Sinful Intentions

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Sinful Intentions Page 4

by Devon Hartford

  Brooke squealed. Gasped. Suddenly arched her back off the bed and nearly broke my nose with her pelvis.

  I didn’t stop, kept licking while she quivered. She was breathing hard, then her breath was hitching like she couldn’t catch it. Her ass was in the air a foot off the bed like this was an orgasmic exorcism, but I kept licking.

  When she stopped breathing, I started to worry I was overdoing it.

  For several intense seconds, nothing came from her.

  Then she screamed.

  An ear piercing scream loud enough to wake the dead. I had to hold in a laugh because the whole neighborhood must’ve heard that, and the nearest graveyard. I could picture every male skeleton suddenly sitting up in unison at the sound of Brooke’s banshee scream.

  She suddenly collapsed on the bed.

  My mouth chased her pussy, hungry for more.

  “Stop! Mike!” she was gasping, trying to catch her breath before it got away from her. “No more!” She was pressing her fingertips against my forehead.

  “Sorry.” I pulled away. “Was that too much?”

  She laid there, head lost in her pile of pillows, her breathing still intense but slowly slowing to normal.

  “Brooke?” I sat back on the bed to give her some room.

  “No, it’s—” she didn’t finish. Gasping repeatedly, her rib cage opened and closed, opened and closed. Her breasts heaved and lowered in rhythm with her ribs. Eventually, after several minutes, her breathing calmed. “Oh my God, Mike. What did you do?” She said it like I’d broken something.

  “I don’t know. You seemed into it so I kept going. I’m sorry. I should’ve asked if you were—”

  She made a pixie frown and opened her eyes, craning her head up off the pillows to smirk at me, “No, Mike. It was. Oh my God! I’ve never come so hard!” She let her head drop back with a jubilant sigh.


  She clapped her hands over her face and shook her head laughing, “No!”

  “What about all your boyfriends? Didn’t they—?”

  “Obviously not!” she laughed. “Fuck, Mike! That was the best O I’ve ever had!”

  This was the moment in the movie where I broke the fourth wall and winked at the camera.

  Never knew I had it in me. Thank you, masturbation!

  Brooke said, “You’ve officially earned the title of Magic Mike, he of the Magic Tongue.”

  “Why does that name ring a bell?”

  “I made it up. Just now.”

  “You made up Magic Mike?”

  “Oh. No. That’s a movie.”

  “That’s right. Isn’t it about—”

  “Never mind the movie. Mike, if you fuck anything like you lick a kitty, I’m going to die on this bed.” The way she said it made it clear she wanted me to try.

  In response, my dick jumped.

  When I looked down, I could see pre-cum rolling down the head and dripping onto Brooke’s mattress.

  “Save the rest for me,” she giggled.

  How could I refuse?

  Chapter 6

  Brooke was lying there, her sultry eyes flashing and hooking a finger at me. “Come here, lover. I want you inside me.”

  Her calling me lover was weird. Good, but weird. I’m sure it didn’t mean anything. It wasn’t a marriage proposal. It was just a word.

  “Are you going to just sit there?” she demanded.

  “I don’t have a condom.” I tried not to grimace. But for a condom, the kingdom was lost.

  “I’m on the pill.”

  “Oh, good.” I forced a smile.

  I knew Brooke slept around. I’d seen the guys coming and going. It was pretty obvious I wasn’t her first. I didn’t know if she had any STDs or STIs or whatever the PC term was this week. I knew I didn’t. Did I want to risk getting HPV that might lead to penile cancer and having my dick cut off? Was sex with the wrong person worth losing your dick over? I knew that was rare, but in school, I’d learned 80% of sexually active people got HPV, and most didn’t even know they had it. My Sex Ed teachers had drilled those facts into us like the fear of God. I’ll let you work out the irony of comparing God to HPV.

  Whatever you come up with, I’d never had the vaccine. I had asked my parents if I should get it, but they said I didn’t need it. Under the circumstances now, I should’ve brazenly asked then if they thought I needed to keep my dick. I hadn’t because it had been a horrifying discussion, let me tell you. Actually, I won’t. I’d rather invite you to the dentist to get our teeth drilled without novocaine than recount that discussion. If you must know, in sum, it was humiliating and embarrassing and painfully uncomfortable, something akin to running through a briar patch with no pants.

  Then there was AIDS, which was much worse than living on a distant pants-less world overrun by briar patches stretching from horizon to horizon and shore to shore.

  Was sex once worth dying over?

  As far as I was concerned, getting AIDS because you had sex without a condom with the hottest woman known to man, namely Brooke, who was definitely not a virgin, would be like you and your friends drunkenly sneaking into the lion cages at the zoo after dark on a lark. It started out as the best idea ever…

  Until the mauling started.

  Sticking to the data, women infected with HIV could transmit it to men. The transmission rates were low, but it did happen. I’d just spent thirty delicious minutes devouring Brooke’s pussy. It had flowed like a cinnamon river into my mouth. I wasn’t complaining, but I had to wonder, had I inadvertently over-brushed my teeth recently? Were there microscopic cuts on my gums, and the HIV virus was now speeding swiftly past my white blood cells, laughing merrily as they laid waste to my immune system and taunted, “How’s that pussy taste now, Mike?”

  I tried not to cringe.

  Too late to do anything about it now.

  And too bad I wasn’t taking Truvada for Prep. Why would I? I was a straight male virgin who couldn’t get laid if they were handing out sex like leis when your plane landed in Hawaii. It didn’t get any more low-risk than that.

  “What’s on your mind, Mike?” Brooke probed, sounding irritated.

  “It’s,” I sighed. How to explain? “Are you, uh, see, do you, uh, have you ever, uh—”

  She sat up on the bed, pulling her knees up to her breasts and crossing her ankles, hiding her tufted target.

  I wasn’t the greatest at reading people, but I didn’t like this new pose of hers. It was completely closed off. Had I just ruined my shot at fucking Brooke? Fuck me if I had! Why the fuck did I have to go worrying about STDs?! Fucking Sex Ed class! God damn it! I’d rather fuck Brooke once, just once, and die of AIDS ten minutes later, then never get to! Why did I have to—

  “I always use condoms,” she said sternly. “Always. I’m not stupid. And I’ve been tested. After that cheating asshole Travis? Ugh! Forget about him! I’m clean, okay?!”

  That was a huge relief for me, but not her.

  “What,” she scowled, “do you not want to have sex with me because I’m a slut?”

  “I don’t think you’re a slut. I’d never think that.”

  “What is it then? Is there something wrong with me?”

  “No. That’s impossible. There’s nothing wrong with you. I swear. You’re perfect.”

  She hmphed. “You’re only saying that because you don’t know me.” She tightened her arms around her knees and pulled them even closer, resting her chin pensively on top and heaving a sad sigh.

  When did this get weird?

  When it got real.

  Why did I have to go and let reality ruin this?

  Stupid fucking STDs!

  Annoyed, she rolled her eyes and shook her head, “Do you want to fuck or not, Mike?” It shouldn’t have been an ultimatum, but it was. “Because my parents are going to be home soon and—”

  “Yes! I want to fuck! More than anything I’ve ever wanted! But I don’t have any condoms. Do you?”

  She pursed her li
ps. “Mike, are you really a virgin?”

  “Yes!” I bleated.

  She narrowed her eyes shrewdly, “Are you sure?”

  “Yes I’m sure!” I pleaded.

  “Because you go down like a pro.”

  “I’m telling you the truth! This is all new to me! I just, I don’t know, Brooke! I’ve been practicing in my mind for years!” I didn’t and wouldn’t ever mention the honey dews. Nor the pillows. Nobody would ever know about those. I had burned and buried the bodies. “I just did what I always fantasized I would, Brooke! I promise! I’ve never been with anybody!”

  Brooke nodded thoughtfully. Looked around her bedroom, distracted or losing interest. Probably both.

  I sighed, “I’ve never even kissed anyone before you.”

  “Really?” she grinned. “Not even in grade school or whatever?”

  “No. Nobody. Our kiss in the shower was my first. All of this has been my first everything.”

  “Wow,” she smiled. “That’s, that’s weird, Mike. Not even a summer camp kiss?”

  “No. What can I say? I’m weird. I’m a virgin.” I threw up my hands. “What am I supposed to say?”

  Her lips curled into a smirk, “I’ve never been with a virgin before.”

  “Does that mean you don’t want to be with me?” I said, frustrated this ship was going down and not in a sexual way. We’re talking the Titanic plummeting to the bottom of the cold, cold ocean where nobody ever gets laid, not even the lantern fish.

  “No, it means I want to try sex without a condom. With you.” She smiled warmly. “I’m on the pill. I mean, we can if you want. You do want to, right?”

  “Of course I do!” Without exaggeration, I had in fact wanted Brooke more than anything I’d ever wanted in my entire life, even more than my first PlayStation when I was nine. The doctor had put me on Ritalin for a year after that. I was over that. But not Brooke.

  My obsession with her did not border on desperation because every country in my personal continent of carnality (it was a vast, vast land) was obsessed with her, and at this point, desperation was an afterthought. My obsession was not. The only problem was, my dick was soft again, because STDs were not a turn on. And I was at the far end of Brooke’s bed. There was a veritable ocean of distance between me and the hot and sultry continent of Brooke Hillstrom, a land demanding I conquer it. But first, I needed permission from the queen of carnality herself.

  “Brooke, can I—”

  Before I could finish, she hooked the same finger she had so expertly hooked before. “Come here and kiss me and we’ll let the rest happen naturally.”

  Her wish was my command.

  Chapter 7

  There’s something about laying your naked body on a woman’s naked body for the first time that is almost indescribable, especially when you’re laying it down on the most indescribably beautiful woman in the world. It’s like the rest of existence is put on pause while you fulfill your destiny.

  I draped myself over Brooke and felt my chest rest against her breasts. I wanted to squeeze them and play with them using my hands, but I didn’t want to turn her off by toying with them like some goofy kid. Fortunately, lying on them was enough for now, and for some reason, I knew my days of playing with things, hers or mine, were over forever. That was a good thing.

  It was time for me to get down to the very serious business of fucking Brooke. Who was I kidding? I was in sex heaven and smiling from ear to ear.

  We kissed gently for a minute.

  Then it turned heavy and hard.

  My dick quickly went from shriveled to stiff. Before I knew it, I was grinding myself into the bed, surely leaving a pre-cum streak. I didn’t care. I was too busy locking lips to care about sheets.

  After several hot minutes, she broke the kiss with a whisper, “I want you inside me, Mike.”

  I nodded and planted one hand beside her shoulder. My instinct was to reach down, fist the base of my shaft with my free hand like they did in porn, and jam myself inside her. I leaned all my weight on one arm and reached with the other. Before I could grab myself, Brooke grabbed for me with both hands.

  Her thumb skimmed across my pearl of pre-cum and circled it around my head. That made me moan. Then she slid my dick up and down her slit, coating me with her wetness.

  “Put it in,” she whispered.

  I did, going slowly.

  The pleasure was excruciating, the wet heat intense as I sank inside her. When I hit the hilt, I nearly lost my mind.

  If I’d thought getting a blowjob was over the top, this was over the Empire fucking State Building. In deep, my balls pressed against her ass cheeks or thighs or whatever it was cupping them from below. All the parts of my body I customarily ignored while flailing my frog in the disgraced privacy of my bedroom were now in the hot caress of Brooke’s welcoming wet flesh. I was enveloped by her from all sides, all directions, all dimensions. My entire being rocketed into her body and joined hers. We became one.

  When I started to pump, we became one with the universe.

  Fucking Brooke was the thing for which I had been made.

  I was in her and somehow, she was in me.

  “Go slow,” she said softly.

  I did.

  For a long time, slow strokes were all I could handle. Slow was enough to fry every synapse in my brain, overdosing me on dopamine. I grunted and groaned like I never had while masturbating. I let it all out. I was vaguely aware that cum was leaking out of me into Brooke’s pussy. If she wasn’t on the pill like she had said, there was a good chance she’d get pregnant.

  I was okay with that.

  It was what I’d always wanted. Maybe not the first time we had sex, maybe the thousandth or ten thousandth, but definitely with Brooke. Definitely her.

  Brooke Hillstrom.

  It had always been her.

  The hottest blonde in all creation.

  The only woman I’d ever truly wanted.

  The woman I was fucking right now.


  It felt so fucking good.

  Fucking felt so…




  Time ceased to have any meaning as the pleasure intensified to the breaking point. Brooke was moaning in time with my every grunt, her voice high, mine low, a harmony of ecstasy, a symphony of sin. We lost ourselves in an ocean of orgasm that was deep and wide and everlasting.

  I felt myself start to ejaculate, but the orgasm was still building like it might never stop, like it might last long after I drained myself dry, like it might rise into eternity and take us both with it.

  “Oh, Mike,” Brooke gasped then squealed. “Oh! Mike! I’m coming, Mike! Oh my God, Mike! Mike! I’m come—!” Her voice tightened into silence and her vagina tightened with it.

  This sent a pulsation vibrating up and down my shaft that rolled my eyes into the back of my head. I didn’t think my orgasm could get any more intense, then it did. It felt like my dick had grown into a ball of nuclear energy expanding outward from Brooke’s tight pussy, filling her body, the bed, the room, the globe, the solar system, the universe.

  She screamed, “Come inside me, Mike! Come inside—!”

  My body tensed and the multiverse exploded, blinding solar fire waving through me, melting my body, my bones, liquifying my muscles as my energetic essence poured out of my dick into her ravenous pussy. In an instant, my infinite awareness collapsed into Brooke’s black hole. I was laser focused as I shot myself inside her and followed my sperm to their microscopic destiny. Immortality had never been so close. While I flirted with eternity, I was vaguely aware of her pussy milking my shaft. This caused my entire body to arch into her, and my dick pressed home, burying itself in the entrance to her cervix.

  “FUCK!” I roared, my head back.

  I let it all out, emptying every last drop into the woman I had loved since day one.

  Chapter 8

  Ten thousand handheld orgasms combined could n
ot hold a candle to what I’d just experienced coming inside Brooke. It would take a dozen suns to shine that bright. After having the real thing, I was pretty sure I’d never bother masturbating again. Holding my own lone candle couldn’t compare.

  Spent, I lay on top of Brooke, who was gasping beneath me, her ankles hooked around my ass and pulling me into her with quivering thighs. I’d never noticed her wrapping them around me. I’d been too lost in the fucking.

  Her pussy’s pulsations were fading but still drinking the last of me. Slowly, Brooke relaxed, eyes closed, head lost in the pillows, her legs lax but still draped around my back.

  “I’m so full of your cum right now,” she mused, a sly smile on her sleepy face.

  I lowered my lips for a kiss.

  She kissed back, eyes closed.

  It was gentle, loving almost. Very different from our earlier attacks.

  When we stopped, she giggled, “I can feel us dripping down my ass crack.”


  “You and me. I’m like a fuck fountain down there.” We both laughed. “We totally drenched the bed. I’ll have to change the sheets. God, I’ve never been so wet with anyone, Mike.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged.

  I relaxed my weight onto her.

  She squeezed me tight for a moment then let go. “Mmm, you’re getting heavy.”


  “You weigh too much.”

  “Sorry.” It wasn’t from body fat. I didn’t have any, a gift from Dad’s DNA. One of his few good traits. That was an underhanded compliment the research scientists could see all the way down at the South Pole. Naturally low body fat was not a character trait. Neither was disciplined weight training, but dad made me lift anyway. He could bench a pickup truck. I could barely bench a bench. Okay, that was grossly underselling it. I could bench 220 and squat 290 for reps, and do one arm pull ups with either arm. But I couldn’t lift pickups. Didn’t stop Dad from always goading me to try. Another one of his power trips.

  I rolled off Brooke and lay beside her, staring at the ceiling, her warm body touching mine, both of us sweaty skin from head to toe.


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