Azaran: The Brotherhood of Ormarr Book One

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Azaran: The Brotherhood of Ormarr Book One Page 9

by James, Jacki

  “My brother,” Eeli said, rolling his eyes in true teenage fashion. “You should see them together. It’s so sweet it’s nauseating.”

  Elsie laughed, and then with a smile, she said, “So which of the Ormarr brothers charmed you? Not Zale, he’s not your type. So it’s either Malachite or Azaran.” She tilted her head to one side and studied me. “No, not Malachite, either. I just can’t see it. So must be Azaran, then. He’s a handsome devil, so I’d say you have good taste. I’m glad, though. I was hoping you’d find what you were looking for. Now, what can I get you and Eeli to eat today?”

  We spent the rest of the afternoon grocery shopping and just looking around town. Eeli was a great kid, and we actually had a lot of fun.

  “So,” I asked him as we walked down the sidewalk. “Did you ever remember how you ended up on that cliff?” He blushed and ducked his head.

  “Promise not to tell Azaran?” he asked.

  “Well that depends, if it’s something that puts you in danger, then I would have to tell him, but if not then I could probably make that promise.”

  “It’s nothing dangerous, I just feel stupid is all.”

  “Okay, then why don’t you tell me?”

  “I was trying to catch Bo. She just doesn’t listen to me. We were walking along the cliff and she was chasing a butterfly. The butterfly flew over the edge of the cliff and I knew she wasn’t going to stop. She can’t fly yet, you know, not until we bond, and I just knew she was going after it. I lunged for her and caught her. I tossed her back, but then I lost my balance and went over. It was a stupid mistake.”

  “It doesn’t sound stupid to me, Eeli, it sounds like you did what you needed to, to save Bo. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

  “That’s hard when your one of the Ormarr brothers, you know? I mean have you seen them? They are amazing.”

  “They are, I ‘ve seen them, but you know what? I’ve seen you too and your pretty damned impressive as well.”

  The next day I woke up and with a plan. I called the clinic and let them know I wouldn’t be back. I arranged for a moving company to pack up my things and move them to Dargum’s Cove, and I got one of my friends to handle the sale of my car.

  When Azaran got back, we could go to Seattle to return my rental, and I’d buy myself something to drive. The next thing I needed to do was go talk to Doctor Evans and find out if I was starting my own practice or joining his, but he was still out of town and wouldn’t be back until the following Monday. I decided it didn’t really matter. I was staying either way. The only thing left to do was wait for Azaran to return. I didn’t like him being gone like this. It left me feeling unsettled and more than a little anxious. I wondered how often they went on these assignments and hoped they were safe. My partner out on a mission to fight bad guys, defend the innocent, and riding a dragon would take some getting used to, I thought, laughing to myself at how strange it was to even think such a thing.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The next morning I was glad when the men Paul had called in arrived. Not that I didn’t care if Nick was safe. What he was doing was crazy brave. I just had this itch under my skin I couldn’t get rid of. I knew it was because I’d left Toby at home. He said he’d be there when I got back, but what if he wasn’t? What if he changed his mind and decided to go back to Maine?

  For someone who’d been so determined he didn’t need anyone else, I sure was strung tight just thinking about him being gone. I tried to tell myself that was the pull of the mating bond. We hadn’t completed it yet, and once we had, I could relax; but the truth was, even without the mating bond, I’d still want him. He was smart and kind and cared so much about other people.

  We said our goodbyes and left. I couldn’t get back to Toby fast enough. So far we’d ignored each other, grumbled at each other, had sex, and I left. Not a great start to a relationship in my opinion. What I needed to do was take him out on a date. Make sure he knew I wanted him. Not only because he was my mate, but because of who he was as a person. I knew the idea of not having a choice didn’t sit well with him, and I didn’t blame him. My entire life I’d been taught that the same magic that gave me Sindri would bring me a partner who was perfect for me in every way, and it was still hard for me to accept. I couldn’t imagine how hard it’d be if the whole idea was foreign to me. I needed to make him see I could be what he wanted.

  Our mate loves the ocean and the tide pools. Sindri said.

  Really, how do you know that?

  He told me. You should take him there. He likes to play with the starfish. I don’t know why. They aren’t very tasty.

  I think he likes to look at them, not eat them.

  Well, that’s silly.

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about the fact that Sindri had done a better job of getting to know Toby than I had, but I’d take advantage of it and plan a date for him. We arrived back at the house mid-afternoon. Sindri had enough running around for the day, and instead of joining the other dragons in her wyrmling form, she settled into her tattoo. I went inside to find Toby, but the house was empty. At first, I felt a moment of panic that maybe he’d left, but then I remembered the other day when he tried to go and couldn’t. So he couldn’t take off, right? I mean, he’d be able to leave the house and probably the property if he wasn’t leaving me, leaving me, but he couldn’t actually leave. Sindri felt my panic and I swear she laughed at me.

  He is out back where we fight.

  Out in the training area? What was he doing out there? I went out the back door intent on finding him but stopped when I spotted him in the hammock under the trees. He looked so relaxed, like he belonged here. He had a tablet of some kind in front of him and was using one foot to push the hammock and make it swing. My heart swelled at the sight of him there in my space. For some reason, that moment above all others made it all real to me. This man was my mate. My monaha senka. I hurried down the stairs toward the hammock. About halfway there, he heard me and looked up. A smile lit up his face, and I felt it all the way to my soul.

  “You’re back,” he said grinning. “I was afraid it would take days, but you’re back.”

  “We are,” I said. “Scoot over and let me in.” The hammock wasn’t actually made for two, but it was Malachite’s hammock, so he’d purchased the oversized one. I was sure it would hold both of us. He slid over and I climbed in beside him. I managed to get in without tipping us over, and by the time we were settled, we were both laughing. He stretched out, half beside me and half sprawled on top of me, but I wasn’t complaining.

  “There isn’t really a graceful way to get into a hammock is there?” he said, kissing up the side of my neck.

  “Mmm,” I hummed, tipping my head to the side to give him better access. “Nope, but it worked.” I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. I didn’t know it, but I had spent my whole life waiting to feel this man against me like this. He smelled like the forest and rain and mine. He smelled like mine.

  I took his mouth with mine. What I’d intended to be a soft hello, so glad to see you kiss, quickly grew into something more when he slipped his tongue into my mouth and groaned. Before things got too serious, Sindri leaped out of the tattoo. She landed right in the middle between us, wiggling to find room.

  “Sindri!” he said laughing. “Good to see you, too. Did you have fun on your trip?” She rubbed her head against his chin.

  Our person likes us.

  Yes, he does.

  “What’re you two talking about?” he asked, shifting a little to give her room.

  “She’s pleased that you seem to like her.”

  “Of course, I like her. She’s such a sweet dragon.”

  He thinks I am sweet, Sindri said, and I swear if she were a cat she’d purr she was so pleased with herself.

  “So everything went okay on your assignment, then?”

  “It did. We got the message to our contact and stayed overnight until reinforcements showed up, so we were able to leave
and come back home. What did you guys do while we were gone?”

  “Eeli and I went to town, I checked out of my room, went to the grocery store, just regular stuff. I need to return my rental car, though. It has to go back to the airport in Seattle, and I need to get myself something to drive here. I thought maybe you could go with me, and we could make a day of it.”

  “Don’t you have a car in Maine?” I asked. I knew immediately I’d said something wrong. It was almost like I felt him pull away from me emotionally.

  “Um, yeah, I do. I just thought, I mean I assumed…”

  I turned in the hammock, so I could see his face, and what I saw was a man who’d just had his heart stomped on. I wasn’t sure what I’d said wrong. “You thought what, baby? Help me out here, I’m not sure what’s wrong.”

  He took a deep breath and said, “I thought you wanted me to stay here, to not go back to Maine. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed—” I stopped him by placing my finger over his lips.

  “Toby, I do want you to stay here. I meant we could get your car here from Maine. There isn’t anything I want more than you here with me, okay?”

  “Really? You were so against us being together from the beginning.”

  “I know, the thought of adding more to my life overwhelmed me. But, Toby, it was never that I didn’t want you. The idea of having a mate just seemed like one more thing on top of everything else. But you are so much more than that, more than some nameless mate. So yes, really, I want you here.”

  “Why don’t you take me inside and show me,” he said, slipping his hand up under my shirt.

  “Now that’s a plan I can get behind,” I said. I stood and pulled him up with me. “Let’s go.”

  We barely made it into my room before I gave in to the need to have my hands on him. He shut the door behind us and I turned on him. “I want you,” I said, pinning his body between mine and the door.

  “Fuck yes,” he whimpered, thrusting his body against mine, showing how much he wanted me.

  I kissed down his jaw to his neck, shamelessly breathing in the scent of his hair. It smelled like his shampoo and the outdoors where he’d been lounging. “Damn, baby, you smell so good.”

  He laughed and said, “I don’t smell any different from normal.”

  “Yes, you do,” I insisted. “You smell like mine.”

  He reached up and pulled out my hair tie, letting my hair fall to my shoulders as he ran his fingers through the long strands. “I love your hair. I’ve never liked long hair on guys before, but damn yours is sexy.” He tangled his fingers in my hair and pulled my mouth to his for a kiss.

  I grabbed his ass with both hands, lifting him up. He gasped in surprise but wrapped his legs around me. I carried him to the bed and slowly lowered him to the floor, letting his body slide down mine.

  I covered his mouth with mine, devouring him. He twined his fingers back in my hair and held me there, not releasing me until we were both gasping for air.

  I pulled back just long enough to lift my t-shirt up over my head and toss it to the side. He let out a groan and said, “You’re so fucking gorgeous.” He ran his hands up over my bare stomach, and across my chest. I reached down and tugged on his shirt. He lifted his arms for me so I could pull it off. And once I had it removed, I took a step back looking at him.

  “I want to touch and kiss and lick every inch of you,” I said, taking in his toned body and his pale skin.

  “I think you said that last time,” he teased.

  “Mmm, maybe I did, and one of these days I’ll take my time with you and do that. But not this time.”

  “Thank God, because I don’t think I can wait while you do all that tonight.”

  I pulled him against me, skin to skin, and my body shuddered as he melted into me. I kissed him again, needing more connection. Our bodies being pressed together wasn’t enough, I needed more. I needed our bodies to be joined in some way.

  I fell onto the bed taking him with me. We landed with me on the bottom, him sprawled on top of me. He placed his hands on the bed on either side of my head and grinned down at me. Our legs were tangled and our bodies touched, and I loved the feel of his weight pressed into me, but it still wasn’t enough. He gave me a sweet, gentle kiss, letting out a moan as the movement put more pressure between our lower bodies. “Too many clothes,” he said, rolling to the side and undoing the fly on his shorts. I was in complete agreement, so I did the same, quickly removing my pants. He reached into the side drawer, grabbing a condom and lube, and rolled back over on top of me. He reached between us, clasping both our cocks in his hand and gave them a few slow teasing pumps.

  “You ready?” he asked. He shifted down and sat back on his knees between my legs. I was sure my answers should probably be for what, but honestly, at this point, I didn’t care. I rarely bottomed, but if that was what he wanted, I was game.

  “So ready,” I said, and he laughed.

  “Good.” He poured some lube into his hands and rub them together warming it, and without breaking eye contact, he reached behind himself. I didn’t need to see what he was doing to know he was getting himself ready for me.

  “Damn, that’s hot as fuck,” I said, watching him. He gave me another teasing grin as he brought his hand back around and reached for the condom. Bringing the package to his mouth, he slowly used his teeth to tear the wrapper.

  “We should think about getting rid of these soon,” he said, and my brain almost short-circuited. The thought of being bare inside him was almost enough to make me come. “Oh, you like that idea, do you?” he asked as he rolled the condom over me. He moved back up over me and guided my dick to his entrance and slowly slid down, and as his tight heat enveloped me, it took all my willpower not thrust up into him.

  “That’s so good,” I moaned. “So fucking good.”

  He leaned forward a little, bracing his hands on my chest, and started to ride me. I wouldn’t last long, but if the sight of his engorged, leaking cock bouncing between us as he rode me was any indication, neither would he. I reached for him and wrapped my hand around his cock letting his rocking motion slide his length in and out of my hand. He moaned and threw his head back. Up until that moment, I’d thought he was beautiful, but seeing him lose himself so completely was something else entirely.

  “You are exquisite,” I said. “Exquisite and mine. All fucking mine.” At my words, he lost his rhythm and I could tell he was about to explode. I released his cock and grabbed his hips, slamming him down on my dick. He cried out as cum shot from his cock, coating my stomach and chest. I rocked him on my dick until my whole body tightened, and I came so hard I saw stars. He collapsed on top of me and we lay there spent and exhausted, both of us trying to catch our breath.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “I’ll go get dinner started,” I told him. “Eeli and I put together a lasagna earlier, so all I have to do is put it in the oven.”

  “Like you made it yourself lasagna, or like it came ready to bake lasagna?” he asked, following me up the stairs.

  “Like we made it ourselves lasagna. What kind of heathen do you think I am? My grandmother would turn over in her grave if I fed my man ready-to-bake lasagna,” I teased, but I didn’t miss the way his face brightened when I called him mine.

  “So you can cook all kinds of things, then?” he asked as I took the dish out of the fridge. “Not just that dish from the other night?”

  “Yes,” I chuckled, “I can cook all kinds of things.” I bent over and slid the lasagna in the oven, and as I stood up, he was right behind me. He slid his arms around me pulling me against him.

  “So, you're hot as fuck, save lives for a living, and you make homemade lasagna. Looks like I hit the mate jackpot.”

  “Mmm, I was thinking the same thing earlier when you were licking—”

  “Stop. Please stop. I don’t want to hear another word,” Zale said, hands covering his ears. “There are some images I do not need in my brain.”

  “Oh poor, Zale,” Azaran mocked. “You mean you don’t want to hear about how Toby and I—” I don’t know what Azaran planned to say to finish that sentence because Zale threw an apple at him to hush him up.

  “No, no, I most definitely do not want to hear about any of it,” Zale insisted.

  “You guys go ahead and set the table; the lasagna should be hot before long,” I said, laughing at the horror on the young man’s face.

  “Eeli said you guys made it yourselves. That’s awesome,” Malachite said, getting plates and silverware from the counter and passing them to Zale. “We usually eat sandwiches or ready-made meals. This is amazing.” They worked together to get the table ready while I made garlic bread, and then we sat down to eat.

  They entertained me with stories about the dragons and their training. When we’d finished, Azaran instructed them to clean up the dishes. “I have a surprise for you,” he said to me, leading me outside. “Remember when you asked if I’d take you for a ride sometime? Well, how about tonight? It’s beautiful out.”

  “That’d be fantastic.” The other two times I had ridden I hadn’t been able to enjoy flying at all. When Itsaso had brought me here, I was too freaked out to even remember what it was like. Then when I rode Sindri from the sitting stone on the beach to the house, I was so consumed with Azaran nothing else registered. But this time, I could experience it completely.

  “Aroko,” he commanded and Sindri materialized beside us. It still amazed me every time I saw her. He climbed up and reached down, offering me a hand. I clasped his wrist, and he hauled me up behind him. “Just hold on tight,” he said, giving her the command to fly, and we took off. At first, I held on tight, closed my eyes, and buried my head in his back. We flew so high and so fast it was terrifying.

  “Look down to the right,” Azaran called back. I slowly opened my eyes and glanced down, and oh my god, it was stunning.

  “What is it?” An oval shape under the water glowed a bright blue color, like thousands of blue fireflies under the water. Sindri banked to the right, coming back around over the lit up area and swooped down low.


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