Lord of Shadowhawk

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Lord of Shadowhawk Page 27

by Lindsay McKenna

  Laughing softly, Tray drew the robe the rest of the way off her body, leaving her naked before him. He ran his hand down the length of her, watching as her flesh tensed wherever he teased her. “I don’t have a temper, so he must have inherited that from you, my lady.”

  “And I suppose you want to blame his stubbornness on me, also?”

  A grin lurked at the corners of Tray’s mouth as he rose up on his knees beside her, his large hands following the contours of her body. “He’s not stubborn. He simply knows what he wants.”

  She laughed with him, purring beneath his knowing touch. Her lower body felt as if it were aflame, throbbing, needing, longing for Tray. The smile died on her lips and she lifted her hands, setting them on his well-muscled arms. “And I know what I want, beloved. You…just you….”

  “Then you shall have me, Arhiannon.” He eased his hand between her dampened, taut thighs. She was ready to receive him, and as he settled his knee between her legs, Tray saw love burning in her eyes as never before. He felt humbled as he drew her upward, hands on her slender hips. Her eyes closed as he gently probed her, not wanting to hurt her after such a long period of abstinence. A fire arced through him as he melted within her moist, welcoming depths. His blood pounded heavily, and Tray froze, afraid that he might abandon all his good intentions and simply plunge into her swollen confines.

  A keening cry broke from Alyssa’s throat and she arched to receive all of him, her hands tightly gripping his arms. “I need you, need you…” she pleaded brokenly. And then she felt his power, his shaft filling her. All of her. A new sweetness invaded her aching body as they froze in ecstasy for those golden seconds afterward, each savoring the other. The moment Tray drew her nipple into the moist depths of his mouth, a cry was wrenched from her. But it was a cry of joy, of celebration. She felt his hesitation and knew he didn’t want to cause her pain. But there was no pain, only hunger to fulfill each other. She moved her hips against him and she heard a low growl reverberate through him. She wrapped her legs around him, moving suggestively again, feeling him shudder. His lips drew back from his clenched teeth, sweat standing out on his tense features.

  “Sweet God, Aly,” he rasped, “I—can’t control myself if you—”

  She twisted against him, and almost instantaneously, his fists gripped the bedding on either side of her head as he plunged forward into her. This was what she wanted, what she hungered for. Here was the man who took her, lifted her on a shower of golden love until she was breathless with desire. Each stroking plunge as he held her hips tightly to him increased the pleasure. Each thrust. Each grinding movement claimed her as never before and she gave herself willingly to his male instincts and guidance, flooded with unparalleled joy.

  Tray heard a gasp tear from her, felt her tense, and he knew that he had given her the ultimate gift that could be shared between man and woman. He brought her hard against him, continuing the pressure, watching as her face and body melted and then glowed with rosy fulfillment. It was only then that he surrendered to the screaming, thirsting needs of his own fires, bathing her with his life, his love.

  Breathing heavily, Tray rolled off her, gently bringing Alyssa to his side. Small rivulets of sweat bathed his face as he lay there, content as never before. He could feel her heart pounding like a small bird in her breast as she pressed herself to him. The musky smell of her body was like an aphrodisiac, making him want her all over again. He softly ran his hand down the curve of her back.

  “You’re a slice of heaven, Arhiannon,” he whispered thickly.

  Alyssa nuzzled close, kissing away the drops of sweat from his cheek, tasting him, loving him. “If there is such a thing as heaven on earth, then you are mine,” she agreed faintly, her hair spilling across his darkly curled chest hair as she laid her head on him.

  Later, Tray opened his eyes, feeling pleasantly tired. Alyssa stirred and he instinctively tightened his embrace. “We must have slept,” he mumbled. It was dark outside the french doors, and only the flickering embers from the hearth lighted the chamber.

  “We’ve both been tired for a long time, beloved. Now we’ll have time to recuperate.” Her brothers had been just as exhausted as they were when they had briefly joined her at Riley’s farm. Alyssa thanked God for those last few days spent with Dev and Gavin before, under the cover of night, they slipped away. Away to a new life in France.

  Tray snorted softly, running his fingers through her rich hair, watching the play of copper and gold in the firelight. “Lambing season is next week. Or had you forgotten so soon, little one?”

  Alyssa groaned and slowly sat up, facing him. Her face held an ethereal, almost translucent quality. “I won’t be able to go with you, this time,” she began, regret in her voice. “And I want to. I love the lambs. And the orphans.”

  “I know. Perhaps next year, Aly.” A tender look came to his eyes as he reached out, settling his hand across her belly. “Unless you’ll be delivering a lamb of your own next March.”

  She reached down, her hair cascading across his chest, and she kissed him long and slowly. “I want a little girl this time,” she whispered. She delighted in his strength as his mouth claimed hers more aggressively. As his hands caressed her breasts, Alyssa trembled with rekindled longing.

  “I suppose if you have another son, I’ll get blamed for it,” he growled, smiling up into her eyes.

  She settled herself on top of him, delighted with the hardness of his body. “Griff is going to have your gray eyes, black hair and build. I want a little girl with hair the color of mine and green eyes.”

  He lovingly grazed her flushed cheek. “And what a little girl she will be, Arhiannon. Beautiful like her mother. Kind. Giving.” Tray sighed, wrapping his arms around Alyssa as she laid her head on his shoulder. “More than what they look like, Aly, I hope we pass on our love of the earth, the animals and kindness to people.”

  Alyssa rubbed her cheek against his. “Love can conquer anything, Tray. Look what your love for me has done. If you could turn me from a frightened and angry girl into a woman who has grown to know love and crave peace, then our children can be taught to cherish those same values.”

  “Love conquered us both, little one,” Tray agreed softly, drinking in her shimmering gaze. “And we’ll share that love for as long as we both live. Forever.”

  * * * * *

  After finding love in a warzone, Medevac Pilot Sarah Benson is taken hostage. Her last and only hope for rescue is her lover, Ethan Quinn. This SEAL will break every rule in the book to save the woman he loves! Read on for a sneak peek of DEGREE OF RISK by Lindsay McKenna, available March 2013 from Harlequin Romantic Suspense.

  * * *

  The SEAL team located the pool cave after an hour’s walk from their landing zone. The sky was lightening in the east as Ethan crouched next to Reza, who was going to be their guide, at the lip of the cave. The SEALs were in full gear, M-4 rifles, heavy rucks, twelve mags, magazines, of ammo for their rifle. They were going in prepared. Ethan pushed his boonie hat off his brow, sweating heavily. Anxiously, he looked around the outside of the cave. Dagger and Dusty, the snipers, were carefully walking past them, alert, their eyes on the ground, searching for any possible boot prints.

  “There,” Reza said, pointing past Ethan, toward the edge of the cave. He came out of his crouch and carefully stepped into the cave. Pulling out a small flashlight, the Afghan moved the beam. There was a rock alcove and he halted, frowning.

  Ethan took a long drink of water from his CamelBak. He watched Reza intently, anxiety coursing through him. They had to find Sarah’s boot prints here or else the mission would be scrubbed. There was no sense in risking a SEAL team in this hotbed of Taliban territory if she hadn’t come this way.

  Reza crouched down, his light moving here and there. He lifted his head and gave Ethan a big grin. “She’s been here.” He gestured to Ethan. “Come, see for yourself.”

  All the SEALs moved quietly into the cave. Dagger cleared the area and
then came back to where they were all crouched.

  “Look,” Reza said, standing and pointing, “her tracks show she stayed behind this group of rocks. And you can see an impression of her ruck, too.” Reza then followed the prints toward the rear of the cave, his smile growing. He turned and said, “Her prints are coming out of the pool area. I’m going to follow them, go down to it and see what I can find.”

  “Hey,” Dusty whispered, standing at the other end of the cave opening, “more boot tracks.” He gestured north. “She’s walking this way, toward Thunder.” He grinned, throwing them a thumbs-up.

  Relief almost shattered Ethan. He knelt by Sarah’s tracks, closed his eyes and tried to get a hold of his emotions. He felt Trace rise beside him and pat him on the shoulder.

  “Your lady is a survivor,” Trace murmured, smiling.

  Choking down his feelings, Ethan rose and rasped, “I want to wait to contact Hunter until Reza returns from the pool. He might have some more intel.”

  Nodding, Trace looked around the huge cave. “We’re on it, bro.”

  Dagger was moving slowly around the rest of the cave. He then slipped like a silent shadow down the tunnel to the left. When he reemerged, he was scowling.

  Going over to Ethan and Trace, he said quietly, “Plenty of horse prints, sandal prints and bare feet back there. All Taliban.”

  Nodding, Ethan watched the right tunnel. He knew Reza would be trotting a mile to reach the pool. Anxiety sped through him. “How old?”

  Dagger shrugged. “Can’t really tell except the tracks are clean and sharp. They’re not worn down by time and they haven’t deteriorated. Maybe two or three days ago, the Taliban camped in here.”

  “Let’s take ten and get water and food,” Ethan told them. What had Reza found? Sarah’s prints were leading out of that tunnel, into this cave. Dusty had located her prints heading north. His hands shook as he pulled a protein bar from one of the pockets of his H-gear. Sarah was alive! She was ambulatory. Oh, God, protect her out there. Please…. God…

  * * *

  Don’t miss DEGREE OF RISK by Lindsay McKenna, available March 2013 from Harlequin Romantic Suspense.

  Copyright © 2014 by Lindsay McKenna

  Trained to kill, but built for love…

  From New York Times bestselling author


  Captain Morgan Boland is at the top of her game, as is navy SEAL Jake Ramsay, her former lover. Then a military computer selects them to partner in a special op. The mission can’t be compromised by their personal history—and they have truckloads of it.

  But the Afghan assignment might provide the discipline they need to finally get it together—outside the bedroom, that is. A lot has happened over the two years since they last went their separate ways. And there’s way more to Morgan than Jake has ever given her credit for.…

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  ISBN: 978-1-4603-3412-6

  Lord of Shadowhawk

  Copyright © 1982 by Lindsay McKenna

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