IN THE END: A Quarantine Romance

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IN THE END: A Quarantine Romance Page 4

by Anders, Tarrah

  “Because no matter how hard I try to act professional, I’m drawn to you and regardless of how long I’ve known you, I don’t want to hide anything from you. I don’t think that I would even be able to.”



  She smiles then moves to her tippy-toes and leans up to kiss me. It’s a sweet move and something that I need more than anything. But I’m battling internally with whether or not getting involved with her would be a good idea.

  I’m working, and I shouldn’t let myself get distracted.

  She’s a distraction.

  But she’s a welcome distraction and I’m not against spending my last days with her, should that be how the situation turns.

  But I need to do what is right and that would be to remain professional and go against my wants and desires.

  I look at her and take a step back.

  “As much as it feels right, as much as that kiss was perfect and simply amazing, I think that I need to remain professional.”

  I see her enthusiasm vanish with my words.

  “I’m working, and I shouldn’t take advantage of you.” I continue.

  “You aren’t taking advantage,” she says.

  “I know, but I’m supposed to be here to protect and it would look like I was taking advantage to others who are not involved.” I explain.

  “Okay,” she says quietly, looking at her shoes.

  I step in front of her again, with my thumb and forefinger, I lift her chin to look at me.

  “I’m sorry, trust me. I’m really sorry. If this was any other time, things would be a whole lot different.” I tell her.

  She smiles, but it’s forced. I lean down and for the unbearable last time, I gently sweep my lips across her, lingering for a moment and wishing that we were somewhere else before I pull away and place distance between us.

  “I’m sorry,” I say again.

  This time her smile is genuine, and she tilts her head. “You’re a good guy, you know that?”

  I shrug. “I wish I felt like one right now but thank you. I’ll see you over by the kitchen in a bit, I’ve got a briefing to get to.” I tuck in my shirt and make sure that I don’t look tousled before stepping into the general space of the floor.

  I shake the feeling like I’m missing out off my shoulders and go in search of my guys. I find a few of them and wait for the Colonel to give us more direction. Why he wanted us to meet over in one of the aisles instead of the customer service area as we have previously is strange. Moments later, he steps out from the back of the darkened aisle, as if he’s a villain in a movie.

  “Gentlemen, the announcement that testing will begin is going to happen shortly. We will commence that first thing in the morning.” He says.

  “Why not right away? It was a matter of hours when the other two got sick after we originally arrived,” I ask.

  “Because the doctor needs to prepare. The state is low on testing kits, and I’m not sure if we will be able to get new ones in time. However, the doctor and I just spoke, and he has a comparable test. But again, he needs to prepare.”

  “What are we to expect, sir?” someone to my left asks.

  “Questions. A lot of questions. I expect some people to be pissed off, you guys are our backbone during this. Remain calm, reflect no panic, and make sure that we continue to keep a watchful eye out for anything.”

  A resounding confirmation and we all branch out. I immerse myself into the crowd and head towards where we’ve destined the mess hall would be and I see Kendall. I know that I just saw her, but it’s like I’m seeing her all over again.

  She hasn’t done anything differently in the twenty minutes that would make me think that, but after that kiss, my body gravitates to her.

  “What’s on tonight’s menu?” I ask stepping beside her.

  She looks up and smiles at me, it’s a simple gesture, but it makes me want to reach over to her and pull her against me.

  “I pulled a few slow cookers out earlier and we’re having Shepard's pie. For the small group of non-meat eaters, they’re getting mushroom sandwiches.”

  “Your dream of opening up a restaurant is shaping up pretty nicely in here.”

  “I mean, it’s a different kind of ingredients than I’m used to, but it’s good practice for large parties, heck, I can look into catering.”

  “I’m still impressed. I’ve eaten in a lot of mess halls and this food is more of a fine dining experience. The food isn’t cardboard, tastes good and it doesn’t hurt that you’re the one making it.” I wink.

  At that moment, the loud speaker makes a high-pitched noise.

  “Ladies and gentlemen! I would like your attention, please?” There is a pause as if he’s waiting for everyone to look at him, even though people are spread throughout the store.

  “We have been mandated to do testing on a daily basis moving forward. I’m apologizing in advance if this seems excessive, but I wanted you all to know that this is the utmost importance. We want to make sure that if someone does come down with the virus, the we control the situation as soon as possible. Tomorrow morning, the doctor will begin at 0800. That is eight in the morning.”

  You can hear the murmurs in the space and then the tap on the loud speaker again.

  “I want everyone to remain calm in times like these. We are receiving guidance from medical professionals and the government at this time and promise you that there is nothing to worry about at this time.”

  Kendall looks to me.

  “Is this because of what we somewhat talked about earlier?” She asks.

  “You mean where you made guesses?” I ask.

  “Yeah,” she nods.

  “Yes.” I answer honestly.



  I’m terrified, purely terrified that more people will become sick, and that one of those people could be me. Or Levi. Or Janelle.

  After dinner, I went in search of her, but she was already sleeping. I wanted to talk to her, I needed to tell her about the kiss that blew my mind and then promptly was taken away from me. I need some sort of normalcy.

  The moments that our lips touched, all my worries went away, and I was thankful for the reprieve. But I understand that he has a job to do and the last thing that I want is for me to be a distraction, to hinder his performance.

  I wander through the store, unable to sleep, with my mind running a million miles a minute. I walk past a few of the National Guard guys and their heads turn to me. I hear a few of them say ‘hot’ and ‘sexy’ but I just continue walking. I could say something about it, about how rude it is, but I decide to just ignore them and continue walking to my sleeping area.

  I turn the corner and see Levi standing at the end of the aisle, as my steps come to a halt. He looks up, locking eyes with me. He pushes off and stalks toward me. When he stops in front of me, I look up to him and wait for him to say whatever it is that has him here.

  “If the world ends tomorrow, I want it to end by being with you.” His hands grasp my arms and he pulls me against him roughly.

  “What are you doing, Levi?” I ask quietly.

  “I’m not going to fight on what I want. I’m not going to worry about the fact that I’m on duty. If this is the last of our days, and we get sick—then we at least will have each other.” His head dips and our lips meet briefly before he pulls back in realization of how in view of others we are.

  “Not here, I don’t want the eyes in the sky watching,” he says, taking my hand and pulling me along the shadows with him.

  We return to the spot of our first kiss, and I can’t help but to melt in the symbolism of it, even if he doesn’t realize it.

  “There’s absolutely no cameras that can see us in this area,” he whispers.

  “Are you sure?” I ask looking around the space.

  “Once you reach that spot there,” he points to a spot on the shelf, “the camera can see you. But here there is no sight, and it’s as if we are alone.”

  His fingertips glide down my side as he licks his lips, his eyes watching the movement of his fingers until he hooks them under the hem of my shirt and pulls it over my head.

  I unbutton my jeans and shimmy them down, then reach for him to undo his belt and unbutton his pants. He helps me, and his pants sink to the ground.

  His gray boxer briefs hug his body and as I look down, I see the details of his cock perfectly, making my own mouth water.

  In an instant, he rips my panties and hitches my legs around his hips as he pushes our bodies together, backing me up against the shelf. He pulls his cock out and I want nothing more than to sink to my knees and put him in my mouth. But that can wait, because the need to have him inside me is greater and moments away.

  Once I’m wrapped around him, my body warms instantly. My hips rub against his erection and we both groan in unison at the touch.

  “I need you,” he growls.

  “Take me,” I return.

  He doesn’t need any additional invitation as his cock is at my entrance and then thrusting into me until he’s bottomed out and I’m gasping for air.

  “Are you okay?” he whispers into my ear.

  When I nod, he pulls back, looks me in the eyes and smiles before leaning in and kissing me.

  He pulls back and thrusts in, repeats this motion a few times as his hand grips my breast while the other is on my hip.

  “Fuck!” he expels in a deep voice that I haven’t heard before that is still quiet, but commanding.

  I slide my hand between us and my finger finds my clit. I rub lightly, knowing that it will be moments before I come if I continue or add more pressure.

  “I’m going to need you to come soon, I don’t— I don’t think— I don’t think that I can hold it off any longer.” He grunts out while he ruts against me.

  I press harder and throw my head back with a silent scream.

  “Now,” I direct him.

  Both of his hands grab my hips as he pushes and pulls me to him rapidly. Small grunts come from him as heavy breathing comes from me as I clutch onto his shoulders.

  He gets a little rougher and a little uncoordinated in the last of his thrusts, until his body is flush against mine and he wraps his arm around me and shoves his other arm into his mouth as he comes to mute himself.

  His body relaxes, and he slowly pulls out then he helps me to stand.

  I can feel his come sliding out of me and wetting my inner thigh as he bends and grabs my discarded underwear that he ripped and uses them to clean me. He pulls his boxer briefs back up and his pants to situate himself.

  “We’ll have to add a pack of underwear to the tally of items used here at the store,” he smirks.

  I roll my eyes and pull my jeans back on.

  “You’re pretty good on that pillow talk, Mr. James.” I say leaning in and kissing his cheek.

  “Ah, Ms. Jameson, wait until we’re actually in a bed with pillows surrounding us and I’ll give you good pillow talk,” he promises.

  Will that be something that our future has in store for us? A bed and pillows?

  Or even an actual future?



  It’s been a week and I’m not sure when the last time that I’ve had a decent nights sleep was. Some of the days run into one another and some days are harder because of what we’re hearing is happening outside of this place.

  More and more people are becoming infected outside these doors. Half of the world is, and while the positive is that there are people surviving this whole thing, there are still a great deal of people out there dying.

  Other countries numbers are going up, more states here have gone into total shut-down and our government is still saying that this is no big deal.

  Isn’t it though.

  A small hand reaches around my middle and then runs along my back as Kendall comes to stand beside me as I peel potatoes.

  “Are you planning out the breakfast menu?” she asks.

  “No, but I saw you guys had hash browns on there, and I’ve peeled enough potatoes in my career that I figured that I was up and should get a jump start.” I tell her.

  “You realize that we have frozen hash browns, right?” she laughs.

  “Well, yes. But real potatoes taste better than frozen, and it costs less.”

  “Oh yes, gotta keep the state money from being wasted.”

  “I could care less about that, but of course my boss will be appreciative of it. But, real potatoes are delicious, instead of hash browns, I figure that we can do cubed?”

  “If you’re cooking it, Mr. James, you do can whatever you want.” She winks.

  “Whatever I want?” I wiggle my eyes and smirk.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter, we have food to prepare.”

  “Can’t blame me, can you?”

  She swings her head to me and bashfully smiles, then leans in closer to whisper in my ear.

  “You know, if we were in one of those areas where the cameras can’t reach, I would likely get on my knees and give you a good morning kiss.”

  My mouth drops open and my cock instantly swells.

  “You’re going to be the death of me, you know that, right?” I tell her.

  “Hey, I was totally going to be fine if we were to have remained friends, but now, you’ve awakened the beast and she’s hungry.” She winks

  I laugh at her description and return to peeling the potatoes as she gets started on preparing the breakfast burritos for everyone.

  “I will tell you that it was hard staying away from you,” I confess.

  “You really didn’t, I mean sure, we didn’t touch one another. We’ve stood like this at lunch and dinner every night, just the same,” she says.

  “Except now, my cock has been inside of you and wants to be back there again,” I tell her with a smile on my face, knowing that she wasn’t expecting my bluntness.

  “Now, you’re basically telling me what’s on your mind, instead of keeping it to yourself?” she says.

  “Just wait, when we get out of here, I’ll take proper care of you, so you will forget that I was a complete idiot for an entire day.”

  “Do you think that we will get out of here?” She halts her movements and asks.

  “I sure as fuck hope so,” I say without hesitation. “And when we do, I’m not going to let you out of my sight, or out of my bed.”

  “Where do you live? I mean I know which aisle you prefer, but do you have roommates? Do you live alone or with your parents?” She smiles at her last addition to the question.

  “I have my own place. I can’t live with other dudes. They’re too messy.”

  “Ah, so, you’re a neat freak?”

  “I have moments of being sloppy, but for the most part, I’m pretty clean. In my line of employment, it’s pretty much a requirement to be clean. How about you? I don’t think we’ve discussed this part yet. I know that you like to make your bed on your cot, but does that also carry to your daily life?”

  “I won’t make my bed on a daily basis, why do that, when I’m just going to crawl into bed later on. I will however make my bed if someone is coming over and there may be a chance that they look in my bedroom.”

  “So, if I was to come over, would you make your bed?” I ask.

  “Probably, but not all the way because I know that we would just mess it up right away.”

  “Mess what up?” Janelle, Kendall’s friend asks walking up to the table we’re sitting at where Kendall is scooping the breakfast eggs into the warmed tortillas.

  “Perfect timing, we wouldn’t want to um, mess up the rotation here. Can you get in on the other side of me and cut these in half to plate?” Kendall asks quickly, not skipping a beat. She looks at me quickly and smirks while Janelle steps in between us.

  “So, what’s new with you two? I feel like I haven’t seen either of you in a while.” Janelle states.



  My head rests on his bare chest. We
’re laying on an air mattress in the very back of the store in-between aisles in our regular meeting spot that Levi is supposed to keep people out of, and we’re lost in our own little world.

  “How selfish does this feel?” I ask him turning my head to look at him.

  “What do you mean?” he asks.

  “Well, we’re off over here, doing this, while everyone else is in panic mode.”

  “Are you telling me that you’re not panicking about all of this?” he asks.

  “I am, but I think I’m finding other outlets for any panic that I don’t really plan on sharing with others.” I smirk.

  “That’s good. I wouldn’t be able to muster up the energy for that. Plus, this guy is only open for you.”

  “Are you now a gas station?” I laugh.

  “Strange, strange woman.” He says with a shake of his head.

  I roll over on top of him as his hands fly to my hips to hold me steady.

  I sit up and pull the blankets over us for cover, all the while angling my hips over his erect cock and sliding down.

  My back bows with my fingertips digging into his chest as I become completely filled by him.

  With his hands on my hips, he begins to move me up and down on his length. I use the muscles in my thighs to help and despite the eagerness that I have to increase my speed, I keep at a slow pace while I enjoy the control of this moment.

  I glide up and down on him while he pushes up from below before leaning down to take his mouth with mine. His hands roam up from my hips to my back as he pulls me against him. I move my hips with him, for every pull, he pushes, making this moment perfect. Making this moment sensual as well as frantic.

  We kiss passionately as our bodies move against one another with ease, until I feel the beginning sensations of my orgasm starting.

  “I’m going to come,” I say into the kiss.

  “Come. Come on my cock. I want to feel your pussy tighten around me,” he replies.


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