Beauty's Cursed Sleep

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Beauty's Cursed Sleep Page 12

by Mary E. Twomey

Rory smiled, now that the task was off her plate. “You did?”

  “But you can’t open it until the day after your actual birthday, because that’s how sure I am that your curse won’t hold water. And if it does, you’ll be so motivated to wake up to open my gift, you’ll reduce the lengthy coma to a six-hour nap, just so you can open my present.”

  Rory brightened by degrees at Henry’s perpetual boyish cuteness, cradling the phone to her ear with a sweetness to her movements that came whenever her favorite friend doted on her. She started refilling the coffee in the pot for her employees as she spoke. “I love you, Henry. Thank you. You’re the best prince a girl could ask for.”

  “I totally am. Love you, too. Next time I see you, I’ll have a big, sloppy kiss ready and waiting for you, wowing the crowd with our torrid affair. They’ll forget all about your curse or any political nastiness when rumors of us running off into the sunset circulate again.”

  Rory chuckled at his antics. “Will you wear lipstick this time? I feel like we need to up the controversy. We’ve led far too dull of lives thus far.”

  “Absolutely. Couldn’t agree more. This last attacker didn’t even abduct you! They’re losing their touch.”

  Henry had done his grand sweeping princely kiss with her several times. It was always in public, and he always tried to slip his gum in her mouth because he said that made it all seem all the more tawdry for the viewers.

  “I’ll see you later, Prince Charming.”

  “Counting the minutes, my love,” Henry said before hanging up.

  It was the eve of her twenty-fifth birthday, which caused her no small amount of anxiety. She didn’t want to lose her sanity by dwelling on Malaura’s curse, but the dread was there all the same. Everyone had urged her to take the day off of work, but somehow to Rory that felt like conceding defeat to Malaura, which she was unwilling to entertain.

  “Who was that?” asked Cordray. She realized when she turned that he was standing stone-faced behind her.

  “Just a friend. Hopefully you’ll meet him at my birthday party.” Her parents had spared no expense, planning a celebration in defiance of Malaura’s curse to take place the week after her birthday. The affair was more the middle finger to everyone in the kingdom who’d ever reminded them that Rory wasn’t supposed to live to see her twenty-fifth year. More RSVPs than ever before were coming in, everyone eager to see the outcome. The caterer had even mentioned that the menu could easily shift to a mourning spread, in case things went south and never bounced back for the Chancellor’s daughter. Leah and Stefan had been none too pleased about that little anecdote.

  Cordray was not pacified with her canned response. “How long have you loved Henry?”


  The Chaos and Kiss of Prince Henry

  Despite the fact that it was chilly outside, Rory tugged Cordray out the back exit, so they could speak privately. “Prince Henry is my oldest friend. You know that.”

  “I don’t have any oldest friends who I talk to like that.”

  “Well, you can speak to Henry in the same way. He’ll love it.” She sighed. “Henry and I would never have worked. He’s wonderful, but he’s got a wandering eye, and can’t commit to a dinner order, much less a woman. Trust me, this is how it was supposed to be. He’s going to be the king someday, and I’ll be the Chancellor. It’s good that we work well together and have a silly friendship.”

  She shivered, and Cordray glanced around the empty alley behind the building before wrapping his arms around her. “Say more things that make me forget how sexy and teasing you sounded on the phone to him.”

  “Henry, Adam and I didn’t have many friends who understood the expectations that were put on us from birth, so the three of us clung to each other. But nothing romantic ever came of it.”

  “Maybe I’ll feel better once the three of us hang out.”

  Given Henry’s handsome face and flirty nature, Rory very much doubted that.

  Cordray took a chance and kissed her, shivering as the light fluffs of snow began to fall around them. Fall had given way to the beginnings of winter, making everything seem quieter, as if nature herself was growing more contemplative. “Where can I take you for lunch? I was hoping to steal you away to our favorite secret spot.” They hadn’t been outed by the press yet, and Rory was grateful for the time they had that was uninterrupted by the demands of the people.

  “You want to steal me?” She lifted up onto her toes and pecked his lips. “But I’m already yours.”

  “I want to steal you and keep you.” He kissed her several more times, warming them in the midst of the chilly gusts coming in from the left end the alley. “Mine,” he whispered between kisses, his palms moving along the gentle curve of her back.

  “Yours,” she cooed, letting herself get weak in the knees for him. They felt scandalous, indulging when any number of her employees could pop out back for a smoking break and uncover their relationship. “We’re always around other people,” she complained, and then snatched his lower lip between hers, drawing it out just to make him moan for her. “I’ve been loving this time that’s just ours.”

  “Tonight it’ll be just you and me.” His hand gravitated to her hip, running down the slope of it so he could grip her thigh possessively.

  “And Benjamin,” she reminded him as the kiss came to a crest.

  “Right.” Cordray pressed his forehead to hers. Words of permanence sizzled on the tip of his tongue, but he bit them back, not wanting to admit them to her at the office. “Tell me again your curse will be easily defeated.”

  “As fast as you can kiss me, I’ll be back in your arms.”

  His soft reply had the hint of pride to it at having captured her heart so thoroughly. “Right where you belong.”

  “After I wake up, my parents are taking us on a fun weekend of skiing. Then there’s the big celebration when we get back, where you’ll meet everyone.”

  “Meet everyone as what?”

  Rory frowned, confused. “As yourself, of course.”

  “As your boyfriend?”

  Rory’s mouth drew to the side, anticipation lighting her face with joy. “I think we can go public at my birthday party, if you’re up for it.”

  Cord beamed as he kissed her, triumphant at the label he’d been trying not to push. “We could go public now, you know. Walk in there with your skirt all askew and my shirt unbuttoned, holding hands for everyone to see. They wouldn’t gossip about you and Henry anymore, that’s for sure.”

  “After my birthday,” she insisted with a snigger. She couldn’t resist kissing him again. Most of their time together was spent with Remus or Benjamin as a third wheel, which put a serious damper on any kind of romance.

  They walked back inside, their hands parting for the sake of keeping things quiet. They were shivering, but content that they’d taken a moment for themselves. Cordray put his hand on the small of her back as they neared her office, and she shot him a look that said she knew he was trying to subtly plant their relationship in the minds of their coworkers.

  He returned her squint with an innocent shrug. “What?”

  “You know what you’re doing,” she said out of the corner of her mouth. “I’ll see you in there in a minute. I have to check something with my graphic artist. Then we can go, I promise.”

  “Take your time.” Cordray moved into her office and sat back down without a hint of frustration at having to wait.

  Rory stood beside her employee’s desk, ignoring the looks of pity, and the occasional moisture in her eyes that this would be her last day at work before the dreaded curse was to take place. Everyone had been on best behavior today, bringing in flowers and treats to their beloved boss on what was assumed to be her last day of wakeful life.

  Rory ignored the sadness and looked over the sketches. “This one,” she said with a firm nod. “Can I see the options for the benefit next month?”

  “Of course, Lady Aurora.”

  Rory kept her mind on her tasks
, but stiffened when she heard a voice she’d know anywhere shouting her name.

  “Rory, my love! Happy early birthday!”

  Rory paled when none other than Prince Henry himself rounded the corner. He knew how to behave like the royal he was, but every now and then the pressure to perform perfectly for the public grew too excruciating, so he let his true personality fly high. “Henry? What are you doing here?” she asked quietly through terse lips. She loathed being the center of attention in a crowd, and Henry knew just how to make her squirm. Everyone had turned in their chairs, some rising while others knelt in respect to the throne.

  All eyes drew to the six-foot-two handsome blond prince with the rakish grin. His voice was loud, which was nothing unusual. But untethered like this, he seemed louder, his hand gestures bigger, and his smile even more dashing. He clutched a bouquet of a dozen red roses in his fist, and his matching designer scarf wafted out behind him as he beelined for his mark.

  Remus heard the commotion and opened his office door that was beside Rory’s, smirking at the man he’d known since birth.

  “Remus, old friend!”

  Remus expected Henry to throw his arms around him, as he always did, but Henry was especially rascally, since he was prowling the area with only his personal guard, who stood stoically at the entrance like a gargoyle. Instead of a hug, Henry yanked Remus by the tie and laid a quick peck to his lips, laughing at the shock on Remus’ face when he released the man.

  A few nearby workers squeaked at the scene of their elusive in-control vice president looking so very ruffled. A few clapped at the show, and the buzz picked up as the eyes that were always hungry for gossip zeroed in on the newcomer. A few phones found their way out of pockets and purses, snapping shots of the prince invading their workspace for the sheer purpose of pleasure.

  Remus wiped off his mouth, red-faced and looking as if he’d eaten something sour. “Henry, you can’t just come in here and…”

  “And sweep my future bride off her feet? Darling!” Henry threw his arms wide, grinning at the chaos he was creating. His life was so controlled back in the palace. To let himself loose breathed new life into his naturally playful disposition.

  Cordray was a statue as Rory turned red, stammering for Henry to knock it off. “Henry, you know that’s not…”

  But Rory never finished her sentence. Henry smacked the roses down on her assistant’s desk, climbed overtop of it in true dramatic fashion, and leaped onto her side of the divide. He scooped Rory’s face in his palms and laid a kiss on her so grand, that every woman in the office swooned. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling back so his voice could carry as if he was addressing the entire office, who were gathering around to gawk with delight. “Today! Today, my love. I cannot wait another moment for our wedding. Let’s elope, and then spend your birthday making lots of babies. I know the exact angle I’ll need to use to make us a boy. That silly curse won’t last a minute if I’m around to vanquish it!”

  Rory was positively crimson, and wished to run away. Of course, Henry knew this about her, so he held her tighter, smiling at her squirm. “Henry, you’re being ridiculous.” Then she lowered her voice to a whisper. “You know I’m seeing someone.”

  Henry kissed her again, and then tipped his head back with a mournful cry. “Cut me to the quick, woman! Who? Who shall I joust to win back your favor?”

  “Let go of her,” came a low growl to Rory’s left. Cordray’s fists were clenched at his sides, the only angry person in the sea of enthralled gawkers. “I won’t ask you a second time.”

  “You! And what claim do you have on my love’s heart?” Then his eyebrows pulled together. “Hey, I know you.” Henry released Rory, who stepped back and tried to appeal to Cord.

  “I’m her boyfriend!” Cordray roared, his temper finally hitting its breaking point. His fist flew without warning, without hesitation, and without apology, cracking across Henry’s square jaw.

  The prince let out a bleat of pain, and then cried out with hysterical laughter. “That was incredible! What a swing! And the joust begins!”

  Henry’s guard wasn’t so forgiving. In the next second, Cordray found himself with his torso lying flat across Francesca’s desk, the agenda for the day smashed to his cheek as the formidable Victor held him down.

  Remus ran to the desk, swearing as he explained in hushed tones to Henry’s guard that Cordray was no threat to the throne. Benjamin burst through the front door, adding to the torrents of gasps and freshly-milled gossip when he assessed the situation as quickly as he could, and swept Rory off her feet in true bodyguard fashion. He ran her out the backdoor, despite her protests that it was all a big misunderstanding.


  Cordray and Henry

  “Put me down, Benjamin!” Rory insisted, kicking her legs until he consented at the end of the alley.

  “I’m parked over there. Go!”

  Rory remained firm. “No, you don’t understand. Henry was pulling his usual ‘I’m going to marry Rory’ practical joke, and Cord punched him. Then Victor got involved, and Remus is left to deal with it all. I have to go back in there!”

  “You’re not in danger?”

  “No, Henry’s in danger from me! I’m going to wring that boy’s neck!” She stomped back toward the entrance, but it flew open seconds before her fingers could close on the handle.

  Henry and Cordray were both being held by their collars, and were shoved out into the alley by Remus and Victor, who frowned at them both. The men spilled out into the cold, shoving each other with very different expressions. Cordray looked positively murderous, but Henry was a puppy who wasn’t cunning enough to understand the difference between being bopped on the nose with a newspaper, and when someone was playing fetch with him.

  Remus shoved Cordray to the end of the alley near Benjamin, and Victor pushed Henry in the opposite direction. Remus rubbed out a crease on his forehead. “Are you quite satisfied with the chaos, Henry? Honestly. Now I have to go in there and explain that away somehow.”

  “Explain what away? Get the gossip mill churning. Give the people a good scandal to focus on, rather than Malaura’s curse.”

  “Oh, you’re impossible.” Rory blanched, and then pulled a wad of blue gum from her mouth. “I think this belongs to you. So gross, Henry.”

  Cordray was far from calmed. He lunged at Henry again, landing a shot to his kidney that brought the prince to his knees. Benjamin wrestled Cord off of the prince, and Victor helped his charge to his feet.

  The two guards locked eyes, each taking an opposite end of the alley to watch while the others sorted out the mess that Henry was so proud of stirring up.

  Rory hugged herself to stave off the frosty weather. She wore a gray skirt and a black camisole under a gray blouse that had ruffles along the hem, which was slightly less warm than a proper jacket. “Can you give us a minute to sort this out?”

  “Please.” Remus ran his hand over his face. “And Henry? Warn me the next time you kiss me. I’ll be sure to suck on a moldy old sock in anticipation.”

  “Best kiss of your life,” Henry replied, waggling his eyebrows as he rose to his feet.

  Remus went back into the building, shaking his head, and leaving the trio to duke it out in the alley.

  Cordray glared at Rory, jabbing his finger toward Henry, who was still grinning. “This guy? This is how your best friend behaves around you?”

  “Henry’s harmless,” Rory assured him, ignoring Henry’s guffaw. “He does that sometimes – stirs up trouble because he’s bored cooped up in the palace, or to steer the public’s focus away from other, more harrowing things. Though, a warning would have been nice.” She glared at her friend.

  Henry’s eyes danced with playfulness that never seemed to dull. “Where’s the fun in warning you? I was hoping you’d slap me, so the people will be all a dither, wondering if we’re in love, and if I can break the curse or not.”

  She palmed Henry’s churlish grin so she didn’t have to lo
ok at it anymore. “He doesn’t mean anything by it. We’ve never been together. Honest.”

  Henry postured. “I’ll have you know that I’m not harmless. I’m deviously plotting my way into my darling Rory’s heart. I’m taking the long con, spending twenty-four long years trying to woo her.”

  Rory rolled her eyes and shoved him lightly backward. “Like anyone’s going to believe that. Cord, nothing’s going on. I’m with you. Only you.”

  Cordray kept his finger leveled in Henry’s face. “I trust her, but I don’t want you sniffing around my girlfriend if I’m not there to keep you from humping her leg. She’s not up for grabs, so you’ll back off, now that you’ve had your fun. You sent your message to the people, and now it’s over.”

  Henry grabbed his chest as if his heart was mid-rupture. “Rory, tell this brute how many times you’ve seen me naked.”

  “Zero!” Rory blushed. “Oh my gosh, do you have an off switch? Victor, can you put a muzzle on your village idiot?”

  Victor’s mouth twitched, but he didn’t reply. He’d been with the royal family since Rory was a child, and barely spoke to anyone.

  Rory moved into Cordray’s body space, shivering as she held his face to get him to focus on only her. “Cord, it’s only you. There’s no one else. Please believe me.”

  “I think I do.” His face was stern as he looked down into her pleading eyes. “But I don’t want other men kissing you.”

  “Only you,” she assured him. “I’ve never had a boyfriend before, so Henry hasn’t had a chance to adjust to the new dynamic. Please, Cord.”

  Cordray held onto his anger for another handful of seconds, and then the tension in his shoulders began to loosen. “Tell me again.”

  “Only you,” she cooed, lifting herself up onto her toes and kissing him in plain view of Henry. She ran her fingertips up the hard planes of his chest, holding onto his collar as she kissed him again, her frozen breath tickling his nose. “It was you from the first day we met.”


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