Feral Empires: First Spark

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Feral Empires: First Spark Page 7

by Stephen L. Hadley

  “I don’t like it,” she said. “I still think it’s a trap.”

  “So what now?”

  “I think we should find a new spot. Did Scott show you any others?”


  Jenn scoffed under her breath and straightened up. “Figures. How about we head west, this time? There might be another village like—” She fell silent, rather abruptly, and grimaced.

  “We can keep an eye on the supply road,” Liam said.

  To his surprise, Jenn smiled slightly and nodded. Stepping closer, she slipped an arm around his and rested her head on his shoulder. As she exhaled, something within her seemed to deflate and she closed her eyes.

  “Good thinking,” she said, practically mumbling the words. She sagged suddenly, both her legs and her vines going limp.

  “Jenn? Hey!” Liam yelped, hastening to keep her from collapsing. “What’s wrong?”

  Jenn laughed softly, shaking her head.

  “Sorry,” she said. Weakly, she grabbed a handful of vines and waved their now thornless ends in front of his face. “Just worn out. These things take a lot of energy. Like your healing.”

  Frowning, Liam scooped Jenn up in his arms and carried her back into the cave, careful not to bash her head on the way. Gently, he deposited her on one of the mildewed blankets. If she minded the smell as much as he had, she gave no indication of it. In fact, by the time he’d retrieved his rifle, shut the door to the cave, and returned to her side, she was already snoring softly.

  Unwilling to leave her side, Liam sat down and brushed a lock of dark hair from Jenn’s face. He’d taken it for granted that he passed out after healing anything more than minor injuries. It had never even occurred to him that Jenn might be under similar strain. But, now that he considered the fact, it made perfect sense. Whatever enhancement he’d undergone at the Institute seemed fueled by his endurance. Despite the fact that Jenn had never broached the subject before, he couldn’t help feeling guilty for not noticing sooner. They’d been relying on her abilities quite a lot, after all, for both food and self-defense.

  There was no denying his own exhaustion, either. But, as before, Liam couldn’t bring himself to sleep. Nor would he have. After all she’d done for him, Jenn deserved a chance to rest with someone watching over her.

  He owed her that much.

  Chapter Seven

  It was after midday when Jenn finally awoke. The first thing she did upon opening her eyes, beside berate Liam for not waking her sooner, was wrap him up in a ferocious embrace. There were the first hints of tears in her eyes and he was tempted to ask what her dream—a nightmare, presumably—had been about. He resisted the urge, knowing she wouldn’t appreciate it, and the moment passed quickly enough.

  He’d taken the chance to prepare their bags while Jenn slept. His had torn, much to his dismay, either from the passage of a bullet or their nocturnal escape through the woods. As a result, he’d been forced to wrap his share of the food and ammunition in one of the damn mildew blankets. Hers had been easier, though it felt oddly invasive to go through her pack while she slept.

  Jenn didn’t mind, however. Upon wiping the sleep from her eyes and noticing the bags, her face lit up and she pulled him close to deliver a firm kiss on the lips. She seemed almost giddy to move on, despite the dangers that had prompted them to do so.

  As before, they exited the cave with an almost absurd level of caution. And, exactly as before, they found the surrounding area utterly deserted. That fact might have seemed more suspicious than finding them full of armed search parties if Liam hadn’t witnessed the Institute’s utter disregard for human life firsthand. Perhaps, given the ever-present conflict with Scott and the Militia, such incidents were barely worth noting.

  The possibility gnawed at Liam’s stomach from the inside. It was all the more reason the Occs needed to be destroyed.

  “Ready?” Jenn whispered. Her eyes were bright and eager.

  Liam nodded and gestured with a rifle, one of the two he carried, for her to take the lead. Though a part of him felt he ought to, given his abilities, he simply didn’t trust himself at the moment. Lack of sleep was beginning to weigh on his limbs and he knew Jenn’s reflexes would far outstrip his own.

  Plus, there was something invigorating about the hypnotic sway of Jenn’s hips from behind.

  The view was so enticing, in fact, that he nearly stumbled into her from behind when they reached the Institute’s western supply road an hour later. Jenn turned to glare at him and Liam grimaced apologetically, shaking himself awake. He’d been so distracted that he’d failed to spot the river of asphalt until they were literally beside it.

  “This is the one,” Jenn said, guiding him into a thick cluster of pines. “See how well-maintained they keep it?”

  Liam nodded. He hadn’t actually noticed, but now that it had been pointed out to him, he could clearly see that Jenn was correct. Where the eastern road leading toward the DMZ had been cracked and pockmarked by gravel-filled holes, this one appeared far smoother. The asphalt was only occasionally damaged, and bore evidence of fairly recent repairs in the few spots where it was.

  “So, where do we ambush them?” he asked.

  Jenn chewed her lip and glanced east, toward the Institute.

  “We’re too close,” she said. “If we hit them here, they could send reinforcements in time. It needs to be somewhere more remote. Preferably with places to hide or destroy the supplies.”

  Liam nodded, too exhausted to discuss the point further. At the moment, he wanted nothing more than to lie down and sleep, never mind the sun still blazing overhead. Mercifully, even without his saying so, Jenn seemed aware of that fact.

  “This is good,” she whispered, reaching out and taking one of the rifles he held. Laying it across her shoulders, she smiled and jerked her head away from the road. “I doubt the Institute will expect us to be heading deeper into Occ territory. We’ll find someplace safe and you can get some rest.”

  Liam nodded again, doing his best to flash an appreciative smile. It came out lopsided, but seemed to do the trick. Jenn led the way, guiding him amid the trees with a carefree attitude that caught him off-guard. And, unless his sleep-deprived mind was playing tricks on him, there seemed to be a flirtatious swing to her hips that hadn’t been there before.

  Despite her assurances that they’d ventured far enough, it took nearly another hour of hiking before they found a spot that satisfied Jenn’s strict requirements. In the end, they set up camp at the center of a willow grove, surrounded on three sides by thick pines and nestled in the hollow between two small, steep hills.

  Liam could barely remain upright as Jenn used her vines to construct the hammock-tent. Without even bothering to eat or drink from his canteen, he hauled himself onto it. His eyes were closed before he even had a chance to stretch out, leaving him no opportunity to enjoy the sight of Jenn undressing to convert her clothing into the walls and roof.

  It was a tragedy, but one that he was too tired to grieve. Nor was he lucid enough to appreciate the warmth and softness of Jenn’s legs as she folded them beneath his head in a makeshift pillow. But, even without appreciating them, he fell asleep all the same.


  When Liam awoke, the world was dark, enough that it took his eyes a few seconds to adjust. When they did, the first thing he spotted was Jenn looming over him. Her back was propped up against one of the trees supporting the hammock and her eyes were closed, but from her breathing it was clear she was merely dozing. As Liam stirred, her eyes snapped open. A second later, she smiled.

  “Morning,” she whispered. Doubling over, she kissed him gently on the lips. The angle was awkward, however, and she pulled back, giggling, as her hair fell across his face and managed to find its way between their lips. Spitting it free, she straightened and set about rearranging the stray bits.

  Liam watched her, smile widening with each passing second. With her clothes shielding them from th
e outside world, Jenn’s breasts were utterly exposed and bounced slightly as she fiddled with her hair. It had been several days since he’d had the chance to enjoy the sight and he could feel himself reacting to the arousing scene.

  Jenn noticed his stare immediately, blushing slightly and rolling her eyes.

  “Pervert,” she grumbled, folding her hands over her chest.

  “Huh?” Even Liam’s confusion couldn’t diminish his grin. “What’s that mean?”

  Sighing, Jenn ceased shielding her breasts and instead covered his eyes. “It’s someone who gets turned on by things they shouldn’t,” she explained.

  “Oh? So I shouldn’t enjoy watching you?” Even without the benefit of his sight, Liam could tell Jenn was grinning, so he continued to give one right back.

  Her hands lifted from his eyes. Wearing a mock scowl, Jenn folded her arms. This time, however, she did not cover her breasts and even in the darkness, the stiffness of her nipples was obvious.

  “Happy?” she said.

  Liam reached up, feigning as if to go for her breast. Instead, he cupped the back of her head and guided her down into another kiss. Again, Jenn’s hair fell out of place. But this time, she made no effort to fix it. As their lips slowly parted, Liam made sure to keep his eyes gazing into hers.

  “I am now,” he murmured.

  Jenn blushed again, unable to keep her smile from peeking through. At last, she sighed and shook her head.

  “Showoff,” she said. “Did Scott teach you that one?”

  “Well… he might have suggested it.”

  She laughed, pulling her legs out from under his head. Liam started to rise, only to find Jenn’s hand resting on his shoulder.

  “Don’t move,” she said. “You’ll tip us over.”

  Liam lay still, eyes widening as Jenn stretched and climbed to her knees. She inched forward, straddling his head and grinning down at him. The view was extraordinary and she knew it.

  “Not a sound,” she murmured.

  Slowly, an inch at a time, Jenn stretched out until her body lay flat against his. Her fingers found the edge of his trousers and peeled the garment down. Liam gasped as he felt himself pop free, the tantalizing warmth of her breath completing the preparations begun by the sight of her exposed skin.

  “Well, look at you,” she teased, trailing a single finger up the underside of his shaft. His body twitched in response, hips tensing. “Fully loaded and ready for war.”

  “Jenn, I—”

  Her fingers gripped the base of his erection without warning, tightening until his words became a gasp.

  “Not a sound, remember?” She slid upward, stroking him playfully. “I don’t want to hear one more word until we’re done.”

  Liam groaned under his breath and arched his back against Jenn’s hand. If anything, her words made it even harder to keep quiet, but it had been so long since they’d last enjoyed each other’s bodies that he would have endured far worse to maintain the caress of her fingers against his erection. As if sensing his thoughts, Jenn chuckled and planted a delicate kiss on his tip.

  Liam shuddered. His self-control was fading fast and he knew it was only a matter of time before he was reduced to a mindless animal, thrusting urgently beneath his lover’s ministrations—and not just because of how good it felt. As always, her skin carried the scent of grass and flowers. But with his head trapped between her knees, staring up at the defenseless petals of her womanhood, he could practically taste her arousal. The desire to claim her and hear her delighted moans was driving him further and further into complete desperation.

  When he could endure her teasing no longer, Liam reached up and roughly hauled Jenn’s hips down into range. She started to protest, her fingers squeezing down around his cock. But, when his lips touched her sex and he dragged his tongue purposefully up the length of her folds, whatever she’d been about to say was lost in a breathy, wordless gasp. He expected her to chide him, but instead, Jenn returned the favor twofold. Moaning deep in her throat, leaned in and devoured him.

  Liam groaned against Jenn’s thigh, struggling to maintain his composure. He could feel the woman’s tongue slide against his shaft as her lips formed a tight, hot seal around his base. The pressure and wetness of her mouth was intoxicating and it would have been so easy to simply lie back and savor the building pleasure. But, rather than give in, he steeled himself and redoubled his efforts.

  With all the urgency he could muster, Liam gave himself over to his work. His tongue explored every inch of Jenn’s thoroughly drenched folds, stroking her most sensitive areas as he fought to make her yield first. His lips roamed between her thighs, planting kiss after kiss and lavishing attention on her clit that grew more forceful with each whimpering moan he dragged from his lover’s distracted mouth.

  Eventually, his determination paid off. Jenn pulled back, replacing the warmth of her mouth with fingers that pumped furiously at his cock.

  “Fuck, Liam!” she groaned, her hips beginning to writhe and grind atop him. “Keep doing that!”

  He chuckled, swirling his tongue around her sensitive button before suckling on it gently. From her muffled cry, it was immediately clear that Jenn appreciated the gesture. Her fingers slid from his member as she braced herself against the hammock. Her fingers clutched at the vines as her hips began to move faster and her breath came in short, desperate gasps.

  “Please,” she hissed. “Like that! Please!”

  With a moan, Jenn came. A violent shudder coursed through her, juices leaking over Liam’s chin as she quivered against his tongue. For a moment she hung there, trembling through a chorus of quiet gasps, and then the tension seemed to escape her body all at once. She flopped against him, disheveled hair and warm brow resting against his hip as she panted.

  “You,” she mumbled. “Are a very fast learner.”

  And with that, she leapt into action once more. Liam didn’t even have time to prepare himself as Jenn pounced, plunging his cock back between her lips. She sucked him passionately, as if her own climax was nothing but a momentary inconvenience, though the sound of her breathing made it all too clear how winded he’d left her.

  Not that he had long to contemplate it. One of Jenn’s hands slid down to cradle his sack, carefully teasing the orbs within. Paired with the unceasing motion of her tongue, it proved just the right amount of stimulation to push him over the edge. As the oppressive, tingling pressure of his approaching climax spread throughout his body, Liam had just enough time to brace himself. His fingers clawed at the vines beneath him for support as he set his jaw and allowed the world to fade.

  Liam groaned through his teeth as climax overtook him. His body was rigid, spasming with the added force of his long denial. Even the warmth of Jenn’s mouth seemed to fade away as it washed over him. Everything he was seemed to fade away, leaving only the all-consuming satisfaction of spilling himself into a willing vessel. And for that brief, perfect moment, all his pain and exhaustion ceased to exist.

  Of course, it couldn’t last forever. And as the warm brilliance of his orgasm faded away, Liam slowly remembered the aching of his back and the not-quite painful pressure of Jenn’s elbow digging into his hip. The latter vanished a second later, as Jenn clumsily dismounted him. Her eyes were wide and watering and from the motion of her throat, she seemed to be having difficulty.

  “Damn it, Liam!” she exclaimed, at last. Clearing her throat, she wiped away a few tears then laughed. “We are definitely not waiting that long again. I almost drowned!”

  Her words were delightful for some reason Liam couldn’t quite identify. Nevertheless, he had to resist the urge to preen as Jenn carefully rearranged herself to lie next to him.

  “Sorry,” he murmured, kissing her brow. “Won’t happen again.”

  Jenn scowled, pressing a finger to his lips.

  “I said not one more word!”

  “Until we’re done,” Liam corrected. The meaning of her words rea
ched him then and he stiffened. “Oh!”

  “That’s right.” Jenn looked up at him, grinning fiendishly. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  Chapter Eight

  True to Jenn’s promise, it took several hours before the both of them were spent. By that time, night had fallen in earnest and they climbed from the rather sticky hammock in silence. Parts of Liam felt as though they could wither away at any second, but on the whole, his nap and subsequent exercise had left him oddly energetic. He dressed quickly, and spent several minutes peering into the darkness while Jenn disassembled their camp. At the touch of her hand on his shoulder, they departed.

  For several hours, they traveled westward. The Institute’s supply road weaved haphazardly through the hills, and they were often forced to scale the jagged hills or risk venturing too close to the winding asphalt. Still, Liam didn’t mind the inconvenience. This was how he’d envisioned their crusade would go and the sense of progress was refreshing. At last, they were doing something.

  It was Jenn who spotted the houses first.

  “Wait,” she whispered. Dragging him into the shelter of a large, mostly rotted tree, she gestured ahead. Liam followed her gaze, eyes narrowing when he spotted the cluster of darkened structures.

  There were four of them. And, unlike the rough, obviously improvised construction of those he’d seen before, the size and uniformity of the houses spoke to their pre-war construction. And, after a moment of study, he glimpsed a faint shifting of the light that gleamed in a single, unbroken window.

  Liam glanced at Jenn. How in the world had she noticed something so subtle?

  “Occs?” he asked, mouthing the word.

  Jenn shrugged.

  Liam lifted his rifle a few inches, and then pantomimed the recoil of firing it. His brows rose to indicate the implied question.

  Jenn frowned at him, then shook her head. Tapping an ear, she motioned several vines of her cloak up into a ready position and began to creep forward toward the houses. Liam followed after, moving his rifle to his shoulder. Hopefully, Jenn was correct.


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