Inevitably (RiffRaff Records Book 8)

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Inevitably (RiffRaff Records Book 8) Page 2

by L. P. Maxa

  I picked a spot at one of the other farm tables, taking my plate over to the large buffet-style serving area. I piled it high with ribs and cream cheese corn. Normally, I didn’t eat like this. Ballerinas were not curvy girls. I allowed myself this indulgence knowing I’d burn off almost every calorie I was about to eat after I took my nephew on his adventure walk. Wyatt was a tiny hurricane of blond curls, a small force of nature who never slowed down until he basically fell asleep standing up.

  I turned away from the buffet to head back to the table I’d selected, then stopped short when a guy I’d never seen before stepped into my path. He had dark hair and nearly black eyes. His features were sharp. Especially his jaw and nose. He filled out his dress shirt and slacks like they were handmade and sewn onto his body. His muscled arms were visible despite the long sleeves he’d rolled up. He was taller than me by a few inches and his smile was more of a smirk.

  “Hey.” He looked me up and down, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip.

  “Uh, hello.” I smiled politely and then moved to the side to go around him. He was hot and he was smirking at me. I didn’t really know what to do with his attention.

  “I’m Kase.” He held his hand out, then pulled it back when he realized mine were full of food. “Katie’s younger brother. I don’t think we’ve met.”

  Katie’s brother? I was an idiot. He wasn’t hitting on me, he was introducing himself to his massive new in-law family. “Oh, right, I’m so sorry.” I transferred my plate to the top of my vintage goblet full of sweet tea. “I’m Emmie, Smith and Dylan’s youngest daughter.” I shook his hand when he held it out a second time. “It’s nice to meet you.” I kept my smile firmly in place, making sure I was pleasing and polite as I’d been raised to be.

  “Here, let me help.” Kase took my plate, carrying it for me over to a completely empty table farther away from the rest of my family.

  I sat, and he sat opposite me.

  I wanted to be with my family, away from Katie’s gorgeous brother, who was still smirking. He reminded me a bit of Jett in the way he carried himself. Beau said Jett was a cocky little shit and I wondered if Kase was too. Maybe all incredibly hot guys smirked like they knew the effect that it had on the female population. Since I’d had no experience, all I could do was go by what my cousins told me.

  “How have I never met you before?”

  I folded my hands in my lap, not sure how I could eat ribs in front of him. “Uh, I’m not sure. I miss some family functions when I have rehearsals and shows. And I never got a chance to visit California when Katie and Cash were living there.” Mainly because I was the baby and my parents refused to let me go party with my older cousins. But I wasn’t going to share that piece of information.

  He nodded, licking that bottom lip of his again. “Rehearsals? You’re a dancer, right?”

  “Ballet, yes.” I glanced behind my shoulder, not sure if I was looking for an escape or checking to make sure my dad wasn’t shooting daggers into Kase’s head for talking to his baby girl.

  “Do I make you nervous, Emmie?”

  I turned back to him, my eyebrows rising at the new slightly deeper tone in his voice. “What?”

  He leaned forward, his forearms resting on the worn wooden table. “Do I make you nervous, Emmie?”

  Yes. But could I say that? I didn’t know how to talk to guys who weren’t part of my family or my ballet company. “No.” I cleared the lie from my throat. “I was looking for Wyatt. He has the patience of the four-year-old he is and we’re supposed to go on a nature walk.”

  “Can I come?”

  No? Yes? Did I want him to come? Kase made my heart beat a little faster. He made me want to run away and move closer at the same time. “Sure.”

  He grinned, getting to his feet and holding out his hand. “Then let’s go on an adventure, Emmie James.”

  My body responded immediately, forgetting my food as I put my palm in his. The breeze brought his enticing scent to me and blew my dress all around my legs. I could have sworn time stood still for a moment.

  “Em! Em! Are you done? Can we go now?” Wyatt came flying toward me, his arms outstretched, sure that I would catch him.

  And I did. “Yep. Let’s go, little man.” I placed him back on his feet, smiling when he slid his small hand into mine as we set off on our walk.

  Wyatt looked at me, then past me to Kase. “Who’s that?”

  “That’s Kasen.” I jiggled his hand. “He’s Katie’s brother.”

  “Kase. Kasen is what my mom and my sister call me when they’re mad at me.”

  “I have two brothers.” Wyatt nodded, like he was commiserating with Kase. “They’re both younger than me and they can’t do anything cool like come on our adventure walks. Right, Em?”

  “Right, kiddo.” The truth was Weston was old enough to come with us, but Wyatt wouldn’t allow it. I understood though. I didn’t think Wyatt was into sharing his special aunt. Plus, it felt nice to steal a few moments of peace when people constantly surrounded you.

  Most likely, that was why I’d chosen ballet when I was young. I needed a break, a reprieve from the chaos of growing up on the Devil’s Share compound. My cousins were a noisy, out-of-control bunch, and I tended to be quieter, more reserved. When I was at the studio, it was my “me” time. And then one day, it was all my time.

  “Thanks for letting me come on your adventure, Wyatt.” Kase had his hands in his pockets, his eyes on the woods we were walking toward.

  “You’re welcome.” Wyatt let go of my hand and skipped ahead, reaching the edge of the trees and stopping to wait for me like I’d taught him to do.

  Kase and I walked in silence, watching as Wyatt bent down, collecting rocks and sticks, which was one of his favorite parts of our walks. I’d found a big vintage glass water jug at an antiques store and I’d placed it on his front porch. He put all his treasures in there.

  Music started playing back at the welcome lunch, the sound carrying on the wind through the field to the three of us. Kase reached for my hand and before I had to a chance to process the frisson that traveled up my arm, he twirled me around.

  Butterflies. Whether it was from the sweet gesture or the touch of his hand, my stomach was instantly filled with them. Kase made me nervous, but in an excited way. A little dangerous, but not scary: more like forbidden. I couldn’t remember the last time a guy paid attention to me, sought me out and requested my company. I didn’t know how to act or what to say.

  Part of me wanted to skip ahead and let Wyatt be a buffer between us, but the other part wanted to keep dancing with Katie’s handsome brother.

  “Show me some moves, tiny dancer.” Kase spun me out again, then brought me back closer to his chest.

  A little dizzy from the contact, my laughter sounded strained to my own ears as I rested my palm on his back and swayed to the soft beat. “Ballet is different than slow dancing with a boy.” No doubt technically true, but slow dancing with a boy was something I’d never done in my entire life.

  He dipped me dramatically, then pulled me back up. “You feel good in my hands, Emmie James.”

  Those butterflies turned into dragonflies. Or, like, small birds.

  We stayed pressed together, looking at each other, locked in a staring contest that I was almost afraid to win.

  “Em, can we go to the woods now? Pleeeese?”

  I blinked. And took a step back, smiling at Wyatt, who was once again clinging to my legs. “Yeah, buddy, let’s go.”

  “Is he coming with us?” The tiny blond boy glared up at Kase, daring him to ruin our adventure walk. I couldn’t help but giggle.

  Kase squatted down, eye level with my nephew. “You two go ahead. I think I have to head to guys’ night anyway.” He glanced at me, then back to Wyatt. “Take good care of her. I think I’m going to need to dance with her again before this weekend is over.”

  Wyatt narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. “I always take care of Em.”

se bit his lips together like he was having a hard time keeping a straight face as he stood. “Can I have your number?”

  I clenched my jaw to keep it from dropping open. “Uh, yeah, sure.” Why did he need my number? Was he into me? Weren’t we family now? Although family was a loose term when it came to the Devil’s Spawn. Ask Halen and Avory.

  He pulled his cell out of his pocket, handing it to me so I could add my number. My hands were shaking a bit and I hoped like hell he didn’t notice.

  When I gave the phone back to him, he looked down and said, “See you around, kid.” He winked at Wyatt before walking away.

  I let Wyatt pull me deeper into the woods, my mind still on the way it’d felt to have Kasen’s hands on my body.

  Chapter Four


  Girls’ night: a house full of girls drinking champagne and getting facials.

  Tomorrow was the rehearsal dinner, and our moms had decided that there wouldn’t be time to have full spa services tomorrow night. It took time to pamper thirteen women. Time and money. Which we had plenty of. Exhibit A: the ten-person team of estheticians loaded down with everything a spa could offer.

  I was sitting on the couch in Aunt Lexi’s living room. Marley was lying with her head in my lap and her feet resting in Avory’s. She was about six months pregnant, and not in the mood to be surrounded by wedding vibes and over-the-top declarations of love. That wasn’t Marley. She was quietly head over heels for her husband, Talon, and not a girly girl in the slightest. But she was putting up with it for Katie, like I was.

  My cell buzzed next to her head and she picked it up, passing it to me. She didn’t bother reading my text, which was something I wasn’t sure any of my other cousins would have done. Maybe it was because we were the closest in age, but she’d never treated me like a baby like everyone else did.

  Unknown: Hey tiny dancer, it’s Kase.

  My stomach dipped when I read the message. My first text message from a boy. Well, my cousins texted me all the time, and the guys in my dance troupe texted, too, but that was about our schedules and stuff. This. This was my first text message from a guy who seemed to be interested in me. Butterflies. It’d been hard to keep my brain from wandering to all things Kase. I hadn’t seen him when Wyatt and I got back to the field after our walk. And I hated that I’d been disappointed.

  Emmie: Hey.

  I quickly added his contact to my phone, glancing around to see if anyone noticed I was blushing.

  Kasen: How was your adventure walk? See anything cool?

  Emmie: A couple lizards and one hawk. Wyatt was pretty pumped.

  Kasen: Wyatt is a protective little guy, huh?

  Emmie: He gets lost in the mix of kids, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. His time with me is like his little escape.

  Kasen: And I invaded his territory. I get it. I’d be pissed if some dude interrupted my private time with you too.

  Oh wow. Was he flirting with me? Was I supposed to flirt back? I was sure I didn’t even know how to do that. I’d spent more time dancing than I did dating. And by more time, I meant that I’ve never been on a date. Ever. Hell, I’d never been kissed.

  Emmie: How’s guys night?

  Kasen: Incredibly tame.

  Emmie: So no blow or strippers.

  Kasen: You didn’t strike me as the kind of girl whose mind would go straight to coke and topless chicks.

  I covered my mouth, stifling my giggle. Yes. Kase Cadence was making me giggle, and I was embarrassed for myself.

  Emmie: I was raised by a group of former rock stars, surrounded by promiscuous teenagers.

  Kasen: Fair enough. You at girl’s night?

  Emmie: Yes.

  Kasen: You guys have any good drugs?

  Emmie: We have nail polish and face masks.

  Kasen: For a bunch of rocker offspring, these two make a lame bride and groom.

  Emmie: Cash is probably the most chill of all of us, neck and neck with Beau. Now if this was two nights before Jett or Crue’s wedding? You guys would probably end up in a Mexican jail cell.

  Kasen: Now THAT would be a good time. I’ll see you at the rehearsal dinner right?

  Emmie: I’ll be there.

  Kasen: Have a good night Ems.

  I didn’t want to stop texting him. I wanted him to flirt with me some more. I wanted him to make my stomach dip and butterflies take flight. This was all new to me, having a handsome boy pay attention, compliment me, and seek me out. But I could get used to it, that was for sure.

  “Why are you smiling like that?” I glanced down to find Marley studying me, eyes narrowed.

  I shook my head, brushing her question off. “No reason.”

  “Who were you texting?”

  “No one.”

  She snorted. “You’re a shit liar.”

  I tapped her nose. “And you’re a cranky pregnant chick.”

  She opened her mouth, either to be snarky or ask me again who I was talking to, but luckily she was interrupted by Aunt B. “Okay, Em, you’re up.”

  I grinned at Marley, getting up and putting a pillow under her head.

  Saved by the facial.

  Chapter Five


  The rehearsal dinner was in full swing, food had been eaten, and parents had made heartfelt toasts. Cash and Katie had stood and thanked their wedding parties and passed out thoughtful gifts for each of us. Katie had gotten me a new watch, which made me smile. She’d bought me my first watch when we were younger, and she’d given me a new one every couple of years since then. It was our thing.

  I talked a lot of smack about all this wedding bullshit, but I really was happy for my sister. I loved her. She was my first friend, my first partner in crime. And Cash was good for her. He made her live, made her try new things and have more fun. Tomorrow he’d promise to spend the rest of his life doing those things for her, the things I’d been the one to do when we were kids.

  Katie had always been cautious, always followed the rules. I, on the other hand, had encouraged her to bend them every chance she got.

  I smiled when Emmie caught my eye. She was sitting next to her mom and laughing at something Jett was saying. He was talking with his hands and Devin was next to him blushing.

  Emmie must have sensed me watching her because she looked my way, biting the corner of her mouth. I gestured her over to me with a slight jerk of my head, and then I sat watching the war she was waging in her mind. She wanted to come to me. Her body had immediately lifted from her chair at my suggestion. But then she’d stopped herself, her gaze darting between her family and me.

  I held my breath, waiting for her to make her decision. I wanted that girl. There was no other way to put it. I wanted to know what she looked like when she came. I wanted to hear the sounds those sweet lips would let escape as I fucked her. Emmie was reserved, prim. I wanted to witness the moment she came completely undone.

  Finally, she excused herself, smiling politely and then making her way over to my table. I pushed the chair next to me out, casually resting my arm over the back of it as she sat. “You’re beautiful, you know that, right?”

  Her blue eyes got wider. “Oh, um, that’s really sweet, thank you.” She tucked a blonde lock behind her ear, like I was making her nervous.

  “Do you want to hang out after this?” I didn’t want her to be nervous around me. I wanted her to let go and feel free. And if that meant I needed to play an extended version of my usual MO, then that was fine by me. “My family and I are staying at the pool house on the compound. Maybe we could go for a swim?”

  She swallowed, the movement of her sexy throat drawing my attention. “I don’t think my parents would be okay with that.”

  “I was under the impression that the Devil’s Spawn didn’t really do rules.”

  She sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly. “Well, my cousins certainly don’t.”

  I moved my hand so my thumb could graze her bare back. “They seem to get away with it.”

p; “Yeah, I guess our parents don’t really pay very close attention to what we do.” She laughed quietly, not like she had when she’d been listening to Jett’s story, which told me she didn’t want anyone to notice the two of us sitting close. “Pitfalls of raising a herd of kids together on a secure compound.”

  I dipped down, making her meet my eyes. “Then what does it matter if your parents approve or not?” I smiled, my thumb sliding from the base of her neck to the space between her shoulder blades. “Meet me at the pool house.”

  She was at war with herself again. Would she say yes? Would she turn me down? The suspense might be the death of me. My dick was already hard, straining to get to her. I wanted to touch her. I wanted to taste her. I wanted to fill her.

  “Um, yeah, okay.”

  Emmie James was going to be the highlight of my weekend, of that I was sure.

  I dipped my head and whispered, “I’m going to get out of here.” She nodded and I put my hand on her thigh under the table. “Text me when you get home?”

  I squeezed her leg and then got to my feet, winking at her before I headed for the exit. I was hoping she’d leave soon as well. I knew we couldn’t share a car back to the compound, but I wished we could. I wasn’t going to sneak around. I didn’t do that shit. But I had no problem avoiding roadblocks. I wanted to fuck Emmie, and I could guarantee that every member of our families would try to stop me if they had the chance.

  “Where you headed, kid?” Uncle Pax came down the hallway that led to the bathrooms right as I reached the doors to freedom.

  “Pool house.” I put my palms on the double doors, prepared to push them open and escape.

  “Not so fast.” He grabbed the back of my shirt. “Why are you leaving so early?”

  “It’s a fucking rehearsal dinner, Uncle Pax, not an all-night kegger.” I turned, shrugging him off and crossing my arms over my chest. “I’ve done the damn barbeque, welcome lunch, guys’ night, and rehearsal.” I grinned humorlessly. “I’m all family’d out for the moment.”


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