Silent Crown

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Silent Crown Page 27

by Feng Yue

  “You told me…this is your third time playing Flush?” Bai Xi gritted her teeth. “This is how someone plays for the third time?”

  “This really is my third time.” Ye Qingxuan yawned and answered drowsily, “The first time, I didn’t understand the rules and lost one month’s salary. The second time, I won all their pants. From then on, no one wanted to play with me anymore. They all say, uh, that I cheat.”

  “You said we’re not allowed to cheat!” Bai Xi pounded on the table and got into his face. “Where did you hide the poker? Tell the truth! Or else I’m going to beat you up while you still can’t fight back!”

  “I didn’t lie. I’d never cheat.” Ye Qingxuan opened his arms and let the girl search him. The cards that he had shuffled fell from his hands, scattering like snow. Fifty-four poker cards, no more, no less.

  The rolled up sleeves, short nails, spread-apart fingers, under the table—there were no signs of cheating anywhere. Bai Xi searched Ye Qingxuan’s pockets repeatedly but came up with nothing.

  “I told you I won’t cheat.” Feeling heavy, Ye Qingxuan finally could not resist the urge of sleep and sprawled onto the table. Before he fell asleep, he seemed to remember something and laughed lightly, “But I can memorize cards.”


  “Thanks for coming with me to deliver the goods.”

  “It’s not like I know the way.”

  The next day, Ye Qingxuan could finally walk, albeit with a cane.

  He limped down the road. Beside him, Bai Xi, a head shorter than him, carried the case in her arms. She walked casually, glancing around.

  As if she were self-conscious about her white hair, she had stuffed her hair under her hat. She was still wearing Ye Qingxuan’s clothes from before, and looked like a typical street kid.

  “But it really took a lot of effort for Mr. Setton to get this business deal.”

  “You think too much. This is just an ornamental clock that they asked the boss to send over from Burgundy. We’re just delivering it.” The corner of Bai Xi’s lips curled. “If they didn’t send a letter asking, Setton probably would’ve thrown it into the trash.”

  “Fine. The store will probably close someday, thanks to him,” Ye Qingxuan muttered, a bit worried.

  “Why are you sighing? This has nothing to do with you.” Bai Xi rolled her eyes. Her pupils rolled around twice, and another bad idea popped into her head. “Hey, cousin, how much do you think this clock is worth?”

  “It’s not vintage, but the signature says it was created by a very famous Burgundian artisan. It’s hard to estimate its market value. But the newest watch core, gold and silver inside, are expensive. Based off of the black market’s rule of raising the price 30 percent, it’s probably around sixty thousand.”

  Ye Qingxuan counted on his fingers and nodded at the end. “If it’s someone who knows the trade, it can sell for up to one-hundred thousand.”

  Bai Xi was dumbfounded, not just because of the price, but also because of Ye Qingxuan’s words.

  “How do you know all this?”

  “There are books all over the store. You can read them too!” Ye Qingxuan side-eyed her and knocked her head. “Don’t get any silly ideas. Setton wasn’t joking when he said he sends troublesome people to the hospital.”

  “Hey, I didn’t even say anything!”

  “Nothing good comes when you call me ‘cousin.’ And I bet you were thinking about running off with that thing, right?”

  “…Hmph.” Bai Xi did not say anything else, but it was clear she had not given up yet.

  “On my third day here, there was a thief. Setton didn’t say anything, but broke the thief’s arm that afternoon, and brought everything back to the store. His muscles are there for a reason. Don’t think that he’s harmless just because he sits and reads all day.” Ye Qingxuan kept talking until the girl had goosebumps all over. This was the fourth time he stopped Bai Xi from breaking the law today. What joy…ha, as if!

  This girl was too far gone if she wanted to break the law four times in one day! Other than Old Phil’s dog food, there probably was not a thing she did not want to steal.

  Bai Xi poked curiously into the crowd, as if she was listening to the musicians on the street.

  The dark-skinned musician sat cross-legged on a ragged cloth, playing a Qiang flute. This instrument was rare, and its beautiful music caused those pasisng by to nod and toss coins into the box in front of him.

  Bai Xi glanced at the box filled with copper coins, about to drool.

  Ye Qingxuan moved to stop her, but thankfully something else happened that caught everyone’s attention.

  Far away, a high-pitched trumpet sounded. A clamor traveled from the distance.

  39 Taiyi

  The first sound was from sixteen high-pitched trumpets.

  Dressed in crimson robes, the guards stood atop the city wall. They held up trumpets almost the size of themselves, took a deep breath, and blew strongly to welcome the important guests.

  Outside midtown’s sixth ring of city walls, a long and mighty procession entered this large city. The bishop’s door opened only when the Emperor arrived. Now, it opened slowly under the golden sun. The heavy city gates creaked, silencing the commotion of the crowd.

  Quickly, soldiers clad in golden armor, holding ceremonial halberds and copper scepters filed into a line, then entered the foreign city.

  The first was the soldier wielding a halberd. Following him were the ritual officials holding all sorts of offerings and gifts. Behind them was the long procession. Six stallions were required to pull large carts filled with silk, spices and porcelain from the East.

  With their black hair spun into buns of the high ranking, the female officials scattered holy water and petals onto the street. Their buns looked like that of fairies, and these Eastern faces smiled standard smiles, opening up the road for the golden carriage behind them.

  Eight pure white stallions pulled a gold carriage through the road. The four corners of the carriage were decorated with heaters in the shape of mythical creatures. The heaters were filled with incense, and milk and herbs, emanating a heavy scent. The aroma spread through the crowd with the breeze, casting everyone into a luxurious dream.

  The bustling masses filled the two sides of the road, excitedly cheering and screaming. They waved towards the large golden carriage, trying to peek past the layers of silk to see who the thin silhouette really was.

  After resting for seven days, Princess Yunlou from the East has finally arrived in the city. Rumored to be only sixteen years old but already the beauty of the nation, the princess sat primly in her carriage.

  Covered by thin silk and a brocade, the people could only see a silhouette. And yet, they could not look away. The thousands of people cheered and screamed at either side of her, yet she did not move, coldly accepting the cheers from this foreign city as if she could not hear them.

  But the people became more and more curious. How beautiful must she be to have such a gorgeous procession?

  The mighty carriage procession went down the royal road, slowly and steadily passing through each city gate and street, all the way to the palace at the top of the city.

  Five city gates opened one after another, welcoming the foreign princess into the embrace of Avalon.

  At the third ring, no one cheered more loudly than Ye Qingxuan, who had rushed over after hearing the news. He leaned on his cane in the corner. Beside him was a confused Bai Xi.

  “She’s just a princess. It doesn’t have to be this pompous.”

  Dumbfounded and tonguetied, Ye Qingxuan watched as the armor-clad soldiers walked by, and the mighty procession marched towards the peak of the mountain city.

  “Three hundred followers and twenty carriages, that’s not much.” The corners of Bai Xi’s lips curled as she looked at the country bumpkin next to her. “In the East, tens of thousands would accompany the Emperor when he patrolled. The streets were closed three days before to be cleaned and covered in yellow
brocade. When the Emperor passed, there were fires on the side to burn spices. The entire city was filled with this scent, like a wonderland…”

  After learning so many formulas, Ye Qingxuan tried calculating how much everything would cost. He realized that he did not have enough brain power, and could only say, “Easterners are so rich.”

  The golden carriage finally passed by him. Under the burning sun, the silk in the window danced, and the carriage seemed to melt into the sun. It reflected dazzling colors, so bright one could not even open his eyes.

  Ye Qingxuan squinted, watching the carriages still in the distance. A breeze blew from the ocean, lifting the silk and brocade embroidered with hundreds of birds. The sight was beautiful, like a fantasy.

  And the layers of silk finally had an opening. Inside the carriage, one could still only see a backside. The white-haired girl clad in a robe was looking up at the sky. As if sensing the eyes of the crowd, she spared them a glance. It was fleeting, but her eyes were like mist. It was untouchable and indescribably beautiful.

  The crowd became even more excited, and everyone tried to push to the front. They called for the princess, trying to see her face clearly. But she had already looked away and would not turn back.

  “Look, look!” Ye Qingxuan pulled at Bai Xi. “She’s pretty!”

  Bai Xi could not help but roll her eyes. “Yeah, every generation of her family is pretty. She has a good lineage. If she wasn’t pretty, she’ll be a disgrace to her ancestors.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Obviously. If I’m rich and powerful, of course I’d pick someone pretty to marry. And marry them in batches.” Bai Xi gestured with her thumb. “I’d need those that look graceful even when they’re picking their noses!”

  “That’s disgusting!”

  “Huh?” The girl side-eyed him.

  “Uh, I mean you have a good dream, and it should be encouraged.” Ye Qingxuan shook his head, but just as he was ready to leave, he took another glance by curious coincidence.

  Under the ceremonial music, people crowded the carriage, tossing flowers and cheering.

  But the silent girl sat kneeling behind the silk, probably smiling demurely. Paired with fresh flowers, silk, jewels, gold and silver, everything was so beautiful. But…

  “She looks a little sad,” he murmured.

  “Huh?” Bai Xi glanced at him.

  “Nothing.” Smiling, Ye Qingxuan said, “Let’s go.” As those words left his mouth, he suddenly halted as the world spun. In the dizziness, he heard a low sound, something like water boiling. It rose over the crowd and the road. The sound flowed like water, and the empty echo carried with it a bursting noise. Once again, he felt the pain that made him want to vomit, as if he returned to the battle between Wolf Flute and the Rain Artist!

  The crowd’s cheers were snuffed and they stumbled backwards, unable to stand still. Some people gazed around in confusion, but saw nothing. Only the musician in the corner of the street was still lightly playing his bamboo flute.

  The flute melody hung in the air.

  “No, no.” Ye Qingxuan pushed himself up using the wall, and grabbed the dazed Bai Xi into his arms. He finally understood. “Bai Xi, run! This is…”

  This was a pre-planned attack!



  Before he could finish, there was the sound of a water dam bursting.

  The bamboo flute was piercing, like metal shooting straight into the sky.

  The sixteen stone gargoyles from the city walls echoed in the vortex. Then they burst into countless shards, flying through the air. Green-black light shot through like a waterfall.

  The light was like water, collecting in the air. Reflecting the sunlight, it was dazzling. But the pungent smell covered the early fragrances.

  And it was not water. It was an endless storm of steel sand! Six turrets of steel sand with piercing tips flew in the air, radiating green-black light. The tide of sand followed the sewers and flooded onto the road. It was such an angry current, but it looked so calm, like a stream in the sky. The green-black light was like a mirror, reflecting the flowers, decorations, and the people’s fearful expressions.

  Quickly, the beating notes hit upon the steel river. And so it shattered, and the countless sand particles flew apart, transforming.

  The blinding sunlight rolled down its smooth surface, so dazzling that it forced the people to shut their eyes.

  As countless people fell to the ground, writhing in pain, the musician in the corner finally stood up. His bare feet stepped onto the bustling street, each step following the rhythm of his flute. The flute controlled the changes of the steel sand until they finally formed something. As mournful shouts cut through the air, a thousand pairs of wings spread under the sun.

  They were countless steel cranes!

  The hundreds of green-black cranes born from the steel sand screamed over the music of the flute. Like thousands of trembling blades, they resonated with all the metal objects.

  And then, the steel cranes fell.

  They broke apart from the tide, but regrouped into a new tide. The giant mass of cranes rushed toward the earth. As their wings brushed against each other, sparks turned to fire. Ss they rushed downward, their screams were like the sound of the Grim Reaper.

  Rather than stopping them, the strong wind only helped push them forward. In the wind, the embroidered flags were lifted and torn. White shreds fluttered to the ground like butterflies. The angry wind swept down the Princess’s crown. Her mercury-like white hair escaped from its confines, dancing in the air. Her luxurious robe was lifted, like dissipating mist.

  There was an unbearable beauty in that fleeting moment. But beauty always had to be destroyed. The flaming cranes attacked, swarming onto the girl.

  In futile resistance, she raised her pale wrist, as if wanting to stop the attack with her arm. It was laughable, like a praying mantis trying to stop a carriage. But at that moment, Ye Qingxuan heard Bai Xi murmur in his arms, “Taiyi?”

  Bai Xi covered his ears in fear, “Don’t listen.”

  But Ye Qingxuan could not hear anymore. Because in that moment, all sound disappeared.

  He saw Princess Yunlou raise her palm. But rather than opening it, she pressed her thumb and forefinger together, and snapped.

  Immediately, the world started shaking. Like jade hitting against golden chimes, everything started roaring.


  The terrifying ripple spread from her fingertips. It joined in the middle and shot up into the sky.

  The ripple broke the steel cranes’ wings and shattered their claws. They were so strong and unyielding, but the metal transformed, warped, turned to powder under the weight of the water!

  There were thousands of steel cranes, thus thousands of cracking noises sounded. When they sounded in unison, it was like countless pieces of glass shattered.

  The fine sand could no longer stay together, and they melted, evaporated. They rose to the sky, and were blown deep into the ocean by the sudden hurricane.

  The quakes seemed to enter one’s body, twisting their organs, instantly defeating them. Crimson blood spurting from their noses, including the musician.

  The bamboo flute was reduced to dust in the wind. Following that were his hands. He knelt onto the ground, was pushed down and captured by armor-clad soldiers.

  “Witch! You deserve to die!” He raised his head, crying tears of blood, trying to tear apart the silent girl sitting inside the carriage. “I can’t kill you today, but I will not rest! You, Yunlou bastard, I’ll boil your meat and rip your skin. Karma will find Yunlou Qingshu and you someday! Karma!” He howled, screaming over and over about karma until his body went rigid and collapsed, never breathing again.

  This was the musician using the sound of heart. He destroyed his heart and brain from the inside, refusing to be taken captive by the enemy. With his fall, the sudden attack was finally over.

  In the chaos, Ye Qingxuan was finally clear-headed again. H
e gasped for breath, sweat rolling down his cheeks.

  With Bai Xi covering his ears, he was a bit better than the others. But the girl in his arms was deathly pale.

  Ye Qingxuan could feel Bai Xi trembling, almost collapsing. She had always been weak. But after all that, even if Ye Qingxuan had protected her, she would no longer be abel to stand.

  “Let’s go,” she whispered with her head lowered. “I don’t want to be here anymore.”

  “Okay.” Ye Qingxuan nodded, leaned onto his cane, and led her away.


  In the chaos, everyone ran, trying to escape in confusion. The originally grand welcome ceremony was reduced to a mess. But still, Princess Yunlou sat primly on her grand carriage. Her seat was still beautiful, still gorgeous, as if it was part of another world and nothing could disturb her.

  The assassination fell past her like dust. And like dust, there was nothing to care about. Amongst the crowd, she watched, almost subconsciously, the white-haired youth and the girl in his arms.

  40 Bloodline of the Dragon

  It was a quiet dusk, the setting sun lulled the people to sleep.

  At the Avalon Pier, a boat rested at the port, but rarely did passengers come down. At the front of this empty pier there was a monstrous and burly man. He sat on a bench, studiously reading a wrinkled pamphlet.


  A giant suitcase, almost half the size of him, fell in front of him. It landed with a heavy thud, causing dust to fly into the air. The newcomer, looking around curiously, did not match his giant suitcase at all.

  The youth was clad in a pure white robe, but his skin was even paler. He was feminine, yet handsome and tender. His golden hair hung to his waist and was tied behind his back. The silver hair accessories, and his flowing golden locks shone under the sun, radiating beauty and grace. On his arm was a tattoo of sorts. The intertwined twin snakes were strange yet elegant.

  “This old place is still the same.” This youthful-looking man sat down on his suitcase and poked the burly man with his cane. “Hey, Setton. You’re so cold. Won’t you greet me?”


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