SEAL's Seduction

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SEAL's Seduction Page 7

by Elle James

  His mother was headed down the wrong path. Jenna didn’t love him. “She threw my ring back in my face.”

  “Where is that ring now?” His mother’s brows rose.

  “How should I know?” He ran a hand through his hair, ignoring the smirks on his brothers’ faces. “I told her I didn’t give a damn about the ring. She could keep it, sell it, or throw it away. She probably threw it away.”

  “Did you ask her what she did with it?”

  “Why? It’s old news. She was done with me ten years ago.”

  “Then why did she invite you to stay at her place in town?” Dustin’s mother was like a bulldog with a bone in her mouth and she wasn’t letting go.

  “She was just being nice.”

  Both Adam and Houston snorted, but kept their comments to themselves. Apparently they were enjoying his discomfort at his mother’s grilling.

  “Uh huh.” His mother clucked her tongue. “You can be as dense and stubborn as your father.” She raised her hands when Dustin opened his mouth to protest. “But you know best, and you’ve had so much experience reading women’s minds.” She filled her coffee cup and turned to leave, pausing before she stepped out of the waiting room. “Are you going to let her get away again, or are you going to fight for something you really, really want.”

  “I don’t want Jenna.” Dustin threw his hands in the air. “Just because I slept with the woman doesn’t mean I want to pick up where we left off. It was sex. Only sex.”

  “I knew it!” Houston exclaimed.

  “No, you didn’t.” Always the level head, Adam touched Dustin’s arm. “If you don’t want her in your life, don’t go back to her apartment. Come home to the ranch tonight.”

  “I will,” Dustin said, convinced this was the only way to prove to his brothers he wasn’t interested in pursuing Jenna. Damn. He’d left his duffle bag at her apartment. He fingered the key in his pocket. He could go by her place during the day, hopefully while she was at work, and collect his belongings.

  “Yeah. I won’t hold my breath.” Houston pulled a twenty out of his wallet and held it up to Adam. “Twenty says he won’t be at the ranch tonight.”

  Adam snorted. “Can’t bet against you, man. I’m of the same opinion.”

  Dustin turned and followed his mother down the hall to where his father lay sleeping. “Mom, why don’t you go home, get a shower and rest? You look exhausted. I’ll stay with Dad today.”

  Her brow puckered. “Do you think he’ll mind? I could use a shower. I can be back in a couple hours.”

  “Take the day and sleep in your own bed. Or, better yet, let me stay with him tonight.”

  “No one needs to stay with me,” his father said, his voice more like a croak than his normal rich timbre. “I’m not a baby.”

  “You don’t have a say in this,” Dustin’s mother said with the firmness she’d used on her sons when they were small. “I’m going home for a shower and a nap, but I’ll be back tonight.”

  “You should go home and stay. I can manage on my own.”

  “What part of you don’t have a say in this, did you not understand?” Jeannie Ford slipped her purse strap over her shoulder. “Now, behave yourself when the nurses come in. No pinching and no harassing them. They’re here to help you.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” His father’s lips quirked. “Should have been a drill sergeant, not just a housewife.”

  “Mr. Ford, if you ever call me just a housewife again, I swear you’ll regret it.” She bent and kissed his cheek. “I’ll be back. I love you, even if you do try my patience.”

  As Dustin’s mother stalked out of the room, his father made a soft chuffing sound Dustin realized was an attempt to chuckle, followed by a wince. He rested one of his hands on his chest. “Damn, that hurts. Tell that confounded woman I’m a sick man, and I don’t need her stirring me up or making me laugh.”

  A nurse came in, checked his vital signs and the tube draining his chest. She put a different device in his mouth and asked him to blow into it. He did, though it was a weak attempt.

  Dustin had never seen his father so helpless, and it shook him to his core.

  When the nurse left, the older Ford’s eyelids drifted close. “Do me a favor, will ya?” he said.


  “Go away and let me sleep.”

  Dustin smiled. “You’re going to be all right, Dad.”

  “Damn right I am.”

  Adam met him at the door. “Houston is driving Mom home. I’ll take over here, if you have something else you want to do.”

  “I do have an errand to run, but I don’t have to be gone long.”

  “Go. I’ve got this covered,” Adam said. “You might want to stop in the waiting room and check out the television. Jenna was on the news when I left. You might catch her report on the local children’s shelter.

  “I’ll be back soon.” Dustin sauntered out of the CICU room, feigning indifference to what his brother had said about Jenna. As soon as he cleared the door, he practically hustled to the waiting room where he caught the tail end of Jenna’s segment about the local children.

  She sat cross-legged in the middle of a room full of small children, all vying for a spot in her lap. One little girl wrapped her arms around Jenna’s neck and kissed her.

  Jenna laughed, smiling into the camera. “Be sure to attend the benefit for the shelter. These children need your help.” She laid down her microphone and hugged the little girl, her eyes shining.

  The image of Jenna with the little girls and boys tugged hard on Dustin’s heart. She’d make a great mother.

  With Jenna laughing and smiling on the screen, Dustin found himself wanting more out of life than only his work as a SEAL. He wanted a woman to come home to and children to spoil.

  He stared at the screen until the image of a laughing Jenna disappeared, replaced by a sales ad for new cars.

  Being home and surrounded by his family reminded him of what a great childhood he’d had and the exciting times he’d had with Jenna, racing horses across the pastures, swimming naked in the creek and making love beneath the stars. He’d been certain she was the one.

  If he went after her again, he chanced having his heart broken all over again. If he didn’t go after her, would she be one of his big regrets? Dustin had learned that regrets stemmed from things he didn’t do, not from those he attempted and failed.

  He’d go by her apartment to collect his bag. If she was there, he’d take her lead and see where it went, see whether their relationship was actually going anywhere. If she wasn’t there, he’d take his bag and go home.

  As he stepped out of the hospital into the hot Texas sunshine pounding down on him, he found himself hoping she’d be there.

  Chapter Seven


  JENNA HAD BEEN bucking for the high-intensity stories, hoping to capture the attention of the major news networks and maybe landing a job in a town bigger than Waco. But she refused to give up coverage of one of her favorite non-profit events. The fundraiser for the local children’s shelter was something she volunteered for every year.

  Waking to an empty bed, after a night of mind-blowing sex, had started her day with the disappointing conclusion she’d struck out on luring Dustin back to her side. Sure they’d had great sex, but it hadn’t made him want to stick around.

  Her only hope lay in the fact he’d left his duffle bag on the floor in her living room. He had to come back for it, and when he did, she hoped she’d be there to tempt him into her bed for one more night. If she played her cards right, they’d have repeat performances through the week and by the time he had to report back to his unit, he’d realize he still loved her and wanted to be with her for the rest of his life.

  Yeah, and pigs fly.

  Toby packed up his camera, while Jenna said goodbye to the children.

  Together, they walked out to the parking lot. The hot sun beat down on Jenna, draining her energy.

  “Could it get any hotter?”
Toby pushed a hand through his shaggy hair, beads of sweat popping out on his forehead.

  “The weatherman was right when he said we were in for a dry summer. We could sure use a good drenching rain to refill the reservoirs.”

  “I hear the prairie fire they’re fighting northwest of town has consumed six hundred acres already.”

  “What prairie fire?” Jenna shook off her heat-induced lethargy. “Why didn’t you say something earlier?”

  “I thought you would have heard about it on the police scanner.” Her cousin shrugged. “Besides, you always cover the children’s shelter fundraiser. They sent Steve to cover the fire this morning.”

  “Damn. Fires get national attention.” Jenna’s shoulders slumped. “But you’re right. I wouldn’t miss covering the fundraiser for the kids.” She pulled her phone out of her purse and checked her text messages. “I’m worried about Rebecca.”

  “Have you heard from her since yesterday?”

  “No. I’m worried they might have found her cell phone.”

  “I wish you could have talked her out of going back.”

  “I couldn’t. She wouldn’t leave her mother there.”

  “Any mother who’d get her daughter involved in something like that should have her head examined.”

  “For all outward appearances, they’re a peaceful community, sharing the fruits of their labors.”

  “Then why the high walls, fences and tight rules? To me, it spells fanatics and brainwashing.”

  “I’m with you.” She tapped her finger to her chin, sweat dripping between her breasts. “I need to get in there and see for myself what’s going on.”

  “Is she supposed to be at the farmer’s market today?”

  “I think so. I’ll check it out.” And if she wasn’t there, Jenna would have to get inside the compound and figure out what was going on.

  “Oh, no.” Toby laid a hand on her arm. “I see that look in your eyes. Don’t do anything stupid, Jenna.”

  She smiled up at him, innocently. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “If you do anything, call me. You’ll need me to film for evidence.”

  “You’re on. Now get out of here before we both cook in our shoes.” She climbed into her SUV and switched the AC to full blast. Damn it was hot.

  Her first stop would be her apartment to see if Dustin had been back to collect his duffle. She’d grab the pale green gingham dress Rebecca had gifted her with when she’d first learned to sew at the compound. If she had to get into the compound, she’d blend in better if she were dressed like the others.

  At her apartment, she stared around the parking lot. There were a few cars parked there and one SUV. She didn’t even know what Dustin was driving. He could be in her apartment and she wouldn’t know it until she stepped through the door.

  Her pulse quickened and she flew up the stairs, crossing her fingers as she twisted the key in the lock. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open.

  Sun edged through the half-closed blinds, but no other lights were on, the living room was empty, and a quick check in the bedroom and bathroom proved they were empty, too. The good news was the duffle bag was still where Dustin had left it that morning.

  Her heart fluttered at the sight of the bag. She wanted to hide it in her closet in case he came to collect the bag while she was out. It would force him to return when she was there.

  She grabbed the handles of the bag and was halfway to her bedroom closet when she stopped. Hiding it would be too desperate. If Dustin wanted to collect it without running into her, that was his choice. It would put the kibosh on her attempt to seduce him into her bed for a second night of mattress dancing.

  Jenna hugged the bag to her chest, tears pooling in her eyes. It smelled of canvas and outdoors, with the faint aroma of Dustin’s aftershave. For the millionth time in the past ten years, she questioned her decision to break their engagement. From all accounts, he’d become the best SEAL a man could want to be, defending the country’s freedom, rescuing citizens trapped in foreign countries and taking down the bad guys. If she hadn’t set him free, he might have come to resent her and their marriage. At the least, he’d have lived with regret for not having attempted to make it as a SEAL.

  No. She’d made the right choice.

  Metal scraped in the lock on the door to her apartment and the knob twisted.

  Jenna flung the duffle bag onto the floor where she’d found it as the door opened.

  Dustin entered, his gaze sweeping the room, landing on her. His nostrils flared and he froze.

  Heat traveled up Jenna’s neck and into her cheeks at almost getting caught holding his bag.

  His broad shoulders filled the doorway, stretching the fabric of his T-shirt across the well-defined muscles.

  The fire burning in Jenna’s cheeks spread south as memories of lying naked in her bed with this man washed over her. She swallowed hard and forced a greeting past her dry lips. “Hey.”

  Dustin stepped through the door and closed it behind him, but didn’t move to lessen the distance between them. “Hey, yourself.”

  Jenna pointed to the bag on the floor. “Are you here for your bag?”

  He nodded.

  “You can leave it here for the week, if you want.” Yeah, she was sounding pretty damned desperate. What she really wanted to say was, Please, stay with me for the week and forever. As much as she wanted to be with him, she couldn’t expose herself to that extent. He’d made it perfectly clear making love to her didn’t mean anything. Her heart pinched in her chest, making it hard for her to breathe.

  Dustin took one step forward, his gaze capturing hers. “Why did you invite me to stay with you?”

  She glanced away first. “I didn’t see a need for you…or your family…to pay for a hotel room when I live close enough.”

  “And that’s the only reason?” He took two more steps, his stride long enough to eat up the distance between the door and her.

  Her heart pounded, sending blood rushing to her head, the sound blasting against her eardrums. Had he figured out that she’d planned all along to seduce him? “No o-other r-reason. Why do you ask?”

  He caught her chin in his grip and raised her face, forcing her to look into his eyes. “Why did you break up with me ten years ago?”

  “We were too young,” she said, a sob rising up to block her vocal cords.

  He slid his hand behind her head and bent, his lips hovering over hers. “Bullshit.”

  “I wanted to pursue my career,” she whispered.

  “Does it keep you warm at night?”

  She shook her head, her gaze shifting to his where she fell into his dark eyes, drowning in her longing to be held by this man.

  His grip tightened. “I don’t know what’s happening between us, or if it has staying power, but, damn it, I can’t walk away. Not yet.”

  The warmth of his breath on her lips made her body tingle from head to toe and she swayed toward him. “Then don’t,” she whispered and lifted up on the balls of her feet, sealing her lips over his.

  His fingers twisted in her hair, tilting her head back as she deepened the kiss, ravaging her mouth with his tongue.

  Jenna wrapped her arms around his middle and held on, afraid her knees would buckle if she let go.

  This was where she wanted to be, where she belonged. For ten long years, she’d dreamed of the day he would come home and call her bluff. And here he was, holding her like he might never let her go. Heaven must have been smiling down on her.

  He swept his hands down her back and pressed them against the backs of her thighs, lifting her.

  Jenna wrapped her legs around his waist, her breasts smashed against his hard chest.

  Dustin backed her up against the wall increasing the pressure on her mouth, the hard ridge beneath his fly pressing into Jenna’s crotch.

  She threaded her fingers in his hair and held him close, savoring the taste, look and feel of him, committing this time together
to her memories. If he walked away at the end of the day or the week, she’d have no regrets for having tried to win back his heart.

  DUSTIN PINNED JENNA to the wall, raising her hands above her head, trapping them with one of his, and keeping her from touching him as he plundered her lips. An animalistic urge to stake his claim and take what he wanted washed over him, ten years of longing for her rising in him in a wave of anger at being cheated out of all those years of loving her. Yanking her away from the wall, he turned and draped her across the brown leather couch, scattering bright pillows across the floor.

  He attacked her lips and cheeks, trailing nibbles and kisses down the long line of her neck and lower to the swell of her breasts beneath her crisp white blouse. She writhed beneath him, working at the hem of his T-shirt, trying to pull it up his torso, while he tugged at the buttons on her shirt, popping a few when he grew frustrated with the tiny buttons.

  Jenna covered his hand with hers. “Let me, before you ruin my shirt.”

  Dustin moved his hand, and Jenna managed the buttons in half the time, shrugging out of the shirt’s sleeves. With Jenna’s help, Dustin had her skirt off in record time.

  She lay on the couch in nothing but a white lace bra and thong panties. “A little overdressed, are you?” Jenna’s brows rose in challenge.

  Ripping his shirt over his head, Dustin tossed it across the room, and then he stood and yanked the button on his fly.

  Jenna sat up and reached for the tab on his zipper, easing it slowly down, her tongue sliding across her lips, doing funny things to Dustin’s insides.

  When she had the zip down, his cock, hard as steel, sprang out.

  Jenna captured it in her palms and rubbed her cheek along its length. Then she turned and swept her tongue over the rounded head.

  Dustin dug his fingers into her thick auburn hair and urged her closer.

  She licked him again, this time circling the tip.

  He groaned, his buttocks tightening, blood rushing to his groin.

  “Like that?” she asked, her breath warm across the damp area she’d just licked. In her next breath, she wrapped her lips around his length and sucked him into her mouth. She dug her fingers into his buttocks, hauling him closer, scraping her teeth lightly along his length.


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