Dark: Fearless Pioneer (Dark LitRPG book 1)

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Dark: Fearless Pioneer (Dark LitRPG book 1) Page 24

by Arthur Stone

  Dark collected so many trophies that he had to place nearly all of them into hastily created hiding places. It would take him well over a day to cart all of them back to his lair. He barely had enough time to loot every corpse and hide the prizes—not on the bald patch itself, of course, but off to the side of it, so that collecting it would not rouse the chitin hunters bound to replace the slain.

  When he was done, he still had some time left before sundown. No more than an hour, though. Dark covered the final hiding place with dry branches and decided what to do. He could take a couple of trips to the tower, but there was no rush.

  Taking some time to organize the thoughts in his head, he felt as though he had missed something important.

  A scan of the logs proved this fear correct. “It spends most of its life in its lair, guarding the wealth of its brood. Avoid this monster’s kin, or you will feel its anger.”

  The “wealth of its brood”? Several topics came up on the forum over and over again. One of these was the bonuses players could obtain by completely clearing the lairs of various creatures: monsters’ caves, bosses’ dungeons, cultists’ camps, and so on.

  Perhaps the glade of slag was one such place.

  He found what he was seeking in the remains of the largest cone, out of which the Chitin Slaglord had emerged, accompanied by spectacular special effects. Looking into the hole of the cone, Dark discovered a tunnel descending at a steep angle. Even the tallest of men could climb down it with minimal discomfort.

  Note: You have discovered a Chitin Brood Lair.

  +75 Perception progress points.

  Warning: This is a dangerous place. Below, you may find a rich reward or your death, or perhaps nothing at all.

  Dark did not enjoy the announcement of his possible death, but he was not about to leave. He spent a few minutes making a bundle of primitive torches before entering. Experience had taught him that the resinous branches of a local shrub species were perfect for this end.

  The walk down the tunnel was not a long one. A hundred paces in, it opened up into an oval chamber with two more horizontal tunnels leading out of it to either side. No torches were needed, to Dark’s surprise. Colonies of large, phosphorescent blue mushrooms grew along the walls.

  Still, he did not extinguish his flame just yet.

  Reaching out, he tore one of the mushrooms from its place. He placed it in its bag. Taste tests were best undertaken in the evening as he sat in his tower, as otherwise potential respawns from fatal ingredients would waste precious time.

  He decided to select a different respawn point, as well. The events of the day had shown him the idiocy of his choice. In fact, he had gotten off easily. This time.

  Dark crammed a few more mushrooms into free slots in his bag. Perhaps they would be powerful ingredients, and the chitin creatures were unlikely to let him loot their cave again in the future.

  He proceeded down to the left and reached a dead-end room. The space was haunting, and he gripped his ax and torch tighter. All of the walls were covered with ugly webbing—large cocoons which squirmed with some kind of living things within them.

  Hostile living things.

  He took a swing at one of them. The blade crunched into the revolting sac, accompanied by a damage alert.

  You deal Chitin Larva 79 damage.

  Dark continued, soon realizing that the larvae did not attack, nor try to escape. They just made very unpleasant noises. A few minutes later, he had killed the first one, which turned out to have a sizable number of hit points. The experience was worth it, and he activated the loot screen.

  No player in the history of X has ever encountered a Chitin Larva! You receive +500 Knowledge progress points. You receive a bonus +1 to any skill. The leaders of the Explorers League may present you with a reward for adding creatures you have discovered from your personal bestiary to the league archives. Congratulations! Keep discovering new things to unlock more generous rewards!

  Note: You have discovered a new ingredient: Chitin Larva Horn. Known properties: none. You can attempt to use this in alchemy or taste it yourself. No player in the history of X has ever found a Chitin Larva Horn! You receive +750 Knowledge progress points. You receive a bonus +1 to any skill. The leaders of the Alchemists League may present you with a reward for adding creatures you have discovered from your personal alchemy records to the league archives. Congratulations! Keep discovering new things to unlock more generous rewards!

  The final message, however, was the most intriguing.

  Note: You have discovered a new crafting material! Chitin Larva Cocoon Thread. You can try using this material for weaving crafts and in crafting attempts that fall under any other specialization requiring long, strong fibers with an enchanting pearl-like shimmer. No player in the history of X has ever found Chitin Larva Cocoon Thread! You receive +1000 Weaving progress points. You receive a bonus +1 to any skill. The leaders of the Craftsmen League may present you with a reward for adding materials you have discovered from your personal crafting records to the league archives. Congratulations! Keep discovering new things to unlock more generous rewards!

  Dark had never discovered a new crafting material before. But he had collected all kinds of bones, fangs, and other items which were from unknown creatures and also served as crafting materials. Yet without any bonus.

  The game had simply judged these other items to be unworthy of additional compensation. All the while considering the thread from some worthless larva to constitute a fabulous discovery.

  Once he finished off the other cocoons, he hurried to the other horizontal passage. There wasn’t much time left until dark, and he wanted to return to the tower before the last light was lost, for the sake of his bare feet.

  So much loot from so many zombies, and not a single pair of shoes.

  It was his fault, though. After respawning in the tower, he had rushed headlong to the slag mound, grabbing a couple of bags on the run. Shoes had not crossed his mind. Every spare minute counted!

  Of course, death and respawn did tend to muddle one’s thoughts. Especially with such a high sensation level. Usually you felt like you were sick with the plague for a few seconds, and the effects could echo for minutes more, even over an hour in some cases.

  The other tunnel held neither webbing nor cocoons. Instead, he found a hefty chest with iron banding strips.

  There was no point to questioning what reason could compel creatures without opposable thumbs to possess a chest. This was likely the game’s main prize for destroying the chitin brood.

  Alright, let’s see what we have. 6 Lesser Modifiers, 2 Large Amethyst Crystals of high quality, 1 Silver Ingot, 1 Novice Alchemist Set of high quality, 1 Lesser Rune, 1 Superb Blacksmith’s Hammer, and 1 Grafting Pen Knife. Items and materials useful for crafting. Dark felt as though the game was hinting that he return his focus to crafting for a time.

  He would get started the very next day. And if he got tired of that, he would devote an hour or two to the hard physical labor of carting loot back and forth.

  That would take many, many trips.

  You have looted the Chitin Brood Lair. Bonus +100 Luck progress points.

  It had been a difficult day, yes, but not an unlucky one.

  Chapter 40

  Strange Affairs

  Total stat levels: 35 +2.

  Character level: 5.

  Mastery level: 2.

  By the time Dark reached the tower, the day had fallen into total darkness. Climbing inside in exhaustion, Dark tossed the heavy bags from his shoulders to the floor, shut and bolted the door, ascended to the first floor, and lit the candle. He shuddered at the cloud of darkness and unkind red flames staring at him from between the shelves.

  “Evil!? What are you doing here?”

  “Can’t you tell? I am dwelling in silent stillness.”

  “How did you get inside? I didn’t invite you, after all.”

  “Yes, you did. You have a terrible memory! Stupid and forgetful mortal.”

  “So if I invite you once, you can come in any time you want?”

  “Are you really that unhappy to see me? The undead Ethrians came flooding in here without a single invitation, but no, he yells at the Ancient Evil instead!”

  “I was just startled, that’s all. It’s been a long day.”

  “I warned you of the dangers the ruins could hold.”

  “I’m glad I went to the ruins. I gained so much progress that now I have to think long and hard about what to use it all for.”

  “So I should congratulate you, then?”

  “I think so. If only you could see all of the things I got! I doubt there are any zombies left in the city. Now I can go search it for books and scrolls.”

  “That is not what I heard,” the Ancient Evil retorted.


  “I heard that a certain powerful Lich Necromancer returned to the city immediately after you respawned in this very tower. And that several heavily wounded common zombies followed him.”

  “The zombies don’t trouble me, but that lich is a different matter,” Dark frowned. “You should have seen the spell he hit me with. Enough damage to kill ten of me.”

  “Your level and your abilities are weak, and you have worthless armor which offers you practically no protection from magic. But you could play a tricky on that rotten old mage.”

  “How?” Dark’s ears pricked up as he started his customary fish dinner.

  “Have you forgotten your ties with the disgusting magic of the hypocritical force of Light? You really do have a terrible memory.”

  “No, I haven’t forgotten. What does that have to do with the Lich?”

  “Everything. There is no Resist Light Magic in the world of X, so dark creatures are vulnerable to you. Parties love to bring healers and buffers who have sold their souls to the pathetic Light along with them when they face these creatures. The spells that heal players cripple creatures of the underworld. Cast healing on them, and they take large amounts of damage. An ordinary mage can deal 100 damage with just 10 Mana. Perhaps even 200. But that works only against those of the darkness.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “Now you do. Not every healing spell works this way, and not in every situation. But every Light Mage has something with which to fight the Dark, at least.”

  “Would that work against you?” Dark asked.

  That moment, the croaking of the frogs and the hooting of the owl ceased. Along with every other sound in the world. For no reason at all, silence reigned.

  Creeped out, Dark noted, “Something’s wrong.”

  An unusual message flashed for a moment, then vanished.

  Note: Process Halted. Location Paused.

  “Evil? What’s happening?”

  “Channel activation in four seconds,” the Ancient Evil replied in a voice devoid of emotion. “Three seconds. Two. One.”

  Dark grabbed his ax, just in case. “What are you talking about?”

  The cloud of darkness sank slowly, spreading over the floor like a beached jellyfish. Its eyes went dim. Then, a voice unlike the Ancient Evil’s was heard from the blob. Just as mechanical, but not the same.

  “Dark, is that you?”

  “What’s going on, Evil? What happened to you?”

  “Hello, Dark. I’m not evil. I’m not your enemy, but your friend. I’m sorry that we must communicate this way. Please, try to refrain from asking any unnecessary questions. You have no idea how difficult it was to open this communication channel and use it to contact your character. We will not be able to talk for long. You must hear what I have to say, so please do not interrupt me. Did anything unusual happen to you today?”

  “What’s happening right now is quite unusual. Who are you? And what did you do to Ancient Evil?”

  “If you must identify me, you can simply call me Ally. This is a correct description of our relationship. Dark, we suggest that you are currently in a location that is inaccessible to players. Is that true?”

  “I don’t know... Ally.”

  “I understand your hesitation to trust me. It is quite justified. Will it help if I assure you that I share neither Kim’s motives nor his morals?”

  “If you were in my shoes, would you trust anyone who knew of Kim’s existence and had the power to communicate this way, and yet declined to identify himself?”


  “I guess that’s your answer.”

  “We have relocated your body. Kim no longer knows where it is located. You do not need to worry about him. He will not be able to find it.”

  “I’m supposed to believe that?”

  “You should. You are currently a pain in Kim’s ass. The more pains Kim has, the better for us. It is profitable for us to help you. Time is up. We do not know your location or situation. But if you are truly in an inaccessible location, listen carefully, and remember what we say. First, remember this nickname: White Cat in a Black Hat. There’s an underscore between each word. This is a unique nickname—there is currently no other player with that nick in X. Ignore the stupidity of the name. It belongs to ForestBison’s closest associate. If you are unaware of who ForestBison is, consult the game forum. Assuming you have the ability to access it. White Cat is not ours, but she may have information that you need. We believe her to be a reliable source, and entirely independent. Kim will not consider it worth it to try to convert her to his cause. But she must keep quiet. Ensure that she does. If you have access to the chat, you will be able to write her. Ensure you do not write any other player with a similar nickname. Do not write anyone else. It is too risky. ForestBison and those close to him may be trusted. Most of them, in any case. They may be able to help you in ways that no one else can. Read the forum and you will see that my words are true. Sooner or later you will need to deal with other players. We would like to keep you from making a critical mistake when you do. Have you committed the nickname to memory?”

  “Alright, suppose I have.”

  “I must warn you: Today, you very nearly attracted the attention of the game. You did something atypical. I do not know what this was, and I have little time to explain. Players are divided into several categories. The lowest category develops much more slowly than the rest and makes little or no financial contribution. The system spends next to no power watching them. In general, it believes that their slow development, their infrequent progress, means they are not using any game exploits for their own gain. However, if you are growing quickly, or if you spend serious money, you attract the game’s interest. You are currently in the lower category I spoke of. Poor and developing slowly. Today, however, you very nearly became a player of interest. You must not attract the game’s attention, or detailed tracking will be activated for your character. We cannot predict the results of such a change. The system could notice that your race is non-existent and investigate. It may sanction you, removing all active bonuses. Currently you have one advantage over the game’s other players. But if the system takes action, you will likely be unable to make further use of it. That will weaken you significantly. And the stronger you are, the more valuable you are to us.”

  “What advantage?” Dark clung to that thought, despite the absurdity of the communication he was experiencing.

  “If you are progressing correctly, you are currently in the process of developing your character’s abilities. However, your race was never released. It was cancelled before the game’s balance was established. No further updates were made. Consequently, it retains at least one unbalanced element: your initial race abilities. These may make you imba, or at least close to it.”

  “I doubt it...”

  “Of course. Start abilities are weaker than full abilities, but this usefulness gap is not as great as it is for the more developed races. Even more importantly, your race abilities are not bound to your character level. That was added later, after your race was discarded. This means you may turn this apparent disadvantage to your favor. You could, for example, re
ach level 5 but pump your skills to level 10 or higher. As long as you find enough soul essences. At every 10th skill level, you will encounter another skill branch, or some other qualitative change to your skills. So improve your skills and see what happens. This may strengthen your character. However, remember that progressing too quickly may alert the game to your existence and activate observation. If the game finds something about your character that breaks the game’s balance, it may adjust that aspect, as long as it has not yet gone too far. If it has gone too far, the modification may give other players the same advantage, or at least compensation for not having it. In simple terms, if your abilities do prove to be powerful, be careful to display slow, even progress. Do you understand?”

  “But my character is growing too slowly. I didn’t even level up today. No remarkable events.”

  “Perhaps your total skills or the value of an individual skill increased strongly today, or even over the past several days. We do not know for sure. Examine your character. If your abilities have not been adjusted, avoid showing them off until at least level 10. Level 20 would be better. We doubt that the Ethrian’s skills have any developments beyond that. Then, begin increasing your base values with small bonuses. Even if the game later adjusts your character, you will end up with an excellent set of skills. Perhaps better than any other player’s. But you must not attract the system’s attention before that point. Do you understand? Otherwise, it may make changes that sever your potential development paths. Of course, it is difficult to mask your achievements when your level is so low. Any reasonable increase is proportionally huge. Gaining 7 skill levels in a day when your starting level was 3 stands out like so many sore thumbs. But gaining those same 7 levels when your starting level is 30 will be much less noticeable.”

  “I understand.”


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