Silent Crown

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Silent Crown Page 283

by Feng Yue

  Wolf Flute’s sleeves had ripped from the swelled muscles. His arm had become dark green with a terrifying metallic gleam. He seemed to have transformed into a demon. A golden knuckle had appeared on his hand without anyone realizing.

  He looked at Ye Qingxuan through the body and smiled. “But did you think that I wouldn’t be prepared?”


  There was another explosion. This time, they could see clearly.

  Wolf Flute swung his fist. His fist tore through the air with a loud boom and someone’s skull was pulverized.

  Faced with all these warriors, Wolf Flute held his ground. He stepped forward and squeezed into a fully armed warrior. Then there was the sound of bones cracking. The arm and armor were both broken in half. The heavy sword fell into Wolf Flute’s hand.

  Like a bird, Wolf Flute jumped from the body. The sword sliced through the air.

  Under the chilling whistle, sparks flew from scraping metal. The enemy before him was split in half and fell down to both sides. Dyed red from the flying blood, Wolf Flute charged at Ye Qingxuan.

  He instantly felt his vision lowering. Then the immense pain reached his brain belatedly. The brass knuckle had punched his gut mercilessly. No, there was some mercy. Otherwise, Ye Qingxuan would have been snapped in half rather than thrown backward.

  But then Wolf Flute’s body chased over like a shadow. He stomped down with his right leg. Ye Qingxuan only had time to raise his arms before his face.

  Boom! It felt like a carriage had galloped over his body. He flew back and smashed against the ground. During the great shaking, he felt like throwing up. Bittersweet blood sloshed in his throat.

  Then he felt Wolf Flute yank on his hair and drag him up.

  “Here, I’ll teach you something.” Wolf Flute gave a bloody smile. “The hidden card is called a hidden card because it means there’s a weakness. All hidden cards do. When you can turn the tides, that means the enemy can turn the tides too. Especially this technique…when facing an enemy who’s ten times more powerful than you in a brawl, never reveal your weakness voluntarily…”

  And he punched again!

  Boom! Ye Qingxuan’s vision went black. He dropped to the ground, unable to fight back.

  But Wolf Flute did not stop; he grew more violent instead. This was no longer a duel anymore. It was an aggressive beating. Ye Qingxuan felt like he had been thrown into the furnace of an iron-smelting factory. It felt like he was being burned alive.

  Wolf Flute’s hoarse voice continued in his ears.

  “Did you know? I was raised by wolves.”

  Crack! He snapped Ye Qingxuan’s arm with practiced ease, producing a scream. “Ten years ago, when I was fourteen, I was the best gladiator in Canaan.”

  Boom! He punched backward without looking. With a muffled noise, the enemy’s heart exploded. Innards bleeding, he dropped to the ground.

  “Ever since I injected wolf blood in me seven years ago, no one dared to fight against me because…it’s hard for me to control myself. Sorry if I hurt you,” he said. “I can stop if you surrender.”

  Boom! Ye Qingxuan lowered his head. He spat out some broken teeth and cursed.

  Wolf Flute smiled. Without saying anything, he just raised the left hand without the knuckle and smashed down on the back of Ye Qingxuan’s head. The concussion shook his mind. He didn’t even know where he was anymore.

  Concussions through the skull could cause a musician’s mind to go blank. If handled badly, the entire brain could be damaged.

  The Dreamscape finally fell apart. The Wyrmrest Enchantment disappeared.

  Under Anubis’s calling, the wolves walked out of thin air again. They instantly tore apart the nobles who were fleeing under the guards’ protection. Tossing aside the barely conscious Ye Qingxuan, Wolf Flute turned back to the ashen archbishops.

  He smiled. “Now, would you like to consider my suggestion?”

  After a moment of silence, the old archbishop sighed. “Let them go. I will pay for it.”

  Everything became simple once someone was willing to take the blame. It had always been like this through history, whether it was in the East or West, for humans or demons.

  A path quickly opened up in the crowd. Gaius walked through the blood and primly stepped down the podium. He welcomed the murderous and hateful eyes with a smile.

  “It’s earlier than expected and the situation is worse than predicted.” Ye Qingxuan glanced at Ye Qingxuan on the ground. “I didn’t want him to interrupt but I didn’t think…”

  “It’s not your fault.” Gaius shook his head. “Maybe some old friend who likes drama wanted to give me more trouble.”

  Hermes’s carriage at the end of the square had vanished.

  Ignoring the army that had come from afar, Wolf Flute looked at Gaius. “The Sacred City will unleash the enchantment. I must go prepare at the planned location. We’ll leave immediately when you all arrive.”

  “That is good.” Gaius nodded. “Help me leave first. Someone will protect me afterward.”

  Wolf Flute nodded. Taking Gaius’s hand, he stepped forward. There was a streak of silver light and then, nothing.

  The square was in ruins.

  Under the pounding of metal boots on stone, the late soldiers finally arrived. Order was quickly instilled. However, loud booms and explosions continuously sounded in the Sacred City. Thick black smoke rose to the sky, turning the sky black.

  The sun was shining but the Sacred City was filled with dark clouds and smoke.

  “The headquarters of the garrison was attacked. Casualties unknown.”

  “General Duke Wilson encountered an assassination and was grave. He is in treatment now…”

  “The central water system was attacked. There is a large amount of poison in our drinking water. We are organizing a team for purification.”

  “Countless bombs went off in the Papal Chamber. Specific details are still unknown.”

  “The Sacred Court was attacked. The situation is unclear.”

  Bad news streamed continuously. The panicking nobles were all pale. The archbishops who had just become safe were now in chaos again.

  “Failures! You lot of failures!” The Amnesty Department was hurt the hardest. The deaths of six important officials had been confirmed and the archbishop in charge was livid. “How can you let the Revolutionaries come in so easily?! Why didn’t the secrecy protection of the Silent Authority work?! Did all the resources we put in go to the Revolutionaries all these years?!”

  The deputy of the Silent Authority remained silent with a dark expression.

  Saint Handel had died at the hands of traitor Wolf Flute. He probably knew what color underwear they wore, let alone the Silent Authority’s plans and secrets!

  Now, the Sacred City was paralyzed. Reconstruction would take a long time.

  All these years, it seemed that the Revolutionaries were failing gradually. However, they did not know how much power was accumulated secretly. Today, it exploded at once and produced such terrifying results.

  It seemed that the colony in the New World had fallen completely. The Revolutionaries had gone from a blight to something immortal.

  In the chaos, there was suddenly a calm voice.

  “Everyone, please return to your positions so all institutions can restart work.” Old Ludovic walked out of the crowd and opened his rheumy eyes. “At this time, the most important task is to pursue traitor Constantine—no, Gaius—don’t let him escape!”

  “Archbishop Ludovic is right!” Yunlou Qingshu nodded in agreement. “Yunlou City is willing to provide manpower and resources to help the Sacred City regain order.”

  Those who had been quiet among the cardinals now stood out to support Ludovic. The nobles and ambassadors finally realized that the Ecclesiastical Order had subtly grasped most of the power. After the pope died, they naturally took over the institutions.

  It could be said that within half a minute, the Sacred City had fallen into the hands of these ol
d monks. The ascetic monks who had not garnered much attention before now suddenly rose up during the pope’s decline. They seemed…well-prepared?

  Was this a coincidence?


  “The Sacred City is in chaos right now,” Ludovic said lightly. “To avoid aggravating the problem, the Ecclesiastical Order will temporarily take control before the cardinals choose the next pope. I hope the nations will cooperate and help settle the unrest.”

  Those with fast reactions quickly started to follow the tide. “It seems that it’s our fortune to have the Ecclesiastical Order take this risk. We will definitely support you and not disappoint Mr. Ludovic.”

  F*cking b*tch! Those who reacted slowly started cursing in their minds. However, their bodies were obedient and all started professing their support.

  Of course, there were also those who did not understand the current situation and disagreed. However, those idiots probably were already given the death sentence in the minds of many. They also prayed at the same time that the Revolutionaries would not involve them.

  The trend was set.

  Faced with everyone’s support, a smile appeared on Ludovic’s old face.

  “Very good. If everyone supports it, the world will start running again soon.”

  Without the King of Red, the world would continue spinning. This time, it would be under the Ecclesiastical Order’s control.

  475 Secrets of the Pas

  “It seems that your friend always stabs you in the back at every critical time.”

  In the hidden safe house, Lola overlooked the pathetic Ye Qingxuan gloatingly. “Gavin did so at that time. This time is the same. If I were you, I would consider maybe I’m not good at choosing friends. And who told me that if there was something, he would run faster than anybody? If I wasn’t paying attention this time, you may have…”

  In the bed, Ye Qingxuan was covered with a thick layer of ointment which exuded the pungent smell of medicine. Medicine was also injected into his hands. He was at the edge of death but his breathing was smooth and normal. There was not even the slightest dullness or panic in his dark eyes. There was only calmness.

  “You have been sarcastic enough. Just get down to business.” He stretched out his hand and spoke with a hoarse voice. “Where is the thing?”

  Seeing that he was not repentant, Lola grunted and threw out a badge from her bosom. “You’re really creative to have a demon help you keep this thing.”

  The pure silver-forged emblem sizzled in her hands, clearly hurting her every moment. However, when Ye Qingxuan held it in hand, a faint light was emitted. Soon his bruises faded.

  “Wait. Use it after I go out. Do not affect me.”

  After giving that thing to him, Lola went to the door as if she was avoiding pests.

  In Ye Qingxuan’s hand, the pure silver-forged emblem was engraved with a healing movement of the School of Choir. It was the most advanced kind, claiming that it could cure anyone as long as he was still breathing.

  This one-time badge could be sold for a stunningly scary price on the black market.

  After all, it was precious alchemy that could save a life.

  Even when the door was closed, Lola could still feel the sting like a thorn in her back. She walked further. Even so, she could still sense the breath that had made her so uncomfortable in the secret chamber.

  Then, huge aetheric waves that she had not anticipated were set off. In a blink, she felt a roaring melody burst from the aether sea. The tremendous waves swept everything, pulling a huge amount of aether into it.

  That was definitely not the degree that Ye Qingxuan could reach. It was far beyond his ability.

  Divine light was produced from the aether. The blazing light was beyond what Lola had expected. Through two walls, more than ten meters in distance, Lola could still feel the heat.

  Even breathing was like chewing blades and needles.

  If Lola had not purchased this all by herself, she would have suspected that one of the masters of the Choir was treating Ye Qingxuan personally here. Fortunately, the power came and went quickly. Soon, she heard the door open.

  In her startled eyes, the completely healed Ye Qingxuan walked out of the door. Although his body still smelled strongly of medicine, he had fully recovered. Not even the slightest slight wound could be found. The guy who had just broken more than ten bones, covered in bruises, and lost half of his lungs now stood right before her.

  “What drugs did you take?” Lola gaped. “How did you recover so quickly?” Even after the treatment, an average person would have only recovered from immediate danger. No one would be like Ye Qingxuan who was recovered as if he had changed a body!

  “The biggest mistake that Wolf Flute has ever made is to forget to cancel the bell tower blessing that the Silent Authority gave to me.” Ye Qingxuan looked at his intact hands. He snapped and substantial aetheric light burst out. “Don’t forget, I’m still a grandmaster.”

  Lola frowned. “What tricks are you going to play? Ye Qingxuan, you have been involved in this matter too deeply.”

  “That’s why we have to catch Gaius.” Ye Qingxuan’s answer was emphatic. “If Gaius isn’t caught, then the Scared City must have a man to be blamed… Do you think it’s going to be better for me and Charles?”

  Lola was silent.

  “I was unexpectedly cheated. It’s so embarrassing.” Ye Qingxuan rolled his neck. “No matter what, he needs to pay me.”

  “I’d like to say that although I am happy to kill Bach’s students, I was crippled for so many years so I am definitely not the guy’s opponent.” Lola looked at him like she was looking at a madman. “Or do you think you can handle this by yourself?”

  “Wolf Flute did teach me a lesson.” Ye Qingxuan asked, “When have I had a head-on confrontation with my enemy? Don’t I always rely on dirty tricks? Why would I fight with a scepter so formally?”

  Lola had no words but shook her head. “It’s been half an hour now. Are you sure you can catch up?”

  “I can.” Ye Qingxuan raised his hand. At the fingertips, a dim and slender moonlight thread extending from the never healed wound. “To tell you the truth, it’s the first time I was beaten to such embarrassed and miserable extent all these years…”

  He gazed at his fingertips and sneered. “Fortunately, my blood has not been wasted. What is the best thing to say? He is really the leader of the Revolutionary Army, bolder than I had imagined…Gaius did not leave. He is still in the Sacred City.”


  The noise of chaos was coming from afar. People were screaming and running on the street in chaos. In the silence of the Judgment Tower, a lonely figure stood on the ruins. After being attacked by the Revolutionaries, all the criminals were transferred to other prisons. This tower had been temporarily abandoned. According to the plan, a new construction team would come here in one month.

  But now, there was only rubble.

  There should be guards still, but when the chaos widened, the guards had been evacuated. In the end, only a lonely old man was left on the stairs of the broken tower. He sat on the steps with a cloak and smoked his pipe in silence, his eyes gazing at the black cloud rising from afar until a sharp dagger was pressed against his back.

  “I didn’t think you would be the first to find me, Charles.” Gaius put down his pipe, sighed and raised his hands.

  “You’ve thought of this already, right, Mr. Constantine?” Charles stood behind him blankly. “Why do you pretend to be shocked?”

  On the back of his hand, a disembodied vapor line dissipated in the wind.


  Ye Qingxuan was not the only one to attach his perception thread to Gaius. Charles was even earlier. Moreover, he was better at this movement than Ye Qingxuan thought he was.

  “Did you come to ask me why I did that?” Gaius turned slowly and gazed at the young man behind him.

  Charles was silent and smiled with self-deprecation. “I wanted to ask, but now it seems meani
ngless.” He shook his head slowly. “I thought you had difficulties. Even as a spy, I still felt pity for you. But now it seems that I should leave the pity to myself.”

  “This is actually the funniest part, Charles.” Gaius looked at him. “When you are alive, there are always times when you need to act. You act, I act, everybody’s acting… Over time, you will revel in your own drama. I’m sorry that I lied to you.”

  He apologized but Charles did not feel any relief or joy. He wanted to laugh. “Sorry? You stay here just to talk to your scapegoat? Say some more, sir?” His tone turned cold. “Say something so that I’m willing to take the blame for you. Let me believe you as I used to.”

  “You’re wrong about something, Charles.” Gaius shook his head and whispered, “I’m not here to make you my scapegoat. I just want to tell you that you don’t have to be anyone’s scapegoat. You could have lived in this world fair and square without the need to listen to anyone…”

  Charles cut him off. “The taste of these kind words has gone bad overnight, sir. I’m going to puke. Can I have something else?” Charles’ smile dissipated and an unprecedented indifference appeared on his face. “Yezi will probably come here in three minutes. If possible, I don’t want him to see your body. So, say something to let me drop the knife willingly.”

  Gaius bowed his head, gazing at the dagger on the neck. The dagger had cut the skin of his neck and a faint tinge of blood came out of the wound.

  “Charles, have you ever doubted your own life?” He sighed and suddenly murmured, “You should have realized at a very young age the difference between yourself and others. You are different from mortals. You are born to have talent, have a gift, and all kinds of incredible miracles, but you have ever thought of where you came from? You shouldn’t have sunk in this ditch, Charles.”

  Gaius gazed at the young man in front and said word by word, “Those wastes do not know how horribly powerful you are. The Silent Authority even treated you as cannon fodder. Those idiots have no idea what they have missed! If your mother saw you now, she would feel pity for you!”


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