Finding Home

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Finding Home Page 15

by Rachel Smith

  The office was incredible, everything I had dreamt it would be and more. Nothing like the stark white walls and pungent stink of desperation my previous office held.

  Or maybe that was just Erik. Maybe that smell was all him.

  If only the shadow of a threatening note wasn’t hanging above my head, life would be perfect. But it was, and until Alex and Alan did whatever it was they did at the station to find who put it in my mailbox, that worry was staying put.

  Lingering, casting a hint of gloom over my entire life.

  Alex immediately became overly obsessed with my safety. He insisted I let him know my plans each morning, in detail, and I had to check in multiple times throughout the day. It also didn’t escape me how often I spotted a police car cruising by my office.

  And whenever Alex worked late, leaving me home alone, that ever-present police car would slowly roll on by. The excessive fixation with my safety was cute for about two point seven seconds.

  Then it just became a pain in my ass.

  Thus, we had words. Heated words. Words that should never be said in the vicinity of a church or around small children. Words that would make my mother’s ears bleed from shame if she knew they’d come out of my mouth.

  Not my proudest moment in life.

  Of course, once we started going at each other, I couldn’t back down; or maybe it was more along of lines of ‘wouldn’t’ back down. So, I stood my ground.

  Firm. Solid.

  And I managed to hold that ground for all of three minutes before it happened. In the midst of our heated, obscenity-filled screaming match, he let it slip.

  “You are driving me up the freaking wall. Seriously, why can’t you just let this go?” I yelled.

  He stared at me, nostrils flared, eyes bulging as his chest heaved from deep breaths. He leaned toward me, teeth bared in an angry snarl. “Why? You want to know why?”

  I threw my arms out to the side. “Yeah, enlighten me, oh master of my endless protection.”

  Alex took a swift step closer, putting his face right in front of mine. Startled by his movement, I sucked in a quick breath of air. “I can’t let this go because I love you.” His eyes stared into mine. Not moving. Not blinking. It was as if he was looking directly into my soul.

  All the air inside my lungs escaped, leaving me breathless and gasping for more.

  “Carlito’s goons had your sister for hours before Lyons and I got to her. I can’t…” He stopped and ran a shaky hand through his hair. “I carried her through hell to get her to safety. The thought of you being in even a fraction of that kind of danger… Lizzie, it guts me. Fucking guts me to think about. I’d lose my damn mind if anything happened to you. So please, I’m begging you to do what I ask. Let me look out for the woman I love and keep her safe. Please.”

  I smiled at the memory, thinking of how that argument ended with the two of us wrapped around each other in bed, a sweaty tangle of limbs and panting breaths.

  Of course, I told him I loved him right back. I also showed him. Over and over that night.

  And then again once more the next morning.

  I giggled to myself at that thought as the bell above the door jingled—because in a small town it seems there is a law you must have this. I made my way around my desk to see who was in reception. Until I had more clients, I couldn’t afford to hire a secretary.

  Thus, the jingly bells.

  The sight of Max Mayland standing just inside my office space made the smile fall immediately from my face. Since opening the office just a few short weeks ago, Max had become a constant staple.

  And not a welcomed one.

  I guess he thought our ‘date from hell’ went fantastic and wanted another. It started with him casually stopping by to ask me for coffee. As always, I declined with a smile and thanked him for the offer but let him know I was seeing Alex.

  That seemed to simply float right over his head, and instead of backing down, he then began asking me out for lunch. Again, I declined and informed him I was with Alex and not available to date. Still, persistent Max continued to pop by, each time acting weirder than the last.

  “Hey, Max,” I said, forcing myself to smile. Inside, my mind screamed ‘Leave Me Alone’ at the top of its lungs. “How’s it going?”

  He shrugged, gave me a grimacing smile and said, “It’s going,” but something seemed off, fake almost. The lines around his eyes sagged a little lower, the hint of a purple blemish rooted deep in his skin. My eyes travelled the length of him with concern, noting the rest of him looked normal. Crisp, pressed shirt tucked into his khaki chinos. A perfectly cuffed hem rested at the top of his polished loafers.

  “Can I help you with something?” I stayed behind the reception desk, trying to keep a bit of distance between us. Not that I was afraid of the guy, but I’d given him the brush-off time and time again, yet he still came by a few times each week. I didn’t want to be mean to the guy, but I’d about reached the end of my patience with him.

  “I stopped in to see if you had a free moment to grab some lunch.”

  “Max,” I sighed, annoyed. My fingers pinched the bridge of my nose to stop the pressure. I seriously worried my head might explode. “I don’t want to be a bitch, but I don’t know how to get it through to you that I am with Alex. With him… as in, we sleep in the same bed every night.”

  His eyes squinted as he let that sink in, the grimace on his face looked like the thought disgusted him.


  “No.” I held out my hand to stop him right there. “I don’t want you to ask me out any more. I’m serious. It makes me uncomfortable. Plus, I feel like crap telling you ‘no’ all the time. Enough is enough, Max. You need to let this go.”

  He sighed and looked to the ground. I noticed both his hands balled into tight fists at his side. His lips moved slightly but he didn’t say a word. Was he counting to ten? My body went on alert, suddenly freaked out by his reaction.

  When he raised his head to finally look at me, he looked frantic, desperate almost. “You have to go out with me.” He began to pace the small area in front of the reception desk. Back and forth, over and over, until he came toward me. Scared out of my mind, I backed myself against the wall, flattening my body against it, hoping it would absorb me into another dimension.

  “I mean, you need to just give me a chance. How will I ever get you…” His words trailed off. I held my breath, eyes wide, still frozen against the wall. Seeing my discomfort, he turned away. He ran both of his hands through his hair in frustration as he looked out the front window. “What the fuck?” he muttered softly.

  I followed his line of sight just as the jingly bells sounded against the door and Johnny Trellis strode in like he owned the place. Larger than life, as usual. No coat, no hat.

  Again, did he not realize how cold it was outside? Dressed in a tight T-shirt and jeans, he held a small brown box under one arm.

  Sweet cheese and crackers, is it Asshole Day or what?

  “What are you doing here?” Max growled.

  “Dropping off a package to my neighbor. What the fuck are you doing here?” With narrowed eyes Johnny looked Max up and down, his jaw clenched tight and his lips curled in disgust.


  My eyes darted from Max to Johnny and back again as they faced off in their epic stare-down. “Uh… I hate to interrupt whatever little testosterone battle you guys are having at the moment…” I swirled my hand in the air at the two of them. “But I actually do have work to do today.” My voice sounded breathy and totally unconvincing.

  Very persuasive, Lizzie.

  Both men ignored me. “Fucking answer me, Mayland.”

  “I came to see Elizabeth, she’s a client.”

  Johnny looked at me, his eyes ran the length of my body still plastered against the wall.

  “Then why the hell is she jammed up against the back wall like she wants the fucker to swallow her, huh?”

  Max looked at me, the anxiousness in his
eyes from earlier gone. A flush creeped up his neck onto his cheeks. A puff of air shot from his mouth in a huff. He almost looked… embarrassed.

  He looked down and mumbled, “I… uh… need to use your restroom, Liz,” and darted down the hallway.

  Ugh, seriously? I lifted a hand after he left. “By all means, make yourself at home.” Dropping my hand, I released a shaky breath and wondered what the hell that was all about.

  “You all right?” Johnny’s question brought me back to reality.


  He jerked his chin toward the bathroom. “That asshole do something to upset you?”

  “Um…” I hesitated and Johnny took a step closer. “No,” I quickly blurted so he would stay put. “He just keeps asking me out. I’m sure it’s harmless, but it’s still a huge pain in my ass.”

  Johnny chuckled. “Bet your cop boyfriend hates that shit.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  He smiled a lazy, cocky smile and held up a small package. “This came to my house. I knocked on your door but then remembered hearing something about you scoring this sweet-ass office space. Thought I’d do the neighborly thing and drop it off.”

  I forced myself to relax and painted a fake smile on my face. “Thanks. You can just leave it there by the door.” My eyes immediately scanned the street, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ever-present patrol car. Surely, they saw Johnny come in, right?

  He set the package on the floor but didn’t make a move to leave. Instead, he stood with his hands in his pockets, nervously shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

  “Well, I need to get back to work so…” I hitched my thumb over my shoulder, hoping he’d get the hint to leave. Alex would lose his mind once he found out Johnny was in my office.

  For real.

  “Listen, Liz, I know your guy thinks I’m a total piece of shit. And…” He looked to the side, staring at nothing on the wall like he was deep in thought. “I guess in some ways I am. Always been in trouble one way or another, ever since I was a kid. But seriously… you don’t need to stand there acting like I’m going to attack you.”

  I nodded. “Okay.” I really didn’t know what else to say. I mean, once upon a time this guy beat his woman up so badly, she spent a month in the hospital. A month. If that isn’t the very definition of a total piece of shit—I don’t know what is.

  Still, my Midwestern graces kicked in. “Would you like a cup of coffee?” I maneuvered my way around the front desk to the small coffeepot set up along the side wall. “I finally got one of those one-cup makers, so you can choose whatever flavor floats your boat.” My fingers floated over the dozens of K-cups like a model showcasing a prize on the Price is Right. “This one is my personal favori…” I turned back to see Max had returned from the bathroom.

  Johnny crossed his arms, his feet planted wide to block his path. Max’s eyes darted around the office, looking for a way to get out the door.

  “Okay, what’s the deal between you two?”

  Both men stood their ground, drilling a glare through each other like a heat-seeking missile. It totally freaked me the hell out. My heart rate increased, puttering inside my chest so hard I was afraid I’d crack a rib. I stepped back, bumping my hip into the table that held the coffee maker. It jarred just enough to send the stack of plastic coffee cups tumbling to the ground.

  Breaking the standoff with Johnny, Max stepped closer, kneeling to help. The stench of something sweet mixed with smoke drifted up my nose, causing me to jerk my head back from him.

  “Just leave it,” I snapped. “I’ve got this.” Pulling away, I picked up the spilled cups and set them back on the table.

  Max blinked, as if coming out of a trance. “Um… sorry.” His voice sounded strained, almost gruff. He cleared his throat before he continued, “I really need to get going.” He stood, casting a quick glance at Johnny before scooting out the front door.

  Silence hung heavy in the room like a dark storm cloud. Thankfully, Johnny kept his distance, standing near the opposite wall.

  I let out a deep breath, but it did nothing to calm my nerves. Johnny took a step closer and every muscle in my body coiled tight.

  “Please don’t,” I whispered. I held out my hand to stop him. “I’ve seriously reached my limit of weird, macho… whatever the hell it is that just happened in here.”

  Like a sixth sense, the hair on my arms and the back of my neck stood on end. What if Johnny had put that note in my mailbox? What if he was after me? But how… how could he even know, or care for that matter, about what happened in Chicago?

  With his hands out in front of him he slowly took a step closer. Even with the soft, pleading look in his eyes, I panicked.

  My mind began to run through possible scenarios in case this turned from freaky weird to something physical. The coffee maker became my instant weapon of choice. I could throw it at him and maybe buy myself a few minutes. With a cop car making its way by my office so often, I could probably get to the street and scream before he got to me.

  “Swear to God, Liz,” he said. “I’m not here to hurt you. Can you tell me how you know that guy?”


  “Yeah. You said he keeps asking you out. He come in here a lot? When you’re alone?”

  I shrugged. “Sometimes. Look, he’s just the realtor that sold me the place.” Flustered, I shook my head and held my arms out. “You can’t be here, Johnny. Thanks for bringing the package, but I need you to leave.”

  He ran his tongue along his bottom lip before nodding once. He didn’t look happy about it, but he did turn away like he was finally going to leave. Except he only made it one step before the door flew open. My jingly bells slammed against the glass with so much force, I was surprised it didn’t crack.

  Thank you, Jesus, I thought to myself as an officer ran in to my office. “Where have you been?” I asked, annoyed from all the drama. Damn Alex for turning me into a jumpy, flittering, damsel in distress.

  He didn’t answer but did give Johnny a quick once over before turning to me. “Elizabeth,” he wheezed, out of breath like he’d run from the station to my office.

  “Yeah, I know.” I lifted a hand to point at Johnny. “I’m not supposed to talk to him or be near him. He dropped off a package that got delivered to his house by mistake and now he’s leaving.” I raised my eyebrows at Johnny, hoping he’d follow my lead and get out of here.

  “Your sister…” The officer bent over, his hands on both knees as he sucked in air.

  “Charlotte? Oh, God, what happened?”

  “She’s in labor. Two minutes out from the hospital. Alex has her and nobody can get ahold of her husband.”

  I flew into action, grabbing my cell from the outside pocket of my purse. I found David’s number in my contacts and hit go. No answer.


  “Lexington told me to get you to the hospital. We have to go. Now.”

  Scurrying around, I grabbed what I needed and quickly shut off all the lights before following the officer to his car.

  I looked up as I opened the door and saw Johnny Trellis walking casually down the sidewalk. The officer followed my line of sight just as Johnny turned the corner. “Everything all right, Elizabeth?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, call me Lizzie. And, I’m sorry, but I don’t think I know your name.”

  He smiled, one side of his mouth hitching up higher than the other. “Officer Jacobs. Derek Jacobs. And you probably don’t know because I’m new in town. Just graduated from the Academy last month.”

  I smiled back at him as we settled in the car. “Well, it’s nice to meet you.”

  He pulled away and I continued to try to reach David as we sped toward the hospital, each time getting his voicemail.

  “Damnit, Lyons.”

  A light bulb went off and I pulled up my contacts once more, this time calling his best friend, Justin.

  “DeLuca here.”

  “Oh, thank God. Justin, it’s Lizz
ie. Charlotte is on her way to the hospital and David won’t answer his phone. Do you have any idea where he is?”

  I heard murmurs and rustling in the background before David’s voice came over the line. “Liz?”

  “Jesus, David. I’ve called you seven hundred and eighty-four times. Answer your damn phone once in a while!”

  “I dropped my phone in a horse trough full of water and it’s busted. What the hell’s going on? Justin said something about Charlie? Is she okay?”

  “Yeah, Alex has her and they’re on the way to the hospital. You need to get moving or you’re going to miss the birth of your kid.”

  The line went dead. “David?” I pulled the phone from my ear and looked at it—call lost. “Well, I hope that means he’s on his way.”

  Derek nodded his head but I noticed the car sped up a bit. “I’m sure it does.”

  We turned into the hospital entrance just a few minutes later. Derek stopped in front of the doors to let me out. “Thanks for the ride!” I called as I sprinted away.

  “No problem!” he called back.

  I pushed through the entrance and made my way to the front desk. “Charlotte Lyons? I’m her sister.”

  “Lizzie.” I turned to see Alex in a waiting room chair. I rushed toward him. His strong arms curled around my body and I nuzzled into his chest. Taking a deep breath, the clean smell of laundry soap invaded my nostrils. His uniform always smelled like a summer breeze.

  “Is she okay?”

  He nodded and then rested his lips against the top of my head. “Yeah, they just took her back. The nurse at the desk will show you the way. I’ll wait out here for Lyons.” He took my hand and led me to the front desk.

  “Sorry about that.” I smiled at the nurse.

  She shrugged. “No worries. They took your sister straight to delivery. Follow me.” She pushed through the double doors and I followed, right on her heels. I entered the room and saw Charlie on the bed just as another contraction hit. Her face scrunched in pain, she bent over as she tried to breathe through it.

  “Where’s David?” she asked after the contraction passed and she lay back. Her sweat-soaked hair stuck to her forehead and the side of her face.


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