Murder & Mayhem

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Murder & Mayhem Page 12

by T Wells Brown

  He stopped speaking to take a quick sip of the coffee I’d poured him, and it struck me this was the most words I’d ever heard Cabe string together at one time. I looked over at Sydney and saw she was giving Cabe the tilted head look she gives when she is supremely interested in what you’re saying and is hyper focused on you.

  Cabe went on, “It’s unfortunate. If I’d known that’s how it was going to go down, I would’ve obviously done the removal process in a different way.” He shrugged his shoulders and continued, “But this is the reality of what we’re dealing with. Next question, do we need to have another look at Antonio and Raquel’s bodies? I’m thinking no. We all know what they died of. They died because of the accident; I don’t believe that digging them up and disturbing their resting place is going to serve our investigations. We already know the car was tampered with. We already know that the failed brakes and the seatbelt is what killed Antonio.” Cabe focused on me and said, “We already know what killed Rachel. I’m sorry Isabella, we all know how and what they died from. We assumed it was an accident, but we know now that it was not; it was deliberate. Therefore, I’m advising we get Roman in on this case and bring him up to speed as quick as possible. Sydney, he’s the best Harmony Grove has to offer, and frankly, it’s his job and we need his help. From this point forward, we need to make sure that everything we do is by the book. My hunch is the Markins are somehow behind or at least mixed up in this, and if that’s the case, there’s no way we’re going to be able to bring them down without the police behind us. We may still not be able to bring them down, even with the police behind us.”

  Sydney sat for a moment, looked up at me and then to Cabe and said, “I agree. Roman is the best man for the job. We need him.” She turned back to me and said, “Isabella, you might not know this, but I’ve actually been spending quite a bit of time… in fact all my free time, with Roman. He and I are… I guess… an item. He may have to tread carefully on the case. I’m involved as a friend, but I’m also the executor of the will that is being contested.”

  Before I could reply that it wasn’t a huge secret that she and Roman were sparing with each other Cabe said, “Actually I’m shocked Romans not here with you. I’m surprised that he would let you come by yourself, as much of a watchdog as he’s been since you’ve been back. He hasn’t let you out of his sight.”

  Sydney shifted in her seat and said, “Well actually, he brought me here and dropped me off. I had him go run and do something really quick for me, but he is coming back. Oh, you might as well know. I needed him to go get Agatha. She’s been with Francesca and the girls. We thought it would lift their spirits having her around, but things have taken a turn for the worse, unfortunately for poor Frank. Roman went to pick up Agatha for me, and quite frankly, I’ve been missing her so much. This is the longest I’ve been without her since, you know. This is all too much for me to take in. And it seems since I’ve been back, it’s just like it was before I left: there’s no breathing room, there’s no space, there’s no peace. It’s like one thing after another and another and a gal has to find her downtime.”

  Honestly, I didn’t really understand much of what she was talking about towards the end, but I knew she needed us to just act like we did. So that’s exactly what we did (or at least I did). Cabe might know what she was talking about, but either way, we both let it go and moved on.

  “Isabella, with Antonio’s brother coming back, I think it’s safe for us to move forward and let the new winemaker go. He’s been causing problems and he’s making Rafael’s job a nightmare. He’s the one that’s been letting Mark onto the property. We need to get rid of him. Also, we need look at everything he’s done while he’s been here to see what kind of devastation he has brought on.” I nodded my agreement to Cabe.

  “Sydney,” I asked, “Do you think my momma knew about any of this? Do you think that she knew these people were going to kill my aunt and uncle, and do you think that she’s been in on this the whole time?”

  “Isabella, honey,” she reached out and stroked my hair as she said, “I don’t think your mother has the sobriety to pull something like this off. I think she has been a pawn in their scheme, from the very beginning. Now, does that excuse her free and clear of wrong doings? No. She still knows what she’s doing; she knows she’s suing for the will to be contested to take everything away from her daughter. She knows what she’s doing to you. However, when she does find out, how she behaves will tell us a lot about how she’s going to be moving forward.”

  Dropping her hand from my hair, she went on to say, “I better get started writing the response for the contested will. I also need to get all of the people who were named to sign off on letting me represent them or we could have an even bigger mess on our hands.”

  Sydney left the library to gather her things and call Roman.

  Cabe got, up closed the door and came over to where I was sitting behind my uncle’s large desk. I looked up at him as he looked down at me, “I’m sorry Isabella,” he said softly, “I’m sorry this is happening, I’m sorry I didn’t take better care of Antonio and Raquel. If I had even the slightest idea that somebody was going to kill them, I would’ve done everything in my power to make sure that they were alive here today.”

  “Oh, Cabe,” I said, “I know you would have. I know how much my aunt and uncle meant to you. I’m upset about this too, but this isn’t your fault and I don’t want you to feel like it is. You just keep doing what you’re doing and let’s find out who did this to them and stay focused on what’s really important.”

  He leaned down and rested his hands on the arms of the chair I was sitting in and said, “I’m not going to let one more fucking thing happen to you. I’m going to keep you safe and I’m going to find out who is behind this. This is no fucking way for Antonio and Raquel to be remembered.”

  Cabe caged me in as he leaned in close. Looking me in the eyes for only a second before resting his forehead against mine, he said, “Isabella I swear to you, I’ll find out who is responsible, for all of it, and when I do, they are going to be praying for someone to save them from me . I won’t let Antonio and Raquel’s killers go free. And I swear, I’ll save this winery for you.” Tilting my head back and looking up into Cabe’s eyes, I believed him.

  I cupped his face with my hands and said, “Cabe, what I know about you… I know you’ll do everything in your power to make this right. I’m not afraid when you’re around. I’m not afraid at all. I’m free to be who I want to be when you’re with me, even though I know I annoy you and even though I make you crazy. I’m free to be whoever I want to be, finally free, for the first time in my life to just be Isabella and I wouldn’t trade any of that for the world. Well, that’s not entirely true, I would trade my aunt’s life for that. I would give anything to have my aunt and uncle back, but other than that, I wouldn’t trade anything.” With that said, I reached up from the chair and I gently kissed Cabe’s beautiful mouth with mine.

  I kissed him once.

  Kissed him twice, and then he parted his lips and I went in for a deep kiss.

  Holding onto his face, I lifted up out of the chair I’d been sitting in and he was leaning over, stayed locked in our kiss, and forcing him to stand up. I plastered my body against his, and as soon as my body fit against him, he wrapped both of his arms around me and pulled me in even tighter. He stood up to his full height, and lifted me off the ground.

  My hands moved into his hair. I ran my fingers through it. I fisted it in both hands in order to slant his head the way I wanted, so I could control the kiss, and slanted mine the other way to deepen this kiss I’d waited so long for.

  Our tongues darted and slid against the one another in a sensual duel we were both going to win.




  It was beautiful, and magical, and my whole body was humming and alive. My fingers ran through his beautiful soft black hair and it was glorious.

  Oh, Good Lord, this man
could kiss!

  The strength I could feel coming from his body through the kiss, his masculine beauty at play with my feminine aggressiveness was wonderful. Right then and there, I fell head over heels in love with Beautiful Big Badass Butthead Cabe Brown.

  He slowly turned us around and brought me down as he planted his beautiful behind in the chair I’d just left, and pulled me down so I was facing him straddling his legs and sitting in his lap.

  That was skill.

  There I was, kissing Cabe Brown and seriously making out…. straddling him.

  Dream. Come. True.

  He had his hands on my back and then they moved down to my rear and finally, FINALLY , he placed his big hands on my big butt and then he groaned!

  He shifted his head and moved his hands feeling up my rear, and said in a husky whisper, “I’ve been dying to get my hands on this ass.”

  And then I moaned , ‘cause it was hot , I had to moan, and then we went even faster and hotter, and it seemed like his hands were everywhere and his mouth was all over my mouth and neck and ears and… Oh Lord this was the best make out session I’d ever had!

  My ears were ringing, my senses were alive, my head was screaming about how amazing this man was. He was beautiful!

  And he was kissing me!


  Me, Isabella!

  This beautiful man was kissing me and it felt glorious, and it gave me strength, and courage, and I felt like in that moment I was the most amazing, sexiest, strongest woman in the world!

  How could I ever be deserving to kiss this beautiful strong man? Yet, in my heart, I knew it was just as God intended.

  Just as Mother Nature had designed in her most brilliant work, it felt beautiful and natural and perfect. I loved every minute of it. If only it could’ve gone on and on and on…. but alas it was not to be.

  This beautiful episode of kissing; my first real make out session with Cabe Brown…hopefully my first and not my only… was interrupted when Roman and Sydney both came barging into the library.

  Like they owned the place.

  We tore away from each other as if we had been caught stealing coins from a church offering tray.

  Well actually, truth be told, I tore away from Cabe, jumping up like a fool and wiping my mouth like I had done something wrong. I’m pretty sure they saw the way I was sitting on his lap and kissing him with his hands all over my rear end, but still, I tried to act like nothing was going on…. until Roman burst out laughing.


  Sydney stood there with her hands on her hips staring at us both and exclaimed, “Well, it’s about time you two! I couldn’t believe you were still playing the game when I came back and you two hadn’t done anything to relieve some of that stress! My God you two drug that dance out for a long time!”

  Jumpin’ Jezebels!

  Sydney’s speech was so embarrassing and forced me to break out in a sweat. I felt my face go hot and so I yelled, “Well my aunt and uncle had just died for God sake! What do you think I’m just gonna start making out with Cabe?” I flung my hand out towards Cabe who was still seated in the chair looking extremely relaxed and a little smug. I squinted a look at him and went on, “Well I probably should’ve just started making out with Cabe, but honestly it was not me who didn’t want to make out!” I stomped my foot and pointed at him, “He was the one who wouldn’t make out with me! I mean, he kissed all around my face one time after he chased me down and tackled me to the ground and got on top of me, but wouldn’t kiss my mouth! But instead my whole face! I don’t even want to go into how he took the note from me and threw it on the ground and then ran off! Seriously, what is a girl supposed to do with that?” I said in one breath quickly, with my arm straight out and still pointing at Cabe.

  Roman and Sydney just stared at me for a few seconds before Roman threw his head back and roared with laughter… again.

  Jerky Jerk!

  Sydney, clearly not sure what to make of what I just said, looked at me saying, “He chased you and tackled you to the ground? And didn’t kiss you on your mouth?”

  I nodded.

  She then turned to Cabe and said, “You chased her down and tackled her and didn’t kiss her on the mouth? What is wrong with you?”

  Turning her attention back to me she said, “Isabella, I know this isn’t very politically correct to say, but honey, I think we need to find you another man if all, this one,” ( she used her thumb to point at Cabe), “is going to do is chase you down, tackle you, and not even give you one single kiss on the mouth. He clearly does not know what he’s doing or has lost his game, so maybe, the cute blonde guy from Vista Rio Wines or that handsome firefighter Captain Hernandez, maybe one of them might be a better fit for you.”

  Roman, who had started to calm himself, doubled over, once again laughing hysterically at our expense over the speech Sydney just delivered.

  Jumpin’ Jezebels! He’s a Jerky Jerk Jerk!

  “Sydney!” Cabe growled.

  I agreed with Cabe!!

  Chapter 13

  Best Night of My Life

  After that extremely embarrassing night of being caught in the library making out with Cabe, things got even more embarrassing. Well, let’s say not so much embarrassing. I did get embarrassed… but it was more than embarrassment, so much more …things got more intense.

  More Cabe, a whole lot more.

  The same night we got busted making out in the library, Cabe and I consummated our relationship.

  After Sydney and Roman settled in with Sydney’s cat Agatha into one of the guestrooms, Cabe took my hand in his, and we walked hand in hand to the room I was still using on the first floor.

  As soon as we passed through my bedroom door threshold, Cabe had me in his arms and we were right back where we were in the library. Only this time it was even better; it was sexy and fun.

  We laughed, we played. It was all of the things; you’d dream the first time would be with a super-hot bossy guy.

  Yes, that beautiful strapping gorgeous man took me to bed and it was the best night of my life.

  I’m here to tell you when Cabe Brown puts all of his focus on you… you feel attended to!

  That man did things to me, my body had never had done to it before, and they were all glorious and wonderful and made me feel special, beautiful, sexy.

  If you were to say I could have a night like that once a week - for the rest of my life it would be amazing. To say I could have a night like that three or four times a week for the rest of my life would make me the luckiest woman in the world.

  Cabe Brown is beautiful.

  And skilled.

  That man knows how to make this gal feel special.

  Especially when he took my clothes off …goodness gracious …. that’s when the real magic began.

  Big Brown has gifts no one man should have, but he has them. All of them. I think he’s holding all of mankinds manly gifts hostage and I was thrilled to be the woman that he delivered them to.

  After he stripped me out of all my clothes, I stood exposed in front of him and felt very vulnerable, but weirdly, it turned me on in such a way that my breasts began to feel heavy and my sex swelled and I probably had never been so turned on in my entire life as I was in that moment.

  There I stood, naked in my bedroom with Cabe standing in front of me, fully dressed.

  He was taking his time and the insecurities I’ve had all my life about my body were making the sexiness of the moment start to fade when he said, “Isabella, Good God, you’re so beautiful.” He walked in a circle around me, looking me over. “So beautiful …. I don’t know where I want to start first.”

  I felt butterflies in my stomach from those words. He thinks I’m beautiful!

  When he finally reached out, he did it with the lightest touch at the lowest part of my back just above my rear, “Should I start back here?” I was so sensitized waiting for what was going to happen, my body automatically arched into his hand. “You like this do you?” />
  I moaned.

  It must have been the response he was looking for. He finally laid his large rough hands on me and I was gone.

  I whimpered. Yes, that’s a real thing and yes, I did it.

  He stroked me, he touched me, he guided me, he murmured how beautiful I was and how much he enjoyed me naked, and he took me to places I’ve never gone before, and not once did his hands leave my body.

  “I think I’ll keep you this way. I like the idea of you being available for me anytime I want. Are you wet and ready for me Isabella?” He whispered to me as he dipped his fingers into my sex and slowly rubbed, the friction from his rough fingers bringing me to an even higher state of arousal.

  As I said, I felt extremely vulnerable and exposed to him, but I think that was part of the sexual play and it was really working for me.

  He removed his fingers from my vagina and stuck them in his mouth for a taste of what was yet to come, “Oh Isabella, mmmmmmmm I’m going to enjoy devouring you.” He said in his deep growly voice.

  I thought my legs would give out from under me.

  After he examined my body with his hands, he started using his perfectly shaped mouth and began kissing me everywhere; he got to know my body, every inch of it, with his hands and then explored me further with his mouth, his teeth and his eyes. I loved the feel of his unshaven face as it scraped across my skin.

  Anytime I tried to do more than put my hands in his short black hair, he would stop what he was doing and move my hands back to his hair, inhibiting my progress.

  But I was becoming desperate to feel him so I tried, I tried really hard to touch him; I wanted to explore and feel him. I wanted to feel his broad shoulders, run my hands down his flat stomach. I wanted to taste him and make his desire for me match my desire for him. I finally reached a point that I demanded he take his clothes off. Then I thought of an even better idea, and I demanded he let me take his clothes off. It was a little bit of a struggle that turned into a wrestling match, and that’s where the laughter came in.

  See, I was naked but Cabe was clothed and he found this very amusing.


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