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Dune House Cozy Mystery Boxed Set 2

Page 18

by Cindy Bell

  “I just hope you and Mary are careful. If there is someone on the loose that caused this man to die, then you need to be extra cautious, in case he intends to come back,” Paul pointed out.

  “I don't think they'll be back,” Suzie said grimly. “We were all vulnerable last night, but Warren was obviously targeted. There's no reason why someone would go to all the trouble of attacking someone on the third floor unless they intended him to be the victim.”

  “I'm sure the police will figure this out,” Paul said carefully.

  “They're calling it an accident, Paul, I don't think that they'll even investigate it,” she muttered.

  “Jason's a good police officer, Suzie, he'll figure it out,” he assured her. “Do you want me to come over?”

  “No, that's okay,” Suzie sighed. “I'm going to do some cleaning around here and prepare some things for the party.”

  “You're still having it?” he asked.

  “Yes, Benjamin and Catherine already have their plane tickets, and I've already paid for the cake and catering. I don’t want to cancel it now,” she explained.

  “Okay,” he agreed. “Does that mean we're still on for tonight?” he asked hopefully.

  Suzie thought about it for a moment. She wasn't sure if she could enjoy a dinner date with all of this on her mind. But it would be her last chance to see Paul before he shipped out. She didn't want to miss out on that.

  “Yes,” she finally said.

  “Good,” he said with relief. “I can't imagine launching without getting to spend a little time with you first. I'll pick you up around five?”

  “Perfect,” Suzie replied. She just hoped that she would be in a better mood by then. After hanging up the phone she took a moment to sit on the side of the bed. What had happened was a lot to process. How to deal with it, was even more difficult. She wasn't sure how she could just go on about her day. Sure, there were things to do for the party, and there were things to do to defend Dune House against potential lawsuits, but all she could think of was Warren sprawled across the sand. Her mind was stuck on how that could have happened.

  She could have kicked herself for not questioning John, the guest who had just checked out, more thoroughly. Maybe he had noticed something, maybe he had heard something that could have given her a clue. Suzie doubted it, but it still would have been better if she had asked. She knew that Jason would be handling notifying the next of kin, but she wondered if anyone had notified Louis yet. She walked towards the kitchen. Mary was leaning against the counter, staring aimlessly at a bagel that had popped up out of the toaster.

  “Did you talk to Wes?” Suzie asked as she plucked the bagel out of the toaster. “Butter or cream cheese?” she asked.

  “Jelly,” Mary replied, still in a bit of a daze.

  “Jelly, are you sure?” Suzie asked with surprise. “You never want jelly on your bagel.”

  “I'm trying out something new,” Mary explained and then blinked a few times. “Yes, I spoke with Wes,” she added.

  “How did that go?” Suzie asked and cast a sidelong glance in her direction.

  “Well, let's just say that he was very apologetic,” Mary replied with a grimace. “I just don't think he realized how rude it was to run out on me like that. Of course he didn't really explain why he took off.”

  “At least he is aware of the error of his ways,” Suzie pointed out. She spread a healthy helping of grape jelly across each side of the toasted bagel.

  “Yes, that's true,” Mary nodded. “When I told him what happened, he was pretty upset.”

  “Did he believe you when you told him that it wasn't an accident?” Suzie asked. “That's the important question.”

  “I don't know to be honest,” Mary sighed. “I kept insisting that the railing was sound, and he kept insisting that if it wasn't, the fault should be placed on the company that we hired to update the balconies.”

  “So, he just talked around it,” Suzie asked with a grim frown. “I didn't expect much different from him.”

  “Well, it doesn't matter what he, or Jason thinks, we know the truth, Suzie,” Mary said firmly.

  “Here’s your bagel,” Suzie said and handed her the plate. “Did you mention the car that I saw to Wes?”

  “Thank you,” Mary said with a warm smile. “I did mention it to him. He said that he would look into it, but just a color and description isn't much to go on.”

  “Great,” Suzie sighed. “Well, at least he is going to look into it. I think I'm going to call Louis and see if anyone has contacted him about this.”

  “About what?” Louis said from the front door. Suzie realized she had left the exterior door open when she came back inside.

  “Louis,” Suzie said, her heart pounding faster.

  “Is Warren up yet?” he asked. “I was going to take him to breakfast. No offense against your cooking, Mary, I just thought it would be a courteous thing to do.”

  Mary grimaced and set down her plate. “I don't think that is going to be possible, Louis,” she said gingerly.

  Suzie braced herself. She walked towards Louis, who looked a little confused. “Unfortunately, Louis, Warren died early this morning,” she said matter-of-factly. She believed in ripping the band-aid off quickly, especially when it came to news like this.

  “What?” Louis' eyes widened. “Are you playing some kind of prank on me?”

  “No, Louis,” Mary said in a soothing tone. “We're telling you the truth. Warren died early this morning, his body is at the medical examiner's office.”

  “What? Why?” Louis asked and grasped the kitchen counter to hold himself up. He had gone very pale. “How did this happen?” he demanded.

  “He fell from the balcony,” Suzie explained haltingly. “Well, we believe he was killed, the police believe it was an accident.”

  “If I had known that it wasn't safe here…” Louis gasped out.

  “Louis, please,” Mary said. “You know how careful we have been with restorations. We didn't cause this to happen.”

  “You said you think he was killed, why do you think that?” Louis asked desperately.

  “Because I don't believe that the railing could have given way that easily,” Suzie said with confidence. “What happened is a tragedy, but I do not believe that it was an accident.”

  “Does it matter?” Louis asked in a whisper. “Whether he was killed or it was an accident, he's gone. Because of me.”

  “It's certainly not because of you,” Mary said swiftly. “You couldn't have known any of this would happen.”

  “But he never would have been here if it wasn't to evaluate my book,” Louis pointed out tearfully.

  “Louis, it's going to be okay,” Suzie said and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “I know this is quite a shock, but it is going to be okay.”

  “I hope so,” he murmured. “I guess I should go. I should probably call Gerald. I don't know.”

  “Have some coffee, Louis,” Mary said. “Take a seat, and drink some coffee. It'll help you settle down.”

  “I don't think I should,” Louis sighed. “I was so excited about Warren's visit that I didn't sleep at all last night. If I drink coffee I'll be wired.”

  “Maybe it's best if you do go home and get some rest then,” Suzie suggested.

  “I think that would be best,” Louis agreed. He looked between the two women. “I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to accuse you of anything.”

  “It's okay,” Mary said. “I'll walk you out.”

  “Thanks,” Louis nodded. As Mary walked him out of Dune House, Suzie frowned. She knew that Louis was just the beginning. Everyone in Garber would soon believe that a fatal accident had occurred at Dune House.

  “I think I'm going to lay down for a little while,” Mary said when she walked back inside. “I don't know if I'll be able to sleep, but I need to get off of my knees.”

  “I understand,” Suzie nodded. “I'm going to see if I can persuade Jason to take another look at this situa

  “Good luck,” Mary said. “Wake me if I can do anything to help.”

  “Get some good sleep,” Suzie said as she pulled out her cell phone. While Mary walked down the hallway to her room, Suzie dialed Jason's number.

  “Hi Suzie,” Jason said when he picked up on the first ring.

  “I just wanted to check in with you, Jason, and apologize for the way I spoke to you earlier,” Suzie added.

  “No need,” he replied calmly. “I know emotions run high when something like this happens.”

  “That's true, Jason. But I want you to think about the possibility that maybe I was right. Maybe there is something more to all of this than you can see on the surface,” she pressed.

  “Oh, Suzie you're not still on this murder idea are you?” he asked grimly.

  “I am,” she replied. “Because I know that it is true. Warren Blasser was murdered. How can you not even want to look into it?”

  “It isn't about what I want, Suzie,” Jason said in a colder tone. “This is my job here. I can't look like a fool to everyone around me just because you have a hunch.”

  “It's more than a hunch, Jason,” Suzie sighed and pressed the phone tighter to her ear. “Listen to me. I had those railings and the balconies updated and inspected. I wouldn't lie to you about that, Jason. I know that we're still getting to know each other, but if I thought it was possible that this was an accident I would admit to it.”

  “I know that, Suzie,” he said gently. “I don't want you to think I don't believe you. I know that you believe that this could not have been an accident. Don't think I'm not looking at that angle, it's just that right now there is absolutely nothing to point to foul play. Maybe when the results come back from the autopsy tomorrow, we'll get a better idea of what really happened. Until then, I think you should just do your best to prepare for what those results might be.”

  “I'll try,” Suzie said. “I appreciate you listening to me, Jason.”

  “Suzie, you know how much I respect you. Just give me some time to see if anything suspicious comes up,” he said.

  “Okay,” she agreed. “Thank you, Jason.” When she hung up the phone, she felt a little better. Knowing that Jason wasn't completely opposed to the idea that there had been a murder, she could relax a little. She glanced at her watch and saw that she had a few hours before Paul would arrive. She decided she would take a nap as well, even though she had a million other things that she needed to do. She didn't realize how exhausted she was until she curled up in her bed.

  Chapter 7

  The ringing of Suzie’s cell phone woke her from a deep sleep. She felt like she had just closed her eyes. But when she grabbed her phone she could see that it was after five. It was Paul who was calling.

  “Suzie, I'm here,” he said when she answered the phone.

  “I'm sorry, Paul, I fell asleep,” she mumbled and pulled herself out of bed. “Give me a second.” She quickly got ready and then made her way down the hallway to the front door of Dune House. She unlocked the door and opened it for Paul.

  “Oh sweetheart, I didn't mean to wake you,” he said quietly.

  “It's good that you did,” Suzie said with a laugh. “Apparently, I was going to sleep for hours.”

  “If you're not up for dinner it's okay, Suzie,” Paul said and gave her a soft hug.

  “Are you kidding?” Suzie shook her head. “I'm starving.”

  “Great,” he smiled. “What about Mary? Is she all right?”

  “She's sleeping, too,” Suzie said. “It's probably best if we let her rest.”

  “Do you need a few minutes before we go?” Paul asked. Suzie brushed her fingers back through her brassy blonde hair and shook her head.

  “I'm fine, if you're ready,” she said. She suddenly had a deep desire to get away from Dune House.

  “Sounds good,” he agreed. He led her across the deck and to the parking lot. Suzie searched the parking lot for any sign of the mustard colored car she had seen the night before. There wasn't a hint of it. In fact the only cars in the parking lot were the car that Suzie and Mary shared and Paul's. He opened the passenger door for her. Suzie slid inside and did her best to relax. She tried to convince herself that there was nothing she could do at the moment. She tried to give herself permission to actually enjoy her time with Paul.

  When Suzie and Paul reached their favorite restaurant, Cheney's, Suzie was still trying to convince herself. She realized she hadn't spoken a word to Paul. Paul, who was usually rather quiet himself hadn't tried to coax her into conversation, but she knew that he had noticed. They walked up to the restaurant, hand in hand, but Suzie's mind was elsewhere.

  “I'm sorry all of this happened, and especially on Mary's birthday weekend,” Paul said grimly.

  “Me too,” Suzie said as he held the door open for her. There was a subtle buzz of conversation when they stepped inside, but as soon as the door fell closed behind them, that buzz became stony silence. Suzie was a little confused until she noticed people leaning close to whisper to each other. The hostess offered her a sad smile. Suzie felt a sense of alarm growing within her that she hadn't felt since she was in high school and had been teased for the braces she had to wear. She wasn't sure how to react to the knowledge that everyone in the room was talking about her. She felt Paul's strong hand on the small of her back.

  “Table for two,” he told the hostess.

  “Paul, maybe we should just get the food to go,” Suzie said softly beside his ear.

  “Nonsense,” he replied. “I'm going to take any chance I have to show you off.”

  Suzie raised an eyebrow at that. “I don't think that anyone wants me to be here,” she said.

  “I do,” he said and met her eyes intently. “It's just you and me, sweetheart, nobody else here matters.”

  Suzie realized he was trying to prevent her from running and hiding, but she wasn't so sure she agreed with him. She did her best to make it through the meal without bolting out the door, but she had a hard time thinking about anything other than the dirty looks, and curious stares she continued to receive. Obviously the rumor had spread through the majority of the town. Now, people were likely debating whether the death was the fault of Dune House and its owner.

  Paul signaled to the waitress to bring their bill. Suzie felt a sense of relief. She couldn't even enjoy her food as her stomach was in knots. While they waited for the bill Suzie did something she almost never did. She pulled out her cell phone at the table. She texted Jason to see if he had found out anything about the case. She also sent a text to Mary to check on her. She wanted to do anything to avoid noticing the people around her who were judging her.

  “Why don't we go for a walk?” Paul suggested. “It's a nice night for it.”

  “I'd like that,” Suzie said and finally put her phone away.

  As they left the restaurant Suzie could feel the eyes of others on her. She wasn't sure if she was just being paranoid, or if there really was something for her to be suspicious about. Either way she imagined that they were thinking horrible things about her. She was hoping that a little fresh air and escape from the people of Garber would help clear her mind. Paul led her down towards the harbor where his boat was docked.

  “You seem a little preoccupied,” Paul said quietly as they walked hand in hand.

  “I'm sorry,” Suzie said with a slight frown as she looked over at him. “Between this situation with Dune House, and Mary, I am a little preoccupied.”

  “The party?” he asked and raised an eyebrow. “Do you need help with it?”

  “No, it's not the party,” Suzie sighed. “I've barely even thought about the party since all of this happened. It's Wes.”

  “Detective Brown?” Paul said with a grimace.

  “I know you're not a fan,” Suzie shook her head. “Maybe I should have listened to you.”

  “Now, I may not be a fan, but he's turned out to be a decent guy,” Paul shrugged a little. “I don't think he'd do anything t
o hurt Mary.”

  “Well, he seems to be up to something, and it's really getting to Mary,” Suzie explained. “I just wish I could fix it for her. With her birthday coming up, it's not a great time for her to be worrying about romance.”

  “That's true,” Paul said and wrapped his arm around her waist. “But you can't make people do what you want, I've tried,” he said thoughtfully. “As hard as it might be you're going to have to let things play out between Mary and Wes.”

  “I know,” she frowned. “I just have a hard time watching her get hurt.”

  “Of course you do,” he leaned close and kissed her cheek. “It's never easy. But keep in mind, sometimes things are not how they look on the surface.”

  “I think Mary's spent enough years dealing with a man who played games with her,” Suzie said darkly. “She deserves more than that. She deserves to be happy.”

  “And you know as well as I do, that another person can't do that for you,” Paul reminded her wisely. He paused in the moonlight, and drew her close. “She is a lucky woman, Suzie, she has you in her life to love and protect her.”

  “I guess,” Suzie shook her head. “But now with the possibility of us being sued, what happens if we lose Dune House, where will that leave her? She has nowhere else to turn. Her kids are in college, her ex-husband took the house and the savings…”

  “Take a breath,” Paul advised and looked into her eyes. “Sometimes you just have to have faith that it will all work out.”

  “Faith?” she looked at him with surprise. “You're one of the biggest cynics I know, Paul.”

  “Thanks, I think,” he said with a half-smile. “That is true, but I learned that having a little faith can make a big difference.”

  “How?” she asked curiously.

  “When I fell in love with you,” he explained as he held her gaze, “I wanted to make you see just how good we could be together, but I couldn't do that. You didn't want to see it. I just had to have faith that you would feel the same way I did, and now look where we are.”

  “True,” Suzie said hesitantly. “I didn't think you were ever going to last.”


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