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Newton Forster; Or, The Merchant Service

Page 35

by Frederick Marryat


  _Isabel_. Any where to avoid matrimony: the thought of a husband is terrible to me.

  _Inis_. But if you might choose for yourself, I fancy matrimony would be no such frightful thing to you.

  _The Wonder_.

  The Boadicea, with the Indiamen, proceeded on to their destination,Captain Carrington taking every opportunity which light winds and smoothwater afforded him, of paying his respects to the ladies on board of theBombay Castle, or of inviting them on board of the frigate. The factwas, that he had fallen most desperately in love with Isabel Revel, andpaid her the most marked attention; but, although a pleasant,light-hearted companion, and a young man of good family and prospects,Isabel Revel had not fallen in love with him: she liked his company, butnothing more.

  In a month the squadron had arrived at the island of St. Helena, towhich Captain Carrington had been ordered to convey them: his directionswere then to cruise in a certain latitude, and ultimately to proceed onto the East Indies, if he did not fall in with the vessels he expected.It was, therefore, but parting to meet again; but during the short timethat they refitted and completed their water at St. Helena, CaptainCarrington proposed, and was politely refused by Isabel Revel.Impatient as a boy who has been denied his plaything, he ordered hisstores immediately on board, and the next day quitted the island. Itmay appear strange that a young lady, obviously sent out on speculation,should have refused so advantageous an offer; for the speculationcommences with the voyage. Some ladies are selected at Madeira. Sincethe Cape has been in our possession, several have been induced to stayin that colony; and very often ships arrive with only the _refuse_ oftheir cargo; for the intended market in the East. But Isabel Revel hadconsented to embark on the score of filial duty, not to obtain a husbandunless she liked the gentleman who proposed; and Captain Carrington didnot happen to come up to her fanciful ideas of the person to be chosenfor life. Captain Carrington did not impart the intelligence of his illsuccess to any one but Newton, who was employed to carry his farewellmessage. His secret was faithfully kept by both. Isabel Revel was notone of those young ladies who would make use of such an unworthyadvantage to heighten her consequence in the eyes of others. But therewas another reason, not exactly known to Isabel herself at the time,which prevented her from listening to the proposals of CaptainCarrington. Had she questioned her own heart, she would have discoveredthat she was prepossessed in favour of one, who as unconsciously hadbecome attached to her. He knew his own feelings, but had checked themin the bud, aware that he had nothing to offer but himself. This personwas Newton Forster. His intimacy with Captain Carrington, the attentionshown him by Captain Drawlock, (who trusted him to work thechronometers!!) his own excellent character and handsome person, hadraised him to more importance than his situation as a junior officerwould have warranted; and his behaviour was such as to have secured himthe good-will of every one on board of the ship. Newton's unassumingfrank manner, added to a large stock of general information, occasionedhis society to be courted, even by those who would otherwise have beeninclined to keep at a distance one in his subordinate rank.

  When they arrived at St. Helena, the first-mate, for a wonder, no longermade any difficulty of going on shore for an hour or two, if he knewthat Newton would be the commanding officer during his absence; nay, sohigh did he stand in the opinion of his captain, that nut only was hepermitted to take charge of the chronometers, but, if called away for atime below, Captain Drawlock would hand over to Newton's charge any oneof the unmarried _responsibilities_, who might happen to be leaning onhis arm.

  The Indiamen being now left to protect themselves, the senior officer,Commodore Bottlecock, issued most elaborate memoranda, as to the orderof sailing, exercise of the men at the great guns and small arms, andevery other point which could tend to their security by due preparation.Nevertheless, the ladies continued to appear on deck. Mrs Fergusonsat in her majesty; the young ladies tittered, and were reprimanded; theyoung gentlemen were facetious, and were rebuked; the old colonel talkedof his adventure at Madeira, and compared every thing to the spent ballat the battle of ---. Dr Plausible had become a most assiduousattendant upon Miss Tavistock, ever since he had satisfactorilyascertained that she had property of her own; every body had becomeintimate; every one was becoming tired, when the bearings and distanceat noon placed them about two hundred miles from Point de Galle, thesouthernmost extremity of Ceylon. The wind was fresh and fair, and theycongratulated each other upon a speedy termination to their tediousvoyage.

  Dinner was announced by the old tune of "Oh! the roast beef of oldEngland;" and during a long voyage the announcement of dinner is a verygreat relief every way. As had been the invariable rule throughout thewhole of the voyage, Miss Charlotte and Miss Laura Revel were placed onthe one side of Captain Drawlock, Miss Tavistock and Isabel Revel on theother. They were flanked on the other side by Mrs and Mr Ferguson,who thus separated them from any undue collision with the gentlemenpassengers or officers of the ship. The colonel was placed next to MrsFerguson, the young writer next to her husband; then the two cadets,supported by the doctor and purser, the remainder of the table beingfilled up with the officers of the ship, with the first-mate at thefoot. Such was the order of Captain Drawlock's dinner--sailing; asstrictly adhered to as the memoranda of Commodore Bottlecock: the onlycommunication permitted with the young ladies under his charge (unlessmarried men) being to "request the honour of drinking a glass of winewith them."

  All this may appear very absurd; but a little reflection will convincethe reader to the contrary. There is a serious responsibility on acaptain of an Indiaman, who takes charge of perhaps a dozen young women,who are to be cooped up for months in the same ship with as many youngmen. Love, powerful every where, has on the waters even more potentsway, hereditary I presume, from his mother's nativity. Idleness is thefriend of love; and passengers have little or nothing to do to whileaway the tedium of a voyage. In another point, he has great advantage,from the limited number of the fair sex. In a ball or in generalsociety, a man may see hundreds of women, admire many, yet fall in lovewith none. Numbers increase the difficulty of choice, and he remainsdelighted, but not enslaved. But on board of a ship, the continuedpresence of one whom he admires by comparison out of the few,--one who,perhaps, if on shore, would in a short time be eclipsed by another, butwho here shines without competition,--gives her an advantage which,assisted by idleness and opportunity, magnifies her attractions, andsharpens the arrow of all-conquering Love. Captain Drawlock perhapsknew this from experience; he knew also that the friends of one party,if not of both, might be displeased by any contract formed when underhis surveillance, and that his character and the character of his ship(for ships now-a-days have characters, and very much depend upon themfor their well doing) might suffer in consequence. Strict as he mighttherefore appear, he was only doing his duty.

  Grace being requested from Mr Ferguson, he indulged the company withone quite as long as usual; rather too long considering that the shipwas very unsteady, and the ladies had to cling to the table for support.But Mr Ferguson was not a sailor, or he would have known that it isthe custom to reduce the grace in proportion with the canvass. When theroyals are set, we submit to a homily; under double-reefed topsails, ablessing; but under storm stay-sails, an ejaculation is considered asorthodox.

  "Mrs Ferguson, will you permit me to send you a little mulligatawney?said Captain Drawlock. If you prefer it, there is sheep's-head broth atthe other end of the table."

  "Then I will take a little of the broth, if you please, CaptainDrawlock."

  "Mr Mathews, Mrs Ferguson will take some broth. I am sorry, MrsFerguson, that our table is so ill-supplied; but a long voyage and badweather has been very fatal to our hen-coops."

  "Indeed, Captain Drawlock, you need not apologise." Nor was there anyoccasion, for the table was loaded.

  "Perhaps Miss Laura Revel will permit me to send her a slice of thismutton?" said
the obsequious colonel.

  "No, I thank you; I have eaten nothing but mutton lately. I think Ishall be a sheep myself soon," added the young lady, tittering.

  "That would be very much against your inclination, I should think, MissLaura," observed Mrs Ferguson, tartly.

  "La! why so? how do you know, Mrs Ferguson?"

  "Because a sheep never changes its name until after it is dead. Ishrewdly suspect you would like to change yours before."--(This was ahard hit.)

  "As you have yours, Mrs Ferguson," quietly answered Isabel, in supportof her sister.

  "Very fair on both sides," said the colonel, bowing to the ladies, whosat together. "Pray Miss Laura, don't talk of being a sheep, we are allready to devour you as it is."

  "La! you don't say so?" replied the young lady, much pleased.

  "Colonel Ellice," interrupted Captain Drawlock, with a serious air,"several of the company will thank you to carve that joint, when youhave finished paying your compliments. Miss Tavistock, the honour of aglass of wine. We have not had the pleasure of your company on deckto-day."

  "No, Captain Drawlock. I did intend to come, but my health is in such adelicate state, that by the advice of Dr Plausible I remained below."

  "Miss Tavistock will you allow me to send you some mutton?"

  "If you please, colonel; a very small slice."

  "Mr Forster, what have you in that dish before you?"

  "A chicken, Captain Drawlock."

  "Miss Isabel Revel, will you take some chicken?"

  "No, I thank you, Captain Drawlock," replied Isabel.

  "Did you say yes or no?" inquired Newton, who had caught her eye.

  "I'll change my mind," said Isabel, smiling.

  Now, I know it for a fact, although I shall not give up my authority,that Isabel Revel never wanted any chicken until she perceiveth thatNewton was to help her. So, if Love occasionally takes away theappetite, let us do him justice--he sometimes creates one.

  "Miss Tavistock, allow me to send you a little of this Turkey," said DrPlausible; "it is easy of digestion."

  "If you please, doctor," replied Miss Tavistock, cramming the lastmouthful of mutton into her mouth, and sending away her plate to bechanged.

  "Will you not take a little ham with it, Miss Tavistock?" said CaptainDrawlock.

  "If you please, sir."

  "The honour of a glass of wine, Miss Tavistock," said the colonel.

  "With pleasure, sir."

  "Miss Charlotte Revel, you have really eaten nothing," said CaptainDrawlock.

  "That proves you have not paid me the least attention," replied theyoung lady. "Had you honoured me with a single glance during dinner,you could not but have observed that I have been dining very heartily."

  "I really am quite shocked, Miss Charlotte, and bow to your reproof.Will you take a glass of wine with me in reconciliation?"

  "I consider a glass of Madeira a very poor bribe, sir."

  "Well, then, Miss Charlotte, it shall be champagne," replied CaptainDrawlock, in his gallantry. "Steward, champagne." A fortunate hit forthe company, as champagne was in general only produced upon what sailorscall `clean shirt days,' viz. Sundays and Thursdays.

  "We are highly indebted to Miss Revel," observed the colonel, bowing toher; "and I think we ought to drink her health in a bumper."

  Agreed to, _nem con_.

  Champagne, thou darling of my heart! To stupefy oneself with otherwines, is brutal; but to raise oneself to the seventh heaven with thee,is quite ethereal. The soul appears to spurn the body, and take atransient flight without its dull associate--the--the--broke down, byJupiter! All I meant to say was, that champagne is very pretty_tipple_; and so thought the dinner party, who were proportionallyenlivened.

  "Is this orthodox, Mr Ferguson?" inquired the colonel, holding up hisglass.

  "So far orthodox, that it is very good; and what is orthodox is good,"replied the divine, with good-humour.

  "The Asia has made the signal for `a strange sail--suspicious,'" saidthe second-mate to Captain Drawlock, putting his head into the cabin.

  "Very well, Mr Jones, keep a glass upon the commodore."

  "Mrs Ferguson, will you take some of this tart? Damascene, I believe,"said the first-mate.

  "If you please, Mr Mathews.--Did not Mr Jones say suspicious?--Whatdoes that imply?"

  "Imply, madam; why that he don't like the cut of her jib!"

  "And pray what does that mean?"

  "Mean, madam; why, that for all he knows to the contrary, she may be aFrench frigate."

  "A French frigate! a French frigate! O dear! O dear!" cried two orthree ladies at a breath.

  "Mr Mathews," said Captain Drawlock, "I am really surprised at yourindiscretion. You have alarmed the ladies. A suspicious sail, MrsFerguson, merely implies--in fact, that they do not know what she is."

  "Is that _all_ it means?" replied Mrs Ferguson, with an incredulouslook.

  "Nothing more, madam; nothing more, I assure you."

  "Commodore has made a signal that strange vessel is a man-of-war bearingdown," said the second-mate, again entering the cabin.

  "Very well, Mr Jones," said Captain Drawlock, with assumedindifference, but at the same time fidgeting on his chair.

  The first-mate and Newton immediately quitted the cabin.

  "Miss Tavistock, will you take a little of this pudding?"

  "If you please, sir, a very little."

  "A man-of-war! I'll go and have a look at her," said the colonel; whorose up, bowed to the ladies, and left the cuddy.

  "Most probably one of our cruisers," observed Captain Drawlock.

  "The commodore has made the signal to prepare for action, sir," said thesecond-mate.

  "Very well, Mr Jones," said Captain Drawlock, who could now restrainhimself no longer. "You must excuse me, ladies, for a moment or two,but our commodore is so _very_ prudent a man, and I am under his orders.In a short time I hope to return to the pleasure of your society."

  Captain Drawlock's departure was followed by that of all the male party,with the exception of Doctor Plausible and Mr Ferguson, both of whomhowever were anxious to go upon deck, and ascertain how matters stood.

  "Mr Ferguson, where are you going?" said his wife, sharply. "Pray,sir, do us the favour to remain. Your profession, if I mistake not, isone of peace."

  "Oh! Doctor Plausible, I feel very unwell," cried Miss Tavistock.

  "I will stay with you, my dear madam," replied the doctor.

  A gun from the commodore's ship, which was close to windward of them,burst upon their ears, rattling the cabin windows, and making everywine-glass on the table to dance with the concussion.

  "Oh! oh! oh!" screamed Miss Tavistock, throwing herself back in herchair, and expanding her arms and fingers.

  Doctor Plausible flew to the lady's assistance.

  "The extreme fineness of her organic structure--a little water, if youplease, Miss Charlotte Revel."

  A tumbler of water was poured out, and Doctor Plausible, dipping the tipof his fore-finger into it, passed it lightly over the lady's brows."She will be better directly."

  But the lady did not think proper to _come to_ so soon as the doctorprophesied, and Mrs Ferguson, snatching up the tumbler, dashed thecontents with violence in Miss Tavistock's face; at which Miss Tavistocknot only revived, but jumped up from her chair, blowing and spluttering.

  "Are you better now, Miss Tavistock?" said Mrs Ferguson, soothingly, atthe same time glancing her eyes at the other ladies, who could notrestrain their mirth.

  "Oh! Doctor Plausible, that shock has so affected my nerves, I feelthat I shall faint again, I do indeed--I'm going--"

  "Lean upon me, Miss Tavistock, and permit me to conduct you to yourcabin," replied the doctor; "the extreme delicacy of your constitution,"continued he whispering as they left the cuddy, "is not equal to theboisterous remedies of Mrs Ferguson."

  As they went out, Newton Forster came in.

  "You must not be alarmed, lad
ies, when I state that I am commissioned byCaptain Drawlock to inform you that the stranger's manoeuvres are sodoubtful, that we think she is an enemy. He has desired me to requestyou will accept my convoy to the lower-deck, where you will be safe fromaccident, in the event of our coming to an engagement. Mr Ferguson,the captain intrusts the ladies to your charge, and requests that youwill not leave them upon any consideration. Now, Mrs Ferguson, willyou permit me to escort you to a place of security?"

  At this intelligence Laura Revel stared, Charlotte burst into tears, andIsabel turned pale. Mrs Ferguson took the arm of Newton without sayinga word, when the other was offered and accepted by Isabel. MrFerguson, with the two other sisters, brought up the rear. The ladieshad to pass the quarter-deck, and when they saw the preparations, theguns cast loose, the shot lying on the deck, and all the variousapparatus for destruction, their fears increased. When they had beenconducted to their place of safety, Newton was about to return on deck,when he was seized by Miss Charlotte and Laura Revel, who entreated himnot to leave them.

  "Do stay with us, Mr Forster; pray don't go," cried they both.

  "I must indeed, ladies; you are perfectly safe here."

  "For God's sake, don't you go away, Mr Forster!" cried Laura, fallingon her knees. "I shall die of fright.--You shan't go!" screamed Laura,as the two sisters clung on to the skirts of his jacket, and effectuallyprevented his escape, unless, like the patriarch, he had left hisgarment behind.

  Newton cast an appealing glance at Isabel, who immediatelyinterfered,--"Charlotte, for shame! you are preventing Mr Forster fromgoing to his duty. My dear Laura, do not be so foolish; Mr Forster canbe of no service to us: but he will be on deck. Let go, Laura."

  Newton was released. "I am much obliged to you, Miss Isabel," saidNewton, with his foot on the ladder; "but I have no time now to expressmy thanks--not to be on deck--"

  "I know it, Mr Forster: go up, I beseech you, do not wait a moment;"and Newton sprung up the ladder; but not before he had exchanged withIsabel a glance, which, had he been deficient in courage, would havenerved him for the approaching combat. We must leave the ladies withMr Ferguson (who had no pleasant office), while we follow Newton ondeck. The stranger had borne down with studding-sails, until withinthree miles of the India-men, when she rounded to. She then kept away alittle, to close nearer, evidently examining the force opposed to her.The Indiamen had formed the line of battle in close order, the privatesignal between English men-of-war and East India ships flying at theirmast-heads.

  "Extremely strange, that she does not answer the private signal," saidthe colonel to the second-mate.

  "Not at all, if she don't know how."

  "You are convinced, then, that she is a French frigate?"

  "No, not positive; but I'll bet you ten to one she is:--bet off, ifeither of us are killed, of course!"

  "Thanky; I never bet," answered the colonel, turning away.

  "What do you think of her, Mr Mathews?" said Captain Drawlock to thefirst-mate, who had his eye on the ship.

  "She is English built and English rigged, sir, that I'll swear; look ather lower yard-arms, the squaring of her topsails. She may be Frenchnow, but the oak in her timbers grew in old England."

  "I agree with you," said Newton: look at the rake of her stern; she'sEnglish all over.

  "Then why don't she answer the private signal?" said Captain Drawlock.

  "She's right in the wind's eye of us, sir, and our flags are blowing endon from her."

  "There goes up her bunting, sir," cried the first-mate.

  "English, as I said. The commodore is answering, sir. Up with theensign there abaft. All's right, tell the ladies."

  "I will; I'll go and inform them," said the colonel; who immediatelydescended to impart the joyful intelligence.

  The frigate bore down, and hove to. The commodore of the India squadronwent on board, when he found that she was cruising for some large Dutchstore-ships and vessels armed _en flute_, which were supposed to havesailed from Java. In a quarter of an hour, she again made sail, andparted company, leaving the Indiamen to secure their guns, and pursuetheir course.

  There are two parties, whose proceedings we had overlooked; we refer toMiss Tavistock and Dr Plausible. The latter handed the lady to hercabin, eased her down upon her couch, and, taking her hand gently,retained it in his own, while with his other he continued to watch herpulse.

  "Do not alarm yourself, my dear Miss Tavistock; your sensibility isimmense. I will not leave you. I cannot think what could have inducedyou to trust yourself on such a voyage of danger and excitement."

  "Oh! Dr Plausible, where my affections are centred, there is nothing,weak creature that I am, but my soul would carry me through:--indeed Iam all soul.--I have a dear friend in India."

  "He is most happy," observed the doctor, with a sigh.

  "He, Dr Plausible! you quite shock me!--Do you imagine for a momentthat I would go out to follow any gentleman? No, indeed, I am not goingout on speculation, as some young ladies:--I have enough of my own,thank God! I keep my carriage and corresponding establishment, I assureyou."--(The very thing that Dr Plausible required.)

  "Indeed! my dear Miss Tavistock, is it then really a female friend?"

  "Yes! the friend of my childhood. I have ventured this tedious,dangerous voyage, once more to fold her in my arms."

  "Disinterested affection! a heart like yours, Miss, were indeed atreasure to be won. What a happy man would your husband be!"

  "Husband! Oh, Dr Plausible don't mention it: I feel convinced,--positively convinced, that my constitution is not strong enough to bearmatrimony."

  The doctor's answer was too prolix for insertion; it was a curiouscompound dissertation upon love and physic, united. There was devotedattention, extreme gentle treatment, study of pathology, advantage ofmedical attendance always at hand, careful nursing, extreme solicitude,fragility of constitution restored, propriety of enlarging the circle ofher innocent affections, ending at last in devoted love, and aproposal--to share her carriage and establishment.

  Miss Tavistock assumed another faint--the shock was so great; but thedoctor knelt by her, and kissed her hand, with well-affected rapture.At last, she murmured out a low assent, and fell back, as if exhaustedwith the effort. The doctor removed his lips from her hand to hermouth, to seal the contract; and, as she yielded to his wishes, almostregretted that he had not adhered to his previous less assuminggallantry.


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