Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1

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Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1 Page 101

by Manda Mellett

  The prez lays his hand over hers and turns to face her. “No worries, darlin’. She’s staying with you.”

  “Us,” she corrects, her head tilting to the side.

  “That’s what we’ve got to talk about.” He takes a deep breath. “Now they’ve got the custody order and they might come to try to take her. We’re betting Archer will come with a fuckin’ search warrant next, so we’re planning on getting you and Amy out of here for a while.”

  Sam’s head goes back and her eyes widen. She’s as much in the dark as the rest of us.

  “And you, Ella,” Drum jerks his chin toward me, “if the police come search the club, Jayden needs to be kept out of sight too.”

  I give a slow nod, he’s answered the question I was going to ask.

  “Now you ladies know we don’t share club business, but we’ve been thinking it’s best if Carmen, Sophie, and Sandy, are off the compound as well.”

  The three old ladies named last look surprised now. Carmen opens her mouth then snaps it shut again, realising Drum won’t be divulging the reason, however much we plead.

  “Where we going, Drum?” His old lady’s accepted it, now she just wants the details.

  The prez looks at Sam, and then winks at Sophie and smirks as he replies, “To Vegas. Red’s chapter.”

  “Vegas? Really? We’re going to Las Vegas?” Sophie’s eyes light up, and she’s all but bouncing in her seat. Then her face falls. “Will we be on lockdown there?”

  Wraith laughs. “Want to get out and see the bright lights?”

  “Yeah, I’ve always wanted to go to the strip.” She looks excited and hopeful as her eyes silently plead with her old man. Her smile’s infectious. Vegas sounds like it could be fun. A break is just what Jayden needs if we’re allowed to go out.

  “We do this right and no one knows where you’ve gone. I reckon we can relax things a bit. Let you out on the town.”

  Us women look at each other and then back to Drum. From the expressions on all our faces, I reckon all the women are thinking the same thing. It could be like going on vacation. Then it hits me. It’s not just Vegas we’re going to, but another biker club.

  Slick understands when I still and squeezes my hand. “Red’s a good man, Ella. And the brothers in Vegas are just like the brothers here. They’ll respect that you’re mine and won’t lay a finger on you.”

  “Same goes for everyone,” Wraith agrees. “Red knows the score. He’ll keep you safe, and if you want to paint the town red,” he gives a quick laugh at his unintended pun, “he’ll make sure you have good brothers with you.”

  “How long? I’ve got my business.”

  “I hope only a few days, Carmen. When it’s safe, you come straight back.”

  “The restaurant?”

  “Marsha can handle it, can’t she?” Wraith waits for Sandy’s nod.

  Sophie’s narrowing her eyes. “If you’re keeping the women safe and out of the way, what about the sweet butts? Will they be coming too?” If the answer is yes, it doesn’t look like she’ll be happy about it.

  Drum and Wraith appear to be having a conversation, but no words are spoken, just a few uninterpretable grunts and chin lifts. How do they do that? After a moment, the prez gives his assent with a nod.

  “Yeah, we’ll get all women off the compound. They can provide their services to the Vegas boys for a while.”

  Wraith puts his arm around Sophie. “They won’t bother you, darlin’. Red will put them to work.”

  The casual way they’re talking about loaning out their whores chills me. I feel a moment of sympathy for the girls, but it’s only fleeting. They like and want this life, though I’ve no idea how they can do it. I shudder.

  “Whores might like the change.”

  Sandy nudges her old man. “And what are you going to do with no whores and no old ladies?”

  That Viper gets blow jobs from the sweet butts is no secret, but that doesn’t stop his face going red, and everyone laughs.

  “When we leaving, Drummer?” Sam asks the practical question.

  “Tomorrow. So make what arrangements you have to and take enough stuff for a few days. If you need to get more, you can buy it in Vegas.”

  I’m not the only one whose eyes light up at the thought of shopping in the city that never sleeps.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  The women have taken their enforced sojourn off the compound surprisingly well, but of course, knowing the destination had done much to smooth the way. We had considered an alternative option. Snake had offered for them to go to San Diego, although that was quickly dismissed. The California chapter has indeed redeemed itself lately, but none of us can forget, or forgive them for offloading Buster on us, and there’s a lingering fear in the back of our minds that they might not treat their women as well as we do.

  Yeah, Red is a much better choice. Wraith knows him well and that he runs a tight ship. Joker and Lady, who’d patched over from Vegas, had given us a rundown of their brothers there too, and vouched that they’d be hands-off the old ladies. Perhaps not so much the sweet butts, but then, that’s their job.

  Vegas seems to sound attractive to the girls, and I make a mental note to give Ella some money so she can enjoy herself while she’s there. It could be the break and a change of scenery that both she and her sister need. Maybe when all this is over, we’ll stay on for a bit in one of the fancy hotels. Hmm, that’s an idea.

  If it wasn’t for the fucking Herreras, we wouldn’t be having to send them away. While I might trust Red and his crew, I’d rather have my girls close and protect them myself. But the meeting last night and the bizarre request from Leonardo had unsettled us all. Essentially, it seems we’ve been employed as a hit squad to take out rogue members of their family. An assassin for a crime family? Never could have seen myself being that.

  As well as planning how we’re going to take the Herrera men out, we also have to prepare on the assumption that the whole thing’s a sham. Brothers were vocal around the table, many convinced it was a setup. The likelihood of a police raid on the compound combined with the possibility that the Herrera’s want to catch us wrongfooted had led to the unanimous vote in favour of moving the women and Amy away from Tucson. If we had a fight coming to us, we’d breathe easier if we didn’t have to watch our old ladies as well as our backs. The plain truth of the matter is none of us know who we can trust. The idea that Leonardo is using us to take out the trash, and then set the cartel on us to enact revenge can’t be dismissed. While the Satan’s Devils and Herreras have jogged along well enough up to now, keeping our businesses separate, we’re still the second power in Tucson. It might be a way for him to get us out of the way. On the other hand, there are indications he’s told us the truth—the names on the USB drive had matched those given to us by Diego. The additional information, their addresses, will save us time trying to find them. Although Mouse has been digging, all their properties are in the names of corporations.

  While we kept it upbeat with the women around, all brothers are aware that this is one fight where we might not be coming back. But, fuck, we knew the risks when we entered this life. The most we can do is ensure our loved ones are safe.

  I might not be able to tell Ella why she has to go, but knowing she’ll be worried about staying in yet another biker club—fuck, she’s only just becoming more comfortable here—I try to give her the reassurance that she’ll be safe. Personally, I have no worries on that score, especially after I saw her taking on Drum. Fuck me, that was a sight I hadn’t expected to see. She’d been like a mama bear protecting her cub when she’d seen him advancing on Paladin and her sister. The spark I originally saw in her is starting to come back. Yeah, she might not appreciate it yet, but I reckon she’s going to be just fine.

  But I’m still worried, she’s only just starting to fit in here and now I’m sending her away.

  In the meantime, I’ll be getting paperwork sorted. The club lawyer’s coming aroun
d later, a chance for us all to update our wills. Heart’s omission to mention Amy in his, a timely reminder that it needs to be done. I’ll be changing mine to ensure Ella’s provided for should anything happen to me.

  Walking out of the meeting with my hand on the small of her back, I feel the tension radiating through her clothes. Shaking off my sombre mood, I smile, knowing there’s a way I can comfort my woman and ease her concerns, and my very willing cock twitches, showing he’s entirely in agreement. I give her fair warning, leaning down and whispering in her ear, “Gonna fuck you, babe.” As I feel the shiver run through her, and know she’s on board, probably thinking like me, we need to make the most of the time we have together before she has to leave.

  “I need to check on Jayden.” Yeah, she’s going to make a great mom, her first thought is always for the youngster in her care.

  I glance around the clubroom, seeing her sister and Paladin in the small area off to one side that holds the pool table. Nudging Ella in that direction, we wander on over. Paladin and Jayden are standing, leaning with their backs against the wall.

  “What are you two up to?”

  “Waiting to play pool,” Jayden replies to her sister with a grin.

  “Waiting?” I can’t see anyone else playing.

  Paladin can’t stifle his laugh. “Yeah, soon as Hyde’s finished, we can start.”

  Now I see what I hadn’t noticed before—Hyde’s crouched on the floor with a bucket, carefully washing the balls with a sponge. He’s got a cloth beside him, and each one he polishes carefully as he dries it off.

  I give a chuckle. “Really, Paladin?”

  From the look he gives me, he’s unrepentant. Hell, let him have his fun. When he was a prospect, we gave him all kinds of shit jobs.

  “Never seen balls cleaned before.”

  Ella’s innocent comment has us all cracking up. “You can wash mine anytime you fuckin’ like,” I whisper, but not quietly.

  Jayden’s hand covers her mouth. “Eww,” she exclaims. “Too much information, Slick.” As she gives another girlish giggle, I realise she’s not had much enjoyment of late. I throw Paladin a chin jerk.

  Ella’s gone bright red and seems incapable of speaking. “Jayden, we’re going on up to the suite for a bit.”

  “I’m happy down here. I’ll give you some time.”

  “Jayden, we’re not—”

  “Ella, I’m not stupid.” She laughs at her sister. “Just let me know when it’s safe to come back.”

  At last I get my embarrassed as hell woman to myself. Or, then again…

  “Hang on, Slick.” Ella’s holding me back. “Jayden, guess what? We’re going to Vegas! Us and the other women. What do you think about that?”

  Jayden’s mouth drops open and it takes her a moment to process the news, then she squeals. “When?” She’s jumping up and down with excitement just like the kid she is. The sight doing some to ease my frustration at the delay.

  Ella shares the details she knows and we leave Jayden with eyes bright and glowing, and regaling poor Paladin all the things she wants to do while she’s there. Poor guy isn’t quite sure what to do with an over-enthusiastic teenager. Throwing him a sympathetic grin, I lead Ella away.

  Finally, I have my old lady to myself.

  Knowing I’m going to miss her like fuck, I’m determined to make good use of this time when the whole bloc is empty and I won’t have to smother her cries. Fuck, I’m planning on making her scream so loud they’ll hear her down at the clubhouse. Yeah, I’m going to give my lady some good loving. Then I’ll do it all over again tonight. Any plans she’s got about going out on the town in Vegas will need to be put on hold until she can walk properly again. Hmm, that will be my fucking send-off.

  I’m grinning like a loon as we walk out into the sun. She snuggles into my side, her hand wandering under my t-shirt. Any worries about going to another chapter seem to have dissipated some with the delight of her sister and, hopefully, the promise of what she’s got coming.

  As we walk into my room, she turns toward me and lifts her face. I don’t disappoint, my lips come down and meet hers, taking her mouth in a ravishing kiss. My tongue swirls with hers, but as always, trying to be gentle, wary, and unwilling to come on too strong and scare her or push her away.

  We undress each other, both equally eager to dispense with our clothes, and naked we fall onto the bed. I twist so I’m on the bottom, taking her weight on mine. She sits up and looks at me boldly, her small hand tries to encircle my thick dick. Lifting my head, the erotic sight has the predictable reaction as my cock swells and jumps under her touch.

  “Hmm,” she says smirking, her eyes on mine. Then as she glances down, seeming to take delight in the way he stirs in her hand. “I love my biker’s cock.”

  “Just a cock darlin’, ain’t no biker making love to you. Just me.”

  Her eyes narrow, and her head tilts to the side. “What do you mean, Slick?”

  I sit up, my hand curls around the back of her neck, and I bring her head forward so I can kiss her again.

  “We make love,” I explain. “I don’t fuck you. I don’t need to.” At her look of concern, I hastily reassure her, “I’m your man.”

  She’s quiet for a moment and is biting her lip. After a few seconds, something flares in her eyes as realisation sets in. “You’ve been holding yourself back?”

  “Yeah, but ain’t no fuckin’ problem, babe, so don’t worry your little head about it. Making love with you is fuckin’ out of this world. I don’t want, or need, anything else.”

  Her teeth worry the rim of her mouth again, and I wish I knew what was going through her head. After staring at me for a few seconds, she swallows. “What if I wanted you too?”

  “Wanted what?” Is she saying what I think she is?

  A slight hesitation, then, “What if I want you to fuck me like a biker?”

  Fuck! She doesn’t know what she’s asking for. To ask me to fuck her the way I like to fuck? Hell. To let loose my inner beast? “You’re not ready for that,” I reply through gritted teeth. Fuck, but she’s tempting me.

  “If I’m not now, I’ll never be.” Suddenly she shoots her arms out to the sides causing her breasts to jut out. She leans back her head and grins wider. “Take me Slick, I’m yours.”

  Fuckety, fuckety, fuck! Oh yeah. Still trying to restrain myself, I look for the signs that show she really wants this and is not simply trying to give me what she’s not ready for yet. Her eyes are wide and her nostrils are flaring. Her chest’s rising and falling faster than normal, there’s a pink flush to her skin, and every breath I take in is tinged with the scent of her arousal. Yup. She’s glowing with excitement, and there’s nothing to suggest fear. Fuck!

  Giving a wicked smile, I ask, “You wet for me, darlin’?” As she dips her head I continue, “Show me.”

  Jesus! Without needing any more prompting, she slides her fingers through her slit and raises her slick fingers as though in an offering. I grab her hand and bring it to my mouth, sucking her salty tangy essence onto my tongue. Her flavour on my taste buds has my cock weeping. The grin on her face broadens.

  It’s like she’s challenged me, and I’m going to pick up that damn gauntlet. Normally keeping my movements slow and gentle, this time I shoot out my arm, grabbing her hair and twisting my fingers in the strands. I bring her head down and onto my cock.

  “Suck me,” I demand.

  I’m monitoring her so carefully, if she makes any protest, I’ll let her up, not wanting to force her, but fuck, her mouth takes me in and she’s sucking and laving. I push her down harder, and she takes more of me in. I let her up when she gags, ready to stop, but she’s pulling against me, moving her head down until she can take me in once again.

  Her mouth feels wonderful, so different from the whores. She learns fast by my reactions, my gasp as she licks the sensitive part under the head has her going back and finding that place once again. Now her tongue’s found my piercing and she’s
toying with that.

  My hands jerk and push her down, an unconscious reaction, which makes her gag once again. As I use her hair to pull her away ready to call a halt to something she’s finding uncomfortable, but fuck me, she gasps out, “I don’t know what to do, Slick.”

  “Breathe through your nose,” I rasp back. If my woman wants instruction, I’m all for complying.

  Fuck, she tries my suggestion. Taking me in as far as she can, her hands massaging my balls. Fuck, shit. I can’t take much more. “Wanna come inside you, babe.” If she doesn’t stop right now…

  I twist her hair and she stops. Now I take hold of her, lifting then roughly slamming her down on her back. And fuck me, she laughs. I grab a condom and sheave myself fast, then forcefully pull her legs up, putting them over my shoulders. As my body leans forward, she’s totally exposed. Glancing down, I see her slit’s ready and glistening.

  Pre-cum dripping from my slit, I can’t wait any longer. Placing my tip to her hole, I push inside her, bottoming out in one thrust. Her gasp of delight is all the encouragement I need to let myself go. Powering from my hips I hammer inside her, my piercing hitting her sweet spot every single time.

  There it is. She’s screaming my name.

  “Slick, Slick. Oh my God, Slick! Slick! Don’t stop.”

  I have absolutely zero intention of doing so. Holy Christ, she feels fantastic. I lean my weight on one elbow, moving one leg so my body twists and I can get deeper. She sucks in air and there’s my name again. Another loud cry.

  I tweak one of her nipples, and then the other. She thrusts her breasts toward me so I pinch harder, rolling each nipple between my fingers.

  “Slick, God, Slick!”

  Continuing to jack hammer inside her, I fuck my woman until I’m just God as she screams out, “God, God!” and her body goes rigid. Her muscles tighten around me as she stops breathing and holds in her breath. Now she’s spasming, and oh fuck what her muscles are doing to my cock. Quickly reaching my hand down, I squeeze the base tightly, willing myself to stop from shooting my load too quickly. I’m not finished yet.


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