Cruel Hoax

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Cruel Hoax Page 2

by Henry Makow

  Schools are actually teaching children to experiment with gay sex in the name of "human rights" and "tolerance." Courts are upholding the right of schools to mentally debauch children over their parents' objections. In Hungary, adults can have sex with children of 14.

  All of this is designed to make the sex act and end-in-itself apart from love, marriage and procreation. Thus the habit of monogamy is lost. Promiscuous women cannot commit to one man "until death do us part" (and men can't commit to them.) Compare this to 50-yearsago when sex was consecrated for marriage and family.

  Marriage is the basic building block of society. If men and women are not faithful, then there is no basis for social stability. There is no foundation for the family. Break up marriage and you break up society, rendering it vulnerable to political control.


  The focus of Part Three of this book is "How Heterosexuality Works." I'll provide an introduction here.

  I reached the age of 48 without understanding how to relate to a woman. I had no standard of masculinity and therefore could not find my identity. The women I met were also confused or messed up.

  Predictably, I had two failed marriages and suffered from emotional arrested development. I missed my opportunity to have a normal family.

  Too late I figured out how heterosexuality works. This information was culturally transmitted but it has been suppressed by feminism as "politically incorrect."

  Femininity is defined by a woman's love for husband, children and home.

  Masculinity is defined by power and leadership. Male power is the ultimate aphrodisiac for women.

  Men naturally seek power. Women want love. Thus, the heterosexual contract (marriage) is the exchange of female (worldly) power for male power expressed as love.

  Women empower men by entrusting their power to them in exchange for love. Marriage channels male power into a socially constructive path: raising and supporting a family.

  Women cannot have it all. They must choose between love and power in the personal sphere.

  This is how heterosexuality works. An ideology that equalizes power is designed to neuter heterosexuals. It turns women into men and emasculates men. It creates hetero homos-- two sames instead of two complements, unable to bond.

  The purpose is political: The plutocracy does not want men who can defend and reform society. In 1976, an insider Harold Rosenthal, Sen. Jacob Javits' assistant, gave a famous interview:

  "We have castrated society through fear and intimidation. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine outward appearance. Being so neutered, the populace has become docile and easily ruled. As all geldings...their thoughts are not involved with the concerns of the future and their posterity, but only with the present and with the next meal."

  By exchanging power for love, I am referring to the personal setting only. I have no objection to women having careers after establishing their families. Nor do I believe all women must marry or have children. (The fact is, most want to.)

  My objection is to the hidden agenda of feminism: Tricking women into having careers instead of families. Making women providers also ensures they make men redundant, and have fewer children.

  Economist Sylvia Ann Hewlett found that 55 percent of 35-yearold career women were childless. Almost half of 40-something women with professional degrees have no children. Only 14% of these women said they didn't want children. ("Creating a Life: Professional Women and the Quest for Children" 2004)


  The unprecedented decline of the family was caused by mass psychological conditioning ordered by the central banking cartel using the CIA, the Rockefeller Foundation, the mass media, government and the education system.

  A privately owned international cartel based in London controls the credit of the world's nations. Essentially they create money out of thin air based on our credit i.e. our productive capacity and property. They create this money by virtue of loaning it to us.

  The bankers can buy everything and anyone they want, including politicians, media empires and universities. Thus they define reality.

  As Nathan Rothschild (1777 -1836) famously said: "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply."

  (The money supply is to the economy like oxygen is to a fire.)

  When the government wants money, it has to petition these bankers like little children. It sells a bond to these bankers who allow it to withdraw the "money."

  This "money" takes the form of a bookkeeping entry, i.e. it is produced out of nothing. Our currency represents an IOU that the government owes these bankers. It costs the bankers paper-and-ink to issue these IOU's.

  Yet the government must repay the face value of this "loan" with interest! Remember this "money" is backed by our (the taxpayer's) credit! In the words of the homeless man's dog, "I could do this myself."

  The government easily could exploit its own credit and print all the money it needed to make the economy purr, interest free. (This was the program of the much-maligned Social Credit party.) Only then would the government have real power. The people would no longer be collateral for this debt. We would be free men, not "human resources."

  A former Canadian cabinet minister told me that the government only has about 50% of the power. The corporations have the rest. What he didn't say is that the Rothschild-Rockefeller cartel largely controls these corporations. The "corporations" dictate the major issues; we get to decide where to lay the sewer pipes. Thus the majority is against the Iraq war. Therefore we are in Iraq. Democracy.

  In order to protect its golden goose, the banking cartel has to control us. Since the Eighteenth Century it has been scheming to create a "world government" dictatorship.

  They mask this plot with talk about ending poverty and war, but they create both. World government is really designed to ensure no country defaults on its debt or tries to escape from its bondage. The motivation behind 9-11 and the "War on Terror" is to create the apparatus of a world police state.

  A dominant faction of the rich is holding mankind hostage. About 50% of the world's wealth is owned by just 2% of the population. The richest 300,000 Americans have as much wealth as the poorest 150 million.

  The bankers are responsible for most of humanity's woes. They start wars and depressions in order to distract and divide us. They create the social trends and ideologies that make us superficial and dysfunctional. They provide a list of approved politicians. They determine what we learn from the mass media and schools. It is far easier to control people who think they are free.

  Much of what we consider normal is an elaborate hoax. Wars are planned years in advance and carefully orchestrated. Both sides of every war, including the Cold War and the War on Terror, are controlled. The work of people who see through the veil is suppressed.

  Can we trust the mass media about anything when it gives carte blanche to the slaughter of more than 3000 Americans on Sept. 11, 2001? What happened to the passengers of those "hijacked" planes?


  The central bankers created Communism as a dry run for the New World Order. In 1953, Ford Foundation President Rowan Gaither brazenly told (Congressional researcher) Norman Dodd that the State Department, the United Nations, etc. had for years "operated under directives issued by the White House, ...that we should make every effort to so alter life in the United States as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union."

  (One of Dodd's researchers actually went insane when she learned the truth.)

  The bankers have ample means to create their own enemies. They give their puppets the money and publicity to eclipse any uncontrolled resistance. They call this "dialectic": creating two opposing forces which then destroy each other, leaving the bankers unscathed, richer and even more powerful.

  It's called "divide and conquer." Th
e central bankers created both Communism and Nazism and then orchestrated World War Two where they destroyed each other. The same thing may be happening in the run up to World War Three.

  The aim is demoralize, brutalize and degrade humanity, and kill off the new generation of men. They are creating a new feudalism, which reduces the masses to the status of serfs (producers and consumers.) As I said, they must first destroy race, religion, family and nation. By no coincidence, this was exactly the program of Communism.

  Feminism is about destroying the family. Feminist theorists have a lesbian hatred of heterosexuality and blame "the patriarchy" for all the world's problems.

  Feminism is but one example of how a small sick financial elite holds mankind hostage. Other examples are the suppression of cures to cancer and sources of cheap, abundant, pollution-free energy.


  The poet Charles Peguy said, "Everything begins in faith and ends in politics." The banking cartel needs a philosophy to justify enslaving mankind. That philosophy appears to be Luciferianism.

  Look at the logo of Universal Studios. It features a globe emitting "a thousand points of light," an occult concept popularized by George

  H.W. Bush in 1991. It refers to the Illuminati Order, the top rung of Freemasonry.

  The Illuminati are Luciferians who believe evil is good and good is evil. Thus these "points of light" are really evildoers. This is the origin of Orwell's "doublespeak." (Technically Satanists differ from Luciferians in that they know the difference and deliberately do evil.)

  The central banking cartel operates through a powerful Luciferian secret society called Freemasonry. Only the Illuminati know the real agenda. They include Jesuits, who apparently control the Vatican, and leading families of England, Europe and America.

  Since the "Enlightenment," Western culture has been Luciferian in nature. It is based on the denial of God. We pay lip service to God and that's all.

  Freemasonry, the church of Lucifer, is the true religion of the modern world. Our "culture" is essentially pagan, dedicated to money and sex. It is predicated on replacing God with man, hence "humanism," the religion of man, sex and excrement.

  Western history is punctuated by a series of "revolutions" sponsored by these bankers -English, American, French and Russian. "Revolution" means turning the world upside down, replacing God with banker, i.e. replacing the Old Order (aristocracy, church) with the New World Order. The sexual "revolution" was part of this process. Because they create money the bankers think they are God. They think they can define reality.

  Lucifer, the rebel angel and "light bringer," is the symbol of the banker plan to hijack mankind for their own purposes.

  [Truly, what is God? God is Reality. Even if we don't believe in God, we all have a sense of truth, goodness, justice, love, peace, and beauty. This spiritual sense and craving is our connection to God. It defines us as human.

  Just as God made the natural world with exquisite design, so natural and spiritual laws also govern humanity. It's our job to discern these moral laws and live accordingly.]

  In the New World Order, the Illuminati bankers turn reality upside down to serve their interests. They proclaim evil is good and lies are true as they did in the Soviet Union. They smell like skunks but they say they smell like roses and the mass media and professors sing hosannas.

  Already their cabalistic magic makes such absurd claims as men and women are identical, and homosexuality is natural. Other magic tricks include the disappearing planes that crashed into the Pentagon and at Shanksville PA. and the demolition of the World Trade Centre due to "fire." Believe what we tell you, not what you see.

  The Illuminati control the world through a complex network of Masonic societies that spawned Communism, Socialism, Nazism, Liberalism, feminism, Neo Conservativism, and organized Jewry (B'nai Brith, ADL, AJC, Zionism.)

  Communism and Zionism are actually Masonic Orders. I'm not saying that these movements have no merit, but any good they do disguises the Illuminati's true "revolutionary" agenda.

  The banking cartel rules through control of intelligence agencies, foundations, think tanks, universities, professional associations, churches, secret societies, NGO's and the mass media. (In most cases they own or fund them.) Western society functions like a secret society, circles within circles. Only the Illuminati know the real agenda.


  We think we live in a "secular" i.e. (religion-neutral) society. In fact we can no more banish God from the world than light and not be in the dark. Secularism is a transitory stage from a civilization based on spiritual truth to one based on Luciferian bankers' occult belief. First we are weaned off religion; then we are taught the "New Age" (i.e. Luciferian) dogma.

  In his book, "Marx and Satan" (1986) Richard Wurmbrand, a pastor who was imprisoned in Romania, says Communism is in essence Satanism empowered. Christians weren't just brutally persecuted and murdered; they were made to blaspheme. Communism's goal, the goal of the New World Order, is to mock God and to praise Lucifer. A Communist newspaper confessed, "We fight against God: To snatch believers from him."(77)

  According to Wurmbrand, the Russian Revolution was a time when "love, goodwill, and healthy feeling were considered mean and retrograde. A girl hid her innocence, and husbands their faithfulness. Destruction was praised as good taste, neurasthenia as the sign of a fine mind. This was the theme of new writers who burst on the scene out of obscurity. Men invented vices and perversion, and were fastidious in their avoidance of being thought moral." (85)

  The Luciferians portray their rebellion against God and nature as progress and freedom. This permissiveness refers only to tearing down the Divine Order. In the initiation into the Seventh degree of Satanism, the adept swears, "Nothing is true and everything is permitted." In the Communist Manifesto, Marx said all religion and morals will be abolished and everything permitted.

  The goal of globalism is the same as Communism. The world's elite masks their Luciferianism in new age paganism and Gaia worship. The Lucifer Trust runs the only chapel at the United Nations and the only statue in the UN building is the pagan god Zeus.

  For Luciferians, man (banker) and not God is the measure of all things. Forexample Gloria Steinem, afounder of second-wavefeminism, said: "By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God." (Thus the Luciferian separates the two.)


  The Illuminati's real agenda is to degrade people. Sex is the great leveler, the lowest common denominator. Freemasonry is in fact a sex cult. By some accounts the "G" in its emblem stands for "generation." Its obelisks are all phallic in origin. Its symbol, the dot in a circle, represents the penis in vagina, as well as the evil eye of Horus. We have all been unwittingly indoctrinated into this cult in the name of "sexual liberation" and "progress."

  In 1786, defectors exposed the Illuminati Order. Many of their secrets were published. On the subject of women, one Illuminati document stated:

  "There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women. These should therefore be our chief study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation...of standing up for will cause them to work for us with zeal, without knowing that they do so; for they will only be indulging their own desire for personal admiration." (James Wardner, Unholy Alliances 1996, p.35)

  Another Illuminati document, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1905) talks about eliminating the family and manipulating the masses. "By cultivating in all a sense of self-importance, we shall destroy among the goyim the importance of the family and its educational value...In this way we shall create a blind mighty force which will never be in a position to move in any direction without the guidance of our agents..." Protocol 10-5)


  Post-war feminism can be traced directly to the international central banking cabal. The Rockefeller network funds and control
s foundations, think tanks, the Communist Party, the CIA and most intelligence agencies.

  For over a century, their aims have been to decrease population, increase government power (socialism, liberalism) and control our minds. (See Rene Wormser, "Foundations: Their Power and Influence" 1958 and William McIllany II, "The Tax-Exempt Foundations" 1980.)

  The Rockefeller Foundation funded the birth control and "pro choice" (abortion) campaigns, the development of the "pill" and other contraceptives, the promotion of the (homo) sexual revolution. All of these were intended to divorce sex from marriage and procreation and make sex the national pastime.

  Recently Aaron Russo, the respected producer of Bette Middler's "The Rose" and the documentary "America: From Freedom to Fascism" confirmed this.

  He reported that when Nicholas Rockefeller tried to recruit him for the CFR, he said his family's foundation created women's liberation. "He asked me what I thought of the 'women's movement,' and I told him that I support equal opportunity," Russo said.

  "He looked at me and said, 'you know, you're such an idiot in some ways. We' - meaning the people he works with - 'created the women's movement, and we promote it. And it's not about equal opportunity. It's designed to get both parents out of the home and into the workforce, where they will pay taxes. And then we can decide how the children will be raised and educated.' That's how they control society - by removing the parents from the home and then raising the children as the elitists see fit."

  ("He also said [in 2000] there's going to be an event and out of that event we're going to invade Afghanistan so we can run pipelines through the Caspian sea, we can go into Iraq to take the oil and establish bases in the middle east and to make the Middle East part of the new world order ...that's what's going to come out of this event."


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