Thrown to the Wolves: The Legend of Hannah & Eli (Shapes of Autumn)

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Thrown to the Wolves: The Legend of Hannah & Eli (Shapes of Autumn) Page 6

by Veronica Blade

  I inclined my head and returned his smile. “You came.”

  “I am a man of my word.” His smile faded. “However, I question the prudence of our meeting. I worry not for myself, as I am far too useful for the king to discard. He will punish me, then put me back to work. You… you may not fare so well.”

  “Yes.” I dropped my gaze and sighed. “It seems my choices all lead to one destiny. If the outcome is the same, does it really matter how I get there?”

  “I suppose not.” He leaned over to gather some arrows. “I made more for you.”

  My stomach dipped as he offered me a quiver full of arrows. He may as well have presented me with a vase full of wildflowers.

  But I was putting far too much importance on a simple act of kindness. I needed arrows to shoot and, being a practical sort, he made them for me. That was all there was to it. “Thank you. I appreciate all you have done. I only wish I could return your kindness.”

  “Learn, escape and stay alive. That is how you shall repay me.”

  A less generous person would have pleaded with me to help him find and free his sister. But Eli asked only for my safety. His selflessness made me admire him even more.

  After over an hour of practice, Eli rose from his spot on a stone. “My apologies, milady, but I must take my leave soon.”

  “Yes, of course.” I slipped an arrow back into the quiver and darted toward the ribboned branch to reclaim the other arrows.

  He moved to stand beside me. As I reached over to retrieve an arrow, so did Eli and his hand covered mine. I froze when his hand did not move, except for his thumb that slid across my knuckle.

  My gaze met his.

  He yanked his hand away, shaking his head. “I beg your forgiveness.”

  “You do not require my forgiveness, nor shall I offer it.” Slowly, I tugged on his hand, bringing his palm to my cheek and holding my breath, afraid he would leave.

  Eli took a cautious step forward, his eyes trained on me. His hand slipped behind my neck and he pulled me toward him until his forehead touched mine. “I am afraid I have grown much too fond of you,” he whispered.

  I gripped his sleeve and inched closer. Just a little farther and my lips would touch his.

  He stepped away and blew out a breath. “We must keep our distance. You cannot risk anyone catching shape-shifter scent on you.”

  I spun away and squeezed my eyes shut. Not only would I soon be far, far from Eli, but I had to take care how much I enjoyed his company during my last days with him. I sighed. “I have stayed too long and you have work to do.”

  Eli nodded. “Tomorrow then?”

  I smiled wistfully. “Yes.”

  † † †

  The prince left the following morning. King Mortimer spent the majority of the next few days in his study or meeting with his advisors. I enjoyed the sunshine, taking long walks each day or going for a ride. And every night, I met Eli. He helped me with sword fighting maneuvers and improving the aim of my arrows. We shared conversation and smiles, but he took care to always keep his distance.

  Much to my relief, I barely saw King Mortimer as he prepared for his trip. Finally, he departed with much fanfare, promising to return in two weeks. I vowed to be gone long before then.

  During the day while he worked, Eli had listened in on every conversation possible and learned that the king would travel over two hundred miles throughout his two-week trip. But one could cover only so many miles a day by horse. If I tried to leave tonight, King Mortimer very likely would not be more than a few miles away. After tomorrow, there may be only fifty miles between us. If I waited another day, he could be a hundred miles away and would take longer getting back once news of my escape reached him. This would give me a better head start, in addition to increasing the odds of my trail being harder to follow.

  Just two more days with Eli. I would make the most of it.

  That evening as I stepped into the clearing, my heart pounded in my chest. From his seat on a fallen log, Eli trained his eyes on me and for a few moments neither of us spoke.

  I took a seat about two feet away on the large boulder. “Two evenings from now, I shall leave.”

  He nodded. “I will be sorry to see you go. I have enjoyed our conversations.”

  “As have I.” Feeling shy, I glanced away.

  “I… I have not asked before, because I cannot allow you to put yourself in danger on my behalf or my sister’s, but… if there was a way you could find out where she is being held, without risking your position…”

  It had been days since I saw the caged rat. I did not even know for sure if that was Isabella or if the king had acquired another shifter without Eli’s knowledge. Even if I could be certain, I had no idea if the king had moved her. If Eli broke into the king’s private suite, his efforts could all be for nothing. And he would leave his scent behind. The king would know Eli had been in his room and he would be punished — possibly killed — for having been there.

  Unless I was absolutely positive of Isabella’s location, I could not give him any information at all. Still, guilt overwhelmed me. If I were in his position, I would probably give anything to hear news of my loved one. “If I discover her whereabouts, I shall tell you.”

  We sparred hard for over an hour before we took a break. Panting from exertion, my hands raw and aching, I had never been more grateful for werewolves’ quick healing. If I were human, anyone would look at my hands and know what I had been up to. I climbed back onto the big rock to rest as my breathing leveled. Eli maintained his distance, as he always did, by leaning against a tree at least two yards away.

  “I daresay your skills at battle are much improved.”

  “You are too kind.” I shot him a smile. “It is exaggeration, I am sure, but I hope it will be enough since we have only one more day to practice.”

  In an instant, he stood in front of me. “I implore you to reconsider. Fall at His Majesty’s feet and beg his mercy. Anything so that you may live.”

  “Being with a man I detest is not living.” I shook my head and laughed dryly. “And we both know his mind is set.”

  “You can make him love you. Do whatever it takes. Surely, being his queen cannot be so terrible. And after ruling a couple centuries, he is certainly well-respected.”

  “He is not respected by me.” I rose from the rock and scowled. “I could never be with him.”

  “You cannot know that.” He visibly stiffened. “Given time, you might grow to love him.”

  “To love anyone else,” I lowered my voice to a whisper, since that was all I could manage, “became impossible the moment I met you.” My muscles tensed and my stomach dipped as I awaited his reaction to my confession.

  Eli took a step forward and closed the distance as he searched my face. “You mustn’t say such things. It will only get you killed.”

  “Indeed, it may. But leaving the castle could also get me killed. Surely, staying will get me killed. Why should I care since the outcome is the same?”

  I only had to reach out to touch him. I wanted to. But would he push me away? I could not stand to be rejected by the man I loved.

  His jaw tightened and he stared at me for a long moment. “Because I am selfish. For every day you live, I can keep breathing.” His tone softened. “You are the only thing that makes this place tolerable. Yet somehow, seeing you every day, and not being able to touch you, is almost unbearable.”

  My breath caught in my throat. After that confession, rejection and impropriety were the last things on my mind. I reached for his hand and tugged, pulling him closer. He shook his head, but his eyes never left mine as I snaked my arms around his neck and melted against him.

  “This is a mistake,” Eli whispered as he brushed a lock of hair off my face and cupped my cheek. “The worst decision we could possibly make.” He closed his eyes before slowly leaning in.

  My limbs trembled and my pulse raced as I waited for him to kiss me. Then his lips gently brushed mine and fire explod
ed through my middle and blazed to my hands and toes. He wrapped his arms all the way around me, one hand cradling my head, the other pressing me closer against him. I moaned and my lips parted.

  Then suddenly, he whipped backward and landed several yards away. “We cannot risk it. My scent will be all over you and yours on me.”

  I nodded, knowing I needed to leave him before I got us both killed. “I will be back tomorrow.” Without waiting for a reply, I spun and headed back to the castle. My pace slowed as I entered the tunnel, my spirits weary from Eli’s absence. Pausing, I leaned against the cold stone and squeezed my eyes shut. How could I leave Eli now that I loved him? But knowing that the king planned to murder me, how could I stay?

  I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. My gaze landed on a shadow where the stone wall met the floor in front of me. A dead rat. I turned toward my chambers then stopped, thinking of Eli’s sister. Had she escaped?

  Of course not. Common gray rats were everywhere. And they were usually just rats. However, since the animal was dead, I would never know if it was a real rat or a shifter. Once werewolves or shifters were in their animal form, unless they were abnormally large, no one could tell if it had once been human or always been a rat.

  I prayed it was not Isabella. She was probably still in the king’s room and he would never allow the possibility of escape.

  Wait… since no one could tell that this rat had never been a shifter, it could take the place of Isabella and the king would never know it was not her.

  I shivered knowing I would have to touch the dead thing. I reached down and, with its tail pinched between my fingers, took a deep breath and headed for my room. In the candlelight, I inspected it again. I could not imagine anyone noticing it was a different rat. They would assume Isabella had died and no one would look for her. She would reunite with Eli and they would both be free.

  My chest squeezed at the thought of losing Eli. But at least he and his sister would be safe. That was all that mattered.

  But first, I had to make the switch.

  My heart pounded as I checked for a presence in the room next door. Hearing nothing, I tried the knob and the door opened. I made my way toward the rat cage and my limbs trembled.

  Isabella, I am a friend of Eli’s. I shall free you but I need you to remain very quiet. I already knew she was incapable of answering me, but I prayed she understood. I also need you to stay in your rat form or we may get caught.

  The cage locked from the outside, but did not require a key. I simply flipped the latch and opened the door. Reaching in, I lay my palm up and waited, but she did not approach me. As soon as I have you, I will leave a dead rat in your stead. No one will come looking for you.

  A moment later, her tiny paws tickled my palm. I withdrew my hand from the cage and carefully slipped her into my pocket. Please do not move. I reached into my other pocket to retrieve the dead rat and placed it in the cage.

  I closed the cage door and turned, intending to rush out, but my gaze caught on a bag sitting on the king’s bureau. It looked like the same bag filled with gold coins I had noticed the other night, though now it was closed. I tiptoed across the room and my heart beat wildly as I reached my hand inside and grabbed a generous serving of the gold coins. I hurried back to my room and locked the door.

  I concentrated, directing my thoughts to Eli. It is imperative you meet me at our spot. Now.


  Chapter TEN

  With Isabella in her rat form tucked safely in the pocket of my robe, I ducked back into the tunnel and raced through the castle walls. Moments later, I stood in the woods, my pulse pounding at my temple.

  I had just finished stowing the coins in my hiding place, inside the quiver, when a twig snapped. I whirled around. At the sight of Eli, my eyes misted.

  “Hannah, what is it?” He grasped my shoulders. “What has happened?”

  “I have something to show you.” I swallowed and reached into my pocket. Grabbing his other hand, I gently placed the rat on his palm.

  “A rat?” An instant later, he inhaled sharply, his eyes wide as they searched mine. “Isabella? How—”

  “Do not concern yourself with how, only that soon everyone will believe her to be dead.” I watched him stroke Isabella’s furry spine.

  “Then she is free to turn human.” Eli kneeled and lowered Isabella to the moist dirt.

  The tiny form shivered and quivered until it became a blur, then disappeared. In a flash, a young woman sat on the ground before me. Isabella was blond like Eli and about my height but with a willowy build. She moved to get up, then staggered back.

  Eli wrapped his arms around her and pulled her up.

  “I thought I would never see you again.” She croaked as she grabbed a handful of his shirt, her white nightdress rustling in the breeze through her muffled sobs.

  He stroked her hair. “You are safe. He will never hurt you again.”

  Not wanting to intrude, I slowly backed away.

  He glanced over his sister’s shoulder, his gaze landing on me. “Do not go.”

  “She is free now and so are you. You can… leave.” My throat swelled at the thought of being without Eli.

  “I do not know how to thank you.” Isabella stepped out of Eli’s embrace, wobbled to me and dropped to her knees. “I am indebted.”

  I gave a nervous laugh. “Hardly. Your brother paid that debt ahead of time. You owe me nothing.”

  Eli shook his head. “We will stay until it is time for you to leave.”

  “But I must wait until the king is farther away and it is too dangerous for you to stay.” I waved my arms for Isabella to get off her knees and she rose shakily. “You must not delay and risk losing more than just your freedom.”

  “Once I escape, the guards will be on high alert and you may lose your chance forever.” He shook his head. “And Isabella needs to regain her strength. She and I will wait and see you to safety, then—”

  “Part ways?” I choked on the question and released Isabella. “Risk everything that way, then forget we ever knew each other?”

  He wrapped an arm around Isabella’s waist and she leaned into him. “I will do everything in my power to ensure you find a haven. Once you are there, we must separate. Traveling with a fugitive slave will be far more dangerous for you than running on your own. We are different species. We will be noticed everywhere we go.”

  I wanted Eli and Isabella to leave immediately, but if they refused and we ran together, I saw no point in separating once we were out of harm’s way. I wanted him with me forever. “Is that your preference? Because I am quite certain that since I met you, I have developed an aversion to being without you.”

  “Hannah, be reasonable.” He ran his free hand through his hair. “Do not make this more difficult than it needs to be.”

  As if realizing there was more going on between us than she had originally thought, Isabella moved to back away, but he held tight to her slender frame as if unwilling to let her go so soon.

  “Because you do not wish to be with me?” Could I have misjudged his feelings for me so completely?

  “I am a shape-shifter who will always be a peasant. I am weaker than you, scorned by your kind.” He growled. “Your people will hunt me simply because I dared to take what was not mine. You will be in enough danger once you escape without adding my problems. You will be safer without me.”

  “My heart will be safer with you.” I let that hang in the air as I watched emotions wash over his face — confusion, anger. And something else… hope. “I love you, Eli.”

  He exhaled, then lifted Isabella, carried her to the boulder and carefully sat her on it. Eli turned toward me, a pained look on his face. I did not see him move again, only felt his warm hands the next moment around my waist as they pulled me close. He dropped his forehead on my shoulder. As you wish. I will run with you for all eternity, if that is what we must to do.

  My eyes pooled as I cupped his face and pulled him toward me. His lips tou
ched mine and I knew everything would be all right. So long as I had him by my side.

  But before we could truly be together, we had to escape the castle. In just hours from now, we would leave and I still no plan. I had wanted Eli since the moment I had laid eyes on him. But as much as I loved him, I knew I would get him killed. He and Isabella could change into birds and fly. The king and his guards could not track their scent. I, on the other hand, had to travel by foot. Wherever I ran, they would follow. It was only a matter of time before the werewolves caught up and killed us all.

  I had known since the beginning that my chances of dying were strong. But Eli could easily avoid the werewolves undetected. If he was discovered and murdered, it would be because of me.

  Eli and I could never be together.

  I went limp in his arms, my eyes stinging with tears. “But how am I to get past the guards and traps? We both know I cannot do what you can. I could not bear to watch you risk your life by staying with me when you could—”

  He held my face and stared into my eyes. “We have two days to find a way. Together.”

  Eli was determined, but was that enough? With his help and Isabella’s, could I survive the danger awaiting me?

  “Why wait?” Isabella asked. “The three of us should leave tonight while we are able to.”

  Eli released me and focused on his sister. “You can barely stand. You need to eat and rest to get your strength back. We mustn’t risk getting caught because you are too weak.”

  “After a meal, I will heal enough to travel. If we fly, we leave no trail to follow. Once we are a few miles away, we can stop and I can finish healing.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to give Eli an option to leave me. But I had to, because I needed him to survive. “Isabella is right. She can do it and you are strong enough to help her. I, on the other hand, will only hold you back.”

  “I will not leave you behind.” His jaw set as he shook his head.

  “But you must. I… I should have told you this before…” I sucked in a lungful of air, my eyes burning as I met Eli’s gaze. “King Mortimer wants to start a war with your species. He intends to murder me and blame my death on you. He needs you here in order to accomplish that. Surely you do not think that his only means of keeping you here — Isabella — is not foremost in his mind. He would be a fool to leave without making sure his servants feed her, and instructing his guards to inform him immediately if anything happens.”


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