Phoenix (Own The Skies Book 2)

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Phoenix (Own The Skies Book 2) Page 14

by Emma Nichole

  He bunches the material of my skirt in his strong hands and pushes it up to my waist, finding me completely bare underneath.

  “You listened.”

  “I am a good little girl when it benefits me.” I smirk, but it rolls into a moan when he slides his finger up and down my slit, spreading my moisture around.

  “I’m going to fuck you until you scream.” I can hear the clink of his belt as he opens it. “Any objections?”

  I place my feet on the edge of the table and open my knees even more for him. I look down and catch a glimpse of him, still completely dressed in his uniform, save for the opening in his slacks where he’s currently rolling on a condom.

  “Not. A. Single. One,” I sigh out and before the final syllable leaves my lips, he plunges into me, fucking me senseless, just as he promised, right on his table.

  The three days after our delicious lunch date pass by in a blur of wild sex, laughter, conversation, and everything in between with Case and me.

  From sex on his sofa with me on top, to sex in his shower, his kitchen counter, on top of his dryer, against his front door, and on the living room floor.

  He’s had me all over that house. We’ve never had sex in the same place twice. It’s almost like that was a personal choice he’d made with himself, but I was more than happy to oblige.

  Sex with Case is fucking epic.

  The best I’ve ever had and the best I’ll ever have.

  Between his strong frame, tender hands, rough touch, and ability to move those hips in ways that shouldn’t be legal, he finds spots inside of me and on my body I didn’t even know existed.

  He may have actually given me my first orgasm from penetration. I mean, my clit wasn’t being touched at all, since I was on all fours and he was behind me, so G-spot orgasm for the win!

  It’s been an easy, smooth, casual experience, so when he texted me two hours ago and asked me to be ready because he wanted to take me out, I must say I was a little shocked.

  Shocked but incredibly excited because...I miss him.

  Which doesn’t make any sense because he was just inside of me sixteen hours ago, but it’s true. I miss him.

  So here I am, standing in the guest room of my best friend’s house, getting ready for a date with Case Carmichael.

  “Whoa, look at you,” I hear Amelia say from the doorway. “Where are you going?”

  I chose a simple pair of jeans and a tight, black off-the-shoulder top. Case tends to kiss my shoulders a lot, so I thought I’d give him something to look at all night.

  “Just out for a bit.”

  Case and I decided not to tell Amelia and Grayson that we’ve been seeing each other in any capacity, but it is killing me not to tell my friend. I know keeping things secret was my idea, and I still don’t want them to know we’ve been sleeping together, but I need to gush about something.

  “Same person you’ve been seeing a lot the past few days?” Ah my dear best friend. Never misses a beat. I’ve been telling her I’m going out because I’ve made a couple of friends on the beach, but clearly she knows better.

  “Well...yeah.” I can barely get the words out before she closes the door and plops on my bed.

  “All the details. I want every single one,” she urges me.

  “Promise not to say anything to anyone? I mean it, Amelia.”

  “Scout’s honor.”

  “It’s Case.”

  She jumps up from the bed and shrieks, hopping up and down and clapping.

  “Oh my God, I knew it!”

  “There’s a ringing in my ear, Amelia. I thought only dogs could hear pitches that high.”

  “Stop whining and spill!” She pulls me to sit on the bed next to her.

  “There isn’t much to spill. We just get along. That’s all. You know this. He’s fun,” I say.

  “Does fun mean you’re...?” She widens her eyes and lets the rest of the question remain unasked.

  “I’m not answering that,” I say, as I stand.

  “That means YES! Oh my God! You had sex with Case!” she says, way too loudly.

  “Shhhhhh. Seriously. Don’t say anything to Gray, okay? I didn’t even want to tell you because this is just fun between us. Nothing serious. I don’t want anyone making a big deal out of it.” I turn toward the mirror to apply my signature red lipstick.

  “I won’t say anything. I’m just glad you’re having fun, but, Nora, be careful, okay? Case is a good guy and I love you both. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

  “I leave next week. It’s not a big deal.”

  “If you say so.”


  “You look beautiful,” I tell her again, as we enter the restaurant in the heart of the Historic District.

  “Thank you again,” she says, before giving me the smile that knocks the wind out of me every time.

  I wanted to take her out tonight, mostly because I want to show her off, but I want to show her that even though she wants this purely physical, I want to be her friend too.

  Every waking moment of my time off of work has been spent with her in some capacity, and I’m not complaining a single bit.

  “I hope you’re hungry. This place has the best steak in the state,” I tell her, pulling out her chair.

  “That’s a tall order, I’m sure,” she adds, sinking to sit.

  “One they meet in spades.” I sit in the chair across from her and take a breath.

  “Are you okay?” she asks, tucking a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear. She left it down today and styled it into loose curls I want to slide my fingers through.

  “Never better.”

  “What made you want to go out tonight?” she asks, as she looks over the menu.

  “You’re only here for another week. I’m being greedy about my time with you. I wanted more, so I asked.” It’s as honest as I can get.

  She smiles and I can’t tell if it’s a smile that means she agrees, or a smile because she doesn’t know what to say.

  “Officer Carmichael,” I hear a voice purr from our left.

  I turn to find a tall brunette in black pants and a white top. A server—our server—apparently. She’s not just any brunette: she’s a friend. A former friend with extra benefits. Fucking great.

  “Kennedy. It’s been awhile.” Thank God.

  “It sure has.” She turns her attention to Nora. “And you are?”

  “Nora. Hi.” She extends her hand to greet Kennedy, but she ignores her effort and turns back to me.

  “You haven’t called in a while. I was thinking you got sick of me.”

  Kennedy and I used to sleep together. Frequently.

  But it was just a fling. It meant nothing and was a way to have a warm body from time to time, until she got too attached and I stopped calling. It just wasn’t like that with her. I didn’t want more.

  “Work’s been crazy.” That’s all I say.

  “That’s a shame. Well, I’m sure your server will be here soon, and Case...don’t be shy.” She gives me a wink and slips away.

  So she’s not our server. Thank fuck.

  “She seems pleasant. Ex?” Nora asks.

  “No, not really. We just used to mess around. That’s all,” I reply.

  “Used to?” she questions, with a cock of her brow.

  “Stopped about six months ago. We were never serious.”

  “It’s not a big deal. I was just curious is all. She seemed very...intense.”

  “Why do you think I stopped calling?”

  “Makes sense.”

  I can tell she’s uncomfortable. I didn’t know we would, nor expect us to, run into someone like that. I need to revert back to her.

  “So tell me about your brother. How’s he doing?”

  “Marco? Well, he’s great, I think. He’s doing well and has been winning most of his fights. I hate seeing him like that, but he enjoys it. I can’t fault him for that.”

  “Did he always want to fight?”

  She shakes he
r head. “No, I don’t think so. When he was younger, all he would do was talk about being a cop like our dad, but after our parents passed away, things changed. Everything changed.” She looks down at her lap, fidgeting with her napkin.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up a hard subject.”

  Her eyes meet mine again. “No, it’s okay. It’s good to talk about them sometimes.”

  “Then I’m an open ear for you.”

  Before she can say anything else, our actual server comes tableside to take our food and drink orders before leaving us once again.

  “My parents were incredible people, from what I can remember of them. I was so young when they passed that each day, it gets harder and harder to remember them.”

  I reach across the table to take her hand and give it a squeeze.

  “My dad was a police officer for the San Diego Police Department and Mom was a nurse at the biggest hospital downtown.”

  “And that’s where you work now?” I ask.

  “Mmm hmm. That’s where I work.”

  “Is that what you always wanted to do?”

  “The easy answer is yes, because I know that’s what Mom always wanted. The hard answer is a bit more complicated.”

  “Isn’t that always the way?”

  “I’ve always loved writing and the dream would be to make that my career, but it’s just not realistic.” She sips her water.

  “Why isn’t it realistic? You can do anything you want in this life.”

  “It’s not an easy career to begin. I’m settled in my job. Yes, it’s hard at times—really hard—but it’s what would have made Mom happy and it’s what I went to school for.”

  She says it so matter-of-factly. I can’t just let that slide. “Your mom would have wanted you to be happy, and if you’re running off to Georgia to take a break, I can guarantee you aren’t happy.”

  She immediately tenses up and pulls her hand away from mine. “Please don’t talk to me like you knew my mother or like you know what I want.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.” I hold up my hands in surrender. “I just want you to do what makes you happy. That’s all.”

  “Why do you care so much?” she asks.

  “Because I like you, Nora. A lot,” I admit.

  The way her body relaxes and the way her lips turn up in a smile makes my heart beat a little faster. I really fucking like this girl.

  “I like you too, Case. You’ve made this trip even better than I could have asked for. It’ll be weird to go back home, that’s for sure.”

  And there it is.

  The looming endgame we can’t avoid.


  Two hours, a bomb-ass dinner, amazing conversation, and a bottle of wine later, Nora’s riding me to her second orgasm in the comfort of my bed, with her hands plastered on the wall behind my head.

  I bend my legs and pump upward until I meet her on the ledge and follow her over, bucking and groaning out an orgasm of my own. I slide my hands from her hips, up her back and to her shoulders, so I can pull her down to steal a kiss from her lips.

  She is panting to catch her breath, and she rolls off of me and curls against my body under the blankets.

  “Never gets old.”

  I unroll the condom and drop it to the floor by the bed, then turn to face her, pushing hair from her sweaty forehead. “What doesn’t?”

  “This. You.”

  She licks her plump lips and I have to move in for another kiss. She splits my lips with her tongue and finds mine for a soft dance.

  “Good. I’m making a lasting impression. That’s what any man wants after he’s had you. To be the one you compare all future lovers to.” Even as the words leave my lips, I hate them. The thought of her with someone else makes me want to rage punch a hole in the wall.

  She pulls away and runs her hand through my hair. “Trust me. You’ve set the bar high.”

  I try to pull her in again, my cock growing between us, but she pushes me back, causing a groan to escape my throat.

  “I need to go. It’s late,” she says, rolling to get up.

  “Stay the night.” I reach out for her.

  “You know I can’t do that. That’s not what this is.” She stands and starts to get dressed.

  “We both know that’s bullshit.” I sit up with only the sheet bunching at my waist.

  “Regardless, Case, I’m leaving next week. It’s easier if we just call a spade a spade.”

  She gets dressed but won’t even look me in the eye. She doesn’t even believe the words leaving her lips.

  “Look at me and tell me you don’t want to stay with me tonight.”

  “You know I can’t say that, because I do want to, but neither of us needs this to be harder than it will already be. We have Cadence’s birthday party tomorrow. We’ll see each other then. We can talk afterward, okay?”

  Cadence’s birthday. I fucking forgot. A pool party. My actual fucking nightmare. Even the thought of being that close to a pool sends chills over my body and causes a panic attack to boil under my skin. I take a breath and push the thoughts aside.

  “Okay. At least let me drive you home.” I move to sit up when she holds up her phone.

  “Ride already requested.”

  “Why do you have to be so independent?” I ask, teasing.

  “Because that’s what you love about me.” She bends down and kisses my lips, not even realizing what she has said. The magnitude of the word she used without even thinking.

  “Text me when you get home?” I say, holding her hand.

  “I will. See you tomorrow. Bring your swimming trunks.”

  With those parting words, she whisks out of my bedroom—out of my house—leaving me in a whirlwind of fear, anxiety, and confusion.


  Is that what this is?

  Chapter 19


  “Where’s Uncle Case?” Cadence asks from the pool with her little pink goggles over her eyes and pink floats on her arms.

  “He had to work this morning. He’ll be here any minute now. Stay in the shallow end, Cadence,” Grayson says from the grill, as he flips the burgers.

  I am sitting at one of the tables with Amelia under an umbrella, hiding from the sun for a few minutes, while a few of Cadence’s friends from school and their parents hang out in the water.

  “About ready for a dip?” I ask, itching to get into the water.

  “Don’t wait for me. I’ll be in shortly. I’m taking some pictures of everything then I’ll be there,” she replies, waving me on.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

  I stand and pull off my wrap to reveal my simple two-piece orange bathing suit.

  “Are you coming in, Nora?” Cadence squeaks from the water.

  “I am, Birthday Girl!”

  “Yay! Yay!” She hops up and down in the water and cheers.

  I walk around to the deep end of the pool and stand at the edge to take a breath before I dive in headfirst.

  The crash of the water is the last thing I hear before I disappear under the surface of the cool liquid, relishing in the dull roar in my ears and the water enveloping me.

  I move my arms through the water and kick my legs, sending me forward toward the other end of the pool until I pop up just beside Cadence and slick my hair back.

  “You swam from all the way over there?” she asks excitedly.

  “I did. I love to swim. I’ll teach you too one day,” I promise her. “Next time I come visit. Deal?” I offer her my pinky.

  “Deal!” She locks her pinky with mine then looks behind me and her eyes light up. “Uncle Case! You’re here!”

  I spin around to look for him and smile when our eyes lock. He returns my smile, only briefly, and his hands stay tucked firmly in his pockets. He doesn’t approach the pool edge, he stays back toward the tables and the grill.

  “I’m here. Sorry I’m late. I had to make sure I got you the best gift in the world.” He holds up a large,
pink, glittery bag.

  “Yesssss,” Cadence says, as she goes back to playing with her friends.

  I swim to the stairs and climb out, grabbing my towel from the back of the chair and wrapping it around my body as I approach Case.

  “Hey, you,” I say, reaching out to squeeze his arm.

  “Hi. Nice bikini.”

  “I’m glad you approve.” I can feel Amelia staring at us, but I try to ignore it. “Have a good shift?”

  The sun is starting to go down behind him now, leaving an orange hue cast over everything. He looks beautiful.

  “Decent, yes,” he says. “Nothing to write home about.”



  He is shifty and seems to be a bit on edge. His posture is more tense than normal and he’s not the smiley man I’m used to. He’s an enigma to me sometimes, though, he’s not normally like this.

  “Are you sure?” I ask, placing a hand on his arm.


  “Okay...good. Well, I’m going to go see if Amelia needs help with anything. Take a dip. Cool off. It’s nice in there,” I offer.

  He doesn’t respond, he just nods once and goes to find Grayson.

  I move back over to Amelia and plop down onto the chair beside her.

  “Everything okay?” she asks.

  “Yes. Case just seems off. That’s all.” I open a bottle of water and drink some of it down. “I wonder if something happened at work.”

  “I’m sure he sees and has to do things all the time that he wished he didn’t, but he’s normally good at compartmentalizing. It could just be an off day.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Maybe I’ll try to coax him into the pool. Wow him with my assets.” I joke, trying to keep my girl brain from overthinking our relationship to death.

  “That’s my girl.”

  The next hour or so passes in a haze of burgers, birthday cake, and gifts, but little to no conversation between Case and me. We pass glances and joke occasionally, but it doesn’t feel like it should. He is clearly working through something mentally, because even Amelia says she’s never seen him look so uptight.

  His tension fades when Cadence is around though. She’d never know something is wrong by the way he interacting with her, but as soon as she’s away, he tenses up again.


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