Valiant (The Blood Trail Chronicles Book 3)

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Valiant (The Blood Trail Chronicles Book 3) Page 13

by AE Watson

  “And the time of man living in the Southern Isles is over. We must all return to Enderoth.” He glanced at Grayson.

  “You know you’re welcome here always.”

  “Perhaps, Your Grace. But home is with her.” Master Lindley squeezed my hand back.

  “I know what you mean.” Grayson gave me a burning stare.

  “I’ll see you before I’m off.” I stood and hugged him once more, not wanting to return Grayson’s look but fearing I might. “Michael will be so pleased to see you still standing.”

  “The king has my undying loyalty, as always.” He returned the embrace.

  “Gentlemen, as you were.” Grayson nodded at the small group of them. “The castle tour continues this way.” He pointed to the right, winking at everyone else. The men chuckled, apart from Master Lindley. I didn’t understand until we reached the hallway, and I realized it was the wing with his residence in it.

  “How did you two come to fight together?” I asked when we were out of earshot of the kitchen.

  “He was leading an army in Slynderal. We came upon them after a battle and helped mend them. He seemed to know me or of me. He told his men they would be joining us in our quest to free the bears and wolves.” He gazed down at me as we walked, his eyes staring for too long. “He asked what news I had from Enderoth and of your family. When I told him you were—slaughtering your way across the continent, he expressed a wish to come and find you. I told him I would introduce you two the next chance I had.”

  “I can’t believe he’s alive. I’m glad he was there to help you though. He is the best fighter and wisest man I have ever known.”

  “By far the wisest,” Grayson agreed. “This is the area where the previous king kept his close family.” He pointed to a series of doors and hallways, all flooded with sunlight from the setting sun and the large arched windows.

  “Where is he now?”

  “Dead.” Grayson didn’t elaborate. “And this is another entrance to that oasis.” He motioned toward the pools of water where Artan sat, sleeping in the shade. “I imagine it’s the first time a dragon has used it as his private napping quarters.” He chided but the tension was building.

  I suspected because he was leading me to his bedroom.

  My heartbeat quickened as we entered a vast room, which I assumed was the entrance into the king’s chambers. Was Grayson the King of the Southern Isles? I didn’t know how to digest that possibility.

  Something he confirmed a moment later, “And lastly, my room. Or rather, rooms. This is the first of them. I take informal meetings in here.” He nodded his head to the sofas where a feast was laid out of wine, breads, cheeses, and meats. There were olives and spiced dips, vegetables and fruits. “And sometimes the odd solitary dinner. Are you hungry? I asked the cook to make sure there was something to eat.”

  “Starved!” I rushed over and sat, taking a large piece of something orange and juicy. I didn’t wait to ask or be offered. I started eating, something I hadn’t done in a long time. Maybe since lunch two days ago.

  The fruit was sweet and watery, sending juice dripping down my cheeks, but I didn’t stop. I couldn’t. My body went into a food trance. Not my first one. Not even my second. Unfortunately, this was how I ate at least one meal a month since constantly being on the road.

  I plunged a carrot into the spiced yogurt dip and squished cheese and olives onto the bread with the other dip. Moans slipped from my lips as I mixed salty and sweet with spicy and savory. It was heavenly. I chased it with a sweet and sparkly wine that was chilled somehow. As if left outside in Norstad, instead of here in the heat of this arid and dry land.

  “I forgot what it looks like when you eat,” Grayson spoke as he sat across from me, leaning back in his chair.

  “Shut up!” I muttered with a mouthful as I dragged more crusty bread through the bowl of acrid vinegar and oil blended with herbs to make a sauce.

  I finished the bite with more of the chilled wine and sat back, exhaling deeply. “What is that cheese?”

  “It’s made from sheep milk. They’re quite fond of it here.” He plucked a grape and ate it, chewing and flexing his jaw. No doubt trying to catch my eye. “Now that you’re so full you can hardly draw breath, would you like to see my favorite room?”

  “Is it your bed, because I wouldn’t like to see that. Though I will admit, the way to my heart is through my stomach.” I patted my swollen belly. “I think I need a good walk and a cup of tea to settle myself.”

  “No.” He rolled his eyes and stood, walking to a hallway off to the left. “Come on. It will help, I promise,” he called when he vanished.

  “Fine,” I grumbled and waddled after him. The moment I entered the hallway I caught a smell. It was floral and heady. It reminded me of something but I couldn’t place it. Not until I turned a corner and found him sitting, naked, in a large stone pool of water in the floor of the room. The bubbles in the water covered the important parts but seeing the tattoos and muscles brought me back to other memories involving us being naked together.

  “I don’t think this is going to settle my stomach.” I averted my gaze from his muscled body, taking in the windows that were open all around us, bringing in the warm breeze. There was a garden surrounding the area and the smell was salts. Bath salts. It was lavender and vanilla and gardenia. “It’s nice in here though.”

  “The fighters of Fantol use these salt baths for their weary muscles. There is a spring nearby that makes this hot water. They run pipes from here to the castle, it’s genius really.” He slapped the top of the water. “Come in.”

  “How did you get undressed so quickly?” I changed the subject and instead eyed his boots and leather clothes on the floor.

  “Undress and come in. It’s soothing, I promise.”

  “Is it still hot? I’m sweaty.” I glanced at it suspiciously. The idea of getting naked in front of him made me uncomfortable. Not exactly the being naked in front of him part but more so committing to what would happen once we were naked. That was a whole other thing. Particularly now that I was rather stuffed and needing a stroll or a nap. “Can’t we just take a nice promenade? Don’t you have a sea port perhaps with a walkway? Maybe some shops or a market to visit?”

  “Get naked!” he demanded.

  “Or what?” I cocked an eyebrow.

  “You’re too full for the ‘or what.’ Trust me, your belly won’t thank you.” He chuckled and sat back. “You’re being ridiculous. Not only have we been naked in front of each other multiple times, but if I only wanted to bed you, I would,” he said flatly.

  “You think so?” I scoffed.

  “Without a doubt. If I wanted you in this moment, I would have you.” He offered an earnest expression. “I genuinely want to talk.”

  My insides tightened as I began removing clothing ever so slowly, muttering as I went along, “And taking our clothes off seems the best way to have a conversation?”

  “No, it seems the best way to help you loosen those tense muscles of yours.” He offered me his hand as I pulled off my pants. I kept my band and the small briefs I’d gotten in Marana that were a tight undergarment women had started wearing.

  “Those are fancy.” He cocked an eyebrow at the black material covering me in the places that needed to be covered around Grayson.

  “They help with saddle sores. Less chafe.” I took his hand and stepped into the water, wincing at the temperature. “This is hot!”

  “You’ll get used to it. Come on.” He helped me down into the water and sat back in his seat. The stones that made up the bath had been smoothed to form chairs. I sat back in one and exhaled loudly as the hot salty water encased me. “Now, down to business.”

  “Business?” I lamented. “Well, I guess a progress report is always helpful.” I tried not to think about the fact he was naked in front of me. Or that I was nearly naked in front of him.

  This was a terrible idea.

  “Ed and Keanna were, as I said before, on the throne o
f Firth. They have been removed and are in the wolf grove now, living what they would call their best life. Ignoring all familial obligations.” I rolled my shoulders and let the water soothe my aching body. “Max is in Midland.” I noticed how tired the water was making me. Or was it the heat. I stifled a yawn and continued, telling him all the news.

  I didn’t know if I had stopped talking or if I was passing out, but I swore it was only a momentary pause and suddenly Grayson was lifting me from the water. Our wet naked bodies pressed against each other. “Let’s get you to bed,” he said softly and carried me out.

  I muttered something about getting myself to bed, but there was no strength behind the words. The tub had sucked every ounce of energy from me.

  He dried me with a large sheet and tucked me into a massive bed. In the flickering candlelight, I saw him watching me as my eyes closed and the world went dark.

  Chapter 19

  I woke with a start. The room was foreign. The smells were off. Everything was strange and frightening until I saw him. Grayson. He was in the bed next to me, sleeping on his stomach, facing me. His beautiful face brought an instant calm as memories flitted back in. He’d put me to bed after that confounded tub of salty water had drained me of all energy.

  Had that been his plan? Subdue and bed me. I glanced down into the sheets and found I was naked. As was he.

  “We didn’t make love,” he muttered from the pillow.

  “Why am I naked?”

  “You wore your clothes into the water like a fool. They had to be cleaned and dried.” He cleared his throat and grinned. “How was your sleep?”

  “Fine.” I scowled, realizing it wasn’t just fine. It was something else, magical. The deepest, best sleep of my life perhaps. “Did you drug me?”

  “No, the salt baths are known for their calming and sleep-inducing qualities. It’s the secret to success down here. They all bathe in the salt pools and sleep like the dead. Tired or worn muscles, weary minds, tired hearts—it cures everything with a single night’s sleep. They wake after a night of battle completely refreshed.” He winked. “And I am feeling refreshed.” He slid closer to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into him so our chests pressed against each other.

  “What are you doing?” I pushed on his firm chest.

  “Giving you the greeting I have wanted to give you from the moment I saw that dragon flying through the air.” He rolled me so I was on my back and he hovered over me. The sparkle in his eyes lit my stomach on fire as it always did while his lips caressed and feathered against mine.

  The smell of him created an urge, no a need, for more.

  I slid my hands up into his dark hair, intensifying our kiss, forcing my tongue to meet his as the hunger for him increased. I’d missed his touch and the feel of him consuming me. His fangs popped as we kissed, brushing against my lips. I rolled him onto his back and climbed onto him. His body was hard and muscled against mine. His hands reached around, cupping me and forcing me to writhe against him.

  We devoured one another.

  There was desperation and lust mixed with emotions we hadn’t spoken of in quite some time. I pushed away those feelings and let this be carnal, two people taking and giving in an exchange of releases. I forced myself to feel only the physical as the emotional was too complicated.

  And when it was over, we lie in a sweaty heap. I rested my face on his chest and gasped for air.

  The silence that had been filled with our heavy breaths and moans grew quiet and awkward. The aftermath of too many unspoken words.

  “I love you,” he whispered, making it all the more complicated.

  “I know,” I nodded against him, staring at the wall instead of lifting my face to meet his gaze.

  He sighed. “There’s an inn somewhere with our names on it. A quiet place where we can just be us.”

  Fighting tears I changed the subject, “Speaking of inns, I gave yours to Guy and Hans and told your stepmother if I ever saw her again or even heard her name spoken, I would gut her in the streets.”

  “Is Vic still there?”

  “Yeah, had one of his pies not too long ago. But Mabel fired Tim and kicked him out. Hans was going to find him and bring him back,” I spoke softly, avoiding all the sweet nothings my lips wanted to utter.

  “The lads will do well with it. Lots of drinking and cards with good-natured folk.” He brushed his fingers across my back. “That was a good choice. I’ll miss it though.”

  “Me too,” I agreed. “But, as nice as this was, I should get going to Florents.” I patted his chest and pushed myself off. He didn’t try to hold me there or force anything.

  My clothes were placed neatly in a pile, all freshly cleaned and pressed. I dragged them on, trying to think of something to say that wouldn’t make this worse.

  But he went right for the jugular of the matter. “I knew making love would be a mistake. I got you out of my system, not all the way out but enough to survive the distance and separation.” He sat up, looking wounded. “And now my chest aches as it did the first time.”

  I sat on the chair in my band and breeches and nodded. “I know.”

  “I’ll say it again—”

  “Don’t,” I said. “There’s no point in saying it again. We can’t run away from this as much as we want to. You’re three quarters of the way to freeing the Southern Isles and making a home for your people again. And I can’t abandon Michael. Especially not after Ed has.” My voice cracked but I held back the tears threatening me. “So we have to stop pretending that the daydream is anything but that.”

  “What do we do?”

  “You go and deal with the wolves. Crush any revolt they have planned. Inform them that their choices are the grove, Lupinton, or coming back here to the Southern Isles to fight for their rightful home and to bring honor to themselves again. Tell them the world of man is no place for them. Come back here and move your army to Altaros, where I will meet you with mine. And we will destroy Anamay together.”

  “And then?” His eyes sparkled.

  “And then I don’t know.” I pulled on my tunic and stood. “Can we go one day at a time?”

  “Of course.” He climbed from the bed, naked and beautiful and warm from the heat we had created. He pulled me in and hugged tightly, kissing my head and breathing in deeply, as though he was storing some of me for later. I knew that feeling too well.

  “Am I flying to the wolves?”

  “No.” I spoke into his bare skin. “My aunt will take you on a little tour through magic. You can visit them all in one day that way. I think Michael might be coming with you.”

  “And you’re flying to Florents now?” He pulled me back, lifting my chin and delicately pressing his lips against mine.

  I nodded into the kiss and prayed it wouldn’t be the last.

  But there wasn’t time for more.

  I signaled my aunt with the weird pearl she’d given me, crushing it on the stone floor as Grayson dressed and readied for his part in Michael’s succession.

  The wall of Grayson’s chamber rumbled and Michael and Mani walked out of the doorway she opened.

  Grayson and Michael embraced quickly.

  “You’re off to Florents then, Sister?” Michael asked, though the realization we were in Grayson’s bedchambers struck him as he spoke.

  “I am. Leaving now. Be safe,” I said, my eyes flickering to Grayson.

  “You too. I’ll see you soon.” It was a promise.

  “You will.” I promised back and I waved them off as I walked to the garden for my dragon. He had a buffet of crumbs in front of him and was sleeping under the same tree.

  “Leaving then, Your Grace?” Master Lindley called as he crossed the oasis from the kitchens.

  “I am, Master Lindley. I will be back for the assault on Altaros.”

  “I would like to come with you and serve again.”

  “After we destroy Anamay,” I agreed. “Once she falls, the resistance to my brother being ki
ng will be gone. And the vulkodlak will be free. It will be a whole new world.”

  He smiled and I sensed a bit of wisdom coming my way. “A new world where hopefully we remember not to make the same mistakes as before. A man is only as strong as his weakest attribute. And ours has always been fear. Fear makes us desire to control others and the outcome. And until we realize control is a solitary practice that we must reaffirm our belief in, we will never be free of the fear of the unknown.”

  “Yes, Master Lindley, you are correct as always.” I walked over and hugged him when he got close enough, as close as he would get to Artan. “I will see you soon. Take care of Grayse for me.”

  “That boy needs no help from me.” He chuckled. “You are well matched in that I suspect.”

  I pulled back and beamed. “You are mistaken. I have always needed you. Even more so now that my father is gone.”

  His eyes shone with pride. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Okay.” I hugged once more, taking a little of his strength and wisdom for the road. Artan stood, snorting at Master Lindley, an acknowledgement of respect for the man.

  “He is huge.”

  “I think he’s still growing. Gods know how large he’ll get.” I walked to Artan and climbed on his back. “Be safe.”

  “You too.” Master Lindley waved as Artan jumped into the air and slowly lifted off from the oasis. It had been exactly the rest we both needed. Even if leaving broke my heart a little more. I wondered at what point I would stop feeling the pain of leaving Grayson behind. At what point would my heart be numb to my cruelty.

  Chapter 20

  It was hard to focus on Florents or my grandmother until the azure sea gave way to the stunning city that came into view. Then the thoughts of Grayson drifted to the back of my mind where they needed to be. Artan circled the palace a few times before landing on the roof. His head jerked to the right and left as he was uncertain about this place.

  Not that I blamed him.

  Anamay’s stain on the city was palpable still.


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