Murder & Mayhem

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Murder & Mayhem Page 4

by T Wells Brown

  Well, wasn’t that just perfect.

  Chapter 3

  A Dark Day

  The funeral was a devastating affair, despite the elegant surroundings, beautiful and beautifully dressed people in full attendance. Every corner of the church packed to standing room only.

  The Women of Wine Country legion was vast. The sisterhood extended to all areas of the world where wine was made, and grapes were grown. My Aunt Raquel being the president of her chapter meant all the members who were physically able to attend, did.

  This was a testimony to my wonderful Aunt Raquel and Uncle Antonio, their devotion not only to friends, but to their community as well. Both of them were well known for all of their good works; that also meant the charities in the area knew they were giving, generous and kind. If they couldn’t help with a specific charity, they would find someone who would. This was apparent based on the number of people who showed up and grieved for the devastating loss of two amazing people.

  The two deep burgundy caskets at the front of the church, covered in a base of magnolia leaves and branches, and topped with beautifully arranged pale pink and white flowers of every variety, were stunning. My aunt had planned her and my uncle’s funerals three years previously when she updated their wills, never dreaming both of them would be buried together. Her provisions had counted on and included one of them still being alive – now those duties fell to Sydney and me.

  Sydney, yes. I could understand her. She was strong, educated and so together. She made sense.


  I, who couldn’t stop crying. My eyes puffy and red.

  With all the crying I wouldn’t be able to keep any makeup on, so the only thing I could do was keep my lips coated with deep red lipstick and not worry about any other makeup. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone anyway.

  My aunt’s tribe had shown up earlier that day with clothes, shoes, hats, gloves, bags and all things needed to get the whole tribe ready for the funeral together. During our pre-funeral preparations, the group cried, hugged and carried on, alternating between drinking a variety of white wines and coffee and helping each other get dressed.

  It was crowded and busy and perfect. They wanted to give my Aunt Raquel and Uncle Antonio the sendoff they deserved, and that was going to be nothing but the absolute best.

  Jenna brought over outfits for me to try on, beautifully made, soft and perfect for my voluptuous shape. The black pencil skirt I chose fell just below my knees, with a gold zipper at the back that ran from the bottom of the skirt all the way up to the waist of the skirt, and girl. It fit like a glove, made of some kind of perfect stretchy material that flattened my little tummy and hugged my big butt. The top was a very simple black sheer capped sleeve with built in camisole, a little lose fitting and looked beautiful tucked into the skirt.

  My shoes were sweet: black shiny patent leather pumps with thick heels and a platform peekaboo toe. They had little golden studs running up the back of the heel and up the back of the shoe. My bag was a darling little black patent leather clutch with a gold chain for the shoulder strap; it matched the shoes, gold studs and all. I’d never worn anything so glamorous and it was a real shame, but also fitting, that it would all be for Raquel – even though she wouldn’t be able to see me wearing it. This thought brought on a whole new round of tears.

  I’d decided against wearing any jewelry. I didn’t have much anyway.

  Once we were all ready, the tribe as a beautifully dressed black clad group, descended upon me and presented me with a full, sparkling, beautiful charm bracelet that I knew like I knew the back of my hand. I knew it because it was Raquel’s. It was the charm bracelet all the Women of Wine Country wore with pride. They added their charms as they had adventures together. Each charm meant something special for each woman. No two bracelets were exactly the same, but all of them held many of the same charms. Of course, they had wine charms, grape charms, wine glasses, champagne glasses, little shoes and handbags, and paw prints with glittering stones, just to name a few.

  However, Raquel’s charm bracelet held a custom piece none of the others had, and I knew it. We all did. I touched the one of a kind specially made sterling silver old gnarled vine charm my uncle had made for my aunt last Christmas, the last Christmas they would have shared together. A new bout of tears came rolling out on a loud sob, which triggered more loud sobs from the ladies around me.

  When I thought it couldn’t get any harder, Sydney handed Jenna a bag. Jenna began pulling little burgundy boxes with silver bows out and the room went still and the air heavy. Sydney pulled out a letter and began reading as Jenna handed each of the ladies a box:

  “Raquel updated this letter every year. She was always the planner, always prepared. She really could teach those boy scouts a thing or two.”

  With tears streaming down her face Sydney began to read:

  “My Dearest Tribe,

  If you are reading this, it means I am no longer with you. I want each of you to know I love every one of you like my own blood. I cherish each moment I have had with you and thank you all for the support and kindness you all have shown me. ”

  The group let out a collective sob.


  You have been the best friend a gal could ever have asked for. I counted on you and you came through for me more times than I have fingers to count. I never got to return the favor, mostly because you’re stubborn and so completely competent that even though we all need you – you don’t really need any of us. I know I can call on you to take care of my beloved Antonio and Isabella like they are your own and I leave them in your capable care. Thank you, my loving friend, and I will see you when you come to join me.”

  Of course, Raquel would never dream her beloved Antonio’s life would be taken the same day as hers. The unbelievable tragedy of this day was thick and the sorrow of the day heavy, making it hard to breathe.

  How were any of us going to be able to get through this dark day?


  Oh Lord, a year was a life time ago for Francesca: her hubby was now on hospice in their home and wasn’t expected to make it much longer. She left him with the hospice nurses only to come to the funeral and was heading straight back. This wasn’t going to be good.

  “As I’m writing this, we have just learned about Frank’s cancer and I hope by the time you’re reading this he is completely cured and you two will be off for a second honeymoon”

  Looking up from reading with tears wet on her face, Sydney said, “I’m so sorry honey. Do you want me to keep reading?”

  “Yes, please I need to hear her last words to me,” Francesca cried desperately.

  Sydney nodded her head and continued, “I pray for his recovery every night and know you can count on Antonio to help with anything you, Frank and the girls need. Thank you for all of the beautiful holidays and sharing your amazing daughters with me and Antonio. You all are the family we never had. Please watch out for my Antonio – he will be lost without me and will need your loving family to make it through this time. Always know how much I love you and your beautiful family as if you are all my very own. In my heart you are.


  What can I say my beautiful big-hearted friend? You and I have gone head to head on numerous occasions, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. You have nothing but my love and respect for all the passion and strength you bring to our tribe and all of our rescues. I value the time I’ve been honored to have with you – even if some of it was spent arguing. I love you and trust you to protect our sisters. You are in charge of them now. Do me proud sister.”

  Becca fell into Francesca’s arms and the two of them sobbed quietly as Sydney continued.


  My beloved oldest friend. You and I have been through it all. You were there the night I first met my Antonio. You stood up with me when I married my beloved Antonio and you were there for each and every argument and fight, he and I had in those early years. You are always there f
or me, never wavering once. Your love and dedication are a constant strength I can count on and do often. I know you will watch over Antonio. I know that of all of my sisters, how hard this will be for you and I share more years together than even he and I.

  Thank you for your unwavering friendship; you made my life happier and I will miss you every day until I see you again.


  I love you forever. I love you for being a part of our life, always there and ready to lend a hand and pitch in, always the first to show up and help and the last to leave, making sure I wasn’t left with any mess. You think I didn’t notice, but I noticed every single time. You made my life easier and you did it quietly and lovingly. I know the world has been a harsh place for you, my friend, but I also know you deserve love and laughter and I want you to go out and seek it. Do it for me if not for yourself.”

  Stella fell apart, doubled over in her grief, so we had a brief break while water and tissues were passed around, Sydney said, “We need to get through this or we’ll be late and nothing can begin without us there.”

  Blowing her nose, she gathered herself to the background noise of those who had already heard their part crying softly, and began reading again;


  You and Syd are my two most dependable tribe members. I respect and count on you for so very much. We all do. You carry the burden of being the reasonable one on your shoulders, which can be a heavy load with this group. I know you are going to do some amazing things for our community and our region and I am devastated beyond belief I am not going to be there to high five you at every one of your amazing achievements. Just remember, my talented friend, to live for yourself as well. You deserve happiness along with your successes. I love you my sweet friend.

  Steve and Allistor,

  Please know in my heart you two belong to my family. I adopted you both without you knowing years ago and have thanked the Good Lord above every day that He gifted me with the two of you and your friendship. The fellowship you two bring to our tribe is our rock. Without you two, our tribe falls apart. I ask that you watch over my sisters with the love and compassion, and patience, you always have and know: even if it’s not said enough, you two are a blessing to this world and we would be a lot better off with more people like you. I love you both dearly. Until I see you again my friends, peace and love.


  Last, but certainly not least, you have the burden of carrying out all of my last wishes. I wouldn’t trust anyone to do this but you. You have helped me plan and organize and I trust you with every fiber of my being. While you are going through my things and bringing yourself up to speed on the happenings while you’ve been away, please take it easy on everyone for the things they kept from you, myself included. We only wanted to protect you and minimize the loss you were already feeling while being forced away from your friends and home. We know you would have rushed back for anyone of us and put your own life at risk and we love you too much to do that to you. I know you will see everything out until the end, please try not to fight with Antonio as you carry out….”

  “I can’t…” Sydney said through her own tears streaming thick down her face.

  “Let me help honey.” Steve gently took the papers and continued the reading as Allistor wrapped his arms around Sydney and walked her to the couch where the two of them sat down.

  “…. please try not to fight with Antonio as you carry out my wishes. Also, please take care of Isabella and give her my charm bracelet before the funeral so she has it to fiddle with – it will give her something of mine to keep close and distract Antonio and might help him not get so angry with everyone who is doing everything wrong. I know I lean on you a lot, and you never complain, but it’s only because I trust and respect you and your courage more than any one person on this planet. I love you my sweet friend and I always will. My only regret is the last few years, not seeing your beautiful face if it wasn’t on a digital screen. I’ve missed you more than you will ever know. Thank you for all you are about to do for me and I am sorry for any grief Antonio gives you – just know, as you care for him and Isabella, you care for me. And I thank you for it.

  I don’t know what’s happened to me, But I do know I’ve had an amazing life filled with love, friendship and laughter. I wouldn’t change one aspect of it. So, as you send me off for the final time, please carry in your hearts the knowledge that I was happy, truly and completely happy and most if it was because of you women sitting in this room. My Women of Wine Country sisters. I love you and I expect you to carry on the tribe and grow it. Do it for me; do it for you, and when you bring in the new sisters make sure you tell them about me, the very first member and founder.

  All my love forever and a day,

  Raquel Bellini”

  “I…I…I was the f-f-f-founder!” Stella cried, then laughed and then cried some more. This was an ongoing tease the two women shared because they actually came up with the idea together duri ng a wine tasting event Stella was setting up at her wine bar, Poured, before my aunt and uncle had ever even met.

  “Isabella, the charm bracelet we gave you is your aunt’s. I have all of the personal belongings recovered from the crash and it appeared to me everything was horribly damaged except for this, if you can believe it.

  However, since your uncle is gone too – I had sterling silver charms made identical to the one your uncle made for your aunt last Christmas with one minor difference – on the base of the trunk of the vine is Raquel and Antonio’s initials with a heart. I’ve had one made for each of us and cuff links made for you, Steve and Allistor. Also, Isabella, I had a new charm bracelet made with this same charm to start your bracelet off. We haven’t welcomed any new members to our tribe in a very long time, but we welcome you and hope you will fill your own bracelet with things that represent milestones in your life. They are both yours, to do with as you like.” Sydney handed me two burgundy boxes with silver bows. We all opened the boxes and inspected the beautiful charms through tear filled eyes.

  Sydney sat next to me and said quietly, “You have your letter Isabella. I wanted you to have it to read privately. Now do you understand why I said to wait?”

  I wrapped my arms around her and whispered, “Thank you Sydney.”

  “Alright ladies. Wipe those snotty noses. We got a sister and her man to bury and a whole lotta fine ass men anxious for us to get the move on,” Becca proclaimed in typical Becca fashion: straight forward and to the point.

  The funeral was just as elegant as my aunt would have wanted. She’d thought of everything. The church was filled with stunning bouquets of fresh flowers; the service itself was beautiful. People spoke about both my aunt and uncle lovingly and respectfully with a few light-hearted jokes peppered in between the sad stories. I knew my aunt and uncle were pillars of the community but I didn’t realize just how much they did for others. I should’ve known; I just never really knew how much they contributed.

  Shame on me.

  A little commotion occurred when Sydney tried slipping the unopened envelope containing the letter Raquel had left for Antonio into his coffin. It was a little bit of a feat with all the flowers piled on top. Roman, Cabe and I held the flowers in place, and the man who was in charge of the casket and keeping everything looking good had a bit of a heart attack, but once he realized what she was up to, ended up helping her by holding the casket lid up while she slipped it in. It was, after all, the right thing to do and there was no way anyone was stopping Sydney from laying that letter to rest with its rightful owner.

  I stuck with my aunt’s tribe, who sat in the second two rows from the front, leaving the first row on both sides of the church for family. Behind us sat the row of Macho Men who always seemed to be nearby and Antonio’s family, from Italy sat in the first row on the isle across from us.

  Sydney leaned over and whispered, “Remember the wineries I told you were upset about your uncle selling the fruit to a new buyer? One is sitting over there.” She tilte
d her head indicating a pew across the aisle, three back, “and the other over there,” she said, nodding to the aisle directly behind us. I waited a few minutes and stole glances at them both and was shocked to see when I looked at them both sets of people were watching me.


  Just before the service was to begin, Cabe stood, came around to where I was, and held out his hand. I looked to him, his hand, and then back at him before he reached down and lifted my arm from my lap, pulled me up into a standing position, and escorted me to the first pew.

  I was a little taken aback by his high handedness, but I didn’t want to make a scene so I sat down and looked at him. I must admit he looked really good in his dark gray suit. It fit him like it was tailored to every plain and muscle on his body. He sat down next to me and draped his arm across the back of my pew space and leaned towards me, like we were an old married couple.

  I started to say something when Sydney, followed by Roman, sat down on the other side of me, took my hand in hers and held on. I watched as the rest of the ladies filled up the first pew so we were once again sitting as a group. Just as Raquel would have wanted.

  Well then, I guess this wasn’t so bad.

  As we listened to the Pastor, and then Raquel and Antonio’s friends speak, I was distracted by Cabe, his big strong body sitting next to mine, and the subtle manly-spice scent he had coming off of him. This was not the worst distraction I’d ever had.

  From the church we all went to the graveside where once again, Cabe took charge by guiding me to the front row and the middle seat. I ended up sitting wedged between him and Sydney. And when that ceremony was over, I was guided back to the car by Cabe with a hand at my lower back, into the car he wanted me in (with him) and then back to Bellini Estates for the reception.

  He never, not once, left my side, which did freak me out a little, but was also not horrible. He seemed to have a never-ending stash of fresh tissue. And he also seemed to know when I needed someone to stop crying all over me and move on, and he made that happen.


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