His lips pressed into a thin line like he was trying not to laugh at my ridiculous comment. I suddenly felt very aware that he probably took my awkwardness for flirtation, which I most definitely did not want to happen.

  Before I had the chance to explain myself, Alex’s truck came around the corner, heading straight for us.

  Shit. Unease settled deep in my gut like a heavy brick.

  He stopped in front of Johnny’s house. For a moment, I wondered if it was someone else with the same truck.

  Wishful thinking.

  A sharp whistle caught Johnny’s attention and he turned around. Side by side, I’m sure we looked like a pair. Me with an ‘I’m-totally-innocent-please-don’t-be-mad stare,’ and Johnny casually finishing up his smoke.

  “Lizzie!” Alex called as he threw the door closed on his truck and stalked toward us.

  “Boyfriend?” Johnny leaned toward me and asked. I nodded affirmatively.

  This could get ugly.

  I knew it. Alex knew it. Hell, Johnny had to know it.

  He’d warned me to keep my distance from Johnny, but what was I supposed to do when he strolled over uninvited and struck up a conversation? Taking off at a full sprint the opposite direction would just be rude.

  And weird.

  “Yeah, boyfriend,” Alex declared, his voice firm. With cold eyes, he glared at Johnny. “And a cop. One who needs a word with you, Mr. Trellis.” He flashed his badge and then his gaze shifted to me. “Alone.”

  Johnny’s body language changed. He stood taller, almost defiant. He puffed out his chest like he was showing Alex he wasn’t scared. “How come you don’t wear a cop uniform and drive a cop car?” He tossed his finished cigarette to the ground and worked it into the snow with his heavy boot. I stared at the ground, wishing he’d done that in front of his own house and not mine.

  “Not on duty today. Just tying up a few loose ends on a big case. Seems we’ve had an anonymous tip come in recently about a decent-sized drug ring around here.”

  Johnny glared. “That so?”


  “And why do you need to talk to me?” He pulled out another cigarette and lit up.

  “I think we both know why.”

  I looked between the two men. Back and forth. Johnny to Alex and back again. Johnny took another drag and blew it in front of him, the cloud of smoke wafted right into my face and I coughed.

  “Lizzie, get in the house.”

  I looked up at Alex, shocked by his command. “What?”

  “Get in the house.” He looked down at me, his jaw clenched as he bit out, “Now.”

  I lifted my chin and raised my eyebrows. How dare he boss me around like this, especially in front of another person. I wanted to throw a hissy fit right there at the end of my driveway.

  “Seems your woman doesn’t want to follow orders, cop.”

  Alex broke eye contact with me and looked over to Johnny. “I mean it, Liz. Go.”

  I didn’t like the vibe between these two guys. Or maybe it was just Alex’s vibe. Johnny didn’t seem fazed at all. He just stood there, all smug, his eyes focused on Alex as he blew smoke rings into the air.

  “Let’s just go in.” I reached for Alex’s hand, hoping he’d follow my lead.

  He didn’t. Instead, he jerked his arm away from me. Bending at the waist, he leaned over until his nose almost touched mine and hissed, “Get in the motherfucking house now, Liz.”

  My heart fluttered. It wasn’t the good kind of flutter I normally got right before he kissed me. No, this was the scary kind of flutter because he actually scared me. This had nothing to do with him not wanting me around my creepy neighbor. It was more. His anger was palpable, rolling off his body in waves.

  “Okay,” I whispered before I turned and ran as fast as I could through the snow. I entered the house, tossed my pile of mail haphazardly onto the kitchen table, and perched myself at the living room window to spy.

  Alex took a step closer to Johnny. I thought maybe Johnny would step back, but he stood his ground. With wide eyes, I watched the two men exchange words. Suddenly, Johnny threw his head back and laughed. I could hear it even inside the house. It was a cynical laugh, taunting almost.

  Alex uncrossed his arms and placed his hands on his hips. With a murderous look on his face, he leaned in slightly as his jaw worked while he gave Johnny an earful.

  I wished like hell I could hear what he was saying. It must’ve been bad, considering the menacing look etched on Johnny’s face. His fists curled into balls at his side. My heart rate spiked when I realized he was going to hit Alex.

  I stood up, anxious and nervous and still pissed I was inside watching this unfold through a damn window and not being out there.

  Instead of hitting Alex, Johnny threw his arms in the air as a sort of ‘forget this’ type of move. He turned and walked back to his house. I assumed Alex would let him go and come inside. Instead, he followed Johnny down the street to his house, up the front steps, and through the front door.

  What the hell is he doing? I scurried to the window along the adjacent wall, hoping for a better view. With my knees planted firmly on the couch cushions, I stared out the window, not moving, not leaving even one time.

  For thirty minutes, I watched.

  And waited.

  And worried.

  Until the door to the little blue house flew open and Alex stormed out, quickly jogging down the stairs before he hopped in his truck. Is he leaving?

  I didn’t have to wonder long as his truck flew into my driveway. I peeked one last time and saw him stalk through the snow to my stairs, his face hard as stone in a deadly scowl.

  Oh shit, Johnny really pissed him off.

  I quickly thought about how to play this, wishing I had more time to weigh my options. One, I could throw a tantrum about the way he spoke to me, or two, we could discuss what happened outside calmly and rationally.

  I’d mostly settled on option number two, trying to be the bigger person, when Alex bustled through the front door. With more force than necessary, he threw the door closed, shaking the entire house.

  My decision to be calm floated away.

  He wanted a fight? Fine. I’d give him a fight.

  “Don’t you even start with… oof.” Before I could finish my sentence, I was up and over his shoulder.

  “Shut it, Lizzie,” he growled, slapped my ass, and prowled to the bedroom. He tossed me on the bed like I weighed nothing and reached for his belt buckle.

  Confusion washed over me. I thought he was pissed, but when I looked up into his eyes there was no anger. Only want, need, passion.


  “What’s happening?” I asked, undoubtedly looking much like a deer caught in the headlights. I mean, he yelled and ordered me to get inside the house like a child only a half an hour ago.

  Now he was horny? I couldn’t keep up. His mood had swung from one end of the spectrum to the other, making me dizzy.

  Alex kicked off his boots before inching both his jeans and boxers down his legs, stopping just low enough to pull himself free. His fingers curled around the base of his cock as he stepped forward. His hand ran the length of himself as he spoke.

  Up and back. Up and back.

  “What’s happening,” he said, his voice gravelly and heavy with lust, “is I’m gonna plant one hell of a kiss on that feisty mouth of yours, sweetheart. Then I think I’ll make my way down your body as slowly as possible, until you’re so worked up that you can’t wait another second for me to fuck you.”

  Oh, sweet mother.

  I’d never experienced that whole ‘dirty talking, alpha male’ stuff in the bedroom before. It only happened in smutty books and movies. Not real life.

  In my meager sexual experience, the few men I’d been with were all soft, gentle lovers. Nothing like this, nothing that set my world on fire and threatened to explode my body from the inside out.

  Which is how I felt at this moment.

  Heat rushed to my face. A slow flush creeped up my chest and neck as his mouth came down on mine, our tongues sweeping against one another in a sensual dance. Any thoughts of anger vanished, and I seized the moment, letting the passion wash over me.

  His touch was light as he began to work his lips down my body, planting soft kisses along the way. I reached out, needing to touch, wanting to feel him. My hand met the front of his jeans and he let out a guttural moan. When I gave him a gentle squeeze, it was as if I’d doused a fire with gasoline.

  In an instant, his palms were under my arms. “Up,” he commanded, his voice deep and thick. “On the bed. Everything off.”

  I quietly followed orders. He removed his clothes as well, until he stood before me completely naked and exposed. I moved slower, using the time to get my head around what was happening here.

  “Alex, we need to talk about—”

  I didn’t get to finish my sentence because again his mouth crashed down on mine. “Later,” he mumbled between kisses as he worked his mouth along my jaw.

  “Later?” I asked on a gasp. Damn, the man could perform wonders with his mouth at my neck.

  “Yup.” More kisses across my collarbone. I arched my back, my nipples throbbed as I waited for him to move lower. When he finally pulled one into his warm, wet mouth I lost what little hold I had on my control. My hips lifted, grinding, searching for something I could rub against. Something that would satisfy the ache between my legs.


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