Cruel Hoax

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by Henry Makow

  Isn't this a conflict of interest?

  Hello! Can a man hold any public office, let alone the most important, and belong to a "secret society"? If this society were benign, would it have to be secret?

  What a secret society it is! The Illuminati is the hidden hand behind all modern cataclysms, including the French and Russian Revolutions, Communism, the Depression and Nazism. To affect the course of history only takes money. The people behind the Illuminati have plenty.

  It's time we faced reality. Murphy's Law applies to humanity. "If it can go wrong, it will." It has. The world is ruled by a satanic cult.


  The Illuminati originates in the Jewish Kabala, Babylonian mystery cults, the Templars, Freemasons and assorted interests dedicated to Satan worship and absolute power. On May 1 1776, Adam Weishaupt, a professor at the University of Inglestadt in Germany, founded "The Order of the Illuminati." Weishaupt was sponsored by Prince William of Hesse Casel and his banker Meyer Amschel Rothschild, the wealthiest man in the world.

  The Illuminati's goal was to destroy Western Civilization and to erect a new world order ruled by them. Its method was to dissolve all social ties (employer, nation, religion, race, family) by exploiting social discontent and promising a golden age of "human brotherhood."

  Attracted by the promise of power and change, people served without realizing who or what they were supporting. Weishaupt urged his followers to "practise the art of counterfeit." New recruits were told the Illuminati expressed the original spirit of Christianity. Weishaupt marvelled that even churchmen could be gulled. "Oh! Men, of what cannot you be persuaded?" (Nesta Webster, World Revolution, 1921, p. 27)

  The Illuminati had a hand in every so-called "progressive" movement of the past 200 years. In 1832, William Huntington founded the "Skull and Bones" (Chapter 322 of the Bavarian Illuminati) at Yale University. The members wore a death's head on their chests and were sworn to secrecy on pain of death. "The Order" became the preserve of the leading New England families, many wealthy from the Opium trade. These include the Whitneys, Tafts, Buckleys, Lowells, Sloans, Coffins, and Harrimans. The Bush family was dependent on these interests.

  For over 150 years, "Bonesmen" have run the world from positions in banking, intelligence, media, law and government. Members included Presidential handler Averell Harriman, antiwar leader William Sloan Coffin, Time-Life magnate Henry Luce, Truman war secretary Henry Stimson (responsible for dropping the atomic bomb), pseudo conservative William F. Buckley and many more.


  In the 1960's Dr. Anthony Sutton was a Fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institute when he discovered that, in spite of the Cold War, the US was supplying the USSR with technology, including weapons used against American soldiers in Vietnam. Sutton dug deeper and discovered that Wall Street had sponsored both the Bolshevik Revolution and the rise of Nazi Germany. The resulting books, which are on line, cost Dr. Sutton his academic career.

  In 1983, Dr. Sutton received a list of Skull and Bones members and immediately recognized the names of many men who controlled American policy. He published a book entitled "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones" (1986). He updated and republished this book just before his death in 2002. Here are some of his conclusions.

  "The Order" is "a purely American phenomenon with German origin." Dr. Sutton compares it to the Round Table, Cecil Rhodes' secret society at Oxford also known as "The Group." The American and British entities consist of 20-30 dynastic families each. Jewish banking interests connect them.

  "The links between 'The Order' and Britain go through Lazard Freres and the private merchant banks... 'The Group' links to the Jewish equivalent through the Rothschilds in Britain... 'The Order' in the US links to the Guggenheim, Schiff and Warburg families." (23)

  As Dr. Sutton notes, the "Order" had definite anti Semitic tendencies but by the 1960's, many Jewish names started to appear among the 15 annual inductees.

  Dr. Sutton believes the "left" versus "right" split is fraudulent and used to control the debate and condition citizens to think along certain lines. Left-wing magazines like the "The Nation" and "The New Republic" and right-wing magazines like "The National Review" were "artificially set up." The former were financed by Whitney money while the latter by Buckley. Both are "The Order."

  Dr. Sutton states: "Sooner or later people will wake up. First we have to dump the trap of right and left. This is a Hegelian trap to divide and control. The battle is not between right and left; it is between us and them."

  Similarly, in the international field, Left and Right are artificially constructed and collapsed in the drive for one-world synthesis, i.e. authoritarian socialism controlled by monopoly capital.

  College textbooks present war and revolution as spontaneous conflicting forces. This is nonsense, says Dr. Sutton. They are created and financed by Wall Street to create a new world order. But you won't read this in history books.

  "Our Western history is every bit as distorted, censored and largely useless as that of Hitler's Germany or the Soviet Union or Communist China..." (122)

  Dr. Sutton believes The Order has many weaknesses resulting from an inbred gene pool, a shallow power base and a limited worldview. In any future conflict between the authoritarian state and the individual, he believes opposition will take "a million forms."

  "No one is going to create the anti-The Order movement. That would be foolish and unnecessary. It could be infiltrated, bought off, or diverted all too easily. Why play by the rules set by the enemy?

  The movement that will topple The Order will be extremely simple and most effective. It will be ten thousand or a million Americans who come to the conclusion that they don't want the State to be boss; that they prefer to live under the protection of the Constitution. They will make their own independent decision to thwart The Order and it will take ten thousand or a million forms." (55)


  Bizarre as it sounds, our world is the product of a multi generational satanic conspiracy. When we compare this disturbing conclusion with the comforting picture purveyed by Illuminati controlled-mass media and education, we experience "cognitive dissonance," or psychological stress. This is usually resolved by evading reality, dismissing it as "conspiracy theory."

  One reader, stirring in his sleep, wrote: "You sir are T-TOTALLY the biggest story teller I have ever heard. If I ever get really bored I will read some of your concockions."

  In fact, conspiracy is very plausible. People who control a grossly disproportionate share of the world's wealth will take measures to consolidate their position. They will destabilize the public by inciting a series of wars and other mind-boggling hoaxes (Communism, feminism, multiculturalism). They will subvert faith in a loving God and promote violence and depravity (Satan) instead.

  The government-inspired 9-11 atrocity proves a satanic cult controls the US. Bush and his accomplices are criminals, traitors and impostors. But don't look to the Democrats for salvation. Leading contender Sen. John Kerry was also Skull and Bones (Class of 1966.) The "Order" controls both parties.

  The "War on Terror" is obviously designed to forestall domestic opposition and condition people to further subjugation in the New World Order. What can we do?

  Antony Sutton had it right when he said opposition should be individual in character. It should "take ten thousand or a million forms."

  Sexual Liberation

  Illuminati Subversion

  Throughout modern history Illuminati bankers have used "sexual liberation" to subvert society and establish their subtle tyranny. As Masonic revolutionary Guiseppe Mazzini said, "we corrupt in order to rule."

  The Illuminati bankers need to introduce "world government" to translate their unjust monopoly over credit into total world control. They realized that they couldn't take control until they destroyed the family. This was a central plank of the Communist Manifesto in

  Every major "revolution" in modern history has increased Illuminati banker control and the sexual revolution is no exception.

  The bankers have encouraged sexual dissipation using their various "progressive" fronts: liberalism, feminism, socialism and communism.

  The great appeal of left wing movements has always been the lure of "free" sex (i.e. free of the restraints of love & marriage.) How is free sex subversive?

  A healthy society is concerned with its survival and the propagation of its values. This requires that the new generation is born and raised in a healthy manner, i.e. in a nuclear family. In a healthy society, women are honored for nurturing and educating the young, a role for which they are naturally suited.

  Thus, the bankers set out to undermine and disparage women's role as wives and mothers.

  They extolled "sexual liberation" because promiscuous women are less dedicated to family, and less suitable as wives and mothers. Furthermore, if sex is freely available, men have much less incentive to marry or be faithful.

  Women were brainwashed to think they were being "exploited" by their family and should seek fulfillment in career instead. The bankers used paid subversives like Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem and the mass media to make it seem that feminism was a spontaneous occurrence.

  At the same time, they severed sex from marriage and procreation and exalted romance as the main source of fulfillment. Hollywood practically has angels singing hosannas when the stars have sex. It created this bogus religion.


  Sex is a natural function like eating food. If we didn't have food, we would think about nothing else.

  Because of the gender confusion (caused by feminism) many people are sex starved and are obsessed with it. As a result, society suffers from arrested development manifested as an obsessive adolescent preoccupation with bodily functions, genitals, pornography and homosexuality.

  If we have plenty, we know that divorced from love, "sex is the biggest nothing in the world." (Andy Warhol)

  Similarly, romantic love is mostly infatuation based on the expectation of some great advantage (usually sex or security.) I have seen businessmen generate the same kind of heat while making a lucrative deal. But, like AOL-Time Warner, romantic mergers often go sour.

  A marriage based on sexual attraction is like a chair with one leg. True love is based on character, personality and trust, tested over a long period of time.


  The inflated status of fertile young women is another characteristic of our Illuminati-induced dysfunction. These women remind me of poker players recklessly overplaying their hand. They have lost the capacity for love, and sex is a paltry substitute.

  Their dependence on their sex appeal is very risky. The shelf life is short and the competition is fierce. Jaded males look at 1000's of practically identical naked women on the Net these days without being turned on.

  Increasingly they need drugs to respond and I suspect disgust with women is the unconscious reason. Viagra and Cialis sales are in the billions.

  Does it make sense to use these drugs?

  Socrates said that when he no longer had a sex drive in old age, he was "released from the jaws of a wild beast." Why would any man take a drug in order to be captive once again?

  Hormones generated by the testes cause the male sex drive which takes control of our minds. How powerful are these hormones?

  Most young men would agree that their sisters are barely tolerable. However, other men's sisters are an endless source of wonder and fascination.

  What's the difference? Sex of course.

  Are there harmless drugs that could suppress the production of these mind-altering sex hormones? Perhaps they could be made widely available to young men.

  Then women, deprived of their magical spell, could be seen clearly and men could concentrate on something else. When a man finds love with a total human being, he could go off the drug.

  Of course, a better solution is for men and women to marry (or establish a long-term loving relationship) at a much younger age (i.e. 18-20) like they used to.

  People decry marriage because sex declines in importance over time. I thought that was the purpose of marriage.

  Sex belongs to an age-and-stage, i.e. courting and procreation. We weren't meant to be obsessed with it for our whole lives. There are much more important and interesting things to do.


  Modern women are the victim of a monstrous hoax perpetrated by the Illuminati bankers and their lackeys in media, government and education.

  Women have been defrauded of a secure and essential social role, that of wife and mother. In exchange they have accepted the role of sex objects and worker drones.

  They tart it up with terms like "freedom" and "independence" but many are lonely, bitter and increasingly desperate. They have been cruelly duped by an evil power. Consequently, to varying degrees they have betrayed themselves, their husbands and their children.

  Sex is used by the Illuminati as a reductio ad absurdum. Everything good in life, all relationships, culture, love, caring, justice, beauty, and intelligence; is flattened by what has become a sick societal obsession.

  The Illuminati use sex to corrupt and debase. The pornography

  that floods our in-boxes is part of a widespread campaign to degrade

  us. A morally degraded people are a weak people, and a weak people are easily disinherited.

  Helen Gurley Brown

  Turning Wives into Corporate Whores

  In 1965, Helen Gurley Brown, the editor of Cosmopolitan, said that a housewife was "a parasite, a dependent, a scrounger, a sponger or a bum."

  Brown accused the wife of being a parasite but not a whore. Brown respects whores. She is one.

  In her latest book, "I'm Wild Again" (2000) she tells us right off that in 1941, at age 19 she joined an "escort service" and made out with a 50-year-old man for $5.

  "Why wasn't I revolted? I was a little but not utterly. I think even then I was a practising realist.... I tried to do whatever you needed to do to survive." (4) (That didn't change.)

  She got a secretarial job on the understanding that she would sleep with her married boss and he would "take care" for her in return. This arrangement lasted for a few years. She describes the routine:

  "After cocktail hour we did go to my flat to make love. The lovemaking? ...This was two people copulating -- he seemed to have a good time...Moi learned to fake often and well." (15)

  Brown's excuse is that she was a helping a mother and invalid sister back in Arkansas. Right.

  She laments she never really got the promised financial payoff for being a mistress: "I needed somebody to tell me how to treat a man in this situation, how to flatter and cuddle and coo. I should have done it better." (19)

  Helen Gurley Brown became that "somebody to tell me how to treat a man in this situation."

  She taught women how to be mistresses, corporate and otherwise, instead of wives and mothers. She helped to transform the female mentality from one of devotion and love to one of a calculating predator.

  Here is how she got her husband to marry her.

  "You get the hook in. Darling, charming, delicious, sexy you, has to have sunk into him so seriously, the hook [is] buried so deep he can't get it out without severe pain, i.e. can't live without you. You then close in and deliver your ultimatum. I had to deliver mine twice."(27)

  While Brown claims she was loyal, she thinks adultery is just fine. The man's wife is to blame if he strays. Sex, Brown says, "is a physical feeling" "it feels good... one of the best things we have...." not to be subjected to "a moral imperative."

  [A La Marquis de Sade, the Illuminati motto is "Do what thou wilt.]

  Suffocating a sexual urge can lead to "twitches, tension or depression" and driving "off a cliff some night." (52) But, like a practised madam, she cautions "never sleep with someone who has less money or more troubles than you." (225)

bsp; Office romances and even sleeping with the boss is just fine as long as you're discreet. (107) She tells her readers to make the boss "look good," let him take credit for their work, and don't complain about putting in extra hours.

  Feminism, it seems, has stolen wives and mothers from families, and put them to work for corporations. Instead of following husbands who love them "until death do thee part," women now obey bosses who pay for their services and fire them in a downturn.

  In Brown's view, if a loving husband provides for a devoted wife, she is a "parasite." But if she is a corporate slave or mistress, then she is "independent" and "liberated."


  In 1952, the Rockefellers annually controlled $250 million dollars of media advertising. Their newspapers and networks hyped Helen Gurley Brown's 1962 book "Sex and the Single Girl" and the movie by the same name. Millions of single women were told to pursue careers and have sex outside marriage. At the same time, the Rockefellers were funding and lobbying for population control and social engineering.

  As editor of Cosmopolitan (1965-97), Brown was a role model and "teacher" for career women in America and around the world (36 foreign editions.) She married at age 37 and remained childless.

  "She is arguably one of the most influential women of the decade, perhaps even the century", one women's website gushes. "She instructed, helped, advised, cheered for, encouraged, liberated, and promoted women, giving them new role models to emulate and a new manual for the sexual revolution. Armed with the pill, she showed women how they ...could take advantage of ... their sexual destinies."

  Along with Communist activist Betty Friedan and CIA agent Gloria Steinem, Helen Gurley Brown belongs to the triumvirate of modern feminist "pioneers."


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