Reign on Me

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Reign on Me Page 15

by Zoe Devereaux

  “Come on,” he muttered quickly after a brief hesitation. Then, grasping her hand in his, he led her away from the exit area. When they reached the initial serving point, he summoned the attendant who quickly approached. “We need a private table for two, preferably in the non-smoking section.”

  She fought to ignore the somersaults in her chest as they followed the attendant. But, the simplest of touches from him was a shock to her system. Yet, it was a good shock, the kind that stimulated her senses with an absorbing and extremely addictive high.

  He was her drug.

  As she settled in the booth across from him, a different kind of nervousness quivered inside her stomach. Seeing him the daylight hours---in the real world---it only compounded her fascination with him even more. When she finally looked up, he regarded her with open interest, and it seemed that he possessed the same feelings.



  As they both began speaking simultaneously, they burst out laughing. The butterflies inside her took flight again at the sight of his roguish grin. “You first,” he said, throwing his arm along the back of the bench, and assumed a casual position. “What were you about to say?”

  “I was about to ask how you were,” she began shyly, dropping her eyes, and finally met his gaze again. “Is everything okay?”

  Shrugging, he looked away from her, and his light-hearted mood dissipated at once. “Are things ever really, or do we all just pretend that they are?”

  “I guess a little of both,” she said truthfully. “But, pretending and avoiding an issue doesn’t make it go away. A situation can only get better if you confront it head-on.”

  As he fell silent, it was obvious that he was contemplating her words and taking them seriously. “Perhaps there is no such thing as ‘fixing things’,” he challenged, and his hazel green orbs clashed with hers again. Once more, the distress shone inside of them. “Maybe a lost cause is simply just that: a lost cause.”

  “Not when there’s hope,” she murmured, and her tone softened further. “…and you’re willing to do whatever it takes to make it work.”

  Their gazes clung.

  It seemed that her words carried hidden meaning. In some weird way, did it relate to them?

  Of course not, her inner voice whispered.

  But, deep down, she wasn’t so sure.

  “Why am I not surprised by your response? You do strike me as the powder-puffed, dreamy, rainbow and sunshine type of girl.”

  She stared at him with confusion. “What does that mean? Other than that, it doesn’t sound too complimentary.”

  “Please, don’t take my words as an insult. It’s not a bad thing to romanticize the factions and situations that make us who and what we are.” He flicked his eyes over her face. “It seems to be that you believe in miracles, and you see the good in people. Again, there’s no harm or wrong in that.” He shrugged before breaking their intense eye contact again. “My dark perspectives and opinions on life just happen to differ greatly from yours. Unfortunately, there’s been nothing to challenge or prove that my way of thinking is false.”

  “But, where would any of us be without hope? It’s the basic entity that speaks to our humanity. Without it, we wouldn’t survive.” Finally, she voiced her contemplating thoughts out loud. “And whatever it is that’s upsetting you, you have to remember to hold on. Don’t give up, and just keep believing that things will work out. Eventually, they will.”

  As their gazes held again, it was apparent that they’d reached a different plateau. It was one which extended beyond the physical and was of an emotional context.

  Finally, he relaxed across from her. She did as well, not realizing that she’d been tensed until now.

  “You know what, princess? Our little pseudo-psychology conversation has helped in a way that you don’t realize. It’s causing me to consider my current predicament at all angles.” His eyes probed hers. “So, thank you.”

  Her smile was breathless. “You’re welcome, although I don’t feel as if I’ve really done anything.”

  “Trust me, you have.”

  The waitress arrived with their ordered items. For him, it was twisted lime water and a croissant; she simply had hot chocolate frothed with melted marshmallow dots.

  She raised the mug to her lips and regarded him closely. He did seem better, thank goodness.

  Now, he carefully split the croissant into halves with the butter knife. Then, he placed one of them on a napkin before pushing it in her direction. “Consider this as my gratitude of thanks.” His lips curled in a half-smile. “I’m afraid that’s as good as I can do right now.”

  “Ok,” she giggled. “Thanks.”

  A comfortable silence fell between them again, and she found herself relaxing further. Sighing with contentment, she glanced out the window.

  Normal between them was well normal. Realizing that they could operate on levels past just a physical one was more than great.

  “How are you enjoying your visit to the city?” he asked conversationally, stealing her attention again. “Atlanta has many things to offer.”

  “It’s beautiful here. But, I must confess that I really haven’t seen much of it.”

  “Hmmm…is that so?” he mulled aloud, studying her closely. “Luckily for you, I’m free for the rest of the afternoon and early evening.” A dangerous primal look gleamed in his eyes at the next words. “And we both know what tonight entails for us.”

  A warm flush stole across her skin.

  Of course, she knew.

  More mind-blowing, erotic sex-play between them…

  “I’m more than willing to show you around. You can’t come to the ATL and not enjoy its attractions. So, what do you say?”

  Of course, it was a yes!

  But, she mustn’t appear too eager.

  “Thanks for the kind offer. But, it would be rude of me to intrude upon your free time---”

  He raised a high brow. “If that were the case, I never would’ve offered to begin with. Plus, don’t tell me that you’re going to be rude and hurt my feelings? I’m also in the need of company as well.”

  “I’d never dream of doing such a thing,” she smiled softly. “So, the answer is yes.”

  “Good, you’ve just made me a very happy man,” he teased, and already, he was placing a tip on the table. “Any idea of what you’d like to see first?”

  “Well, I was thinking about the Lakewood Aquarium.” She slid from behind the booth, and now, she stood before him. “At this time of the day, it’s probably crowded.”

  “There’s never a time when it isn’t,” he said quickly, moving to stand behind her. Then, after placing his hands gently on her shoulders, he began maneuvering her through the crowded café. “Come on. We’ll take my car.”

  A short moment later, they reached the payment area. She experienced a sense of disappointment as he released her. When she went to extract money from her purse, he stayed her with a gentle hand. “I’ve got it. Our little late brunch is on me. As a matter of fact, I’m picking up the tab on everything today.”

  “You don’t have to---”

  Reaching out, he tapped her nose playfully. “I know that I don’t have to. But, I want to.”

  She smiled again. “Alright.”

  Then, together, they walked out of the café.

  Chapter 12

  It took approximately twenty-eight minutes to reach the Lakewood Aquarium, and just as she’d surmised earlier, the popular attraction was packed with visitors. Staying silent, she stood beside him and waited as he purchased their tickets. As she looked around, she relaxed further, and again, she marveled at the easiness of their comfort level.

  She nearly started when he spoke.

  “Stay close to me,” he said quietly, snagging her hand before drawing her closer. Then, he surveyed the noisy crowd around them. “As you can see, it’d be much too easy to get separated.”

  She nodded in agreement. “That much is o

  As they headed for the first exhibit, she glanced around the area with open wonder. At every possible angle, they were surrounded by marine and aquatic life forms. Inside the massive-sized tanks, there were even professional, experienced scuba divers swimming amongst the water creatures.

  They stopped walking when they reached the Shark Fest Exhibit. As they paused at the railing, the finned creatures put on a fabulous show as they glided through the water.

  “How many animals are here?” she asked conversationally, watching as the group of white sharks swam closer to the glass. One even broke from the pack before coming to bump its nose against the cool frosted glass. Then, it caught up with the swarm again. “I mean, not just at this exhibit, but the entire aquarium.”

  “More than 120,000 creatures,” he said easily, grasping her shoulders, and then guided her towards the next exhibit. “Several thousand species are showcased here.” Holding her against his chest, he walked behind her and shielded her from the throng of different groups that traveled along with them. “If that fact is not fascinating enough, listen to this---it takes over 15 millions of marine and salt water to house these babies.”

  “Wow. That is amazing.”

  Their next stop was Landing 145 which showcased a lively group of sea lions. They both shared a laugh at the animals’ exuberance and playful nature. Then, strolling hand in hand, they journeyed to the next exhibit.

  After they’d walked for nearly thirty-five minutes, she tugged on his hand and forced him to stop. “I need to take a little potty break,” she said apologetically, looking up at him. “It’ll only take a minute.”

  “I’m going to take one as well.” He looked around the crowded area for a quick moment before addressing her again. Then, he pointed towards the right. “We’ll meet in the gift shop. It seems like the best area where we won’t get trampled on. I’ll wait at the front of the store.”

  She nodded. “Okay. I’ll meet you there in a few minutes.”

  Surprisingly, only a few people were in the restroom, and they all stood at the lavatory washing their hands. All of the stall doors were partially opened and indicated their vacancy.

  She bypassed the small crowd before venturing to the last stall on the end. A fast moment later, the opening door signified that the other women were departing, and there was some conversation as they did. While she was adjusting her clothing, someone entered the stall directly next to hers. After quickly flushing the commode, she grabbed her purse from the tiny nook before exiting the stall.

  The lavatory area was huge and lined the entire wall. A glass mirror rested above it and stretched along the same space. She journeyed to the center area before pumping the lever on the soap dispenser. As she lathered her hands, she eyed herself in the mirror.

  Well, she was at least still presentable, she mulled, sticking her hands under the automatic faucet. The water was warm against her skin as she rinsed, and she was paying little heed as the stall door opened. But, her attention was immediately stolen when its occupant stopped behind her.

  “You think that I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing, bitch? I can see right through you.”

  “Excuse me?” she said surprised, and her startled gaze met the woman’s in the mirror. “What did you say?”

  Rather than saying anything, the woman stayed dead cold silent, and it was apparent that she was sizing her up. The strange woman was at least 5’9” tall, and she was dressed in an expensive red jogger outfit. Still, the elegant woman seemed out of place here. The black baseball cap only revealed the red, glossy ponytail at its back. Her creamy white skin was flawless and devoid of makeup. In truth, she was the kind of woman that you’d find plastered on the front of a magazine. Her beautiful face and figure said as much. Though her words were cruel and brash, there was no denying her regal stature. No, she smelled like money, and it was apparent that she was trying to blend in with normal society.

  And certainly, she didn’t travel in such circles, she thought, returning the woman’s pointed stare in the mirror.

  “Really?” the strange woman said, breaking into her quiet thoughts again, and her nose wrinkled in a nasty snarl. Then, she gave a cruel laugh that totally meant to debase her. “You? I truly expected more than a wimpy, timid creature that’s too afraid to breathe in her own skin. But, considering the type of woman that you are, it makes perfect sense. A beast and an innocent---it’s a fairytale in the making. Guess that makes me the monstrous and evil witch.”

  Staring back at the woman, she frowned.

  Talk about throwing some super seriously low blows---well, she was actually hurling the nasty insults directly at her. Not to mention her crazy reference to fairytales. The encounter certainly was getting weirder by the moment.

  The strange woman obviously had her mistaken for someone else. As crazy and as wild as the world was now, there was no telling what she’d next. Right now, the strange woman was exhibiting clear tell signs that she was somewhat unhinged. With the number of random attacks and mass shootings today, it was best to proceed with caution.

  “First of all, I don’t know you, and it’s obvious that you have me confused with someone else,” she said calmly, clasping the purse’s strap tightly with a wet hand. With all hope, the weird conversation wouldn’t lead to a physical altercation. “Secondly, you will not talk---”

  “No, I’m hardly confused, you little hussy. I know exactly who you are,” the redhead snapped and flexed her hands into tight fists at her sides. A wild and desperate look laced her tight features. “Why don’t you cut the fucking act? I can see right through you.”

  Suddenly, her anger rose.

  Certainly, the woman didn’t have the right to disrespect her in any kind of way!

  “Listen,” she said quietly and tensed further. “Again, I don’t know who you are, and I don’t care who you are. But, I’m not going to stand here and let you insult me---”

  “I’ll say whatever in the hell I want to say to you, and you’re going to just stand there and listen,” the woman hissed and made a dangerous step forward. The animosity glimmered in her blue eyes as she watched her. “You little bitch! I’m not just going to stand back and let you take---”

  Just then, a huge crowd surged into the restroom, and as they did, the woman quickly scurried to the end of the lavatory. The strange woman then stuck her hands beneath the automatic faucet and pretended to be washing up.

  But, she took the very opportunity to leave. Continuing the confrontation with the strange woman wasn’t the wisest thing to do, even if she was royally pissed herself.

  Quickly, she exited the restroom before scurrying towards the gift area. She enmeshed herself within the small crowd of people and forced herself to calm. But, as she looked over her shoulder, she spied the woman again.

  The crazed redhead was actually following her!

  Obviously, the woman was hell bent on saying more, or worse, causing some kind of bodily harm.

  She hurried herself along with the crowd, and for once, she was thankful to be surrounded by people. The relief surged through her as she neared the gift shop. Thankfully, the small crowds of people were going there, too. As she entered, she nearly bowled over a couple as she scurried in Christopher’s direction.

  When he spied the panic on her face, his smile died quickly. He placed the memorabilia on the shelf and met her halfway. “What is it?” he asked with concern, grasping her trembling hands in his, and then pulled her to his chest. “Hey, come here.”

  Closing her eyes, she listened to his thudding heartbeat, and immediately, she was calmed. But, still, she clung to him and absorbed his strength.

  “Are you okay?” he asked again, resting his chin against her head, and rubbed her back gently. “Talk to me.”

  “It’s nothing,” she lied, taking a steadying breath, and then pulled free. There was no point in allowing the strange woman to mar what was a perfect day. “It’s just that these huge crowds got to me for a second.
I guess that I just panicked.”

  “Don’t lie to me.” He grasped her face in his hands before studying her close. “And I can tell that you are.”

  “Okay,” she sighed, closing her eyes. “There was this strange woman in the bathroom, and she was cursing at me for no reason at all.”

  “What?” he asked quickly and the anger fired through him immediately. “Do you have any idea who this woman was?”

  She shook her head. “No. She just approached me out of the blue. I have no doubt that she has me mistaken for someone else. Even worse, she seemed to be suffering from a mental block. Her actions were completely off the wall.”

  “Unfortunately, this fucking world is full of unstable people.” He released a regretful sigh. “…and they take their loneliness, rage, and frustration out in the cruelest of ways. Don’t worry. We can alert security, and then hopefully, we’ll find her and learn just who---”

  “Please, can we just forget about it?” she pleaded softly, tilting her head back, and edged closer to him. “I can’t call the police every time someone insults me or says things that I don’t like. Besides that, I don’t want it to ruin our day. We were having a great time. Can we just start back touring and pretend that it didn’t happen?”

  He blew an exasperated breath. “Maybe that’s what you want to do. But, I don’t think that we should let it drop---”

  “Please, Christopher,” she implored gently, clasping his waist in a firm grip. “I’m okay---I promise.”

  “If that’s what you want,” he sighed with a slow nod. “Whatever you decide, I won’t force the issue.”

  “We still have time to make the 3D Max feature film. But, I want to purchase snack before we go in.”

  This time, she pulled him along, and thankfully, he followed without any further argument. Ten minutes later, as they settled in the plush movie chairs and slipped on the 3D glasses, she was overwhelmed with happiness. Again, she couldn’t dispel the notion that they somehow held a connection. The fact that he clasped her hand throughout the entire feature was enough to foster an eternal giddiness within her. By the time the movie ended, their jovial mood had reached new heights, and she’d completely forgotten about her untimely encounter with the strange woman.


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