Daughter of the Dragon

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Daughter of the Dragon Page 6

by Alicia Montgomery

  “So, it’s like a title?” she asked. “Like you becoming king.”

  His mouth set into a hard line and his nostrils flared. “Something like that.”

  Heavens, she didn’t think this could be so fascinating, but it was. As an archeologist, it was like discovering a new ancient civilization. The academic in her couldn’t resist. “What records do you have? How far back do they go to? Have you ever tried to have your DNA tested or sequenced?”

  He looked rather horrified. “Of course not. But we do have many records.” Picking up his own teacup, he gestured with it toward her. “And now, it’s your turn.”

  “My turn?” Oh, poop. This was a tit for tat then. “I turn into a wolf. I always have. It’s not controlled by the full moon every month in case you were wondering.” She took a sip to stall, trying to choose her words carefully. “I’m faster and stronger than most hu—people. And I heal quicker too.”

  “And your family? Are they like you?”

  The lie was on the tip of her tongue. But she just couldn’t say it, not when he looked at her with those mesmerizing eyes. And so, she turned away from his oppressing blue gaze.

  “You have your secrets too.” He put the cup down. “One could say that this isn’t fair, because I have revealed much to you.”

  “I didn’t ask you to reveal the entire story of your dragon or your country’s history,” she pointed out. “You volunteered it. Had I known this was a sharing circle, I wouldn’t have continued listening.”

  “True, and I defer to your superior logic.” He sat up straighter, and she could see that arrogant, princely air again. “But we are at an impasse. I cannot allow you to reveal our secret, and you cannot have yours out either.”

  An idea struck her. Maybe she could use this to her advantage. “The way I see it,” she put the cup down, then looked at him straight in the eyes, “you have more to lose in this situation than me.”

  His eyes flashed silver, the color of his dragon’s scales, and the air grew so thick, she struggled to breathe. Just like when her father’s temper flared. It was eerie, really. There had to be a connection. If only she knew more about what happened to her father.

  “And what exactly will I lose, Desiree?” The ripple of power from him when he said her name made her shiver. “My people know about The Great One, it’s no secret here. So, the world outside will too, and what will they do about it? I am a head of state, and have immunity wherever I go. One nation cannot lock up the leader of another sovereign country. And everyone wants our silver, so they will always play nice. What about you, Professor? Can you afford to have everyone know about what you are?”

  Her chest tightened, and her lower lip trembled. Darn him! But then she knew better than to try and play games with someone so versed in diplomacy and negotiation. She wished she had more of her father’s cutthroat business sense. “What do you want?” Her voice shook, and she wanted to kick herself for sounding weak and backing down.

  “There are still a few days left of the Easifat. You must not try to escape again. When the sandstorms die down, I shall arrange for your transport out of Zhobghadi.”

  Could she trust him? “And what about my family? My team? They’re probably going out of their minds, and they’ll think I’m dead.”

  “I’m afraid I cannot do anything about that. As I told you, communications with the outside world are impossible. Even The Great One cannot penetrate the veil around Zhobghadi. The sandstorms make it too dangerous for anyone to try and venture out to get a message out, and I would not risk any of my citizens just to reassure your family, not when you will see them soon enough.”

  And she wouldn’t either.

  “People get lost all the time,” he said. “In the news, there are people who go on hikes in the wilderness and encounter accidents.” He scratched at his chin. “We are allies with a number of nomadic tribes around the region. Many of them camp along the border during the Easifat. We can simply say you were caught in the sandstorm, injured, and taken in by one of the tribes. I’ll bring you to them myself and ensure their cooperation, then you can make the call to your family.”

  That sounded reasonable enough. But still … a whole week! A whole week by herself. “I’m going to go crazy with cabin fever,” she said. “You can’t possibly leave me alone for a week without any stimulation.” She blushed and tried really hard not to notice the way his face perked up at that last word. “I mean, mental stimulation. It’s like being in solitary confinement. You probably don’t have TV or the Internet, but how about books? Someone to talk to in English?”

  He seemed to consider this for a while. “Books I can provide, but I have very few in English. Most of them are in the library. And as for someone … I may have an idea. There is someone I trust with my own life. But,” he got up from the couch, “it is nearing midnight, and I have duties to attend to.”

  What kind of duties needed to be done at midnight? “Wait! One more thing.” Oh dear. How was she going to say this?


  “Er … you really don’t have any other bedrooms available? I mean, I’m happy to sleep on this couch.”

  “No!” He blinked and cleared his throat. “I mean, this living room leads directly to the outside hall, and a servant or guard could come in any time. I would have Ramin guard the outside, but you have put him out of commission for a while.”

  She winced. “Sorry about that. Is he okay?”

  “He’ll live.”

  “Isn’t there another bedroom around here?” She looked around the massive living area.

  “No, just mine. And it’s the only place in the palace where no one else is allowed to enter.”

  “Well, we can’t possibly keep sharing a bed!” Her cheeks flamed, but the words flew out of her mouth before she could stop it. “Er, you don’t suppose you could sleep here?”

  “It is my bed,” he said. “Why should I leave it?”

  Was he being obtuse? Twice now they’d almost … in his bed. Didn’t he remember? Did he want her to say it aloud, that unspoken thing between them that even now was like the elephant in the room?

  “Are you afraid of me, Desiree?” His tone turned low and sensuous, and his usually cool eyes turned molten. “Or perhaps of yourself? That you might actually want—”

  “Fine!” She shot up to her feet. That bed was ridiculously huge anyway. “I’m putting a pillow in the middle and you’re going to stay on your side.” She pivoted and marched into the bedroom, and when she heard him chuckle, slammed the door shut.

  “Argh!” Throwing herself on the bed like a child in a snit, she punched the nearest pillow she could reach, imagining it was Prince Karim. She shoved it aside, positioning it exactly in the middle. “You better not cross that line,” she said, as if he were present in the room. Pulling up as close as possible to the edge of the bed, she got under the covers and closed her eyes, willing herself to sleep.

  Hang on and wait, she told herself. In a few days, this would all be over. Prince Karim was right that she couldn’t afford to have her secret revealed, because it wouldn’t just be her real nature that would be exposed. It would be her mother, brothers, their friends, the whole New York clan, not to mention her Alpha, Lucas Anderson, one of the most powerful and richest men in the world. Lycan law compelled her to do anything and everything she could to keep their secret. All she needed to do was coast along the next few days, it would all be over, and she could leave this place and never see Prince Karim again.

  Her wolf, on the other hand, didn’t seem to like that and whined at her.

  Oh, shut it, she told her animal. We are going to sleep. One more night over and she’d be closer to freedom.

  Chapter Seven

  Warm. So warm. Her cheek was pressed up against a hot, firm pillow, while the smell of musk, sand, and fire overtook her senses.


  Her eyes flew open, and she realized her “pillow” was Prince Karim’s chest. His very naked chest.

nbsp; An undignified squeak escaped her mouth as she scrambled away from his torso. Her wolf protested at the loss, wanting to be near him and his warmth and scent. She ignored the little hussy and instead slapped him on the leg. “I said to stay on your side!”

  “Eh?” One blue eye opened lazily, followed by the other. He let out a sigh, then gestured to his body. “And so I did, Desiree.”

  “You—” Her face grew hot with embarrassment as she realized that he was right. His body was still on his side of the bed. It was she who had rolled over the pillow and plastered herself to him.

  “The next few days will be long and lonely.” The smile he flashed her made heat rush through her veins. “If you want, I’m happy to—”

  She rolled off the bed and dashed into the bathroom to escape his sensual, searing gaze. Of course, his mind was on sex. He was a man. And he was probably used to seducing women all the time. Or having them seduce him.

  “Argh!” She pulled at the sink handle angrily, letting the water gush out of the tap, hoping to drown out any sounds she made. If only the water could drown her, because she wanted to die of humiliation. How could he even suggest … or think she would willingly want to …

  Well, you did wake up in his arms, for the third row in a night, a small voice inside her head countered. And it felt so good to touch him …

  How did he even invoke such a response from her? She’d never felt that way for anyone. Well, not that she would know how that felt.

  Because, while few may believe it, she, Professor Desiree Desmond Creed, was still a virgin at thirty years of age.

  It was embarrassing really. And not her intention. Yes, she’d had a crush on Cross since she was sixteen, but she wasn’t saving herself for him. In fact, she had thought it would have been more prudent to gain experience before she settled on one man, whoever that may be. However, with a dragon for a father and two protective brothers—not to mention a whole extended family consisting of Lycans and hybrids—the few boys who weren’t intimidated by her height were eventually chased off. And by the time she was eighteen, she was so consumed with her studies, first for her undergrad degree then her masters, that she didn’t have time for relationships.

  Then the offer for a position in New York University came, and she rose to the top so fast that now men her age were even more intimidated by her.

  Of course, she wasn’t totally untouched. She’d done … some things with men. Most things. Just not everything. She’d even been prepared, making sure she took her birth control shots regularly. But she just couldn’t seem to find the right person, someone who she’d be sure wouldn’t ridicule her inexperience.

  A knock at the door made her jump. “If you could be so kind,” said the muffled masculine voice, “I would like to get ready for the day.”

  She bit back curse words wanting to burst from her mouth. Really, she hated cursing, but this man seemed to inspire it from her. “Just a minute.”

  After rushing through her bathroom routine, she walked out of the bathroom with as much dignity as she could muster. Though she kept her gaze straight ahead, she could definitely feel his eyes on her. Thank goodness, he went straight inside, and as soon as the door closed behind him, she let out a breath.

  What to do now? She plopped herself on the edge of the bed, her toes digging into the soft carpet underneath her. Three—no, it had been four days since she got here. Prince Karim said it would be about ten days until the sandstorms subsided, so that meant she had a week here at most. Hopefully she didn’t go crazy until then. Maybe that was why she was acting strange around him. It wasn’t lust or desire, just that he was the nearest warm body around.


  She hated that she reacted to the sound of his voice like a puppy hearing its master, but she didn’t even realize he had left the bathroom.

  “Yes?” She cleared her throat and turned around, then let out a silent groan. She didn’t know if seeing him dressed was worse because he looked so uncommonly handsome in his well-tailored, all-black outfit. The tunic had a very military-like style that molded to his wide shoulders and chest, which showed off a number of ribbons and medals.

  “I have matters to take care of today,” he said. “But, as promised, I have found some way to keep you entertained. I have spoken with my Aunt Zafirah, and she will take you to the library and have your meals with you when she can.”

  “Your aunt?”

  “Do not worry, she can be trusted. She is family.” He frowned. “However, seeing as you are what you are … can I trust you?”

  “Trust me?”

  “Not to … harm her. In your other form.”

  She let out an undignified squeak. “Of course. I don’t just … I can control my wolf.”

  “Good.” That seemed to be enough for him. “Now, come,” he gestured toward the door. “She’s already waiting.”

  “Hold on.” She looked down at her outfit, which still consisted of his shirt and pajamas. “You want me to meet your aunt looking like this?”

  “You can put on my robe, if you like. But I have nothing else that can fit you.”

  She huffed out a breath. “Fine.” As she marched toward the door, she grabbed his robe and yanked it around herself. God, what was this woman going to think? That she was one of Prince Karim’s lovers? Maybe she was used to him bringing women in and out of his bedroom. He was the prince, after all.

  He went out first, and she followed behind him. “Good morning, Aunt Zafirah. Thank you for making time this morning.”

  Deedee stopped short right beside Karim, and turned her gaze toward the woman who rose from the couch. As she turned around, Deedee couldn’t help but stare at her. If she was Karim’s aunt, then she must be older, but she had that ageless beauty few women had. Her dark hair was pulled up into intricate braids and curls, while her smooth, milky skin didn’t betray her years, save for the crow’s-feet in the corner of her light hazel eyes and smile lines around her mouth. Though it was obvious she was surprised at Deedee’s presence, she sent him a sly look.

  “Good morning, Your Highness.” She gave a small nod. “I am at your service, as always.”

  “Aunt Zafirah, this is Professor Desiree Desmond Creed of New York University,” he said. “Desiree, this is Princess Zafirah Fatima Al-Fyahh Salamuddin.”

  “Your Highness.” Desiree curtseyed automatically, which made Princess Zafirah laugh, but not in a mean way.

  “My dear.” A hand touched her elbow to help her get up. “Please, we do not curtsey here. It’s a quaint British tradition, but not something we practice in Zhobghadi.”

  “Er … should I bow then?”

  “That would be more proper, but under the circumstances, we can be more casual.” Princess Zafirah raised a brow at her nephew. “I’m so terribly sorry for what has happened to you. To be attacked like …” She gave a shudder.

  Deedee turned to Prince Karim, her brows furrowing together. What had he told his aunt? “I’m quite all right now,” she assured the older woman.

  “Aunt Zafirah is one of the most trusted members of the royal family,” Prince Karim declared. “She will keep your presence here a secret.”

  Princess Zafirah nodded. “The old ways … they have their uses, but they are so pedantic that there are no exceptions, even in the dire circumstance. I’ve always said they could use some updating.” She laughed. “When I was younger, many thought I was too radical and non-conformist, especially when I insisted on learning to speak English, French, and German. ‘What use are those outside languages to us?’ my father would say. But now, everyone in the royal family knows these languages.”

  “You were always very forward-thinking, Aunt Zafirah. Now,” he placed a hand on her shoulder. “I trust you have cleared this wing of servants for the day?”

  “Yes, I told them that no one was to go in and out of the family rooms. The meals have all been prepared, and the boy will be the one to bring them up.”

  “Thank you, Aunt Zafirah.�
� He leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. “The troops await. I will see you later.”

  Deedee didn’t know to whom he meant to say that to, and maybe her brain really was fried, because it made her shiver.

  Princess Zafirah turned to her. “Now, Desiree—”


  “Excuse me?”

  “Please, call me Deedee, Your Highness. Everyone does.”

  “Except Karim.”

  She shrugged. “Have you ever tried to make him do something?”

  “Unfortunately, yes,” the princess said with mirth. “All right, but then you must call me Zafirah.”


  “Bah,” she said with a wave of her hand. “If I am to be your only companion for the next week, then it would be good if we start on more friendly terms. As far as I am concerned, you are a guest. It was not your fault you were brought here.”

  “Why are you doing this?” The question came out of nowhere, but Deedee couldn’t help asking it. Zafirah seemed nice and wouldn’t hurt a fly. But Deedee felt like her world had turned topsy-turvy, and she didn’t know who to trust.

  “Because my future king asked me to,” she replied bluntly. “But also, because I am an old woman and growing bored.” She sighed. “After I gave birth to my son, my duty and destiny were fulfilled. And since I have been widowed for decades, there’s not much use for an old woman like me.”

  “I’m sorry. About your husband. And I don’t think there’s no use for—”

  “Oh, don’t you mind me. I’m just a silly old lady.” Her smile brightened, before dimming again when she frowned. “Oh dear, did my nephew not find you any proper clothes?”

  “Er …” Heat bloomed in her cheeks, and she clutched the robe tighter. Dressed in Karim’s clothes, she felt like a hobo, especially compared to the princess, who wore a beautiful dark blue tunic dress with silver embroidery and loose pants. “Mine were … destroyed.” Zafirah hadn’t mentioned anything about her being a shifter so maybe Prince Karim didn’t reveal her secret.


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