The Jewel of Grim Fortress

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The Jewel of Grim Fortress Page 3

by Victoria Zak

“I provoked the laird to the point that he wanted to kill me. It was the only way to be free of him since I can no’ take me own life.” She paused. “I had him right where I wanted, but I lost my temper and cursed him. It was a mere blunder that I was stabbed.”

  “I didnae understand… the blast?”

  “Me da told me that I had a special self-defensive power about me, but I never knew it to be that powerful.”

  “Och, ye are one powerful druid.”

  There was an uncomfortable silence between them. Even after five year of being apart, she had always wondered why he’d left. Time and time again she came up with different scenarios, but one held true throughout the years--

  - he had left because of her.

  “Why did ye leave, Kincaid? Ye never said goodbye.” Paisley peered down at her bare feet. She couldn’t stomach looking him in the eye when he told her he left Mull because of her.

  “There’s some things aboot me that ye will no’ understand.”

  “That’s no excuse. I told ye everything. Now ye tell me why.”

  He rubbed the tension from the back of his neck. “Paisley, I’m part of a rare league, hunting paranormal that have strayed from good. That day of the attack I got a vision and had to leave. I didnae want to leave ye but I had no choice. ‘Tis who I am.”

  Paisley closed her eyes and exhaled, pleased that Kincaid hadn’t left Mull because of her. “So ye hunt witches and things that go bump in the night?”

  He smiled. “Something like that.”

  Paisley wasn’t sure if she really wanted to know the answer to the next question, but it was one she had to ask. Especially not knowing the outcome of her future. “Were ye hunting me?”

  “Kincaid, you lucky bastard,” a tall, gruff man with long blond hair called out. Cailean was with him as they approached Kincaid. Could he possibly be Viking? she wondered. The man slapped Kincaid on the back. “Ye never cease to amaze me.”

  “I always keep me promise.” Kincaid smiled.

  Paisley cleared her throat, bringing Kincaid’s attention back on her.

  “Paisley, this is Gershom, the captain of this lovely ship,” Kincaid said.

  Gershom took Paisley’s hand and kissed it. “The pleasure is all mine.”

  “I’d watch it if I were ye. She’s verra powerful,” Cailean said as he bit into an apple. “Here, I have extra.” He offered Paisley a red and juicy apple.

  “Thank ye.” Paisley smiled.

  “Since we have a lady on board, she can stay in my cabin.” Kincaid pinned Gershom with a cross glare. “I’ll be out here enjoying the night with you two.” He nodded to Kincaid and Cailean. “I have enough ale to pass the time. Now if you’ll excuse me I have a ship to sail.” Gershom walked to the back of the boat and took his position at the helm.

  Paisley was beyond excited to have a warm bed to sleep in, for the swaying of the ship was beginning to inflict havoc on her stomach. But she still had no idea what Kincaid had planned for her. “What are we going to do now?”

  Wiping away the juice running down his chin, Cailean announced his opinion. “I think she needs to join us and become an assassin.”

  Kincaid coughed as if he was choking. “Nay, no way, Cailean, ‘tis too dangerous.”

  “We can train her. Kincaid, her magic could be verra useful. Plus ye can no’ deny the vision.”

  Kincaid crossed his arms as if he wasn’t budging on this topic. “Nay, I won’t allow it.”

  Irritated by the men arguing about her future as if she had no say in the matter, Paisley had had enough. “Ye dinnae have to talk like I’m no’ here.

  The last time I checked I was old enough to make me own decisions.”

  Out of anger Kincaid lashed out. “That’s before ye killed the laird.

  History has shown that ye’re incapable of making sound decisions.”

  If he thought he was going to get away with that last comment, he had better think again. She took in a deep breath and prayed for grace, because the urge to slap Kincaid was threatening to take over. “As I see it, Kincaid, I need protection from Clan Maclean. Ye said it yerself. Who else better to protect than an assassin? Plus I can use my magic and power for the greater good. I want to help.”

  “I can train her meself’” Cailean wiggled his brows.

  Paisley didn’t know why she was waiting for Kincaid’s reply. It wasn’t like she was going to take no for an answer. She had nowhere else to go and the thought of fighting errant supernatural creatures piqued her interest.

  Kincaid blew out a heavy breath and pinned Paisley with a rigid glare. “I do no’ like this idea,” he paused as Paisley held his mismatched eyes, “yet, I have no claim over ye or what ye do.”

  “Then it’s settled.” Paisley yawned and pulled the blanket tightly around her shoulders. “Now if ye would excuse me, I’ve had a daunting day.” She was too tired and achy to care. Curling up in a warm bed was all she could think of.

  Cailean stood next to Kincaid. “So, we found the laird, did ye ever find the jewel?”

  Kincaid crossed his arms and smiled as he watched Paisley walk away.

  “Aye, I did.”

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  Highland Destiny

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  Victoria Zak is an internationally bestselling author in Paranormal Romance and Scottish Historical Romance. Her first book, Highland Burn was runner-up for the InD’tale 2015 RONE award for best paranormal romance.

  Victoria Zak lives in the sunshine state with her husband, two beautiful children, and three furry friends. Living in paradise, being a stay at home mom, and to be able to share her stories has been a blessing.

  Victoria loves to hear from her readers. You can connect with her through the links below:



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  Guardians of Scotland Series:

  Highland Burn

  Highland Storm

  Highland Fate

  Highland Destiny

  Hell’s Cowboys Series:

  My Immortal Cowboy

  Stand Alones:

  Once Upon a Winter Solstice

  The Jewel of Grim Fortress - Medieval Vice Episode 1

  Kathryn Le Veque’s World of De Wolfe Pack:

  De Wolfe’s Honor

  Document Outline



  Newsletter Signup


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Newsletter Signup

  About the Author

  Books by Victoria Zak




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