Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1

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Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1 Page 14

by Manda Mellett

  Wheels glances up at me, her lips curling up, and then turns to Dart. “No need to get your knickers in a twist.”

  “Not wearing any, babe,” he replies, and for some reason that sets the table off again.

  “Say something else, sweetheart,” Blade encourages her.

  “Nah.” Wheels pulls her crutches toward her and makes a show of getting onto her feet, but she’s still grinning. Peg puts out his hand to help her. “I’m going for a slash now.” At the looks of incomprehension thrown toward her, she clarifies, “I’m going to spend a penny,” then adds, waving her hand toward the heads, “Going to visit Aunty Loo.”

  Rubbing his hand over his face, Blade laughs. “Christ, she talks a fuckin’ different language.”

  “Oh stop taking the piss,” she throws over her shoulder as she walks away.

  Fuck, I’m chuckling too now. She’s in her element here. Why haven’t we seen this side of her before? My problem is I like this new feisty Sophie that’s emerging, the one not afraid to have a laugh with my brothers. And so does my cock. I’ve managed to stay away from her for weeks now, but it’s getting more difficult as each day passes. And that ass! Fuck, I’d have to be blind not to want to go there.

  Peg comes to stand beside me. “She’s doing fuckin’ well. Been hard fuckin’ work for her, but she’s getting’ there.”

  “She’s improving mentally, too,” I tell him, and his slow, steady nod shows me he agrees. “It’s the independence that she needs. I know, I went through the same fuckin’ thing.”

  Tapping on my arm, he indicates he wants me to move aside so we can get some privacy. “What’s happening with that contract out on her?”

  “Mouse is keeping his ear to the ground, but nothing seems to have changed. St John-Davies has probably traced her to Phoenix, but she could have ended up anywhere in the States for all he fuckin’ knows.”

  Again, he slowly nods. “Let’s hope it stays that way. So far she’s not caused trouble for the club.” He’s echoing my thoughts from earlier.

  The more I’m around Wheels, the harder it is to keep my hands to myself. For some reason, as Wheels has improved, the sweet butts and even the townies who come up to the clubhouse at weekends have ceased to interest me to the extent that since I first set eyes on Wheels, she’s become the only one I’ve wanted. For the first time since my teens, my hands been seeing far too much action, preferring to jerk myself off to thoughts of the woman I can’t have rather than sinking into any that I can. If any of my brothers knew, they’d be laughing their fucking heads off.

  And the following Sunday it only gets harder to keep my distance when we hold a club barbeque. The sun’s shining, grills are grilling, little Amy’s running around and getting in everybody’s way, and she comes out wearing a tight tank top which showcases her boobs perfectly. Fucking Wheels! My cock stands immediately to attention and I lose track of what Drum’s saying to me.

  “Wraith!” My name in a sharp bark draws my eyes back to him.

  His own are narrowed as he notices what distracted me. “She’s a fine looking girl.”

  I laugh. “You’ve only just noticed?”

  “No, but I’m not looking with my cock.”

  Luridly I thrust my hips a couple of times. “Can’t help it if I’ve noticed her tits.”

  “As long as looking’s all you’re going to be doing, VP.” He sounds suspicious.

  “It’s alright, Drum, I’m not going there. She’s got too much baggage.” Oh, but fuck I wish I could.

  “Hmm.” He’s still giving me one of his searching looks, and now I’m uncomfortable, believing he sees far too much. Thankfully he changes the subject. “It’s all gone quiet on her front, and I’m not talking about her rack.” He doesn’t have to explain he’s still talking about Wheels, and his choice of words considering our previous conversation has me giving a brief smile. “But I want to be prepared for trouble. Peg reckons we should double our stock on ammunition and get in a few more guns. He’s suggesting some of the Mac-10s.”

  I give a slow whistle through my teeth as Drum mentions the small handheld machine guns capable of firing eighteen bullets a second. Even a blind man would have a hard time missing a target with one of them. The spray action can affect accuracy, but still, despite that it’s decent enough. “Nice,” I tell him. It sounds like he’s preparing for war, but I know the brothers will be pleased to have new toys. “Got a supplier?”

  “Eduardo,” he replies.

  Looks like I might be taking a trip down to the border shortly. The thought of a good run is welcome; the direction and the complications of getting guns across from Mexico, not so much.

  He sees I’ve caught on. “Thought you and Peg and a couple of the prospects, Spider and Marsh perhaps, could go?”

  “Yeah, Prez. When you thinking?”

  “Next week?”

  I consider what else I’ve got going on but am certain he already knows my plate’s pretty much clear. “Yeah,” I tell him, “I’m up for that. But you expecting trouble?”

  “Not that I know of. Just don’t want anyone to catch us with our pants down.”

  It makes sense.

  Hank comes up with fresh beers having noticed we’ve got empty bottles in our hands. Mentally I give him an extra point for observation. He’s a good kid, and I reckon almost ready to patch in. Indicating with my beer, I’m interested to know what Drum thinks. “Hank, eh? He’s almost been with us a year now.”

  Not a speedy response from Drum, but I didn’t expect one; the prez isn’t someone who speaks before thinking. “I reckon he’s almost there. He’ll make a good fuckin’ brother. Give it another month and bring it to church. What about the others?”

  Now it’s my turn to take a few seconds to think. “Marsh is good, not been here as long as Hank so let’s leave him a while longer. Spider… Still can’t make him out. Seems to have a bit of a knack at not being around when you need him.”

  Drum nods. “I’ve noticed. Brothers have been saying they think we’ve only got two prospects.”

  “I’ll give him a kick up his ass. Perhaps partner him up with Hank for a while to show him how it’s done.”

  A slap on the back and Drum’s obviously going to move on. “Only thing left for us to do is come up with a road name for Hank. Think on it, VP, while you ride to Mexico. Oh, and one last thing, any more trouble from Buster?”

  Even the name makes me frown, although he’s been attending church and minding his own business lately, there’s something about the man that’s just off. I can’t put my finger on what it is, just that his overall attitude is wrong. But my gut feeling isn’t enough to cause a brother to lose his patch, so I have to give an honest answer. “No, he’s behaving himself,” but I can’t resist adding, “For now.” Something tells me he’ll be fucking up again sooner or later.

  Chapter Nine


  When Horse brought me to the Satan’s Devils’ clubhouse, I thought it was the worst place I could possibly have come to. But my eyes have been opened over the past couple of months. With the exception of Buster, who gives me the creeps, all the other brothers have been great toward me. Some I still don’t know that well, particularly Drum, the president, who seems to keep himself to himself, but Dollar, Blade, Dart, Rock, Heart, and of course, the studious Mouse, have all become what I’d call friends. None of them have made me feel uncomfortable, but neither have any of them made any type of pass at me except for mild flirting with no promise of a follow up. Ruefully I look down at my incomplete leg—obviously no one wants to fuck a woman with missing parts. It’s obvious in my previous life, before the accident, I never had any trouble getting a man, or even two for the night. Now it seems I’m destined to be alone for the rest of my life.

  The lack of attention from most of the men doesn’t bother me in the slightest, as none of them evoke feelings I’d want to follow up on in any event, well, with one exception. And that’s the man who I seem to have the least effe
ct on at all, Wraith. Each time I see him, oh fuck it, or even hear his voice, it starts places tingling inside me, letting me know certain parts of me haven’t shriveled up and died like I hoped they would. When he comes into the room, my nipples start to harden and moisture dampens my underwear. But while he’s friendly enough, apart from the times when Horse is away, he doesn’t seek out my company, and only talks to me when he has to, to be polite.

  Shit, Soph! Why are you thinking about sex? Just remember how mortified you’ll be when a man sees your stump. Think about the humiliation when he realises what a turn off that is.

  Looking around my room, which has become like home to me, I eye my wheelchair, which I still use as the muscles in my legs get tired walking for too long, and when, as is becoming increasingly common, my stump gets sore from using the prosthesis. Bless Peg, who’s explained to me the size of the stump changes as healing continues, and that I might need a new prosthesis soon. But for that I’ll have to return to the UK, and God knows how long it will be before they deem it safe for me to go back. Personally, I wonder if Ethan has forgotten all about me. Mouse is reporting nothing seems to be moving with that contract on the dark web, though it hasn’t been taken down, which remains worrisome. Zoe’s still missing―the reward on her fucking head is now astronomical, so perhaps he is still desperate to get her back, which means he could still be looking to find and use me.

  Wraith’s been gone a few days. Fuck, why am I thinking about him again? God knows, but the days seem to drag when he’s not around. Even though I’m torturing myself, I love just being in the same room as him and miss him when he’s not here. He’s on a run of some sort, but what for is club business, and none of mine. I got shot down when I asked. Peg’s out too, and a couple of the prospects. Unusually, Horse is away at the same time, but I’ve grown comfortable here, so I’m not worried that I’m left on my own.

  Despite my taskmaster being gone, I’ve been keeping up with my exercises. Not that whiling away an hour in the gym isn’t enjoyable. If I time it right―and I’ve become a master at doing that―I can be there at the same time as some of the brothers are working out, and that’s a sight to keep me moving. Rippling fit bodies lifting weights or doing bench presses or the like. What a sight for sore eyes!

  Wraith’s due back tonight.

  Why the fuck should I care?

  Sitting down on my bed, I undress for the night and visit the bathroom to do the necessary. I did a lot today, helping with breakfast and dinner as well as spending time in the gym, so I’m dead tired and can’t wait to get under the duvet and fall asleep. No one else is in the suite—Horse has gone to Texas to do some work and won’t be back for another week.

  After rubbing cream in my sore stump, I slide beneath the covers and close my eyes. As expected, I’m soon out like a light.

  It’s pitch black in my room when a noise wakes me. I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep, and at first am disorientated, but I quickly become aware of a shuffling sound, followed by coarse swearing. Has Horse come back early? Feeling a flicker of apprehension and switching on my bedside light, I pull myself up and try to interpret the sounds. But it doesn’t sound like Horse’s voice outside. A chilling shiver makes me shudder. Who could it be?

  And then my door bursts open, so hard it hits the wall and rocks back on its hinges. And the man who enters is the very last man I want to see. It’s Buster.

  My mouth drops open in surprise and horror. “What are you doing here?” I hiss. “Please get out of my room.”

  He swaggers into the room, rolling as though he’s drunk. “Shut your mouth, bitch. Unless I tell you to open for me.” He gives a spine-chilling laugh at his own tasteless joke.

  OH! SHIT! “Please leave.” Trying again to get him to go, I start to reach for my wheelchair by the bed but he knocks it away, picking up my prosthesis and hurling it at the wall for good measure, and following it with the crutches. I eye up the distance, knowing the only way I can get to my chair is to crawl.

  “I’ve been waiting for this, seeing you flaunt your fuckin’ self around the club. You think you’re better than the rest of the whores but you’re just a fuckin’ cunt like all the rest. And now that I’ve got you on your own, we’re gonna have us some fun.”

  NO! This can’t be happening. Shaking, I glance at the bedside table but he’s quicker than me, grabbing my phone and throwing it on the floor out of my reach. I pull up the duvet so it’s tight around me, not quite able to believe what his intentions are. Surely, he doesn’t mean to…

  “You naked under there and waiting for me?”

  “Get out!” I say it again, my only weapon within reach is a pillow, and I throw that at him anyway.

  It hits him, but only makes him laugh again. “Though I’d love to have a pillow fight, baby, I’ve got other things planned for you.” He smooths his hand over the bulge in his jeans and rubs himself through the material. Then he moves swiftly over to me. “Be grateful, bitch. The others might not be able to bring themselves to fuckin’ touch you, but I don’t mind a fuckin’ cripple. That’s good of me, eh? You’ve got a cunt and that’s all I want. Well that for starters, then it will be your mouth, and I can’t wait to get inside that tight juicy ass you’ve been taunting me with.”

  NO! There’s no doubt about it, he intends to rape me. No! This can’t be happening. Quickly I run through my options, realising fast that there’s nothing I can do. The suite I’m in is slightly away from the rest, if I call out it’s doubtful anyone would hear and come to help. Shit! There must be something; I can’t let him do this.

  “I’m not one of your whores.” I try to reason with him, keeping my voice as calm as possible although my heart is beating wildly, blood draining from my face as I try to think how I can possibly evade the inevitable. As he’s taken my supports away, I’m trapped. I’m on my own and I can’t move. I can’t let him use me like that. My heart’s beating so fast I think it’s going to jump out of my chest, and I’m finding it hard to breathe. This can’t be happening!

  “Of course you’re not a club whore―no one wants a cripple. You should be grateful I’m prepared to overlook your fuckin’ defects,” he sneers, his bloodshot eyes zooming in on me. “Be grateful that I’m here.” He cups his crotch in his hand and thrusts his hips forward and back a couple of times. “You’re fuckin’ lucky. I’m gonna give you what you want. Bet you’re gagging for it, ain’t you? Bet you’re gonna be fuckin’ tight as hell as it’s been a long time since anyone wanted near your broken fuckin’ body.”

  As he steps closer, I again try to reason with him, this time unable to keep the tremble out of my voice. “It’s not what I want. I don’t want this. Please, please leave. Please don’t do this.”

  “Oh, I like you begging, bitch. But I thought I told you to keep your fuckin’ mouth shut!”

  He’s at the bedside now, and while exercise has helped my arms get stronger, I’m still no match for him as he wrestles the duvet out of my grip. I’m wearing a tank top and shorts, and as his hands go to rip my clothing off of me, I let out a piercing scream, only to get the back of his hand across my face. He’s wearing rings that cut my skin.

  I try to fight, to push him off me, but he’s too strong. He tears my top and throws it down. His hands start roughly kneading my breasts, and then his mouth’s on them—he’s sucking and biting. His hand reaches lower as I scream again.

  Chapter Ten


  We got back from Mexico with the Mac-10s without any problems, which relieves the shit out of me. So far I’ve managed not to do time, but that’s the risk we take travelling and packing so much heat. Relieved to have gotten home without being pulled over, I’ve spent the evening with my brothers at the bar, but while my body was there, my mind was elsewhere, with Wheels. And for some reason I’m remembering that first day she’d spent in the club. When Peg had taken her off, I’d been worried he’d upset her―I knew he wouldn’t physically hurt her, none of us are into harming wo
men―but he can be a funny motherfucker, and I thought he might upset her. I’d noticed a fragility about her, and his no-nonsense approach might have been too much for her to take.

  But I’d been so fucking proud of her when he brought her back—he seemed to have given her a new determination and made her believe walking again was possible. Something that over the past few weeks she’s darn nearly achieved. I’d like to see her without her chair or crutches and on the back of my bike. I still. Fuck. Where did that come from? I’ve never had a woman on the back of my Harley before. Shaking my head, I try to concentrate on the conversation going on around me to get the woman out of my head. My thoughts are definitely leading me into dangerous territory tonight. I’ve never wanted an old lady, and there won’t be any bitch gonna be riding behind me.

  It’s getting near two am. Sandy’s gone home, and Viper’s taking advantage, his cock eagerly being sucked by Allie. Rock’s being greedy with one hand kneading Jill’s tits and his other already down Pussy’s panties. I suspect either we’ll be in for a show shortly, or maybe not if he takes them back to his room.

  I feel someone come up behind me and a hand come around and grope my junk. Well it’s certainly not going to be one of my brothers. Spinning around expecting to see the other club whore, I’m not surprised to find it’s Chrissy.

  “When you gonna take me on the back of your bike, honey?” Her voice strangely echoing my earlier thoughts, however she wasn’t the one I was imagining with her arms wrapped around me, breasts up tight against my leather…

  She’s shattered the image in my head, which annoys me. Roughly I push her hand away. “Never gonna have a bitch on the back of my bike, babe.”

  “Course you are,” she murmurs at me.

  As usual she’s made a beeline for me when she’s not servicing one of the other brothers, but her fake blonde hair and tits and her sharp features do nothing for me, even though I’ve given into temptation on occasion when I need to shoot my load into the nearest hole. I thought she’d stay away after that last talking to I gave her, but no such luck. Reckon she’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic for my message not to have stuck. My thoughts of Wheels have, as normal, sent blood flowing south. As Chrissy’s hand wanders, her full red lips curve up in a smile as she touches my hardened cock. For a second, I consider using her to get some relief, but I’m not that desperate tonight. And last time I was with her, she was making it obvious she wants more from me than any brother would be prepared to give. A property patch. Well, she’s not going to be getting that. Best not to mislead her.


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