“I own it again---I’m a fucking asshole,” he sighed with regret, hugging her close, and then rested his chin against her head. “Here I am, selfishly thinking about what I want. But, what’s right is right. We have to tell him.” He paused. “You mentioned that he was returning sometime next week?”
She nodded. “He’s working on a major case in Tallahassee, one that may make him a senior partner at the law firm.” Closing her eyes, she sighed heavily. “I hate what I’m about to do to him. But, having him believe that we have a future when we don’t is even worse.”
“Everyone in the family is going to hate me.” A look of pure agony laced his features. “How could they not? I blow into their lives like a whirlwind and then destroy someone that they love. I’d have lost my family just as I’ve found them.” He bit back a curse. “Not to mention that your father will have more than a few choice words. Hell, he’ll probably ostracize you from the family.”
“It’ll be difficult at first,” she admitted, pulling back slightly. “But, I can’t live my life for them or anyone else. As selfish as it sounds, I have to make me happy. That happy is you.” Peering past him, she eyed the shopping bags on the floor. “Now, seeing as you’ve hauled me from one dress shop to another, I think that I need to put my clothing somewhere.” A sudden shyness hailed over her. “Where do I need to put them?”
“Why don’t you take them upstairs to my room?” he suggested, fighting to stay his satisfied grin. “I think that my closet can accommodate a few more items.”
She raised a brow. “You’re saying that now. But, wait until I move everything here. Trust me. You have no idea of all the things that are holed up in my apartment.”
“Back the fucking moving truck up, baby,” he teased playfully, drawing her close again. “I’m ready, willing, and waiting for everything that you’ve got.”
His cell phone shrilled.
Frowning at the caller ID, he answered. “Hello?” Then, as recognition spawned, he turned all business-like. “Mr. Banks, I’m glad that you’ve called.” Then, after mouthing a quick ‘I have to take this’, he released her before ambling in the direction of his office. “Of course, I don’t mind you contacting me this late…”
She smiled happily before returning to the shopping bags. After scooping them up, she headed for the stairs. A half hour later, she stood back and surveyed her handiwork. Sure, the closet was stuffed full. But, she’d made it happen, she thought triumphantly, turning to face the bed again.
Taking a running go, she charged towards the bed before jumping on it. Then, playfully, she lay back against the pillows before staring up at the ceiling.
Finally, everything was right.
Releasing a tired sigh, he pinched the bridge between his nose.
After a five hour discussion with Banks, they’d sealed the deal, and the grounds for a new hotel would be broken within the next month. Tired, but satisfied, he reared back in the chair before propping both feet on the desk.
He stared unseeingly across the room.
Everything had come full circle.
With will and determination, he’d made something of himself.
No longer was he a reject in society. The world didn’t frown on him like he was two bit trash. Hell, he didn’t frown upon himself. Still, though, he was struggling with this self-love thing, he deduced, standing before switching off the desk lamp.
The grin widened on his face as he approached the door.
Best thing yet?
Knowing that she was up there waiting.
Quietly, in the darkened space, he meandered down the hallway before venturing towards the living room. Once there, he proceeded to the far corner where the alarm system waited. After opening the panel, he quickly set the secret passage code. As he closed the panel door, he heard soft scraping coming from the outside. Next, there were two successive bumps and a soft clatter.
“WTF?” he cursed.
Stiffening, he listened more closely.
It was coming from the direction of the patio.
Fortunately, the shadows hid him well as he crept along the hallway. Bypassing the kitchen, he headed towards the patio. A few faint sounds reached him just as he reached the area. He stopped at the patio door before cautiously lifting one of the thin blades on the blinds. Being deathly quiet, he peered out and surveyed the immediate area.
The security lights bathed the lawn and beyond.
From this standpoint, nothing seemed amiss.
Finally, as his gaze moved back to the patio area, he spied the black cat slinking around the table. A broken flower pot scattered its broken pieces around it. Relaxing, he unlocked the door before stepping out. “Are you the cause of the entire ruckus, girl? Come here, kitty, I’m not going to hurt you,” he called softly, giving a soft whistle. “Out here in no man’s land, I know that food has to be scarce. Luckily for you, I’m going give you some of the scraps that me and my girl have left over. Here, kitty, kitty, kitty…”
Ears prickling stiffly, the black cat poised mid-flight and hunkered down before peering at him from under the table. The feline’s tail seemed to rattle in slow motion as he made a slow approach. When he’d almost reached the table, it hissed before scurrying away.
“You’re on private property, by the way,” he joked good-naturedly, watching as the cat blazed a fast trail across the grounds. “Remember that next time, okay?” When the cat had veered totally out of sight, he shook his head while venturing back inside the house. “Damn cat---had me thinking that you were a burglar for a minute there.”
Several minutes later, he paused within the bedroom door.
In the middle of the huge bed, snuggling against the pillows, she slept soundly.
As he took in her slumbering form, he allowed himself to embrace the emotions that he’d hidden from the rest of the world. “I love you so much,” he whispered, and the bright tears shimmered in his hazel green orbs. “…and I thank God everyday for giving me this chance.” He looked skyward. “I promise you that I won’t screw it up.”
He took a minute to undress.
A moment later, he crawled into bed with her.
After lifting the covers, he settled in a spoon position behind her. Sighing contentedly, breaking from the sleep somewhat, she snuggled closer to him. “I missed you. Where were you?”
“Chasing a vicious predator off the grounds.” He grinned against her head. “Just kidding, baby. Thought I heard something, checked, and found out that it was nothing but a hungry cat prowling around in search of food.” He looked thoughtfully across the room. “We’ll have to start leaving some scraps or something out for it.”
“Sounds good, baby,” she said sleepily. “We’ll leave something.”
He kissed her head gently. “Go back to sleep.”
Within a few seconds, she was out again.
But, even as the minutes ticked away, he stayed awake.
If anything, he wanted to savor the sweet feeling of simply holding her in his arms.
She was his last lingering thought before sleep claimed him.
The night sounds echoed in the deep woods, signifying that while the world slept, the creatures inside of it didn’t. Except, there was a human invading their dark abode this late night, and his harsh breathing revealed his presence.
Breathing hard and fast, Quincy landed back on the trail, finally spying the sedan which was carefully nestled in its hiding spot. He shined the small pin light on the ground and aimed it at the car. Sitting dead smack in the middle of the back seat, he caught sight of his companion.
Once he was seated inside the sedan, he blew a relieved breath. “Shit, I’m out of shape. Took everything for me to scram before your little boy toy could spot me.”
“Well?” Red Widow snapped, rearing forward in the backseat. “What did you find out?”
Wincing, he rubbed the back of his neck. “She’s there again tonight.” He
looked over his shoulder and stared straight at her. The adrenaline rushed through him at the sight of her fury. It was something about her becoming unhinged that turned him on. “Just like you thought. Can’t say I’m surprised, especially after the photos I snapped earlier. Shit looks like it’s getting pretty heavy between them.”
Red Widow punched the seat hard. “That little whore! Does she have no shame?” Cursing under breath, she scowled before falling back against the seat. “She’s screwing Reign and his brother.” Her blue eyes glowered in the darkness. “Why he allows her to take advantage of him like that, I don’t know.”
Quincy raised a brow. “Taking advantage? I don’t think so.”
That riled her quick.
“Who cares what you think, Quincy?” she hissed, rising forward in the seat. “Just keep your opinions to your damn self! But, they have to pay for what they’ve done to me.” She glanced out the window. Only darkness shone through the glass. Yet nothing was dark than the evilness growing inside of her. “I called the bitch today. Didn’t say anything when she answered. I wanted to reach through the phone and just choke her ass.”
As he glanced in the rearview mirror, their eyes connected. Again, he was turned on by her madness, and it heightened his thirst for human suffering. “You want me to roughen them up and send them to their maker?”
“Not right now. Not tonight.” Her blue eyes were icy cold. “But, when the time’s right, they’re going to pay.”
Chapter 31
The fresh Sunday morning announced its presence with a stream of sunlight. Like a glorious greeting, it filtered past the drapes into the bedroom, falling across the bed.
Yawning, stretching beneath the sheets, she felt a smile grow across her face even before opening her eyes. This was what she’d been longing for. Being with him and loving him freely without any guilt or remorse.
She sat up high against the pillows before rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Then, after pushing the disheveled tresses from her face, she heard the running shower. “So, that’s where you are.”
Shoving the covers off, she padded towards the bathroom.
The sounds grew louder once she stepped inside. Through the misty pane, she made out his masculine form, and it was a glorious sight to behold, she mulled, sliding her gaze appreciatively along him. Quickly, she pulled the light pink chemise over her head before shucking the panties off and heading to the shower.
The water was warm as she stepped inside, and steam rose within the stall, caking its wall with its illusive sheen. Turning while standing under the blasting showerhead, he faced her unashamedly with his nudity, and there was no denying the blatant invitation on his face. Thin patches of soap were partially lathered along his form while streams of the sudsy residue left tracks along his skin. Again, his physical features were strikingly arresting, and in this bare state, they were even more so.
She bit her lip.
He was mega-fine.
But, as his eyes roamed over her nude form, she sensed his appreciation as well.
As she joined him under the spraying water, his sexy grin slay her. Brushing a gentle kiss against her lips, he murmured huskily, “Good morning.”
Her heartbeat fluttered.
“I missed you,” she pouted prettily, clinging to his waist. “Why didn’t you wake me?”
“Thought I’d give you some downtime.” Already, his body was reacting to their closeness. His eyes darkened at his obvious arousal. “We’ve gone at it pretty heavily these past few days and nights, sometimes with little breaks in between. There’s nothing more incredibly amazing, intensifying, and satisfying than our lovemaking.” To prove his point, he filled his hands with her naked butt cheeks and hauled her closer to his nude body. As his engorged organ made contact with her softness, he couldn’t disguise his growing pleasure. “If we could go at it 24/7, I’d have no problem with that.”
“Do you hear any complaints from me?” she challenged softly, sliding her hands along his sleek skin, and tilted her head back. As her own arousal reached a fever pitch, she edged closer. “Or does it seem like I’m begging for more of it?”
“Based on how we’re both feeling, I’d say that the answer is fucking obvious.”
She melted into the steamy kiss.
Lips to lips…
Tongue to tongue…
Sweet nectar to sweet nectar…
The drowning was a mutual disaster that neither of them wanted to escape. In fact, they were desperate for it to pull them under. The water pelted against their skin, and the sleekness added a thrilling aspect to the passionate tryst. Slowly and purposely, he maneuvered them from the sprinkling water.
She didn’t breathe again until her back met the cool, wet wall. Returning the kiss desperately, she made her dark needs known. With his knee, he nudged her thighs apart, just so his hand could claim her hot, sticky wetness. Trembling against him helplessly, she retaliated boldly by closing a hand around his hard, ridged length.
As they broke from the kiss, they engaged in their visual foreplay, intent upon seeing the arrival of their mutual destruction. Breaths raspy and tight, seizing one with every stroke that they elicited upon each other’s body, they exalted the pleasurable punishment. Just when it seemed that they’d meet the brink, he hoisted her up against the wall.
A fractured breath left her at his bold imprisonment.
There was no escaping the sensual danger.
She was fully closed in.
With one powerful stroke, he plunged himself deep inside of her, so deeply that she could only gape her mouth open wide in silent wonder. But, the strangled cry slipped past the brigade of her flimsy restraint, and his desperate groan splintered his resolve into nothingness.
“Christopher,” she cried weakly, clasping his wet head, and tangled her fingers in his wet glossy curls. Even as her eyelids fluttered with every spasmodic blast of pleasure, she forced herself to hold the gaze that was as torturous as her own. “Oh…oh…I love you…only you…”
With her every cry, he made a deep thrust, destroying whatever barrier that she attempted to erect between them. His guttural groans and her breathless moans drowned out the sound of the running water. Their rhythmic movements became frantic, so much to the point, that her body left tracks against the wall.
But, the more he gave, the more she demanded.
The up and down motion was pleasurably dizzying to their sights and senses. Yet, as they had since finding one another, they selfishly sought the paradise that eluded most. For theirs was captivating, imprisoning, and unifying to the very soul…
In a rush, the pleasure burst through the seams and took them over.
As he cried out her name, his hard body shuddered against hers, melding with the trembling that seized her body from head to toe.
Against the wall, bodies spent, they embraced.
“Now, that’s how to start the fucking day,” he muttered thickly. “How about we make a pact now to make sure that it’s a daily requirement?”
“I’m certainly one hundred percent in agreement.”
Smiling gently, they shared a sweet kiss before returning to bathe.
A short time later, still slightly damp and dressed in his robe, she plopped onto the bed on her belly. When he tickled her feet, she gave a playful yelp. “Stop that.”
Dressed similarly in another robe, he lay down on top of her. “What if I don’t want to?” Then, chuckling, he began tickling her all over. “As a matter of fact, I don’t think that I will.”
“Stop it! Stop it!” she protested childishly, falling into a fit of giggles, and squirmed on the bed. “I’m so going to get you.”
For a minute, they just frolicked and played.
Then, laughing, he rolled her until she was lying on top of him. “You’re so damn sensitive.”
She playfully punched him in the gut. “I’ll show you, sensitive, smart ass.” Then, she jabbed the sides of his ribs with a gleeful laugh. “How’s that for sensitivity?”
“Ouch, ouch, ouch!” he muttered, releasing a mocked cry, and then chuckled. “You’re killing me here. Where’s your mercy, woman?”
A second later, laughing, she collapsed on his chest.
But, as she stared down at him, her laughter died. “I love you,” she murmured softly, growing teary-eyed all of a sudden. “I know that you may tire of hearing me say it.”
He cupped her face. “Never.” Then, eyes serious, he repeated the exact sentiments. “I love you, too, baby. There’s nothing in the world that will ever change that.”
They exchanged a gentle kiss.
Then, he swatted her butt affectionately. “As much as I want to stay in bed all day and make love, I can’t.” Still cradling her, he sat up in the bed and kept her on his lap. “Banks and I have a few more details to iron out. We have a conference call in about 30 minutes. I want to look over my notes before I talk to him. Afterwards, I’m going to check on Josephine.” Pausing, he looked at her long and hard. “What are your plans in the meantime? Are you planning on attending church services this morning or---”
“No,” she said abruptly, looking away from him, and shrugged. “I don’t know. Just planned on watching some movies and lying around, and when you get a break, hanging out with you.” She sighed in frustration. “Is it wrong that I just want to do nothing but be with you?”
“Hey, hey, you know that you don’t have to make excuses to me,” he interrupted her smoothly, giving her body a reassuring squeeze. “There’s no need to be all on the defensive. Of course, you can do whatever you want.” He brushed a soft kiss against her head before releasing her and coming to a stand. Then, grinning, he passed her a playful wink. “I’ll see you in a bit, princess.”
She smiled up at him dreamily. “Alright…I’ll be here.”
A few seconds later, she was propped against the pillows, surfing through the different channels. Finally, when she came to a historical romance movie, she settled on it. Turning, she fluffed the pillows behind her back before giving a satisfied sigh. “Now, all I need is some popcorn.”
Reign on Me Page 39